18 research outputs found

    Association between migration and physical activity among medical students from a university located in Lima, Peru.

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    OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the association between migration and physical activity among medical students from a university located in Lima, Peru. METHODS:A cross-sectional study was conducted among second-year medical students from a Peruvian university. Data on moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) and migration features were obtained through a self-report questionnaire. To assess the associations of interest, prevalence ratios (PR) along with their 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated using Poisson regression with robust variances. RESULTS:We analyzed data from 312 students (54.5% were women, mean age: 19.0 years, standard deviation: 1.4 years), 90 (28.9%) students performed MVPA for ≥150 minutes/week, 118 (37.8%) performed MVPA for ≤30 minutes/week, and 114 (36.7%) were migrants. Being a migrant was not associated with performing MVPA for ≤30 nor ≥150 minutes/week. However, adjusted analysis showed that the frequency of performing MVPA for ≤30 minutes/week was greater among those who migrated less than five years ago (PR: 1.43; 95% CI: 1.05-1.93) and among those who migrated to continue their studies (PR: 1.44; 95% CI: 1.06-1.94), compared to non-migrants. CONCLUSION:In our population, being a migrant was not associated with physical activity. However, low physical activity was more prevalent among recent migrants and among those who had migrated to study, compared to non-migrants

    Análisis psicométrico de un cuestionario para medir el ambiente educativo en una muestra de estudiantes de medicina en Perú

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    The objective of the study was to determine the psychometric properties of the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) questionnaire in students of a Peruvian medical school. Participants were first-to-sixth-year students, invited to participate through a web platform. In the analysis the alpha coefficient of Cronbach was used to evaluate internal consistency. In addition, a confirmatory factorial analysis was performed to evaluate the construct validity of the subscales of the DREEM. The adjustment quality indexes used were: Root Mean Square Error Approximation (RMSEA), the Index of Benchmarking (CFI), Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI), and the Standardized Root Mean Residual (SRMR). The results showed that the social self-perception dimension had an alpha of Cronbach of less than 0.70. In addition, the quality indices did not support the five-dimensional structure of the DREEM. In conclusion, the DREEM questionnaire did not perform optimally in this Peruvian sample.El objetivo del estudio fue determinar las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) en estudiantes de una facultad de Medicina peruana. Los participantes fueron los alumnos de primero a sexto año, invitados a participar mediante una plataforma web. En el análisis se utilizó el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach para evaluar consistencia interna. Además, se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio para evaluar la validez de constructo de las subescalas del DREEM. Los índices de bondad de ajuste utilizados fueron: error cuadrático medio de aproximación (RMSEA), el índice de ajuste comparativo (CFI), índice Tucker-Lewis (TLI) y el residuo estandarizado cuadrático medio (SRMR). Los resultados mostraron que la dimensión Autopercepción Social tuvo un alfa de Cronbach menor a 0,70. Además, los índices de bondad no apoyaron la estructura de cinco dimensiones del DREEM. Como conclusión, el cuestionario DREEM no tuvo un desempeño óptimo en esta muestra peruana

    Características de patentes de dispositivos para rehabilitación física registradas en los Estados Unidos

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    Introduction: Physical rehabilitation can be benefitted from the use of devices, which are usually patented. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is one of the largest and most recognized patent and trademark offices. The characteristics and evolution of patents for physical rehabilitation is of great interest; however, there are few studies in this respect.Objective: To identify the characteristics of patents of physical rehabilitation devices for the physical rehabilitation of damaged limbs registered the United States Patent and Trademark Office.Material and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted. A search was made at UPSTO using a list of keywords related to rehabilitation. Ten groups of patents related to rehabilitation were chosen. The variables studied were: patent number, publication date, country, holder, patent area, limbs for which the patent is useful, and portability. A descriptive analysis was performed by using STATA v.14.Results: A total of 1971 patents were analyzed, of which 16.2% were included in the rehabilitation groups and 83.8% in the physical exercise groups. The 36.6% of them were corporate-owned patents, 29.9% were portable, and 46.3% had usability which demonstrated to be useful for both extremities.Conclusions: Of the patents found, those focused on physical exercise were predominant. There is a greater number of useful patents for both extremities. In addition, there is an upward trend over time, the number of patents in the area of rehabilitation, and portable inventions.Keywords: Patents, rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, exercise, exercise therapy, rehabilitation researchIntroducción: La rehabilitación física puede verse beneficiada con el uso de dispositivos, los cuales en su mayoría suelen ser patentados. La oficina de patentes y marcas de los Estados Unidos (USPTO) es una de las oficinas de patentes y marcas más grandes y reconocidas. Resulta de interés evaluar las características y la evolución de las patentes para la rehabilitación física; sin embargo, existen pocos estudios al respecto. Objetivo: Identificar las características de las patentes de dispositivos de rehabilitación física de extremidades, registradas en la oficina de patentes y marcas de los Estados Unidos.Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal. Se realizó una búsqueda en UPSTO usando una lista de palabras clave relacionadas con la rehabilitación. Se eligieron 10 grupos de patentes relacionados con la rehabilitación. Las variables estudiadas fueron: número de la patente, fecha de publicación, país, titular, área de la patente, extremidades para las cuales es útil la patente y portabilidad. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo usando STATA v.14.Resultados: Se analizaron 1971 patentes, de las cuales 16,2% fueron incluidas en los grupos de rehabilitación y 83,8% en ejercicio físico. El 36,6% de todas las patentes fueron patentadas por un titular corporativo, el 29,9% fueron portables, y el 46,3% tenían utilidad para ambas extremidades.Conclusiones: De las patentes encontradas las enfocadas para ejercicio físico fueron las predominantes. Existe una mayor cantidad de patentes útiles para ambas extremidades. Además, existe una tendencia ascendente en el tiempo, en el número de patentes del área de rehabilitación y de las invenciones portables.Palabras clave: Patentes; Rehabilitación; Medicina física y rehabilitación; Ejercicio; Terapia por ejercicio; Investigación en rehabilitación

