7 research outputs found

    Proposals for improving processes in the logistics of the selected company

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    V diplomskem delu je obravnavano področje skladiščenja in komisioniranja v izbranem podjetju. V uvodnem delu smo opisali izbrano podjetje, osnove skladiščenja, komisioniranja in teoretične osnove za lažje nadaljnje razumevanje diplomskega dela. Teoretičnemu delu sledi praktični del, kjer smo detajlno opisali skladiščni prostor, na katerega smo se omejili, in predstavili skladiščne procese, s katerimi se vsakodnevno srečuje skladiščno osebje v skladišču. Z uporabo vzročno posledičnega diagrama smo ponazorili vzroke za neracionalno porabo delovnega časa. Razmislek o izdelovanju diagrama nas je vodil k razkritju najvplivnejših vzrokov za problem neracionalne porabe časa zaposlenih. Glede na ugotovitve smo pripravili rešitve, s katerimi bi podjetje vsaj delno ali v celoti odpravilo neučinkovito porabo časa. V zaključnem delu smo ocenili učinke predlogov, pogoje za uvedbo rešitev in možnost nadaljnjega razvoja podjetja.In the paper, the storage and commissioning process in a selected company is presented. In the introductory chapter, we described the selected company, the basic principles of storage and commissioning and the theoretical starting points for a better understandings of the following chapters. In the practical part, we focused on and described the storage space and presented the warehouse processes followed by warehouse workers in their work. Using the fishbone diagram, we identified and outlined the causes, we came up with solutions which would help the company partly or fully eliminate the inefficient use of time. In the conclusion, we evaluated the effects of the suggestions, the conditions for the implementation of the solutions and the possibility of further development of the company

    Carbon Dioxide and Methane Emissions during the Composting and Vermicomposting of Sewage Sludge under the Effect of Different Proportions of Straw Pellets

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions during the composting and vermicomposting of sewage sludge under the effect of different proportions of straw pellets. Four treatments, including a control with three replicates, were designed to mix the initial sewage sludge with varying rates of pelletized wheat straw (0, 25%, 50%, and 75% (w/w)). Over a 60-day period, vermicomposting with Eisenia andrei treatments and composting were carried out. The results indicated that both composting and vermicomposting produce a significant (p < 0.001) amount of CO2 and CH4 emissions from all treatments. Vermicomposting significantly reduced CH4 emissions by 18%, 34%, and 38% and increased CO2 emissions by 75%, 64%, and 89% for the treatments containing 25%, 50%, and 75% straw pellets, respectively, compared to composting. However, CO2 emissions decreased and CH4 emissions increased during composting compared to vermicomposting. As a result of this finding, both composting and vermicomposting processes are recommended as an additive of pelletized wheat straw, depending on the target gas to be reduced