954 research outputs found

    Efecte de la concentració volumètrica fíller/betum a la cohesió i adhesivitat del màstic

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    En la actualidad, la falta de ensayos que permiten una apropiada evaluación del efecto de los fílleres en el sistema fíller-betún o mástico bituminoso da lugar a que el polvo mineral en la mezcla asfáltica no sea empleado de forma óptima. Este hecho se debe a que en la selección y dosificación del fíller sólo se contempla su grado de finura y la plasticidad asociada a esta variable. Además, en la legislación actual en materia de carreteras (Orden FOM 891/04) se formulan unas dosificaciones fíller/betún basadas en criterios ponderales, sin considerar, en ningún caso, propiedades del fíller que permiten valorar de una forma más adecuada la demanda óptima de ligante bituminoso por parte del fíller para maximizar las propiedades de cohesión y adhesividad del mástico en la mezcla bituminosa

    “Nuevos espacios de interacción: Twitter y su potencial como medio”

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    El presente ensayo, se hace un análisis de Twitter, red social que en ocho años ha cautivado a la sociedad del mundo, y a su vez, ha sido una herramienta que ha revolucionado la forma en que personas y empresas, mantienen contacto entre sí; siendo el eje argumentativo el postulado de Marshall McLuhan (1968) “el medio es el mensaje” y de cómo gracias a sus diferentes interpretaciones se adaptan para ejemplificar de manera clara la forma en que opera twitter, llegando incluso a ser considerada esta postura como un modelo comunicativo que permite una mejor interpretación de las reconfiguraciones sociales y culturales que twitter ha generado, siendo este autor, el eje principal que describa el presente documento

    Analysis of the Flipped Classroom Model as a Proposal for Teaching Innovation

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    Flipped Learning is a pedagogical method that gives an active role to the student in order to promote learning. This method proposes an educational innovation by exchanging the use of spaces in such a way that instruction is done at home and homework is done in the classroom. The benefits of Flipped Learning have been the subject of study in numerous studies which conclude that there are interesting benefits at different levels (i.e. educational, social, health, digital), highlighting the use of information and communication technologies, very present in our society with a view to future employment and / or academic. In accordance with the current world situation, characterized by the impact of the pandemic, this pedagogical method seems to be interesting when it comes to developing classes in this context and guaranteeing deep and meaningful learning for the students

    Estudio de la anemización del paciente crítico en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos

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    Treball Final de Grau en Medicina. Codi: MD1158. Curs acadèmic: 2020/2021INTRODUCCIÓN: La anemia es una alteración analítica frecuente en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos(UCI), que aumenta la morbimortalidad de los pacientes durante su ingreso y requiere de una práctica excesiva de transfusiones de sangre alogénica (TSA). Una de las causas, frecuentemente subestimada, de este fenómeno son las extracciones diagnósticas de sangre. OBJETIVOS: Cuantificar la anemia en los pacientes críticos, la necesidad de TSA y la existencia de factores relacionados con la anemización. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio de cohortes retrospectivo que investigó a 115 pacientes que ingresaron entre diciembre de 2020 y enero de 2021 en la UCI del Hospital General Universitari de Castelló. Se analizaron las variables sociodemográficas y clínicas generales al ingreso, los niveles de hemoglobina al ingreso, al alta y estandarizados, el volumen de extracciones diagnósticas de sangre y las transfusiones realizadas. RESULTADOS: La anemia de los pacientes críticos se incrementó con el paso de los días de ingreso (15,7% al ingreso vs 38,3% al alta). La mediana del descenso diario de hemoglobina fue 0,17 g/dL/día. La mediana de sangre extraída por paciente fue 65,8 mL, siendo de 17,5 mL al día. Un único paciente recibió TSA. Existe una correlación significativa entre el volumen diario de sangre extraído y el descenso diario de la concentración de hemoglobina. (p = 0,003). CONCLUSIONES: La proporción de pacientes anémicos aumentó durante su estancia en UCI y se transfundió al 1,6% de los pacientes anémicos. La edad, la gravedad al ingreso y la sangre extraída por día se asociaron a la anemización de los pacientes. La anemia al alta se ha asociado con una mayor mortalidad.INTRODUCTION: Anemia is a frequent blood test alteration in Intensive Care Units (ICU), which increases patients’ morbidity and mortality and requires an excessive number of allogeneic blood transfusions (ABT). Diagnostic blood draws, which are frequently overlooked, are one of the causes of this phenomenon. OBJECTIVES: To quantify critical patients’ anemia, the need for ABT and the existance of factors associated with anemization. METHODOLOGY: A retrospective cohort study investigated 115 patients who were admitted to the ICU of the Universitary General Hospital of Castelló between December 2020 and January 2021. Several variables were assessed: admission socio-demographic and general clinical data, haemoglobin concentrations at the admission and at discharge, standarized haemoglobin concentration, the volume of dagnostic blood draws and ABT given. RESULTS: There were 18 anemic patients (15,7%) on admission and 44 patients were anemic (38,3%) at discharge. The median daily haemoglobin decrease was 0,17 g/dL/day. The median volume of diagnostic blood drawn was 65,8 mL and 17,5 mL/day. Only one patient received an ABT. A significative correlation between the daily volume of diagnostic blood draws and daily haemoglobin decrease was found (p = 0,003). CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of anemic patients increased during their ICU stay and 1,6% of the anemic patients were transfused. Age, severity on admission and daily blood drawn were associated with patients’ anemization. Anemia at discharge was associated with greater mortality

