161 research outputs found

    Is the Feminist Critique of Reason Rational

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    Recent criticism of feminist philosophy poses a dilemma. Feminism is taken to be a substantive set of empirical claims and political commitments, whereas philosophy is taken to be a discipline of thought organized by the pursuit of truth, but uncommitted to any particular truth. This paper responds to this dilemma, and defends the project of feminist philosophy

    On Judging Epistemic Credibility: Is Social Identity Relevant?

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    On what basis should we make an epistemic assessment of another’s authority to impart knowledge? Is social identity a legitimate feature to take into account when assessing epistemic reliability? This paper argues that, in some cases, social identity is a relevant feature to take into account in assessing a person’s credibility

    Uma epistemologia para a próxima revolução

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    Este artigo discute a necessidade de desenvolvimento de uma epistemologia decolonial revolucionåria, identificando dois obståculos para a formulação de uma nova epistemologia: um relacionado à própria epistemologia e outro às discussÔes sobre identidade. Argumenta-se pela necessidade de um debate propositivo e reconstrutivo sobre a verdade, bem como de uma discussão reconstrutiva sobre como e por quem o conhecimento é produzido. Por outro lado, defende-se que as concepçÔes que asseveram que toda e qualquer reivindicação por identidade seja marcada por um excesso de essencialismo emergem também como obståculo. Em seu lugar, propÔem-se explicaçÔes mais fidedignas acerca da realidade que possam avaliar em que contexto os movimentos sociais baseados em identidades se tornam estreitos e conformistas e quando significam uma ampliação da participação política e da formação de coalizÔes

    We Need a Feminism For The 99%. That’s Why Women Will Strike this Year

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    Artículo original publicado en inglés en The Guardian el 27 de enero de 2018 (disponible en https:// www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jan/27/we-need-a-feminism-for-the-99-thats-whywomen-will-strike-this-year). Ofrecemos la traducción ofrecida por el periódico Latfem (disponible en http://latfem.org/necesitamos-un-feminismo-para-el-99-por-eso-las-mujeres-haremos-huelgaeste-ano/

    A new age of believing women? Judging rape narratives online

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    Book synopsis: This book critically examines the last few decades of discussion around sex and violence in the media, on social media, in the courtroom and through legislation. The discursive struggles over what constitutes "sexual violence", "victims" and "offenders" is normally determined through narratives: a selective ordering of events and participants. Centrally, the book investigates the social processes involved in the telling of stories of rape and its political implications. From a multidisciplinary feminist perspective, this volume explores what narratives about sexual violence are deemed legitimate at this historical juncture. This volume brings together feminist scholars working in a wide variety of disciplines including law, legal studies, history, gender studies, ethnology, media, criminology and social work from across the globe. Through situated empirical work, these scholars seek to understand currents movements between the criminal justice system and the cultural imagination

    White Habits, Anti‐Racism, and Philosophy as a Way of Life

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    This paper examines Pierre Hadot’s philosophy as a way of life in the context of race. I argue that a “way of life” approach to philosophy renders intelligible how anti-racist confrontation of racist ideas and institutionalized white complicity is a properly philosophical way of life requiring regulated reflection on habits – particularly, habits of whiteness. I first rehearse some of Hadot’s analysis of the “way of life” orientation in philosophy, in which philosophical wisdom is understood as cultivated by actions which result in the creation of wise habits. I analyze a phenomenological claim about the nature of habit implied by the “way of life” approach, namely, that habits can be both the cause and the effect of action. This point is central to the “way of life” philosophy, I claim, in that it makes possible the intelligent redirection of habits, in which wise habits are more the effect than simply the cause of action. Lastly, I illustrate the “way of life” approach in the context of anti-racism by turning to Linda Martín Alcoff’s whiteness anti-eliminativism, which outlines a morally defensible transformation of the habits of whiteness. I argue that anti-racism provides an intelligible context for modern day forms of what Hadot calls “spiritual exercises” insofar as the “way of life” philosophy is embodied in the practice of whites seeing themselves seeing as white and seeing themselves being seen as white

    Sounding Situated Knowledges - Echo in Archaeoacoustics

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    This article proposes that feminist epistemologies via Donna Haraway's “Situated Knowledges” can be productively brought to bear upon theories of sonic knowledge production, as “sounding situated knowledges.” Sounding situated knowledges re-reads debates around the “nature of sound” with a Harawayan notion of the “natureculture of sound.” This aims to disrupt a traditional subject-object relation which I argue has perpetuated a pervasive “sonic naturalism” in sound studies. The emerging field of archaeoacoustics (acoustic archaeology), which examines the role of sound in human behaviour in archaeology, is theorized as an opening with potentially profound consequences for sonic knowledge production which are not currently being realized. The echo is conceived as a material-semiotic articulation, which akin to Haraway's infamous cyborg, serves as a feminist figuration which enables this renegotiation. Archaeoacoustics research, read following Haraway both reflectively and diffractively, is understood as a critical juncture for sound studies which exposes the necessity of both embodiedness and situatedness for sonic knowledge production. Given the potential opened up by archaeoacoustics through the figure of echo, a critical renegotiation of the subject-object relation in sound studies is suggested as central in further developing theories of sonic knowledge production
