1,687 research outputs found

    TAGGED an Agricultural Education Immersion Program

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    According to the 2014 National Association of Agricultural Educator’s (NAAE) National Teach Ag Campaign Report, a total of 96 agricultural teaching positions went unfilled across the nation. California is located in the region with the highest number of unfilled positions. 739 teachers left the profession nation-wide, testifying to the growing issue of retention in the field of Agricultural Education. In order to help further recruitment efforts for students to consider agricultural education as a profession, the findings of this research will support the need for an Agricultural Education Immersion Program. This project outlines a plan for an Agricultural Education Immersion Program that can be implemented during the summer for high school students entering their sophomore through senior year. This program will work in conjunction with the national and state Teach Ag Campaign efforts and with the NAAE STAR Program

    Stable and unstable attractors in Boolean networks

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    Boolean networks at the critical point have been a matter of debate for many years as, e.g., scaling of number of attractor with system size. Recently it was found that this number scales superpolynomially with system size, contrary to a common earlier expectation of sublinear scaling. We here point to the fact that these results are obtained using deterministic parallel update, where a large fraction of attractors in fact are an artifact of the updating scheme. This limits the significance of these results for biological systems where noise is omnipresent. We here take a fresh look at attractors in Boolean networks with the original motivation of simplified models for biological systems in mind. We test stability of attractors w.r.t. infinitesimal deviations from synchronous update and find that most attractors found under parallel update are artifacts arising from the synchronous clocking mode. The remaining fraction of attractors are stable against fluctuating response delays. For this subset of stable attractors we observe sublinear scaling of the number of attractors with system size.Comment: extended version, additional figur

    Phase transition in a class of non-linear random networks

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    We discuss the complex dynamics of a non-linear random networks model, as a function of the connectivity k between the elements of the network. We show that this class of networks exhibit an order-chaos phase transition for a critical connectivity k = 2. Also, we show that both, pairwise correlation and complexity measures are maximized in dynamically critical networks. These results are in good agreement with the previously reported studies on random Boolean networks and random threshold networks, and show once again that critical networks provide an optimal coordination of diverse behavior.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, revised versio

    El delito de aborto

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    Fil: Alvarez Aldana, Enrique A. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Cátedra Derecho Penal II. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaTemas de Derecho Penal I

    Entropy of complex relevant components of Boolean networks

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    Boolean network models of strongly connected modules are capable of capturing the high regulatory complexity of many biological gene regulatory circuits. We study numerically the previously introduced basin entropy, a parameter for the dynamical uncertainty or information storage capacity of a network as well as the average transient time in random relevant components as a function of their connectivity. We also demonstrate that basin entropy can be estimated from time-series data and is therefore also applicable to non-deterministic networks models.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Canalizing Kauffman networks: non-ergodicity and its effect on their critical behavior

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    Boolean Networks have been used to study numerous phenomena, including gene regulation, neural networks, social interactions, and biological evolution. Here, we propose a general method for determining the critical behavior of Boolean systems built from arbitrary ensembles of Boolean functions. In particular, we solve the critical condition for systems of units operating according to canalizing functions and present strong numerical evidence that our approach correctly predicts the phase transition from order to chaos in such systems.Comment: to be published in PR

    Kualitas Pelayanan Rekomendasi Penelitian Bagi Mahasiswa Strata Satu (S-1) di Badan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu (Bp2t) Provinsi Riau

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    Services provided by the Integrated Licensing Service Agency Riau Province to the applicant on the research must be in accordance with the general principles of public service so as to provide a quality service. Recommendations Research Services Licensing Service Agency Riau Province can be said of quality for Integrated Licensing Service Agency Riau Province has been providing services in accordance with the principle of service so as to get various public service achievements. The facilities provided by the Integrated Licensing Service Agency Riau Province adequate and have employees who have the ability to use the facilities available. Employees respond to any request for the public and can provide certainty of time in completing the application for the community. Then employees are always friendly and courteous in serving the community. The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality of services in the research recommendations Licensing Service Agency Riau Province and determine the factors that influence it. The results of this study indicate that the Integrated Licensing Service Agency Riau Province has a good quality service in serving the community and in accordance with the expectations and needs of the community. Starting from owned facilities are complete, the precision in serving the community, provide guarantees ketepan time in completing the work, expertise in using facilities owned, non-discriminatory, have a good response to the people who need help and serve the people in a friendly manner. Factors - factors that affect the quality of services in the research recommendations Licensing Service Agency Riau Province is infrastructure, human resources and leadership.Keywords: Quality of Service, Recommendation Research, Licensing Service Agency Riau Provinc

    Three-dimensional numerical simulation of 1GeV/Nucleon U92+ impact against atomic hydrogen

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    The impact of 1GeV/Nucleon U92+ projectiles against atomic hydrogen is studied by direct numerical resolution of the time-dependent wave equation for the atomic electron on a three-dimensional Cartesian lattice. We employ the fully relativistic expressions to describe the electromagnetic fields created by the incident ion. The wave equation for the atom interacting with the projectile is carefully derived from the time-dependent Dirac equation in order to retain all the relevant terms.Comment: 12 pages and 7 figures included in the tex

    Equivalence between an optomechanical system and a Kerr medium

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    We study the optical bistability of an optomechanical system in which the position of a mechanical oscillator modulates the cavity frequency. The steady-state mean-field equation of the optical mode is identical to the one for a Kerr medium, and thus we expect it to have the same characteristic behavior with a lower, a middle, and an upper branch. However, the presence of position fluctuations of the mechanical resonator leads to a new feature: the upper branch will become unstable at sufficiently strong driving in certain parameter regimes. We identify the appropriate parameter regime for the upper branch to be stable, and we confirm, by numerical investigation of the quantum steady state, that the mechanical mode indeed acts as a Kerr nonlinearity for the optical mode in the low-temperature limit. This equivalence of the optomechanical system and the Kerr medium will be important for future applications of cavity optomechanics in quantum nonlinear optics and quantum information science
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