3,276 research outputs found

    Fear of devaluation : understanding the experience of intersexed women with androgen insensitivity syndrome

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    Objectives: We aim to provide an understanding of the psychological sequela of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) in phenotypic females in order to begin to inform psychosocial health care services. Design: Eight adult women with AIS were recruited through United Kingdom-Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group (UK-AISSG). Data was collected via two semi-structured interviews with each woman. Methods: Transcripts were analysed using grounded theory and a conceptual model was developed which suggests a way of understanding the AIS DISTRESS experienced by our participants. Results: The pivotal concept is a woman’s FEAR OF DEVALUATION. This is connected to her level of ADAPTATION and perception of having a COMPROMISED WOMANHOOD. These, in turn, are related to her MEDICAL MANAGEMENT and involvement with others (SUPPORT GROUP and TALKING ABOUT AIS). Conclusions: Participants showed a clear preference for open communication about their condition and we recommend sensitive, pacing of information in order to allow young women and their family to make informed decisions about treatment and a realistic adaptation to life with AIS

    Surveyor lunar touchdown stability study Final report, Jul. 1965 - Jul. 1966

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    Dynamic analysis and computer simulation of Surveyor lunar landing stabilit

    Piezomorphic materials

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    The development of stress-induced morphing materials which are described as piezomorphic materials is reported. The development of a piezomorphic material is achieved by introducing spatial dependency into the compliance matrix describing the elastic response of a material capable of undergoing large strain deformation. In other words, it is necessary to produce an elastically gradient material. This is achieved through modification of the microstructure of the compliant material to display gradient topology. Examples of polymeric (polyurethane) foam and microporous polymer (expanded polytetrafluoroethylene) piezomorphic materials are presented here. These materials open up new morphing applications where dramatic shape changes can be triggered by mechanical stress

    Visualisation Tools for Multi-Perspective, Cross-Sector, Long-Term Infrastructure Performance Evaluation

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    Across different infrastructure sectors there are systems that help to monitor the current and near-future operation and performance of a particular system. Whilst Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are critical to maintaining acceptable levels of functionality, they do not provide insights over the longer timescales across which strategic investment decisions play out. To understand how individual or multiple, interdependent, infrastructure sectors perform over longer timescales, capacity/demand modelling is required. However, the outputs of such models are often a complex high-dimensionality result-set, and this complexity is further compounded when crosssector evaluation is required. To maximise utility of such models, tools are required that can process and present key outputs. In this paper we describe the development of prototype tools for infrastructure performance evaluation in relation to different strategic decisions and the complex outputs generated from capacity and demand models of five infrastructure sectors (energy, water, waste water, solid waste, transport) investigated within the UK Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortium (ITRC). By constructing tools that expose various dimensions of the model outputs, a user is able to take greater control over the knowledge discovery process

    Stability of a Giant Connected Component in a Complex Network

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    We analyze the stability of the network's giant connected component under impact of adverse events, which we model through the link percolation. Specifically, we quantify the extent to which the largest connected component of a network consists of the same nodes, regardless of the specific set of deactivated links. Our results are intuitive in the case of single-layered systems: the presence of large degree nodes in a single-layered network ensures both its robustness and stability. In contrast, we find that interdependent networks that are robust to adverse events have unstable connected components. Our results bring novel insights to the design of resilient network topologies and the reinforcement of existing networked systems

    Phonons in honeycomb and auxetic two-dimensional lattices

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    The modes of vibrations in honeycomb and auxetic structures are studied, with models in which the lattice is represented by a planar network where sites are connected by strings and rigid rods. The auxetic network is obtained modifying a model proposed by Evans et al. in 1991, and used to explain the negative Poisson's ratio of auxetic materials. This relevant property means that the materials have a lateral extension, instead to shrink, when they are stretched. For what concerns the acoustic properties of these structures, they absorb noise and vibrations more efficiently than non-auxetic equivalents. The acoustic and optical dispersions obtained in the case of the auxetic model are compared with the dispersions displayed by a conventional honeycomb network. It is possible to see that the phonon dispersions of the auxetic model possess a complete bandgap and that the Goldstone mode group velocity is strongly dependent on the direction of propagation. The presence of a complete bandgap can explain some experimental observations on the sound propagation properties of the auxetic materials.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Prenatal Screening and Genetics

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    Although the term 'genetic screening' has been used for decades, this paper discusses how, in its most precise meaning, genetic screening has not yet been widely introduced. 'Prenatal screening' is often confused with 'genetic screening'. As we show, these terms have different meanings, and we examine definitions of the relevant concepts in order to illustrate this point. The concepts are i) prenatal, ii) genetic screening, iii) screening, scanning and testing, iv) maternal and foetal tests, v) test techniques and vi) genetic conditions. So far, prenatal screening has little connection with precisely defined genetics. There are benefits but also disadvantages in overstating current links between them in the term genetic screening. Policy making and professional and public understandings about screening could be clarified if the distinct meanings of prenatal screening and genetic screening were more precisely observed

    Children's consent and the zone of parental discretion

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    This paper briefly reviews highlights from decades of debates in medicine, law, bioethics, psychology and social research about children’s and parents’ views and consent to medical treatment and research. There appears to have been a rise and later a fall in respect for children’s views, illustrated among many examples by a recent book on the zone of parental discretion, which is reviewed. A return to greater respect for children’s views and consent is advocated
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