10 research outputs found

    Electrical Spinal Stimulation, and Imagining of Lower Limb Movements to Modulate Brain-Spinal Connectomes That Control Locomotor-Like Behavior

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    Neuronal control of stepping movement in healthy human is based on integration between brain, spinal neuronal networks, and sensory signals. It is generally recognized that there are continuously occurring adjustments in the physiological states of supraspinal centers during all routines movements. For example, visual as well as all other sources of information regarding the subject's environment. These multimodal inputs to the brain normally play an important role in providing a feedforward source of control. We propose that the brain routinely uses these continuously updated assessments of the environment to provide additional feedforward messages to the spinal networks, which provides a synergistic feedforwardness for the brain and spinal cord. We tested this hypothesis in 8 non-injured individuals placed in gravity neutral position with the lower limbs extended beyond the edge of the table, but supported vertically, to facilitate rhythmic stepping. The experiment was performed while visualizing on the monitor a stick figure mimicking bilateral stepping or being motionless. Non-invasive electrical stimulation was used to neuromodulate a wide range of excitabilities of the lumbosacral spinal segments that would trigger rhythmic stepping movements. We observed that at the same intensity level of transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation (tSCS), the presence or absence of visualizing a stepping-like movement of a stick figure immediately initiated or terminated the tSCS-induced rhythmic stepping motion, respectively. We also demonstrated that during both voluntary and imagined stepping, the motor potentials in leg muscles were facilitated when evoked cortically, using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and inhibited when evoked spinally, using tSCS. These data suggest that the ongoing assessment of the environment within the supraspinal centers that play a role in planning a movement can routinely modulate the physiological state of spinal networks that further facilitates a synergistic neuromodulation of the brain and spinal cord in preparing for movements

    Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne w regionie Morza Czarnego: geostrategia a geoenergia

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    The purpose of the article is the analysis of the state of energy security in the states of the Black Sea region in terms of the geopolitics and geostrategies of different regional and international political forces. Energy security is interpreted as the provision of steady energy supply from different types and sources (diversification) and energy market stability. Energy security analysts have always emphasized the importance of energy and energy policies, but too often focused solely on the utilization of resources as an element of political power. The problem of energy and its security is often viewed as vague, misunderstood or unsolvable, with countries hostage to threats with hazardous consequences. A quality selection of analytical and statistical resources has been made to identify energy security problems, such as the growing dependence of most advanced industrial countries on oil and gas supplies, and increasing demand from developing economies for fuel. The objectives of the study are based on the notion of the regional division between the states of the Black Sea basin. The results of the study are founded on the analysis of the operations of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization and the geostrategic and geopolitics interests of the major players in the Black Sea region in the context of their energy security. The article is concluded with the suggestion of a potential solution to the problem of uneven geographic distribution of energy resources such as oil and gas on the political map of the world. The political instruments for influencing energy security in the EU, NATO, USA, Russia and Turkey are analyzed in the article. Recommendations for reducing potential conflicts in the Black Sea region and minimizing the impact on the energy security of the states involved by providing a steady energy supply are given.Celem artykułu jest analiza stanu bezpieczeństwa energetycznego w państwach regionu Morza Czarnego w aspekcie geopolityki i geostrategii różnych regionalnych i międzynarodowych sił politycznych. Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne rozumiane jest jako zapewnienie stabilnych dostaw energii z różnych rodzajów i źródeł (dywersyfikacja) oraz stabilność rynku energii. Analitycy bezpieczeństwa energetycznego zawsze podkreślali znaczenie energii i polityki energetycznej, ale zbyt często skupiali się wyłącznie na wykorzystaniu zasobów jako elementu władzy politycznej. Problem energii i bezpieczeństwa energetycznego często jest nieokreślony, niezrozumiały lub nierozwiązywalny, a państwa pozostają praktycznie bezradnymi zakładnikami zagrożeń niosących niebezpieczne konsekwencje. W celu zbadania problemów związanych z bezpieczeństwem energetycznym, takich jak rosnąca zależność najbardziej rozwiniętych krajów uprzemysłowionych od dostaw ropy i gazu, oraz rosnące zapotrzebowanie gospodarek rozwijających się na paliwo, dokonano wyboru jakościowego zasobów analitycznych i statystycznych. Cele pracy nawiązują do pojęcia podziału regionalnego między państwami basenu Morza Czarnego. Wyniki badania opierają się na analizie działalności Czarnomorskiej Organizacji Współpracy Gospodarczej i interesów geostrategicznych i geopolitycznych głównych graczy regionu Morza Czarnego w kontekście jego bezpieczeństwa energetycznego. W artykule przedstawiono sugestię potencjalnego rozwiązania problemu nierównomiernego rozmieszczenia geograficznego surowców energetycznych, takich jak ropa i gaz, na politycznej mapie świata. Przeanalizowano polityczne instrumenty wpływania na bezpieczeństwo energetyczne w regionie UE, NATO, USA, Rosji i Turcji. Podano zalecenia dotyczące ograniczenia potencjalnych konfliktów w regionie Morza Czarnego i zminimalizowania ich wpływu na bezpieczeństwo energetyczne zainteresowanych państw przy stabilnych dostawach energii

