1,773 research outputs found

    Freezing of sputum as a way to improve the applicability of sputum studies

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    Rationale: Sputum examination is a valuable research tool to study airway diseases, but the requirement to process the samples within 2 hours of their collection poses limitations to its wider applicability. A way to bypass this hurdle would be to freeze the sample at the time of collection and to examine it at a later stage.Methods and Subjects: We developed a protocol for freezing of sputum upon collection by adding dimethylsulfoxide to it. We tested the reproducibility of cell counts in frozen samples and in fresh portions from the same sputum specimens. We took sputum from 41 asthmatics (18 males) with different levels of control of their disease: 19 of the samples were spontaneously produced and 22 were induced with hypertonic saline.Results: Significant correlations (p<0.05) were established between the total cell counts, the relative and absolute number of neutrophils, eosinophils and macrophages in the paired fresh and frozen sputum samples. Cell viability in frozen sputum was slightly but consistently lower. Only one frozen sample had viability < 50%. Outcomes in paired samples from induced sputum had better reproducibility than the spontaneous ones.Conclusion: Examination of frozen sputum samples does not change total cell counts and differential cell counts, despite consistently affecting cell viability compared with fresh sputum cellularity. Still cell viability in frozen sputum was above 50% in all but one examined specimens

    Infekcija virusom Zapadnog Nila s neurološkim poremećajima: prikaz slučaja i kratak pregled stanja u Bugarskoj

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    A case of a 66-year-old man with West Nile neuroinvassive disease manifested with fever, weakness, fa-tigue, consciousness disorders and underlying diabetes mellitus type 2 and cardiovascular diseases is pre-sented. Laboratory data showed elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and fibrinogen. Serological tests revealed West Nile virus specific antibodies of class IgM and IgG in serum. West Nile virus RNA was de-tected in urine sample. Supportive therapy was applied.Prikazuje se slučaj 66-godišnjeg bolesnika s neuroinvazivnom bolešću Zapadnog Nila koja se manifestirala grozni-com, umorom, poremećajem svijesti uz osnovnu bolest dijabetesa tipa 2 i kardiovaskularnom bolešću. Laboratorij-ski podaci pokazali su povišenu sedimentaciju i fibrinogen. Serološki testovi utvrdili su protutijela specifična za virus Zapadnog Nila klase IgM i IgG u serumu. Virusna RNA otkrivena je u uzorku mokraće. Primijenjena je suportivna terapija

    Proizvodnja bioetanola iz ekstrahiranog soka kao međuproizvoda prerade šećerne repe: primjena metode odzivne površine

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    Response surface methodology (RSM) was used for selecting optimal fermentation time and initial sugar mass fraction in cultivation media based on raw juice from sugar beet in order to produce ethanol. Optimal fermentation time and initial sugar mass fraction for ethanol production in batch fermentation by free Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells under anaerobic conditions at the temperature of 30 °C and agitation rate of 200 rpm were estimated to be 38 h and 12.30 % by mass, respectively. For selecting optimal conditions for industrial application, further techno-economic analysis should be performed by using the obtained mathematical representation of the process (second degree polynomial model). The overall fermentation productivity of five different types of yeast was examined and there is no significant statistical difference between them.Metodom odzivne površine optimirano je vrijeme fermentacije i maseni udjel šećera u hranjivoj podlozi za proizvodnju etanola u kojoj je glavni sastojak sok ekstrahiran iz šećerne repe. Optimalno je vrijeme fermentacije 38 h i početni maseni udjel šećera od 12,30 % u proizvodnji etanola šaržnim uzgojem slobodnih stanica Saccharomyces cerevisiae u anaerobnim uvjetima pri temperaturi od 30 ºC i brzini miješanja od 200 o/min. Da bi se odredili optimalni uvjeti fermentacije u industrijskom mjerilu, potrebno je provesti daljnju tehnološko-ekonomsku analizu primjenom dobivenog matematičkog modela (polinom drugoga reda). Ispitana je produktivnost pet različitih tipova kvasaca i među njima nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika

    Beneficial effects of the fructus Sophorae extract on experimentally induced osteoporosis in New Zealand white rabbits

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    Sophora japonica is a source of several flavonol, flavone and isoflavone glycosides that are reported to positively affect menopausal symptoms including osteoporotic complications. In the present study fructus Sophorae extract (FSE) was administered orally for three months at a dose of 200 mg kg–1 in ovariectomized (OVX) New Zealand rabbits. 3D computed tomography scans and histopathological images revealed microstructural disturbances in the bones of the castrated animals. FSE recovered most of the affected parameters in bones in a manner similar to zoledronic acid (ZA) used as a positive control. The aglycones of the main active compounds of FSE, daidzin, and genistin, were docked into the alpha and beta estrogen receptors and stable complexes were found. The findings of this study provide an insight into the effects of FSE on bone tissue loss and suggest that it could be further developed as a potential candidate for the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporotic complications

    Chemical composition of the brown alga Padina pavonia (L.) Gaill. from the adriatic sea

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    The chemical composition of the brown alga Padina pavonia (L.) Gaill. from the southern Adriatic Sea was investigated. Twelve sterols were identified in the sterol fraction, the main ones being cholesterol and fucosterol. The main fatty acids in the lipids were also identified.The most abundant fatty acid was palmitic acid, followed by oleic and myristic acids.The concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids was unusually low for a marine alga. By GC/MS analysis of the volatile and polar fractions, 40 compounds were identified. Some of them probably possess defensive functions. In the volatile fraction free fatty acids, aromatic esters, benzyl alcohol and benzaldehyde predominated. Low concentrations of terpenoids, phenols and sulfur containing compounds were also identified.The nbutanol extract contained mainly fatty acids and polyols. Some of the extracts had an antibacterial activity

