107 research outputs found


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    This study’s main focus on the view and the essential elements of physical and spiritual culture in philosopher’s works from ancient times until the end of the 20th century. This paper presents philosopher’s opinions on physical culture’s specific aspects, including physical education, sports, recreation and other border areas of the individual’s physical and spiritual activity. The references for this study on philosopher’s opinions are mainly from secondary sources. A concise statement of these philosopher’s work refers to the period before the New era, regarding Xenophanes, Socrates, Cliton, and Marcus Tallies Cicero. Then philosophers of the modern era, Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant, Georg W.F. Hegel, Karl Marx, John Lobok, and the most prominent former Yugoslavs philosopher of the 20th century, Branislav Petronijevic. This study is not a critical review but a summary of the most influential thinkers’ views, from the historical aspect of the study preoccupation

    Transformations of Check Constraint PIM Specifications

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    Platform independent modeling of information systems and generation of their prototypes play an important role in software development process. However, not all tasks in this process have been covered yet, i.e. not all pieces of an information system can be designed using platform independent artifacts that are later transformable into the executable code. One of the examples is modeling of database check constraints, for which there is a lack of appropriate mechanisms to formally specify them on a platform independent level. In order to provide formal specification of check constraints at platform independent level, we developed a domain specific language and embedded it into a tool for platform independent design and automated prototyping of information systems, named Integrated Information Systems CASE (IIS*Case). In this paper, we present algorithms for transformation of check constraints specified at the platform independent level into the relational data model, and further transformation into the executable SQL/DDL code for several standard and commercial platforms: ANSI SQL-2003, Oracle 9i and 10g, and MS SQL Server 2000 and 2008. We have also implemented these algorithms in IIS*Case as a part of the process of generation of relational database schema

    Verification of the Numerical Model of Optimized Bus Body Structure According to UN Regulation No. 66

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    Bus rollover is one of the most analyzed cases of accidents, having in mind the number of potential large number of injuries and fatalities. Therefore, this type of traffic accident became the object of numerous national and international standards and regulations. The aim of this paper is to investigate the possibilities of experimental verification of presented simplified model of the bus body section. For that purpose, completely new multifunctional test bench was presented. The methodology applied for the experimental part was explained. The results provided by the numerical simulation and by the experiment were presented, and appropriate analyses were performed. The key parameters needed for the experimental verification were specified. According to the result analysis, a comparative results review was presented, confirming that the experimental verification of the numerical model was fully acceptable. Also, all of the requirements prescribed by the applied methodology for the achieved results acceptance were fulfilled, providing that numerical simulation, with constant improvements, could be a powerful tool for quick and reliable bus structure analysis in design process

    Kontrola snage bazne stanice u GSM: utjecaj gustoće korisnika u stanici

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    In this paper is presented that base station output power can be decreased by the power control in each channel. In this case very important is the distribution function of users\u27 density in the cell. We present the examples of the cells without power control and the examples of the cells with power control, where the distribution of users\u27 density in the cell is of various types. Some results are compared to the results of measurements, and some to the results obtained by simulation.U radu se pokazuje da se izlazna snaga bazne stanice može smanjiti upravljanjem snage pojedinih kanala. U tom slučaju značajnu ulogu ima funkcija raspodjele gustoće korisnika u stanici. Dati su primjeri stanica bez upravljanja snagom i primjeri stanica s upravljanjem snagom gdje je raspodjela gustoće korisnika u stanici različitog tipa. Neki rezultati upoređeni su s rezultatima mjerenja, a neki sa simulacijskim rezultatima


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    Cardiorespiratory or aerobic endurance is the ability of the whole body to sustain physical activity for an extended period of time, involving relatively large groups of muscles. The attitudes on the possible impact of training on cardiorespiratory endurance in preadolescents are contradictory. Our study enrolled 195 boys aged 11 to 12 years. Experimental group (n=92) consisted of the children who had been involved with planned and programmed water polo training for at least two years. Control group (n=103) consisted of schoolchildren who only had had regular physical education in schools. Our investigation protocol included standardized anthropometric measurements and tests, performed respecting the appropriate protocols. Statistical analysis of the results demonstrated that there were no significant differences in age and relative values of oxygen consumption (VO2peak). Body height and mass, as well as the skinfold thickness, were significantly higher in experimental group subjects. The values of absolute VO2peak, FVC and FEV1.0 were also significantly higher in the examinees involved with water polo training. These findings stress the importance of a systematic training process even in this early period of growth and development in order for the trainees to acquire important functional advantages. We believe that a properly planned and programmed physical training can significantly contribute to the development of cardiorespiratory endurance even as early as preadolescent age