    Educational environment in a Peruvian medical school. A negative trend over the academic years

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    Background: Educational environment refers to the material resources and interpersonal relationships of an educational institution. Aim: To describe the educational environment of a Peruvian medical school and to explore a possible association between curricular years and the educational environment. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) to evaluate the educational environment of a Peruvian medical school. Data collection consisted in online surveys completed voluntarily by 1st through 6th year medical students between April and October 2015. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 828 of 2,421 (34.2%) students. The mean DREEM score was 117 ± 25.6 of a maximum of 200. A poorer perception of the educational environment was associated with later years in the curriculum, when analysis was adjusted for gender, age and academic status (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The educational environment of this medical school scored positively (> 100 points). However, it was evident that medical students in later curricular years had a more negative perception of the educational environment compared to those in earlier academic years

    Agency and mental health among Peruvian older adults during the COVID-19 lockdown

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    OBJECTIVES: To explore the experiences of older Peruvian adults living in urban areas of Lima under lockdown due to the National COVID-19 Emergency, this study analyzes how older adults (aged 60 and above) exercise agency while also living with the negative impacts of COVID-19 and related control measures. METHODS: Between August and December 2020, our research team conducted a telephone-based, qualitative study, in which we undertook semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample of low-income older adults living with chronic multi-morbidities and limited resources. Forty older adults, 24 women and 16 men, with a mean age of 72 years, participated in the study. For data analysis, we employed thematic analysis with a predominantly inductive approach. RESULTS: Older adults demonstrated several forms of agency to regulate emotions, maintain crucial bonds, foster social relationships, and seek economic and food security. Older adults experienced entertainment and support by caring for pets, undertaking farm work, and practicing their religious beliefs. For several participants and their families, quarantine was an opportunity to strengthen family relationships and learn new technologies. Older adults and their families re-organized themselves to assume new roles and perform activities that improved self-worth and confidence thereby improving their wellbeing and mental health. DISCUSSION: Peruvian older adults exerted agency in different ways to respond to and sustain their mental health during the COVID-19 lockdown. Policy makers should value and recognize the agency of older adults when planning future health responses

    GATA-3 is a proto-oncogene in T-cell lymphoproliferative neoplasms

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    Neoplasms originating from thymic T-cell progenitors and post-thymic mature T-cell subsets account for a minority of lymphoproliferative neoplasms. These T-cell derived neoplasms, while molecularly and genetically heterogeneous, exploit transcription factors and signaling pathways that are critically important in normal T-cell biology, including those implicated in antigen-, costimulatory-, and cytokine-receptor signaling. The transcription factor GATA-3 regulates the growth and proliferation of both immature and mature T cells and has recently been implicated in T-cell neoplasms, including the most common mature T-cell lymphoma observed in much of the Western world. Here we show that GATA-3 is a proto-oncogene across the spectrum of T-cell neoplasms, including those derived from T-cell progenitors and their mature progeny, and further define the transcriptional programs that are GATA-3 dependent, which include therapeutically targetable gene products. The discovery that p300-dependent acetylation regulates GATA-3 mediated transcription by attenuating DNA binding has novel therapeutic implications. As most patients afflicted with GATA-3 driven T-cell neoplasms will succumb to their disease within a few years of diagnosis, these findings suggest opportunities to improve outcomes for these patients

    Nivelación de lenguaje - HU24 201801

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    Descripción: Nivelación de Lenguaje es un curso de formación general, de carácter práctico, dirigido a estudiantes de primeros ciclos. Esta asignatura busca desarrollar habilidades de redacción prácticas, aterrizadas en un correlato real de escritura determinado: un correo electrónico, una publicación de Facebook, etc. Para ello, el curso se orienta a afianzar las habilidades relacionadas con la organización del texto, así como los conocimientos básicos sobre la normativa de la lengua española. Lo aprendido en esta asignatura ofrecerá al estudiante las herramientas lingüísticas básicas idóneas para desarrollarse con suficiencia en una redacción cotidiana, en un comentario en sus redes sociales o en un examen de algún curso. Propósito: El curso desarrolla la competencia de Comunicación Escrita, en el nivel 1; es decir, el estudiante es capaz de construir mensajes coherentes y sólidos que se adecúan a la situación y propósito comunicativo. Este desarrollo le permite la generación y construcción de nuevas ideas, lo cual es relevante para su vida académica y profesional. La actual sociedad de la información y el conocimiento, caracterizada por la disrupción, la innovación y la complejidad en las formas de comunicación mediadas por la tecnología, enfrenta al estudiante y al profesional a nuevos retos en las maneras de comunicar aquello que conoce y que construye. En este escenario, la competencia comunicativa escrita adquiere protagonismo como herramienta para transmitir el conocimiento creado. El curso se alinea con esta exigencia, pues contribuye a que el estudiante responda exitosamente a las demandas comunicativas del contexto académico, y a que el egresado pueda desenvolverse idóneamente en el campo profesional y laboral