14 research outputs found

    Improving the Quality of Life for Older Adults in High-rise Residential Buildings in Urban Honolulu Through Responsive and Adaptive Design

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    Hawai‘i's housing crisis and high cost of living affect quality of life for its residents, particularly the older adult population. Consequently, many older adults end up living in unfit environments. As Hawai‘i's overall population grows and ages, these challenges escalate in size and complexity. Moreover, as the earth’s climate continues to change, the impacts of the built space intensify, putting this already vulnerable population at even greater risk. This research proposes an architectural design criterion for improving the quality of life of older adults that is based on combined design solutions explored through several case studies. These design solutions include adaptive design, which adjusts the living environment to the demographic, social, and cultural contexts; bioclimatic design, which focuses on comfort in response to changing climate conditions; and lastly, biophilic design, which embraces the relationship between humans and nature in architecture. The last portion of the research proposes an architectural design fora high-rise residence that employs the design criteria and includes adaptive and bioclimatic features. Indoor comfort was assessed using building simulation software to determine the effectiveness of the proposed design methods. The overall healthiness of the building was evaluated using five elements derived from Blue Zone communities, as defined by Dan Beuttner, which were translated into environmental characteristics that measure the overall design of the architecture in relation to human health. The ultimate goal of this research is to enhance the quality of life for older adults in a residential high-rise typology, the architectural prototype will serve as inspiration for an alternative option of dwelling for Hawai‘i's older adult population that addresses the evolution of life and specifically supports the residents’ well-being


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    ABSTRAK Game adalah sarana bermain yang dapat dijadikan hiburan untuk mengisi waktu luang bagi kebanyakan orang. Disini penulis membuat game Othello pada perangkat Android. Tujuan utama yang ingin dicapai dari pembuatan game ini adalah untuk menerapkan dan mengimplementasikan algoritma Minimax pada permainan Othello sehingga lawan main, yakni komputer mampu memiliki kepandaian dalam mengambil langkah dan strategi dalam permainan yang menggunakan perangkat Android. Dalam game yang penulis buat, penulis menggunakan android studio untuk membuat game tersebut, yang mana di dalam proses pembuatan game penulis membuat tampilan antarmuka, dan mengidentifikasi alur kerja dari algoritma Minimax pada permainan Othello.Algoritma Minimax merupakan algoritma berbasiskan depth-first search yang cocok diaplikasikan pada permainan yang terdiri dari dua orang. Algoritma ini mencari nilai maksimum dan minimum dari setiap simpul yang ada. Algoritma Minimax digunakan pada computer untuk melawan pemain dalam mencari posisi yang mempertimbangkan nilai maksimum dari lawannya. Pada algoritma minimax, computer akan menganalisa semua pohon permainan sehingga computer akan mengambil langkah yang dapat membuat lawan mendapatkan keuntungan minimum dan keuntungan maksimum pada computer itu sendiri. Kata kunci :Game Othello, Algoritma Minimax, Android, Hiburan, Depth-First Search

    Adaptive Coordination Offsets for Signalized Arterial Intersections using Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    One of the most critical components of an urban transportation system is the coordination of intersections in arterial networks. With the advent of data-driven approaches for traffic control systems, deep reinforcement learning (RL) has gained significant traction in traffic control research. Proposed deep RL solutions to traffic control are designed to directly modify either phase order or timings; such approaches can lead to unfair situations -- bypassing low volume links for several cycles -- in the name of optimizing traffic flow. To address the issues and feasibility of the present approach, we propose a deep RL framework that dynamically adjusts the offsets based on traffic states and preserves the planned phase timings and order derived from model-based methods. This framework allows us to improve arterial coordination while preserving the notion of fairness for competing streams of traffic in an intersection. Using a validated and calibrated traffic model, we trained the policy of a deep RL agent that aims to reduce travel delays in the network. We evaluated the resulting policy by comparing its performance against the phase offsets obtained by a state-of-the-practice baseline, SYNCHRO. The resulting policy dynamically readjusts phase offsets in response to changes in traffic demand. Simulation results show that the proposed deep RL agent outperformed SYNCHRO on average, effectively reducing delay time by 13.21% in the AM Scenario, 2.42% in the noon scenario, and 6.2% in the PM scenario. Finally, we also show the robustness of our agent to extreme traffic conditions, such as demand surges and localized traffic incidents

    Regulating Top-Surface Multilayer/Single-Crystal Graphene Growth by “Gettering” Carbon Diffusion at Backside of the Copper Foil

