164 research outputs found
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Instalasi Perpipaan Pada Satuan Kerja Pengembangan Kinerja Pengelolaan Air Minum
Pada pelaksanaan pembangunan suatu proyek, pengendalian persediaan bahan merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dari proyek konstruksi tersebut, karena hampir 50% dari anggaran digunakan untuk pembelian bahan. Tanpa adanya persediaan bahan yang baik pembangunan suatu proyek tidak akan berjalan dengan baik dan tidak akan selesai tepat waktu. Ini semua berhubungan dengan manajemen pengadaan barang.Metode yang digunakan yaitu Sistim Informasi Manajemen, yang berdasarkan sumber-sumber data kuantitatif dengan wawancara pada penanggung jawab gudang perpipaan pada Satuan Kerja Pengembangan Kinerja Pengelolaan Air Minum.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Sistem Informasi Manajemen dapat membantu dalam pengelolaan Manajemen Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Perpipaan pada Satuan Kerja Pengembangan Kinerja Pengelolaan Air Minum.Dengan menggunakan Program Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Perpipaan pada Satuan Kerja Pengembangan Kinerja Pengelolaan Air Minum tersebut dapat mempermudah pengolahan data pengendalian persediaan bahan, sehingga waktu yang dibutuhkan didalam pemrosesan data semakin cepat dan biaya yang dikeluarkan semakin kecil
Sea lice as a density-dependent constraint to salmonid farming
Fisheries catches worldwide have shown no increase over the last two decades, while aquaculture has been booming. To cover the demand for fish in the growing human population, continued high growth rates in aquaculture are needed. A potential constraint to such growth is infectious diseases, as disease transmission rates are expected to increase with increasing densities of farmed fish. Using an extensive dataset from all farms growing salmonids along the Norwegian coast, we document that densities of farmed salmonids surrounding individual farms have a strong effect on farm levels of parasitic sea lice and efforts to control sea lice infections. Furthermore, increased intervention efforts have been unsuccessful in controlling elevated infection levels in high salmonid density areas in 2009–2010. Our results emphasize host density effects of farmed salmonids on the population dynamics of sea lice and suggest that parasitic sea lice represent a potent negative feedback mechanism that may limit sustainable spatial densities of farmed salmonids
Model-based Probe State Estimation and Crack Inverse Methods Addressing Eddy Current Probe Variability
Recent work on model-based inverse methods with eddy current inspections of surface breaking discontinuities has shown some sizing error due to variability in probes with the same design specifications [1]. This is an important challenge for model-based inversion crack sizing techniques, to be robust to the varying characteristics of eddy current probes found in the field [1-2]. In this paper, a model-based calibration process is introduced that estimates the state of the probe. First, a carefully designed surrogate model was built using VIC-3D® simulations covering the critical range of probe rotation angles, tilt in two directions, and probe offset (liftoff) for both tangential and longitudinal flaw orientations. Some approximations and numerical compromises in the model were made to represent tilt in two directions and reduce simulation time; however, this surrogate model was found to represent the key trends in the eddy current response for each of the four probe properties in experimental verification studies well. Next, this model was incorporated into an iterative inversion scheme during the calibration process, to estimate the probe state while also addressing the gain/phase fit and centering the calibration notch indication. Results are presented showing several examples of the blind estimation of tilt and rotation angle for known experimental cases with good agreement within +/- 2.5 degrees. The RMS error was found to be significantly reduced by fitting the probe state and, in many instances, probe state estimation addresses the previously un-modelled characteristics (model error) with real probe inversion studies. Additional studies are presented comparing the size of the calibration notch and the quality of the calibration fit, where calibrating with too small or too large a notch can produce poorer inversion results. Once the probe state is estimated, the final step is to transform the base crack inversion surrogate model and apply it for crack characterization. Because of the dimensionality of this problem, simulations were made at a limited set of select flaw sizes with varying length, depth and width, and an interpolation scheme was used to address the effect of the probe state at intermediate solution points. Using this process, results are presented demonstrating improved crack inversion performance for extreme probe states
Climate sensitivity estimates – sensitivity to radiative forcing time series and observational data
Inferred effective climate sensitivity (ECSinf) is
estimated using a method combining radiative forcing (RF) time series and
several series of observed ocean heat content (OHC) and near-surface
temperature change in a Bayesian framework using a simple energy balance
model and a stochastic model. The model is updated compared to our previous
analysis by using recent forcing estimates from IPCC, including OHC data for
the deep ocean, and extending the time series to 2014. In our main analysis,
the mean value of the estimated ECSinf is 2.0 °C, with a
median value of 1.9 °C and a 90 % credible interval (CI) of
1.2–3.1 °C. The mean estimate has recently been shown to be
consistent with the higher values for the equilibrium climate sensitivity
estimated by climate models. The transient climate response (TCR) is
estimated to have a mean value of 1.4 °C (90 % CI 0.9–2.0 °C), and in our main analysis the posterior aerosol effective
radiative forcing is similar to the range provided by the IPCC. We show a
strong sensitivity of the estimated ECSinf to the choice of a priori RF
time series, excluding pre-1950 data and the treatment of OHC data.