    Spare parts inventory management at multi-brand car service enterprises

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    The article presents a comprehensive study of the state and problems of spare parts inventory management at multi-brand car service enterprises on the example of the Republic of Cyprus. The general characteristics of the specifics of spare parts inventory management at multi-brand car service enterprises are presented, the foundations of the organizational model for the functioning of transport enterprises of this type, including those common to the Republic of Cyprus and the Russian Fede ration, are disclosed. The set of tasks for managing the inventory of spare parts at multi-brand car service enterprises has been clarified. Based on the results of a survey of executives and managers of 64 Cypriot multi-brand car service enterprises, key methods for managing spare parts stocks were identified. The results of the survey were compared with the assessment of the effectiveness of management in the subject area, typical groups of enterprises were identified according to the criterion of the main method of managing spare parts inventory and the expected management efficiency. The elements of spare parts inventory management at multi-brand car service enterprises of the Republic of Cyprus, recommended for reception into Russian practice, are identified, ways to solve the problem of improving the effectiveness of management in the subject area, common to the designated group of transport enterprises in Russia and Cyprus, including the development of automation, digitalization management, combined with the use of organizational methods (flexible supply contracts, franchising and new forms of business)

    Digital Technologies in the Development of Open Education

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    In the context of the heritage of S.P. Kapitsa examined the role of human capital in the digitalization of socio-economic life, revealed the challenges of modern society, due to the development of the digital economy, presented a matrix of digital education opportunities. The basic requirements of the information society, aimed at creating a modern educational space, called the “Lifelong Learning Society”, are revealed. It is noted that the use of educational information networks as a platform for hosting various educational disciplines, the creation of a unified information educational environment is an important trend in the education of the 21st century, the so-called open education. Digital technologies are described, aimed at transforming many types of economic and social activities, including in the field of vocational education. It was emphasized that the pace and success of digital transformation is largely determined by the availability of qualified personnel with a high level of digital competencies. Attention is drawn to the fact that open education broadens access to new information and determines the personal choice of forms and content of instruction; allows interested and creative teachers to post authoring courses on educational platforms; in the system of open education, the public desire for knowledge is realized due to the fact that they are in free, unlimited access. An algorithm has been developed for the formation of an intelligent educational navigator, which allows, in terms of training personnel for the digital economy, to quickly adjust an individual educational trajectory in accordance with the formation of necessary competencies among students. Recommendations are given on calculating the economic efficiency of introducing an intellectual model for the formation of an individual educational trajectory

    Digital Technologies in the Development of Open Education

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    In the context of the heritage of S.P. Kapitsa examined the role of human capital in the digitalization of socio-economic life, revealed the challenges of modern society, due to the development of the digital economy, presented a matrix of digital education opportunities. The basic requirements of the information society, aimed at creating a modern educational space, called the “Lifelong Learning Society”, are revealed. It is noted that the use of educational information networks as a platform for hosting various educational disciplines, the creation of a unified information educational environment is an important trend in the education of the 21st century, the so-called open education. Digital technologies are described, aimed at transforming many types of economic and social activities, including in the field of vocational education. It was emphasized that the pace and success of digital transformation is largely determined by the availability of qualified personnel with a high level of digital competencies. Attention is drawn to the fact that open education broadens access to new information and determines the personal choice of forms and content of instruction; allows interested and creative teachers to post authoring courses on educational platforms; in the system of open education, the public desire for knowledge is realized due to the fact that they are in free, unlimited access. An algorithm has been developed for the formation of an intelligent educational navigator, which allows, in terms of training personnel for the digital economy, to quickly adjust an individual educational trajectory in accordance with the formation of necessary competencies among students. Recommendations are given on calculating the economic efficiency of introducing an intellectual model for the formation of an individual educational trajectory

    Experimental study of the reflection of light radiation from crystalline particles in the lower troposphere

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    We considered the phenomenon of reflection of light radiation from crystalline particles preferentially oriented in the atmosphere, as well as the physical patterns and possible conditions favoring this reflection. Experimental observations were used to analyze the recorded light spots, occurring due to reflection of radiation from layers of these particles. We describe a case of recording specular layers using a panoramic optical station (AllSky system)

    Nuclear Incoherence: Deterrence Theory and Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons in Russia

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