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    A unique strategy is reported to constrain the nucleation centers for multilayer graphene (MLG) and, later, single-crystal graphene domains by gettering carbon source on backside of the flat Cu foil, during chemical vapor deposition. Hitherto, for a flat Cu foil, the top-surface-based growth mechanism is emphasized, while overlooking the graphene on the backside. However, the systematic experimental findings indicate a strong correlation between the backside graphene and the nucleation centers on the top-surface, governed by the carbon diffusion through the bulk Cu. This understanding steers to devise a strategy to mitigate the carbon diffusion to the top-surface by using a carbon “getter” substrate, such as nickel, on the backside of the Cu foil. Depth profiling of the nickel substrate, along with the density functional theory calculations, verifies the gettering role of the nickel support. The implementation of the backside carbon gettering approach on single-crystal graphene growth results in lowering the nucleation density by two orders of magnitude. This enables the single-crystal domains to grow by 6 mm laterally on the untreated Cu foil. Finally, the growth of large-area polycrystalline single layer graphene, free of unwanted MLG domains, with significantly improved field-effect mobility of ≈6800 cm^2 V^(−1) s^(−1) is demonstrated


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    Peneletian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aktivitas permainan outbound terhadap sikap kepedulian siswa. Metode penelitian yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan desain penelitian The Randomized Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Populasi dan sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa SMAN 1 Margahayu dengan sample siswa kelas X 80 orang. Sampel diperoleh melalui teknik random sampling yang terbagi atas dua kelas yaitu kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Untuk menjawab masalah dan menguji hipotesis, penulis menggunakan tes dan pengukuran sebagai alat pengumpul data dengan menggunakan instrumen tes berupa angket dan dibantu dengan observasi. Data-data yang diperoleh kemudian diolah dan dianalisis dengan uji t. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan dan analisis data, Tehnik analisis hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan uji-t rata-rata pada taraf kepercayaan (a) = 5%. Hasil pengambilan data ini diperoleh bahwa nilai thitung 4,99, nilai ttabel pada (dk) = (N1+N2) -2 = (40+40) – 2 = 78 pada taraf kepercayaan 5% = 1,70 jadi thitung lebih besar dari ttabel. Dari penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelas yang mendapatkan aktivitas outbound dengan kelas yang mendapatkan metode konvensional terhadap sikap kepedulian sosial siswa

    Pengaruh Biaya Lingkungan Dan Kinerja Lingkungan Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti empiris mengenai Pengaruh Biaya Lingkungan dan Kinerja Lingkungan terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Sektor Pertambangan yang Listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian explanatory research. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah Regresi Data Panel dengan menggunakan Eviews 9. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Biaya Lingkungan tidak berpengaruh terhadap Nilai Perusahaan. Makna dari temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa secara empiris Biaya Lingkungan tidak selalu atau bukan merupakan faktor penentu pengaruhnya terhadap Nilai Perusaahaan pada perusahaan-perusahaan Pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Kinerja Lingkungan tidak berpengaruh terhadap Nilai Perusahaan. Makna dari temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa secara empiris Kinerja Lingkungan tidak selalu atau bukan merupakan faktor penentu pengaruhnya terhadap Nilai Perusaahaan pada perusahaan-perusahaan Pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

    Development of a remote tending system for analog broadcast transmitters

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    Whenever a broadcast transmitter is on-air, it is required to be tended by licensed broadcast technicians. Technicians periodically monitor the transmitter performance, record the supply voltage and current at the last stage of the power amplifier and keeps a copy for at least two years. Also recorded are the times the transmitter is turned ON and OFF as well as the times the transmitter shuts down and returns back to air. This paper proposes a system to remotely tend analog transmitters in one central monitoring station. The remote tending of several transmitters in one location is made possible through internet connection. However, the challenge in the proposed system is in the gathering of transmitter data. A prototype of the system was constructed and tested in an FM broadcast transmitter. Test results on the prototype performance show that the proposed system can effectively be used to remotely monitor, record data and control the status of analog broadcast transmitters. The primary feature of the proposed system of monitoring several transmitters in one location will bring cost effective advantages to the broadcast operators. © 2019 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved

    Remote tending of modern broadcast transmitters

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    Once broadcast transmitters are put into operation, regulatory bodies in different countries require the equipment to be monitored, data logged and controlled. Normally, transmitter personnel turn ON the transmitter at the start of the broadcasting activities, and turn it OFF at the end of the activities. They also regularly record the transmitter meter readings on output power, voltage and current as long as the transmitter is on-air. These data must be logged and saved for future references. These procedures are done by transmitter personnel manually. With the advent of internet technology, this paper presents a system to remotely monitor, gather and record meter readings, and a provision to control the turning ON/OFF as well as to adjust the output power of a number of digital transmitters. All these procedures are done in one central location. The system was implemented and then tested using a digital television transmitter. Results of the tests show that the developed system capable of performing the functions of a transmitter technician in monitoring, logging and control of broadcast transmitters remotely. With the use of the system, broadcast networks can reduce operating costs in tending their transmitters but still able to comply with the requirements. © 2019 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved