139 research outputs found

    Synonymy and distribution data of Trypanidius Blanchard, 1846 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Acanthocinini) in Cuba

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    Trypanidius nocturnus Fisher, 1942 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Acanthocinini) is synonymized with Trypanidius insularis Fisher, 1925. Dorsal habitus photographs of the holotypes and paratypes, as well as male and females of specimens collected in Cuba, Puerto Rico and Hispaniola, are provided. Additionally, collecting data and a distributional map of Cuba are offered. Trypanidius nocturnus Fisher, 1942 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Acanthocinini) es sinonimizado con Trypanidius insularis Fisher, 1925. Se muestran fotos en vista dorsal de los holotipos y paratipos así como de ejemplares macho y hembra recolectados en Cuba, Puerto Rico y La Española. Adicionalmente, se muestran los datos de colecta y mapa de distribución de los ejemplares colectados en Cuba

    Description of the female of \u3ci\u3eSolenoptera tomentosa\u3c/i\u3e Lingafelter, 2015 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Prioninae: Solenopterini)

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    The female of Solenoptera tomentosa Lingafelter, 2015 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Prioninae: Solenopterini) is described and illustrated for the first time. La hembra de Solenoptera tomentosa Lingafelter, 2015 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Prioninae: Solenopterini) es descrita e ilustrada por primera vez

    Evolution of the anti-truncated stellar profiles of S0 galaxies since z=0.6z=0.6 in the SHARDS survey: I - Sample and Methods

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    The controversy about the origin of the structure of S0--E/S0 galaxies may be due to the difficulty of comparing surface brightness profiles with different depths, photometric corrections and PSF effects (almost always ignored). We aim to quantify the properties of Type-III (anti-truncated) discs in a sample of S0 galaxies at 0.2<z<0.6. In this paper, we present the sample selection and describe in detail the methods to robustly trace the structure in their outskirts and correct for PSF effects. We have selected and classified a sample of 150 quiescent galaxies at 0.2<z<0.6 in the GOODS-N field. We perform a quantitative structural analysis of 44 S0-E/S0 galaxies. We corrected their surface brightness profiles for PSF distortions and analysed the biases in the structural and photometric parameters when the PSF correction is not applied. Additionally, we have developed Elbow, an automatic statistical method to determine whether a possible break is significant - or not - and its type and made it publicly available. We found 14 anti-truncated S0-E/S0 galaxies in the range 0.2<z<0.6 (~30% of the final sample). This fraction is similar to the those reported in the local Universe. In our sample, ~25% of the Type-III breaks observed in PSF-uncorrected profiles are artifacts, and their profiles turn into a Type I after PSF correction. PSF effects also soften Type-II profiles. We found that the profiles of Type-I S0 and E/S0 galaxies of our sample are compatible with the inner profiles of the Type-III, in contrast with the outer profiles. We have obtained the first robust and reliable sample of 14 anti-truncated S0--E/S0 galaxies beyond the local Universe, in the range 0.2<z<0.6. PSF effects significantly affect the shape of the surface brightness profiles in galaxy discs even in the case of the narrow PSF of HST/ACS images, so future studies on the subject should make an effort to correct them.Comment: Accepted for publishing in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 75 pages, 57 figure

    Life Cycle and Immature Stages of the Arctiid Moth, Phoenicoprocta capistrata

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    Phoenicoprocta capistrata (Fabricius 1775) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) is an arctiid moth reported for the Caribbean and Brazil, whose immature stages and life cycle are unknown. In this study, and for the first time, a host plant is registered and the immature stages and the captivity life cycle are described using a Cuban population. Larvae feed on fowlsfoot, Serjania diversifolia (Jacq.) Radlk (Sapindales: Sapindaceae). One complete cohort was obtained from December of 2004 to February of 2005 and about 57 days lapsed from oviposition to adult emergence. The egg is light green-yellowish and semi-spherical. Most larvae developed through 6 or 7 instars, although there were individuals with 8 instars. The last instar has a cephalic capsule width of 2.04 ± 0.06 mm (n = 29) irrespective of the number of instars. The cephalic capsule growth curves of the larvae with 6 and 7 instars have different slopes, but both follow a geometric pattern consistent with the Dyar's rule. In each larval molt the setae types and the larvae coloration change. Adult females have two color morphs, one orange-reddish and the other blue. Female descendants of blue and red females differ in the proportion of color morphs, which could indicate the existence of a female-limited polymorphism phenomenon in this species

