613 research outputs found

    Nazwy komitetów wyborczych – aspekty strukturalne i aksjologiczne

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    The subject of this paper will be a semantic and structural analysis of the names of electoral committees, and a reference to the axiological systems that are indirectly reflected by them. The names of electoral committees are obligatory elements of electoral activities, as well as being an interesting element of political marketing

    Generación de ficheros de input para la construcción y el mantenimiento de tesauros en BRS mediante un sistema de gestión de bases de datos en microordenador

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    A method is presented for batch creation and maintenance of BRS thesaurus files . The thesaurus elaborated contains 7.500 terms corresponding to world geography and is used to control input and retrieval from severa! bibliographic and audiovisual databases. The load file structure, as well as the delimitations of terminological rclationships, have been performed using a microcomputer database management system. Semantic scope of every term has been represented by alphanumeric classificatory codcs, equivalencc relationship being represented by equality of notation and jerarquic relationships by inclusion of generic codes in the more specific ones. Thc procedure is also applicable to associative relationships. Processing is based on the connection between two main term files, one containing all terrns in alphabetic arrangement and the other sorting preferred term by their endes. Two additional files contain non preferred and associatcd terms. As a result, not only the alphabetic and hierarchical displays. out a combination of hoth are obtaincd, suitable for a later loading of the file in BRS thesaurus module. Source programs are provided.Se presenta un procedimiento que ha permitido la creación en lote de un tesauro en el entorno BRS. Dicho tesauros comprende 7.500 términos correspondientes a la geografía mundial y controla bases de datos bibliográficas y audiovisuales de información de actualidad. La estructuración del fichero de carga y la delimitación de las relaciones terminológicas se han realizado empleando un sistema de gestión de base de datos en microordenador. El alcance semántico de los términos se ha representado mediante códigos clasificatorios alfanuméricos que permiten identificar las relaciones de equivalencia (igualdad de códigos) y jerárquicas (inclusión de los códigos más genéricos en los de los términos específicos). El procedimiento es igualmente aplicable al establecimiento de relaciones asociativas. Los programas, detallados a lo largo del trabajo, se basan en la relación de un fichero general en que los términos se ordenan alfabéticamente y otro en que los términos preferentes se disponen en orden jerárquico según sus códigos. Dos ficheros adicionales contienen los términos no preferentes y los asociados. Como resultado se obtienen tanto las ediciones alfabética y jerárquica simples como una combinación de ambas, apta para la carga posterior del fichero en el módulo tesauro de BRS u otros grandes sistemas

    Stereoacuity Improvement using Random-Dot Video Games

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    Conventional amblyopia therapy involves occlusion or penalization of the dominant eye, though these methods enhance stereoscopic visual acuity in fewer than 30% of cases. To improve these results, we propose a treatment in the form of a video game, using random-dot stimuli and perceptual learning techniques to stimulate stereoacuity. The protocol is defined for stereo-deficient patients between 7-14 years of age who have already received treatment for amblyopia and have a monocular best corrected distance visual acuity of at least 0.1 logMAR. Patients are required to complete a perceptual learning program at home using the video game. While compliance is stored automatically in the cloud, periodic optometry center visits are used to track patient evolution and adjust the game's stereoscopic demand until the smallest detectable disparity is achieved. The protocol has proved to be successful, and effectiveness is gauged in terms of a two-level gain on a random stereoacuity test (global stereoacuity or cyclopean stereoacuity reference test). Moreover, the random-dot stimuli learning transfers to medial lateral stereoscopic acuity according to a Wirt Circles test, in which success criteria is a final stereoacuity of over 140", and the attained enhancement corresponds to no less than two levels of stereoscopic acuity. Six months later, a random-dot stereoacuity test recorded no reduction in the stereoacuity that was achieved

    Macroinvertebrados bentónicos de dos lagos tropicales de alta montaña en el volcán Nevado de Toluca, en la región central de México