    Tratamento com estimulação elétrica funcional para facilitação da recuperação motora em paciente com acidente cerebrovascular subagudo

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    Objective: To determine the efficacy of a Functional Electrical Therapy (FET) protocol administered to a patient with subacute stroke. Case description: A 67-year-old right handed man who had infarct in left occipital and frontoparietal regions 6 months before study entry and who exhibited high motivation to get full arm power and fine control of fingers of the affected upper limb. Intervention: Thirty minutes of FET 5 times a week for 3 weeks (7 ½ hours in total) in addition to conventional physiotherapy. Main Outcome Measures: The Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS), the Upper Extremity Function Test (UEFT), Motor Activity Log (MAL), The Brunnstrom’s 6 stages, the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). Results: The patient exhibited substantial improvements on the UEFT and MAL amount scores. He specifically improved in the writing task by getting better fingers control and in ability of controlling heavy objects. Also, his active range of motion (ROM) of proximal muscles increased, although electrical stimulation was applied to distal muscles only. Quality of overall arm use improved, as measured by the MAL how well score. Conclusions: FET may be an efficacious method for improving function and use of the affected arms of subacute stroke patients with high motivation for specific tasks.Objetivo: Determinar a eficácia de um protocolo de Tratamento com Estimulação Elétrica Funcional (FET) administrado a um paciente com acidente cerebrovascular subagudo.Descrição do Caso: Paciente destro, 67 anos, sexo masculino, que sofreu infarto nas regiões occipital esquerda e frontoparietal 6 meses antes de sua admissão neste estudo e que demonstrou grau elevado de motivação para recuperar plenamente a força do braço e o controle adequado dos dedos do membro superior afetado. Intervenção: Trinta minutos de FET, 5 vezes por semana durante 3 semanas (7 ½ horas no total) além da fisioterapia convencional. Principais Medidas de Avaliação de Resultados: A Escala Modificada de Ashworth (MAS), o teste de funcionalidade das extremidades dos membros superiores (UEFT), o Registro de Atividade Motora (MAL), O teste de 6 fases de Brunnstrom, a Medida de Independência Funcional (MIF). Resultados: O paciente apresentou melhora bastante significativa nas escalas quantitativas UEFT e MAL. Ele melhorou de forma específica na atividade de escrever ao obter melhor controle dos dedos e na capacidade de controlar objetos pesados. Também, observou-se o aumento da amplitude ativa de movimento (ROM) dos músculos proximais, embora a estimulação elétrica tenha sido aplicada apenas aos músculos distais. Houve uma melhora na qualidade geral da utilização do braço, conforme mensurado pela escala qualitativa MAL. Conclusões: A terapia com Estimulação Elétrica Funcional (FET) em pacientes com acidente cerebrovascular subagudo com alta motivação para tarefas específicas pode ser um método eficaz para a melhora do funcionamento e da utilização dos braços afetados

    Sadržaj nezasićenih masnih kiselina u mlijeku u zavisnosti od načina proizvodnje

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    Content of fatty acids in milk varies depending on ways of production, breeding and feeding of cows. On the basis of that it was analysed the content of unsaturated fatty acids in milk from different way of production. There have been determining the amount of unsaturated fatty acids in milk from production to organic principles and in milk from from conventional production. The study was conducted on two farms with different production system in the Republic of Srpska. In the research was done determination of statistically significant differences between the content of unsaturated fatty acids.Sadržaj masnih kiselina u mlijeku varira u zavisnosti od načina proizvodnje, ishrane i držanja krava. Na osnovu toga u ovom radu analiziran je sadržaj nezasićenih masnih kiselina iz različitih vidova proizvodnje. Izvršeno je određivanje količine nezasićenih masnih kiselina u mlijeku iz proizvodnje prema organskim principima i iz konvencionalne proizvodnje. Istraživanje je obavljeno na dvije farme sa različitim načinima proizvodnje koje se nalaze u Republici Srpskoj. U okviru istraživanja izvršeno je i utvrđivanje statistički značajnih razlika između sadržaja nezasićenih masnih kiselina