    AI literacy in K‑12: a systematic literature review

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    The successful irruption of AI-based technology in our daily lives has led to a growing educational, social, and political interest in training citizens in AI. Education systems now need to train students at the K-12 level to live in a society where they must interact with AI. Thus, AI literacy is a pedagogical and cognitive challenge at the K-12 level. This study aimed to understand how AI is being integrated into K-12 education worldwide. We conducted a search process following the systematic literature review method using Scopus. 179 documents were reviewed, and two broad groups of AI literacy approaches were identified, namely learning experience and theoretical perspective. The first group covered experiences in learning technical, conceptual and applied skills in a particular domain of interest. The second group revealed that significant efforts are being made to design models that frame AI literacy proposals. There were hardly any experiences that assessed whether students understood AI concepts after the learning experience. Little attention has been paid to the undesirable consequences of an indiscriminate and insufficiently thought-out application of AI. A competency framework is required to guide the didactic proposals designed by educational institutions and define a curriculum reflecting the sequence and academic continuity, which should be modular, personalized and adjusted to the conditions of the schools. Finally, AI literacy can be leveraged to enhance the learning of disciplinary core subjects by integrating AI into the teaching process of those subjects, provided the curriculum is co-designed with teachersThis work has partially been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PID2021-123152OB-C21), and the Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional (accreditation 2019–2022 ED431C2022/19 and reference competitive group, ED431G2019/04) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), which acknowledges the CiTIUS— Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnoloxías Intelixentes da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela as a Research Center of the Galician University System. This work also received support from the Educational Knowledge Transfer (EKT), the Erasmus + project (reference number 612414-EPP-1-2019-1- ES-EPPKA2-KA) and the Knowledge Alliances call (Call EAC/A03/2018)S

    Probing the Star Formation Main Sequence down to 10810^{8} M_\odot at 1.0<z<3.01.0<z<3.0

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    We investigate the star formation main sequence (MS) (SFR-M_{\star}) down to 1089M^{8-9}\mathrm{M}_\odot using a sample of 34,061 newly-discovered ultra-faint (27i3027\lesssim i \lesssim 30 mag) galaxies at 1<z<31<z<3 detected in the GOODS-N field. Virtually these galaxies are not contained in previous public catalogs, effectively doubling the number of known sources in the field. The sample was constructed by stacking the optical broad-band observations taken by the HST/GOODS-CANDELS surveys as well as the 25 ultra-deep medium-band images gathered by the GTC/SHARDS project. Our sources are faint (average observed magnitudes 28.2\sim28.2 mag, 27.9\sim27.9 mag), blue (UV-slope 1.9\sim-1.9), star-forming (rest-frame colors 0.10\sim0.10 mag, 0.17\sim0.17 mag) galaxies. These observational characteristics are identified with young (mass-weighted age 0.014\sim0.014 Gyr) stellar populations subject to low attenuations (0.30\sim0.30 mag). Our sample allows us to probe the MS down to 108.0M10^{8.0}\,\mathrm{M}_\odot at z=1z=1 and 108.5M10^{8.5}\,\mathrm{M}_\odot at z=3z=3, around 0.6 dex deeper than previous analysis. In the low-mass galaxy regime, we find an average value for the slope of 0.97 at 1<z<21<z<2 and 1.12 at 2<z<32<z<3. Nearly \sim60% of our sample presents stellar masses in the range 106810^{6-8} M_\odot between 1<z<31<z<3. If the slope of the MS remained constant in this regime, the sources populating the low-mass tail of our sample would qualify as starburst galaxies.Comment: 34 pages, 16 figures, 9 tables. Accepted for publication to Ap

    Evolution of the anti-truncated stellar profiles of SO galaxies since z=0.6 in the SHARDS survey II. Structural and photometric evolution

