1,713 research outputs found

    Archaeological remains from the siege of Madinat Basta (Baza, Spain), by the catholic monarchs in 1489

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    The Catholic Monarchs (Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon) besieged the cities of the last Islamic kingdom on the Iberian Peninsula during the War of Granada (1482-1492), until surrender the capital of the Nasrid dynasty, Madinat Garnata and Madina Alhambra. The military campaigns were strategically programmed. A series of cities was chosen so that their fall would cause the surrender of a part of the territory, due to a domino effect. The capture of Madinat Basta (Baza), to the extreme North of the Nasrid kingdom, was seen as an easy target by the strategists of the Catholic Monarchs. However, the battle-hardened defence of the population and the special configuration and territorial layout of the city resulted in one of the hardest sieges of the campaign, lasting from mid-June to the beginning of December, 1489. To achieve this goal they adopted a strategy that Scipio Africanus the Younger had already developed in 133 B.C., when he surrounded the Celtiberian city of Numantia. Around Baza there are archaeological remains of different structures that can be linked to this conflict. In this communication we have analysed the fortification works that could have been built during the Christian siege of 1489, on the basis of the archaeological evidence and the historical written sources.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Influence of the demagnetizing field on the determination of the magnetocaloric effect from magnetization curves

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    The influence of the demagnetizing factor (N) on the magnetic entropy change (DSM) curves is studied for materials with a second order phase transition. For this purpose, a soft magnetic amorphous ribbon is measured for different orientations of the magnetic field with respect to the plane of the sample. For temperatures below the Curie temperature (TC), the increase in N causes a decrease in DSM, while for temperatures above TC no change in the shape of the curves has been found for the different orientations, as expected. In order to eliminate this influence of N and compare the DSM(T) curves for samples with different shapes, the recently proposed universal curve for the magnetocaloric effect can be used

    e-Motional Training®: Pilot study on a novel online training program on social cognition for patients with schizophrenia

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    AbstractBackgroundPatients with schizophrenia have deficits in social cognition (SC), a construct that includes emotion perception (EP), social perception (SP), theory of mind (ToM) and attributive style (AS). The aim of our study was to assess the applicability, identify potential problems and obtain preliminary data on the efficacy of a new online training program on SC called e-Motional Training (ET®), which can be remotely administered and remotely supervised by a clinician.Materials and methodsA pre/post intervention pilot study was conducted with 21 patients with schizophrenia in the healthcare area of Ourense, Spain (12 patients were assigned to the intervention group and 9 in the control group). The control group received standard treatment (TAU) (occupational therapy and leisure group). The intervention group received TAU plus 12 sessions (1hour per week) with ET® (including training modules on emotional perception and a short animated cartoon for ToM and AS training, including automated metacognitive feedback).Endpoints: EP (Ekman 60 Faces Test), ToM (Hinting Task, Faux Pas, Happé), AS (Ambiguous Intentions Hostility Questionnaire).ResultsET® was shown to be an understandable, viable and pleasant program for the participants. After the intervention, statistically significant data (p<0.05) were obtained for the EP, ToM and AS variables.ConclusionET® enables self-training in SC and online follow-up by the therapist, thereby covering the lack of online intervention instruments validated for patients with SC deficits. Our preliminary results demonstrate the feasibility of ET® and its possible efficacy in improving emotion recognition, ToM and AS

    Primeros resultados del proyecto de conservación y puesta en valor de las estructuras arqueológicas del cerro del Castillo de Montejícar (Granada)