    Multi-agent system for selecting images based on the gender and age

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    This paper presents a multi-agent system that is able to search people on a database of images recognizing patterns of facial features on each person, based on the main features of the face (eyes, nose and mouth). Using that multi-agent architecture, the system can do the work faster applying Fisherfaces algorithm for the face recognition and classification. This technology can be used for several purposes like specific ads in each user group to suit better their interests or search for the age and gender of people that usually go to different places like malls or shops

    Assessment and exploitation of the minimum current harmonic distortion under overmodulation in five-phase induction motor drives

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    This paper compares the most prominent overmodulation (OVM) techniques for five-phase induction motor drives with respect to the minimum current distortion (MCD) achievable. To attain a benchmark of the latter, two MCD OVM approaches are devised. Contrarily to previous strategies aimed at voltage distortion reduction/minimization, these MCD methods are focused on minimizing the harmonic stator copper loss (HSCL), thus minimizing the current total harmonic distortion (THD). One of these MCD strategies minimizes the HSCL while injecting only x–y harmonics. The other MCD method exploits α–β harmonic injection to further decrease the HSCL and to cover the whole OVM region. Moreover, the dual-mode OVM, which is one of the three-phase methods with the lowest distortion, is extended here for five-phase drives. The findings provide insight into how close the OVM methods are to the benchmark imposed by the MCD strategies. Notably, these MCD techniques yield a significant reduction of current THD, HSCL and peak current, especially for machines with negligible thirdorder space harmonic. The average switching losses are also decreased. Indications for real-time implementation of the MCD solutions are also givenAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-105612RB-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431F 2020/07Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GPC-ED431B 2020/03Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RYC2018-024407-

    Dissipative stabilization of maximal entanglement between non-identical emitters via two-photon excitation

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    We study the generation of nearly maximal stationary entanglement between two non-identical quantum emitters embedded in a cavity and coherently excited at the two-photon resonance, i.e., with half of the energy of the doubly excited state. We report a mechanism that arises when the emitters interact forming a dimer and the cavity linewidth is small enough to resolve their internal excitonic structure. This condition gives rise to a frequency-dependent Purcell effect which results into two resonant conditions for the cavity frequency. At each resonance, we observe a nearly maximal steady-state occupation of either the symmetric or antisymmetric combination of one-excitation qubit states. This mechanism is optically tunable and leads to significantly greater and faster stationary entanglement than the resonant excitation of the transition from the ground state to the symmetric or antisymmetric states, reported in previous works. By exploring the parameter space of the system, we show that this phenomenon is one of a family of effects that can generate both stationary and metastable entanglement when driving the emitters at the two-photon resonance. We provide a global perspective of this landscape of mechanisms and contribute analytical descriptions and insights into these phenomena, establishing connections with previous reports in the literature and discussing how some of these effects can be optically detected

    Field trips and other teaching resources in natural and social sciences: educational implications from past experiences in Spanish primary schools

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    [EN] This paper describes the use of Natural and Social Sciences teaching resources in Spanish primary schools during the second half of the 20th century, based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of 250 recollections of retired teachers. Differences were identified between groups of teachers determined by gender, previous teaching context (urban vs rural) and higher education qualifications. Our results show that the academic background had a direct impact on the variety and type of teaching resources used and was a determinant factor to promote experiential learning. The study also highlights the comprehensive use of school field trips in the past as teaching resources to motivate students and develop different inquiry skills. Finally, the importance of mastering different educational resources in the teaching profession is discussed.This study is part of the Project Estudio y análisis de la cultura escolar a través de los testimonios de docentes (REF K117), funded by the University of Salamanca