2,898 research outputs found

    Estudio económico y financiero de un centro de desarrollo personal especializado en el tratamiento de adicciones en la ciudad de Quito. Caso: Fundación Gedeon

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    Este trabajo busca determinar la factibilidad financiera y económica para establecer un centro de desarrollo personal especializado en el tratamiento de adicciones en la ciudad de Quito. Para lograr este objetivo, se realizó un análisis del macro y micro ambiente en los cuales se desarrollaría el centro; y los diferentes factores que podrían influir en el mismo. El estudio de mercado estableció como conjunto universo a hombres de 20 a 64 años, que vivan en Quito y tengan adicción a cualquier substancia estupefaciente o psicotrópica. También se determinó la competencia existente en el mercado, el precio del servicio y las estrategias para el establecimiento del centro. Además, fue necesario elaborar un estudio técnico, que permita conocer la viabilidad operativa de este trabajo, los procesos necesarios para ofrecer el servicio y la infraestructura adecuada para brindar atención de calidad a los pacientes. En el estudio administrativo se estableció la misión, visión, los valores y objetivos organizacionales que regirán el mencionado centro, así como también el organigrama funcional. Posteriormente, y en base a las investigaciones mencionadas, se realizó el análisis financiero correspondiente, se establecieron los costos, gastos, presupuestos de ventas y el valor total requerido para la inversión; lo cual permitió desarrollar las proyecciones del estudio, determinar los diferentes estados financieros y la respectiva evaluación financiera. Finalmente se emitieron las conclusiones y recomendaciones correspondientes para determinar si el proyecto es o no factible y cuáles serían los factores que se deben tomar en cuenta para su adecuada puesta en marcha del proyecto

    Beyond Human Interventions on Complex Bays: Effects on Water and Wave Dynamics (Study Case Cádiz Bay, Spain)

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    Bays are coastal environments with significant socio-economic importance, which has led to the development of human interventions in their interior that can have an important impact on the water and wave dynamics, which in turn modify their morphodynamics and water renewal capacity. In order to deepen our understanding of these impacts, numerical modeling was used in a bay in southern Spain to analyze the effect of inner harbor expansion and channel deepening, including the baroclinic and wave propagation effects, as well as variations in salinity and temperature. The results show that the deepening of the channel decreases the amplitude and speed of the tidal wave as it propagates through the bay, reducing the effects of friction and increasing the flushing time. The system evolves from convergent to a damping system that can potentially reduce the effects produced by projected sea level rise. In addition, the seasonal variability of salinity and temperature is reduced, increasing the bed shear stresses and resulting in increased turbidity that can affect the biogeochemistry of the bay. Finally, wave heights decrease along the main waterway, although the yearly-average wave energy flux is only slightly modified on the interior beaches of the bay. However, significant variations are observed during storms, which could affect the morphodynamics of these beaches.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness CTM2017-89531-R CTM2017-82274-R"Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnologia para el Desarrollo", CYTED PROTOCOL 917PTE053

    Evaluating the impact of dredging strategies at tidal inlets: Performance assessment

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    Despite relevant advances achieved in recent years, sediment transport and sedimentation problems at tidal inlets are still worldwide issues to be addressed. Furthermore, dredging strategies are carried out following traditional layouts, such as channel deepening, lasting short periods of time despite the high economic expenditures and the potential environmental impacts. This work proposes a new dredging strategy for tidal inlets and analyzes its morphodynamic evolution by means of numerical modeling. This numerical model, used to perform hydro-morphodynamic simulations, is applied to a highly altered tidal inlet (Punta Umbría inlet, Southern Spain) with a navigational capacity being continuously compromised. After calibrated and tested, the model is applied to different dredging strategies, including channel deepening, littoral drift barrier and shoal removal. Among these strategies, the shoal removal, which is a new soft-engineering strategy, is found to be the most efficient to improve the navigational channel operativity, defined as the percentage of navigable hours per year for different vessel drafts; this operativity improves up to 60% compared to the other strategies. This solution, which reduce the frequency of maintenance interventions and hence the environmental impacts, may be suitable for other inlets with compromised navigational capacities due to the presence of ebb shoals. The relation between the main maritime drivers and the morphodynamic changes is analyzed, concluding that the morphodynamic evolution of the navigational channels is closely related not only to the wave energetic content, but largely to the wave directionality. Finally, the shoal removal also increases the flow velocities at the inlet modifying the stability of the mouth and hampering its long-term closure. The potential environmental impacts derived from the shoal removal are also discussedUnión Europea. Fondos Feder 2007-2013, Project DRAGAPORT G-GI3002/IDI

    Caracterización y análisis de modelos de evaluación económica de proyectos de inversión bajo incertidumbre