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    El Castillo de Montejícar (Granada), cuyo recinto ocupa una superficie en torno a los 800 m2, ocupa la cima del Cerro del Castillo con una cota máxima de 1263,75 m.s.n.m. Dicho promontorio ha constituido un lugar de asentamiento humano al menos desde la Edad del Bronce, donde se superponen períodos de ocupación de época argárica, ibérica, romana, medieval y moderna. El Cerro del Castillo y el frontero Cerro de los Allozos (1264,98 m.s.n.m.), definen dos estratégicos promontorios en los que destacan los restos arqueológicos que subsisten de época ibérica. Si en el de los Allozos se desarrolló uno de los oppida nucleares más importantes de la Bastetania, con una cronología desde el Bronce Final hasta el siglo II a.C., en el del Castillo también existen importantes restos murarios ciclópeos en su falda oriental, a la cota de 1250 m.s.n.m., adscritos a una fortificación realizada en este periodo y reutilizada en momentos históricos posteriores. También se han encontrado testimonios de época romana en esta misma ladera. La presencia medieval islámica está atestiguada por los restos del castillo y la abundante cerámica existente en la ladera oriental. Tras la conquista, las fuentes mencionan la donación del Castillo de Montejícar a Diego Hernández de Ulloa, caballero Veinticuatro de Jaén, que residió como alcaide y a quienes los Reyes Católicos le otorgaron gran cantidad de tierras en 1491 y 1493. El castillo habría sido ocupado hasta abril de 1498, fecha en la que, según el mandato general impuesto por estos monarcas, se habría derribado la fortaleza de Montejícar. Dada la riqueza patrimonial y ambiental que atesora el Cerro del Castillo de Montejícar, el Ayuntamiento de esta localidad encargó en 2011 a los autores de esta comunicación un amplio proyecto que persiguiese la conservación, valoración y visita de las estructuras conservadas en el mismo, así como la ponderación de sus valores paisajísticos de este entorno. Tras haber presentado este proyecto a la convocatoria 1,5% cultural del Ministerio de Fomento del 24 de noviembre de 2014, fue aprobado por resolución de 29 de julio de 2015 sobre la concesión de ayudas para actuaciones de conservación o enriquecimiento del patrimonio histórico español, en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Montejícar. En este trabajo se dan a conocer los recientes hallazgos obtenidos durante la intervención arqueológica en las estructuras de fortificación conservadas en la cima y ladera este del Cerro del Castillo de Montejícar.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Fotografía y documentalismo para la conservación de las estructuras arqueológicas y del paisaje del Cerro del Castillo de Montejícar (Granada)

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    El Castillo de Montejícar (Granada) ocupa una superficie en torno a los 800 m2 en la cima del Cerro del Castillo, con una cota máxima de 1.264 metros sobre el nivel del mar (m.s.n.m.). Dicho promontorio ha constituido un lugar de asentamiento humano al menos desde la Edad del Bronce, donde se superponen periodos de ocupación de época argárica, ibérica, romana, medieval y moderna. El Cerro del Castillo y el frontero Cerro de los Allozos (1.265 m.s.n.m.), definen dos estratégicos promontorios en los que destacan los restos arqueológicos que subsisten de época ibérica. Si en el de los Allozos se desarrolló uno de los oppida nucleares más importantes de la Bastetania, con una cronología desde el Bronce Final hasta el siglo II a.C., en el del Castillo también existen importantes restos murarios ciclópeos en su falda oriental, adscritos a una gran estructura realizada en este periodo y reutilizada en momentos históricos posteriores. La presencia medieval islámica está atestiguada por los restos del castillo. Tras la conquista, las fuentes mencionan la donación del Castillo de Montejícar a Diego Hernández de Ulloa, caballero Veinticuatro de Jaén, que residió como alcaide. El castillo habría sido ocupado hasta abril de 1498, fecha en la que, según el mandato general impuesto por los Reyes Católicos, se habría derribado la fortaleza de Montejícar. Dada la riqueza patrimonial y ambiental que atesora el Cerro del Castillo de Montejícar, el Ayuntamiento de esta localidad encargó en 2011 a los autores de esta comunicación un amplio proyecto que persiguiese la conservación, valoración y visita de las estructuras conservadas en el mismo, así como la ponderación de sus valores paisajísticos de este entorno. Dicho proyecto contó con la fotografía como una de las herramientas más importantes para estudiar este entorno patrimonial. La cuantiosa documentación gráfica elaborada contribuyó decididamente a la valoración positiva de la propuesta presentada el 24 de noviembre de 2014 a la convocatoria 1,5% cultural del Ministerio de Fomento, siendo aprobado por resolución de 29 de julio de 2015 sobre la concesión de ayudas para actuaciones de conservación del patrimonio histórico español, en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Montejícar.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    EMD-Based Methodology for the Identification of a High-Speed Train Running in a Gear Operating State

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    An efficient maintenance is a key consideration in systems of railway transport, especially in high-speed trains, in order to avoid accidents with catastrophic consequences. In this sense, having a method that allows for the early detection of defects in critical elements, such as the bogie mechanical components, is a crucial for increasing the availability of rolling stock and reducing maintenance costs. The main contribution of this work is the proposal of a methodology that, based on classical signal processing techniques, provides a set of parameters for the fast identification of the operating state of a critical mechanical system. With this methodology, the vibratory behaviour of a very complex mechanical system is characterised, through variable inputs, which will allow for the detection of possible changes in the mechanical elements. This methodology is applied to a real high-speed train in commercial service, with the aim of studying the vibratory behaviour of the train (specifically, the bogie) before and after a maintenance operation. The results obtained with this methodology demonstrated the usefulness of the new procedure and allowed for the disclosure of reductions between 15% and 45% in the spectral power of selected Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) after the maintenance operation.The research work described in this paper was supported by the Spanish Government through the MAQ-STATUS DPI2015-69325-C2-1-R project. Authors would also thank the support provided by the participating companies (Renfe, Alstom Spain, SKF Spain, and Dano-Rail-Danobatgroup Railway) in this project

