202 research outputs found

    Heavy metals effects on life traits of juveniles of Procambarus clarkii

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    An incubation experiment of juvenile crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) following a three- level treatment design approach was performed to assess the effect of different heavy metal concentrations on their life history traits (lifespan, growth, moult and feeding activity). The aims were to: (1) address the response of the life traits; (2) check for the correlation between heavy metal concentrations in crayfish whole bodies with the ones of the experimental solutions; (3) analyse the variation of crayfish carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes signatures grown under these treatments. Treatments were: control or absence of pollutants (C); low level contamination (L) similar to those found in the water of the Guadiamar River (SW, Spain) one year after the Aznalcóllar mine accident, and high level contamination (H) maximum concentrations of metals measured in the water of the river after the spill. The study concludes that the H treatment produced lethal effects on juveniles of crayfish, whereas those undergoing the L treatment showed less marked effects. Crayfish’s juveniles grown in L treatment seemed able to regulate and manage this range of pollution while maintaining their biological traits. Juvenile’s capacity to bioaccumulate toxic substances also changes with the nature of the particular metals. The reduction in lifespan was mainly influenced by Cu, Zn and As. 13C of C and juveniles from L treatment had similar values but different from those individuals of H treatment, reflecting the isotopic signature of the food source used (liver), and were also influenced by the concentration of Cu and AsThis work was part of the PICOVER program financed by the “Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucía“ – Project title: Uso del cangrejo rojo americano (Procambarus clarkii) como especie centinela en el Corredor Verde del Guadiamar – Implicaciones de la especie en las redes tróficas – in 2002–200

    "La literatura en torno a las hijas de los Reyes Católicos": inicios de una tesis doctoral

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    The Infantas Isabel (1470-1498), Juana (1479-1555), Maria (1482-1517) and Catalina (1485-1536), Catholic Kings’ daughters, are women with an outstanding importance in the international politics arena developed by their parents. In contraposition to what happens to their brother the Crown Prince Juan, we still do not have a full monograph about their education, culture, sponsorship to arts and, above all, about all the written literature about them in court. The aim of the present thesis is collecting all these aspects. The joint of interdisciplinarity and connection between Philology and History are extremely important to know more of their political discourses, specially the literature derivated of their marriages such as the unknown latin poem called Epithalamium, written by Antonio de Nebrija for Infanta Isabel’s marriage with the Prince Alfonso of Portugal.Las infantas Isabel (1470-1498), Juana (1479-1555), María (1482-1517) y Catalina (1485-1536), hijas de los Reyes Católicos, son mujeres de una importancia excepcional en la política internacional llevada a cabo por sus padres. Al contrario que su hermano, el príncipe don Juan, aún carecemos de una monografía que explore en su educación y cultura, su mecenazgo en torno a las artes y, sobre todo, la literatura escrita para ellas en su entorno. El objetivo primordial de la tesis que aquí se presenta será reunir todos estos puntos. Para ello, la interdisciplinariedad y la combinación de filología e historia resultará fundamental en la construcción de discursos políticos en torno a estas mujeres, especialmente en lo relacionado con la literatura realizada con motivo de sus matrimonios, como por ejemplo el desconocido poema latino conocido como Epithalamium, escrito por Antonio de Nebrija con motivo de las bodas de la infanta Isabel y el príncipe Alfonso de Portugal

    Pérez Galdós y Gómez de la Serna: dos visiones literarias diferentes sobre el mito y la historia de Juana la Loca

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    El siguiente análisis pretende ahondar en el tratamiento literario del mito de Juana I de Castilla —conocida para la historia como «la Loca»— que ofrecen Santa Juana de Castilla de Benito Pérez Galdós (1918), y Doña Juana la Loca (y otras seis novelas superhistóricas) (1944), de Ramón Gómez de la Serna. Ambas obras se despojan de los conocidos tópicos sobre la locura y la pasión de la reina gracias a la originalidad y la libertad de ambos autores a la hora de enfrentarse con el personaje: Galdós prescinde de los manidos tópicos románticos anteriores para reflexionar acerca de la dignificación histórica, mientras que Gómez de la Serna añade a la supuesta locura de Juana su obsesión por la muerte, para quien imagina un nuevo final. Así, bajo el membrete de lo superhistórico, se recrea otra personalidad y otro destino para la reina, totalmente alejados de los hechos históricos.The following analysis aims to delve into the literary treatment of the myth of Joanna I of Castile —historically known as ‘the Mad’—offered by Benito Pérez Galdós’s Santa Juana de Castilla (1918), and Ramón Gómez de la Serna´s Doña Juana la Loca (y otras seis novelas superhistóricas) (1944). Both works are separated from the well-known topics about the queen´s madness and passion thanks to the liberty that both authors took and their originality when facing the character: Galdós ignores the aforementioned trite romantic topics to reflect on the historical dignification, while Gómez de la Serna added Joanna´s obsession with death to her supossed madness imagining a new ending for the queen. Thus, under the letterhead of ‘what is superhistorical’, another personality and another destiny for the queen are recreated, both being totally divorced from the historical facts

    Modeling the Population Dynamics of the Red Swamp Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in Doñana: Application to the Harvesting Strategies

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    The aim of this work is to propose an alternative management and control strategy of crayfishing Procambarus clarkii in the Doñana area. A simulation model was developed (Stella 8.0) to evaluate the effects of different fishing effort on crayfish populations during certain times of the year. Then different management options were simulated: Strategy 0: No fishing activity, Strategy 1: Obtaining the maximum yield of crayfish following the current fishing effort regulations, and Strategy 2: Obtaining the maximum yield of crayfish by restricting the fishing effort to the period of the greatest production. The model explained 73.68% of the variance in population biomass. A review and resetting of the crayfishing regulations in this area according to the periods proposed in Strategy 2, was recommended. This management proposal in the developed model was the one that ensures sustainable yields at the same time that preserves biodiversity by restricting the harvesting of crayfish to rice fields and channels from April to Septembe

    Un curioso speculum reginae para la joven Isabel : Criança y virtuosa dotrina de Pedro Gracia Dei (ca. 1486)

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    La Criança y virtuosa dotrina de Pedro Gracia Dei, incunable unicum de difícil adscripción genérica y compleja interpretación, destaca por ser la primera de las obras producidas en el entorno literario de Isabel, primogénita de los Reyes Católicos, circunscrita a su periodo de formación e instrucción como princesa en la corte castellana. Manual de cortesía o speculum reginae, el texto se inserta en un contexto educativo cortesano, al mismo tiempo que incluye la doctrina del servicio y costumbres tales como las justas e invenciones poéticas. El análisis del texto así como de su escurridizo autor, completará un panorama de estudio en cuanto a la actividad literaria en la época de los Reyes Católicos

    El concepto de organización escolar

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    Por la relación intrínseca que la organización escolar tiene con el hecho educativo, por una parte, y en cuanto que el hecho educativo es objeto de estudio de las Ciencias de la Educación, por otra, vamos a ir hacia la determinación del concepto de organización escolar considerando las relaciones que la organización escolar tiene con el hecho educativo y las que tiene con las Ciencias de la Educación