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    Context. Anti-truncated lenticular galaxies (Type-III S0s) present tight scaling relations between their surface brightness photometric and structural parameters. Although several evolutionary models have been proposed for the formation of these structures, the observations of Type-III S0 galaxies are usually limited to the local Universe. Aims. We aim to compare the properties of Type-III discs in a sample of S0 galaxies at 0.2 < z < 0.6with those of the local Universe. In this paper, we study the evolution of the photometric and structural scaling relations measured in the rest-frame R-band with z and the possible differences between the rest-frame (B - R) colours of the inner and outer disc profiles. Methods. We make use of a sample of 14 Type-III E/ S0-S0 galaxies at 0.2 < z < 0 : 6 from the GOODS-N field identified and characterised in a previous paper. We study whether or not the correlations found in local Type-III S0 galaxies were present similar to 6 Gyr ago. We analyse the distribution of the surface brightness characteristic parameters (R-break, mu(break), h(i), h(o), mu(0;) i and mu(0; o)) as a function of the stellar mass and look to see if there is a significant change with z. We also derive their rest-frame (B - R) colour profiles. Finally, we compare these results with the predictions from a grid of SSP models. Results. We find that the inner and outer scale-lengths of Type-III S0 galaxies at 0.4 < z < 0.6follow compatible trends and scaling relations with those observed in local S0 galaxies as a function of the break radius, R-break. We do not detect any significant differences between the location of R-break between z similar to 0.6 and z similar to 0 for a fixed stellar mass of the object, whereas the surface brightness at the break radius mu(break) is similar to 1.5 mag arcsec 2 dimmer in the local Universe than at z similar to 0.6 for a fixed stellar mass. We find no significant differences in the (B - R) colour between the inner and outer profiles of the Type-III S0 galaxies at 0.2 < z < 0.6. Conclusions. In contrast to Type-II (down-bending) profiles, the anti-truncated surface brightness profiles of S0 galaxies present compatible R-break values and scaling relations during the last 6 Gyr. This result and the similarity of the colours of the inner and outer discs point to a highly scalable and stable formation process, probably more related to gravitational and dynamical processes than to the evolution of stellar populations

    Cross-cultural adaptation for the Spanish population of the modified Harris score for functional and symptomatic hip joint assessment

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    Adaptación; Cadera; EscalaAdaptació; Maluc; EscalaAdaptation; Hip; ScaleAntecedente y objetivos La Escala de Harris modificada es una de las escalas más utilizadas para la valoración funcional de los pacientes en la patología de cadera. Sin embargo, no existe una adaptación transcultural para la sociedad española. Por tanto, este estudio se plantea obtener una adaptación transcultural para la población española de la escala de cadera de Harris modificada. Materiales y métodos Para la adaptación transcultural se utilizó el método de Beaton que incluye: 2 traducciones al idioma español; revisión por expertos de las 2 versiones provisionales y obtención de una única versión en español; traducción reversa (a inglés) de la versión en español; y aplicación de la versión adaptada. La versión adaptada fue aplicada en 2 ocasiones a 100 pacientes, con un periodo de separación de 6 meses. Resultados Entre la aplicación inicial y final de la versión adaptada no se encontró diferencias clínicamente relevantes. Conclusiones Se obtuvo una traducción y adaptación transcultural para la población española de la escala de cadera de Harris modificada, la misma que debería ser aplicada a la población española y a todos los países hispanohablantes, mientras no cuenten con una versión adaptada para la población a la que pertenecen.Background and objectives The modified Harris hip score, is one of the most widely used scales for the functional assessment of hip pathology of the patients. However, there is no cross-cultural adaptation for the Spanish society. Therefore, this study aims to obtain a cross-cultural adaptation of the modified Harris hip score for the Spanish population. Materials and methods For the cross-cultural adaptation the Beaton method was used, which includes: 2 translations into Spanish; expert review of the 2 provisional versions and obtaining a single Spanish version; reverse translation (into English) of the Spanish version; and application of the adapted version. The adapted version was applied twice to 100 patients, 6 months apart. Results Between the initial and final application of the adapted version, no clinically relevant differences were found. Conclusions A cross-cultural translation and adaptation of the modified Harris hip score for the Spanish population was obtained, which should be applied to the Spanish population and to all Spanish-speaking countries, as long as they do not have an adapted version for the population to which they belong

    Response to Worrying Trends in Econophysics

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    This article is a response to the recent Worrying Trends in Econophysics critique written by four respected theoretical economists. Two of the four have written books and papers that provide very useful critical analyses of the shortcomings of the standard textbook economic model, neo-classical economic theory and have even endorsed my book. Largely, their new paper reflects criticism that I have long made and that our group as a whole has more recently made. But I differ with the authors on some of their criticism, and partly with their proposed remedy