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    Este articulo presenta los métodos  actualmente disponibles para la evaluación de proyectos, dejando de manifiesto las falencias de los métodos tradicionales como el Método de Flujos de Caja Descontados, cuando son usados para evaluar proyectos con alta incertidumbre, donde además los administrativos cuentan con la flexibilidad suficiente para cambiar su planificación y adaptarse a variaciones en las condiciones iniciales del mercado. Se caracterizan y comparan aquellos modelos que logran entregar una evaluación más realista de esta clase de proyectos, al considerar dentro de la misma la incertidumbre y la flexibilidad como factores determinantes en la toma de decisiones. Como solución se propone la utilización del análisis de opciones reales para evaluar los proyectos donde las herramientas tradicionales son insuficientes por sí solas. Esta teoría nace en la evaluación de opciones de activos financieros, y actualmente se está utilizando de forma similar en la evaluación de proyectos de inversión, haciendo un símil con los activos financieros. Para llegar a la selección del análisis de opciones reales como modelo a utilizar, se realizó una recopilación bibliográfica extensa de las publicaciones relacionadas con la teoría de opciones reales escritas por distintos investigadores a lo largo de los últimos años. La metodología de opciones reales se somete a un análisis comparativo frente a los modelos basados en los Flujos de Caja Descontados y el Análisis de Árboles de Decisión. Se presenta la evaluación de un proyecto utilizando tres métodos para evaluar el proyecto bajo el enfoque de opciones reales: la ecuación de Black-Scholes, Simulación Monte Carlo y los Árboles Binomiales, efectuando un análisis de los resultados de la evaluación del proyectos según los diferentes modelos empleados.This present paper introduces those methods that are currently available for project assessment. It emphasises the limitations of the traditional methods, such as the Discounted Cash Flow Method, when being used to evaluate highly uncertain projects, where decision makers have the flexibility enough to change the course of the project to meet those changes that had taken place at the market early stages. Those models that are able to provide a more level-headed assessment for this kind of project – where uncertainty and flexibility have become key factors in the decision making process – have been distinguished and compared. As a solution to this, the application of Real Option Analysis procedure has been suggested to valuate projects, since traditional tools are not enough by themselves. This theory arises from the evaluation of financial assets and is currently being used for the assessment of investment related projects, the same way as it can be used in the case of financial assets. Decision about using the real option analysis as the model to be applied was reached after carrying out an extensive bibliographical compilation regarding this real option analysis theory, in turn written by several researchers during the last few years. This methodology is subjected to comparative analysis with respect to those Discounted Cash Flow and Decision Tree Analysis based models. The evaluation of a given project – by applying the three project evaluation methods: Black-Scholes, Monte Carlo Simulation and Binomial Trees - is introduced. Finally, an analysis of the project evaluation outcomes under the different models being applied, is carried out

    Propuesta didáctica para el desarrollo de habilidades de liderazgo en personas parataxónomas

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    The writing presents a didactic proposal for the development of leadership skills in parataxonomists to optimize the personal and professional performance of this population; in this regard, it is important to point out that the improvement of the work of collaborators is crucial in times when organizations, including environmental organizations, are immersed in constant changes. For this reason, the development of skills such as communication, collaboration, digital literacy and leadership, can be an opportunity for the same staff to have the resilient conditions to creatively face the challenges that arise, since the lack of development of these skills could lead to poor performance of parataxonomists, affecting the ability to contribute effectively to the objectives and sustainability of their organizations, which in turn could have a direct impact on the effectiveness of conservation efforts and sustainable management of natural resources. In this case, four workshops were designed, each one related to the above-mentioned skills, in which a didactic strategy is presented that promotes or strengthens these skills. It is concluded that the didactic proposal represents a valuable and structured strategy for the personal and professional development of parataxonomic personnel, with the potential to significantly improve organizational effectiveness and the conservation of biodiversity from the work carried out by the target population.El escrito presenta una propuesta didáctica para el desarrollo de habilidades de liderazgo en personas parataxónomas con el fin de que se optimice el desempeño personal y profesional de esta población; al respecto, es importante indicar que la mejora de la labor de las personas colaboradoras es crucial en tiempos donde las organizaciones, entre ellas las ambientales, están inmersas en constantes cambios. Por esta razón, el desarrollo de habilidades como la comunicación, la colaboración, la alfabetización digital y el liderazgo, pueden ser una oportunidad para que desde el mismo personal se tengan las condiciones resilientes para afrontar de manera creativa los desafíos que se presenten; dado que la falta de desarrollo de estas podría llevar a un bajo desempeño de los parataxónomos, que afecta la capacidad para contribuir efectivamente a los objetivos y sostenibilidad de sus organizaciones, a su vez, podría ejercer un impacto directo en la eficacia de los esfuerzos de conservación y en la gestión sostenible de los recursos naturales. Para el caso particular, se diseñaron cuatro talleres, cada uno relacionado con las habilidades antes indicadas, donde se presenta una estrategia didáctica que promueva o fortalezca dicha habilidad. Se concluye que la propuesta didáctica representa una estrategia valiosa y estructurada para el desarrollo personal y profesional del personal parataxónomo, con el potencial de mejorar significativamente la eficacia organizacional y la conservación de la biodiversidad desde la labor que realiza la población destinataria