    Automatic Expanding Mandrel with Air Sensing Device: Design and Analysis

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    In precision machining, expanding mandrels are used for jobs with close tolerances. An expanding mandrel consists of a tapered arbor or shaft, with a thin-slotted clamping sleeve or collet made of hardened steel. The internal tapered and external cylindrical surfaces are ground to a high degree of accuracy, and the mandrel expands to fit the internal bore of the workpiece. Expanding mandrels are, essentially, wedge mechanisms. This paper proposes an automatic expanding mandrel with a novel force transmission system for high stiffness within a novel air sensing system, which allows detection of the correct part position before starting machining. A computational model for determining the dynamic clamping force of the proposed mechanism is developed and implemented using MATLAB. This model considers the influence of the sti ness behaviors of the collet, force transmission structure and workpiece. Additionally, this paper presents the finite element method analyses which were conducted to check the proposed computational model. The amount of clamping force transmitted by a collet chuck holder depends strongly on: clearances, wedge angle, stiffness of the collet chuck holder and workpiece stiffness

    Condition monitoring of critical mechanical elements through Graphical Representation of State Configurations and Chromogram of Bands of Frequency

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    Fault detection is a crucial aspect to avoid catastrophic failures on mechanical systems, as well as to save money for companies. Currently, a number of non-destructing tests, signal processing analysis and artificial intelligence techniques are used for processing larger and larger amounts of maintenance data in all industry fields, either independently or combined. This manuscript presents a novel methodology for the condition monitoring of machinery, based on vibration analysis. The methodology is supported on two novel signal processing techniques: Graphical Representation of State Configurations (GRSC) and Chromogram of Bands of Frequency (CBF). These two new techniques apply basic concepts of the machine deterioration theory to the frequency spectrum. In order to prove the successful of the work presented, the methodology is tested against two real examples: vibration signals from the Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) Bearing Data Centre, and vibration signals from a high-speed train in normal operation. The results show that these new techniques can process large amounts of data without using artificial intelligence, identify adequately the operating condition of the tested systems and give precise information about that operating system by means of simple graphs and colours.The work is supported by the Spanish Government through the MAQ-STATUS DPI2015-69325-C2-1-r project

    Enhancement of chromatographic spectral technique applied to a high-speed train

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    High-speed rail is a key player in people's mobility thanks to its speed and high safety standards. These high safety standards are supported by extensive maintenance (of both rolling stock and track) that applies the latest nondestructive and monitoring techniques. In that context, this work presents the enhanced graphical representation of state configurations (EGRSC) and enhanced chromogram of bands of frequency (ECBF) methods, which are the evolution of the graphical representation of State configurations and chromogram of bands of frequency techniques. A clearer nomenclature is defined for the configuration states of the EGRSC. The ECBF introduces a new variable threshold that allows discarding frequency regions with small power variations and a new color palette. These methods are used in the vibratory study of an in-service high-speed train to identify the operating condition of the train. To conduct that task, a set of accelerometers is installed on the axle box of a trailer axle of the train. Accelerometers are oriented into the three space directions: longitudinal, lateral, and vertical. Vibration signals are taken during the normal operation of the train and transmitted to and stored on a remote database. Vibration measures are collected before and after a major maintenance operation. The application of EGRSC and ECBF allows collecting information from thousands of vibration signals and to display that information intuitively and understandably. The analysis of EGRSC and ECBF results allows identifying several frequency regions with significant spectral power variations that are common to the three vibration directions studied. These patterns should be taken as a reference for future maintenance actions. Any unexpected behavior of these frequency regions would indicate the presence of a fault.The research work described in this paper was supported by the Spanish Government through the MAQ-STATUS DPI2015-69325-C2-1-R project and by the UNED through UNED 2021-MEC-25 project

    Análisis de una red de acceso para el despliegue de la red LTE (4G) con la técnica FDD (Frequency División Dúplex) en el municipio de Masaya, departamento de Masaya

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    El presente documento aborda el análisis y diseño de una red LTE en el municipio de Masaya, departamento de Masaya y de esta forma ofrecer mejores servicios de datos en dicho municipio para un mercado cada vez más demandante, incluye los fundamentos teóricos básicos que caracteriza a la Tecnología LTE, Ios parámetros de instalación, los procedimientos y el planteamiento de un diseño de cobertura así como la simulación, Drive Test y cálculos del diseño que permitirán a cualquier empresa telefónica aprovechar dicho diseño para la debida ejecución de esta propuesta