Sensitivity analysis performed by merging the upper (0–700 m) and the deep-ocean OHC or using only one OHC dataset (instead of four in the main
analysis) both give an enhancement of the mean ECSinf by about 50 %
from our best estimate
Merging the Isonitrile‐Tetrazine (4+1) cycloaddition and the Ugi four‐component reaction into a single multicomponent process
© 2023 The Authors. Angewandte Chemie International Edition published by Wiley-VCH GmbH. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Multicomponent reactions are of utmost importance at generating a unique, wide, and complex chemical space. Herein we describe a novel multicomponent approach based on the combination of the isonitrile-tetrazine (4+1) cycloaddition and the Ugi four-component reaction to generate pyrazole amide derivatives. The scope of the reaction as well as mechanistic insights governing the 4H-pyrazol-4-imine tautomerization are provided. This multicomponent process provides access to a new chemical space of pyrazole amide derivatives and offers a tool for peptide modification and stapling.This work was supported by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant (Agreement No. 101018454) from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. We thank the DFG (post-doctoral fellowship, grant no. 493006134, to A. V. V.), Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Ph.D. studentship 2022.09827.BD to A. L. D.) and MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (PID2021-125946OB-I00 to G. J. O. and CEX2021-001136-S to CIC bioGUNE).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Macrophage depletion blocks congenital SARM1-dependent neuropathy
Axon loss contributes to many common neurodegenerative disorders. In healthy axons, the axon survival factor NMNAT2 inhibits SARM1, the central executioner of programmed axon degeneration. We identified 2 rare NMNAT2 missense variants in 2 brothers afflicted with a progressive neuropathy syndrome. The polymorphisms resulted in amino acid substitutions V98M and R232Q, which reduced NMNAT2 NAD+-synthetase activity. We generated a mouse model to mirror the human syndrome and found that Nmnat2V98M/R232Q compound-heterozygous CRISPR mice survived to adulthood but developed progressive motor dysfunction, peripheral axon loss, and macrophage infiltration. These disease phenotypes were all SARM1-dependent. Remarkably, macrophage depletion therapy blocked and reversed neuropathic phenotypes in Nmnat2V98M/R232Q mice, identifying a SARM1-dependent neuroimmune mechanism as a key driver of disease pathogenesis. These findings demonstrate that SARM1 induced inflammatory neuropathy and highlight the potential of immune therapy as a treatment for this rare syndrome and other neurodegenerative conditions associated with NMNAT2 loss and SARM1 activation
Lessons from Early REDD+ Experiences in the Philippines
There is growing interest globally in REDD+ initiatives to help mitigate climate change; the Philippines is no exception. In this paper, we review early REDD+ project experiences in the country. The guiding document for REDD+ in the Philippines is the National REDD+ Strategy (PNRPS) which was prepared by a multisectoral group of authors. There are five REDD+ projects that are underway. The critical factors emerging from these early REDD+ actions are the following: external support, local participation, free prior and informed consent, capacity building, sustainability, national laws and policies, biodiversity conservation, and use of safeguards. The pioneering projects reviewed here as well as the emerging lessons from them will hopefully provide a firmer basis for future REDD+ actions in the country
Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster Lightweight Recovery System
The cancellation of the Advanced Solid Rocket Booster Project and the earth-to-orbit payload requirements for the Space Station dictated that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) look at performance enhancements from all Space Transportation System (STS) elements (Orbiter Project, Space Shuttle Main Engine Project, External Tank Project, Solid Rocket Motor Project, & Solid Rocket Booster Project). The manifest for launching of Space Station components indicated that an additional 12-13000 pound lift capability was required on 10 missions and 15-20,000 pound additional lift capability is required on two missions. Trade studies conducted by all STS elements indicate that by deleting the parachute Recovery System (and associated hardware) from the Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBS) and going to a lightweight External Tank (ET) the 20,000 pound additional lift capability can be realized for the two missions. The deletion of the parachute Recovery System means the loss of four SRBs and this option is two expensive (loss of reusable hardware) to be used on the other 10 Space Station missions. Accordingly, each STS element looked at potential methods of weight savings, increased performance, etc. As the SRB and ET projects are non-propulsive (i.e. does not have launch thrust elements) their only contribution to overall payload enhancement can be achieved by the saving of weight while maintaining adequate safety factors and margins. The enhancement factor for the SRB project is 1:10. That is for each 10 pounds saved on the two SRBS; approximately 1 additional pound of payload in the orbiter bay can be placed into orbit. The SRB project decided early that the SRB recovery system was a prime candidate for weight reduction as it was designed in the early 1970s and weight optimization had never been a primary criteria
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