    Lasting Effects of Soil Compaction on Soil Water Regime Confirmed by Geoelectrical Monitoring

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    Despite its importance for hydrological and ecological soil functioning, characterizing, and quantifying soil structure in the field remains a challenge. Traditional characterization of soil structure often relies on point measurements, more recently, we advanced the use of minimally invasive geophysical methods that operate at plot-field scales and provide information under natural conditions. In this study, we expand the application using geoelectrical and time-domain reflectometry (TDR) monitoring of soil water dynamics to infer impacts of compaction on soil structure and function. We developed a modeling scheme combining a new pedophysical model of soil electrical conductivity and a soil-structure-informed one-dimensional water flow and heat-transfer model. The model was used to interpret Direct Current (DC)-resistivity and TDR monitoring data in compacted soils at the Soil Structure Observatory (SSO) located in the vicinity of Zürich, Switzerland. We find that (1) soil compaction leads to a persistent decrease in soil electrical resistivity and (2) that compacted soils are typically drier than non-compacted soils during long drying events. The main decrease in electrical resistivity is attributed to decreasing macroporosity and increasing connectivity of soil aggregates due to compaction. Higher water losses in compacted soils are explained in terms of enhanced evaporation. Our work advances characterization of soil structure at the field scale with electrical methods by offering a physically based explanation of the impact of soil compaction on electrical properties and by interpreting DC-resistivity data in terms of soil water dynamics

    Lasting Effects of Soil Compaction on Soil Water Regime Confirmed by Geoelectrical Monitoring

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    Despite its importance for hydrological and ecological soil functioning, characterizing, and quantifying soil structure in the field remains a challenge. Traditional characterization of soil structure often relies on point measurements, more recently, we advanced the use of minimally invasive geophysical methods that operate at plot-field scales and provide information under natural conditions. In this study, we expand the application using geoelectrical and time-domain reflectometry (TDR) monitoring of soil water dynamics to infer impacts of compaction on soil structure and function. We developed a modeling scheme combining a new pedophysical model of soil electrical conductivity and a soil-structure-informed one-dimensional water flow and heat-transfer model. The model was used to interpret Direct Current (DC)-resistivity and TDR monitoring data in compacted soils at the Soil Structure Observatory (SSO) located in the vicinity of Zurich, Switzerland. We find that (1) soil compaction leads to a persistent decrease in soil electrical resistivity and (2) that compacted soils are typically drier than non-compacted soils during long drying events. The main decrease in electrical resistivity is attributed to decreasing macroporosity and increasing connectivity of soil aggregates due to compaction. Higher water losses in compacted soils are explained in terms of enhanced evaporation. Our work advances characterization of soil structure at the field scale with electrical methods by offering a physically based explanation of the impact of soil compaction on electrical properties and by interpreting DC-resistivity data in terms of soil water dynamics

    ICFHR2014 Competition on Handwritten Text Recognition on tranScriptorium Datasets (HTRtS)

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    ©2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.A contest on Handwritten Text Recognition organised in the context of the ICFHR 2014 conference is described. Two tracks with increased freedom on the use of training data were proposed and three research groups participated in these two tracks. The handwritten images for this contest were drawn from an English data set which is currently being considered in the tranScriptorium project. The the goal of this project is to develop innovative, efficient and cost-effective solutions for the transcription of historical handwritten document images, focusing on four languages: English, Spanish, German and Dutch. For the English language, the so-called “Bentham collection” is being considered in tranScriptorium. It encompasses a large set of manuscripts written by the renowned English philosopher and reformer Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832). A small subset of this collection has been chosen for the present HTR competition. The selected subset has been written by several hands (Bentham himself and his secretaries) and entails significant varibilities and difficulties regarding the quality of text images and writting styles. Training and test data were provided in the form of carefully segmented line images, along with the corresponding transcripts. The three participants achieved very good results, with transcription word error rates ranging from 15.0% down to 8.6%.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Pro-gramme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 600707- tranScriptorium. The authors would like to thank all theTRANSCRIPTORIUMmembers for their collaboration and the entrants for their participation in this contest.Sánchez Peiró, JA.; Romero Gómez, V.; Toselli, AH.; Vidal Ruiz, E. (2014). ICFHR2014 Competition on Handwritten Text Recognition on tranScriptorium Datasets (HTRtS). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICFHR.2014.137