    Initial results of the colorimetric indices of the oldest exposed pedocomplex (Titel loess plateau, Serbia)

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    In this study we present an in-depth description of the colorimetric values for the lowest section of the Dukatar Loess Palaeosol Sequence (LPS) pedocomplex S5. Formed during the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 13-15, it represents the oldest pedocomplex exposed at the base of the Titel loess plateau (TLP), near the confluence of the Tisa and Danube rivers in Vojvodina (northern Serbia). The results of low-field magnetic susceptibility measurements (χlf) were compared to colour properties (obtained by conventional methods as well as instrumental measuring) and quantified Soil Development Indices (SDI). Of these measurements we found that the Redness Index (RI1) yielded the most useful results, as this index appears most sensitive to lithological changes and soil development intensity. It was also observed that a high level of correlation existed between χlf, and a* chromaticity. The initial results of this study highlight the utility of colorimetric methods as an interdisciplinary tool when evaluating the presence of ferromagnetics, and the application of rock magnetism to the Middle and Upper Pleistocene LPS of the Middle Danube Basin. The presented approach can be used to observe the evolution of climatic and ecological conditions in the given study area, and for establishing correlations between sites extending over the Eurasian LPS provinces

    Characterisation of ground thermal and thermo-mechanical behaviour for shallow geothermal energy applications

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    Increasing use of the ground as a thermal reservoir is expected in the near future. Shallow geothermal energy (SGE) systems have proved to be sustainable alternative solutions for buildings and infrastructure conditioning in many areas across the globe in the past decades. Recently novel solutions, including energy geostructures, where SGE systems are coupled with foundation heat exchangers, have also been developed. The performance of these systems is dependent on a series of factors, among which the thermal properties of the soil play one of major roles. The purpose of this paper is to present, in an integrated manner, the main methods and procedures to assess ground thermal properties for SGE systems and to carry out a critical review of the methods. In particular, laboratory testing through either steady-state or transient methods are discussed and a new synthesis comparing results for different techniques is presented. In-situ testing including all variations of the thermal response test is presented in detail, including a first comparison between new and traditional approaches. The issue of different scales between laboratory and in-situ measurements is then analysed in detail. Finally, thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of soil is introduced and discussed. These coupled processes are important for confirming the structural integrity of energy geostructures, but routine methods for parameter determination are still lacking

    Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 enhances survival of LX2 human hepatic stellate cells

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Expression of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 (IGFBP5) is strongly induced upon activation of hepatic stellate cells and their transdifferentiation into myofibroblasts in vitro. This was confirmed in vivo in an animal model of liver fibrosis. Since IGFBP5 has been shown to promote fibrosis in other tissues, the aim of this study was to investigate its role in the progression of liver fibrosis. METHODS: The effect of IGFBP5 was studied in LX2 cells, a model for partially activated hepatic stellate cells, and in human primary liver myofibroblasts. IGFBP5 signalling was modulated by the addition of recombinant protein, by lentiviral overexpression, and by siRNA mediated silencing. Furthermore, the addition of IGF1 and silencing of the IGF1R was used to investigate the role of the IGF-axis in IGFBP5 mediated effects. RESULTS: IGFBP5 enhanced the survival of LX2 cells and myofibroblasts via a >50% suppression of apoptosis. This effect of IGFBP5 was not modulated by the addition of IGF1, nor by silencing of the IGF1R. Additionally, IGFBP5 was able to enhance the expression of established pro-fibrotic markers, such as collagen Ialpha1, TIMP1 and MMP1. CONCLUSION: IGFBP5 enhances the survival of (partially) activated hepatic stellate cells and myofibroblasts by lowering apoptosis via an IGF1-independent mechanism, and enhances the expression of profibrotic genes. Its lowered expression may, therefore, reduce the progression of liver fibrosi

    A review on the eco-epidemiology and clinical management of human granulocytic anaplasmosis and its agent in Europe

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    Anaplasma phagocytophilum is the agent of tick-borne fever, equine, canine and human granulocytic anaplasmosis. The common route of A. phagocytophilum transmission is through a tick bite, the main vector in Europe being Ixodes ricinus. Despite the apparently ubiquitous presence of the pathogen A. phagocytophilum in ticks and various wild and domestic animals from Europe, up to date published clinical cases of human granulocytic anaplasmosis (HGA) remain rare compared to the worldwide status. It is unclear if this reflects the epidemiological dynamics of the human infection in Europe or if the disease is underdiagnosed or underreported. Epidemiologic studies in Europe have suggested an increased occupational risk of infection for forestry workers, hunters, veterinarians, and farmers with a tick-bite history and living in endemic areas. Although the overall genetic diversity of A. phagocytophilum in Europe is higher than in the USA, the strains responsible for the human infections are related on both continents. However, the study of the genetic variability and assessment of the difference of pathogenicity and infectivity between strains to various hosts has been insufficiently explored to date. Most of the European HGA cases presented as a mild infection, common clinical signs being pyrexia, headache, myalgia and arthralgia. The diagnosis of HGA in the USA was recommended to be based on clinical signs and the patient’s history and later confirmed using specialized laboratory tests. However, in Europe since the majority of cases are presenting as mild infection, laboratory tests may be performed before the treatment in order to avoid antibiotic overuse. The drug of choice for HGA is doxycycline and because of potential for serious complication the treatment should be instituted on clinical suspicion alone