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    The benthic macroinvertebrates play an important role in the organic matter recycling and are sensitive indicators of human perturbation. Goals. The aim of this study was to recognize the spatial and temporal variation in taxonomic richness and density of the benthic macroinvertebrates of high mountain Lakes El Sol and La Luna, and their relationship with the environmental variables. Methods. Three deep stations (El Sol = 2 and La Luna = 1) and two in the littoral zone of El Sol (with and without vegetation) were selected. Results. We found eight taxa in El Sol: four oligochaetes (Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Tubifex tubifex, Lumbriculus variegatus and Nais pardalis), one bivalve (Pisidium casertanum), one hydrozoan (Hydra vulgaris) and two chironomids (Pagastia sp. and Tanytarsus sp.). Differently in La Luna there were just L. hoffmeisteri y Pagastia sp. The average density of the benthic macroinvertebrates was similar in the deep zone of both lakes (El Sol 5,526 ± 3,807 org m-2 y La Luna 7,955 ± 7,349 org m-2). The density in the shallow zone without vegetation was higher (38,249 ± 33.077 org m-2) than in the vegetated shallow zone (25.247 ± 18.997 org m-2). Conclusions. The temporal variation of macroinvertebrates density seems to be regulated by the temperature and pH, showing the lowest values when the temperature and pH are lower.Los macroinvertebrados bentónicos son importantes debido a su papel en la remineralización de la materia orgánica y como indicadores por ser sensibles a las perturbaciones derivadas de las actividades humanas. Objetivos. Analizar la distribución espacial y temporal de la riqueza taxonómica y la densidad de los macroinvertebrados bentónicos y su relación con algunas las variables ambientales en dos lagos tropicales de alta montaña localizados en el volcán Nevado de Toluca, en el centro de México. Métodos. Se seleccionaron dos estaciones profundas y dos someras (con y sin vegetación) para el lago de El Sol y una estación profunda para La Luna. Resultados. En El Sol se identificaron cuatro especies de oligoquetos (Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Tubifex tubifex, Lumbriculus variegatus y Nais pardalis), un bivalvo (Pisidium casertanum), un hidrozoario (Hydra vulgaris) y dos quironómidos (Pagastia sp. y Tanytarsus sp.). En La Luna solo se encontró a L. hoffmeisteri y Pagastia sp. Las densidades promedio de los macroinvertebrados bentónicos en la zona profunda de ambos lagos fueron similares (El Sol 5,526 ± 3,807 org m-2 y La Luna 7,955 ± 7,349 org m-2). La densidad en la zona somera sin vegetación en El Sol fue de 38,249 ± 33,077 org m-2, mientras que en la estación con vegetación la densidad fue de 25,247 ± 18,997 org m-2. Conclusiones. La variación temporal de la densidad de los macroinvertebrados parece estar regulada por la temperatura y el pH, presentándose los menores valores cuando la temperatura y el pH son más bajos

    Acoplamiento pelágico-bentónico: respuesta de la zona bentónica profunda a la sedimentación del florecimiento invernal de diatomeas en el lago oligotrófico Alchichica, Puebla, México

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    The aim of this study is to recognize the existence of a pelagic-benthic coupling in the oligotrophic, tropical Lake Alchichica through analysis of the response of the deep benthic zone to the winter diatom bloom deposition. The water column phytoplankton biomass and the sedimentary chlorophyll a were analyzed along an annual cycle. Alchichica is a warm monomictic lake circulating in winter and stratified over the rest of the year. The presence of turbulence and nutrient availability during the mixing period, favor the development of a diatom bloom composed by large species (e. g., Cyclotella alchichicana) which are not totally consumed and settle down. The deep benthic zone responds to the sinking of the winter diatom bloom with the prompt development and permanence for an extended period- of hypolimnetic anoxia, which in turns prevents the establishment and development of the benthic fauna in Lake Alchichica, and favors the internal loss of nitrogen through denitrification, and accordingly, promotes nitrogen to be the limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growth.El objetivo del presente estudio es reconocer la existencia de un acoplamiento pelágico-bentónico en el lago oligotrófico tropical Alchichica evaluando la respuesta de la zona bentónica profunda a la sedimentación del florecimiento invernal de diatomeas. Se midió la biomasa fitoplanctónica en la columna de agua a lo largo de un ciclo anual, al igual que la concentración de clorofila a sedimentaria. Alchichica es un lago monomíctico cálido con un periodo de circulación invernal y estratificación el resto del año. La presencia de turbulencia y nutrimentos durante el periodo de circulación favorecen el desarrollo de un florecimiento de diatomeas compuesto por especies de talla grande (p. e., Cyclotella alchichicana), las cuales se sedimentan al no ser consumidas en su totalidad. La zona bentónica profunda del lago responde a la sedimentación del florecimiento invernal de diatomeas con el desarrollo y permanencia por un periodo prolongado de anoxia hipolimnética, lo que a su vez, impide el establecimiento y desarrollo de fauna bentónica en el Lago Alchichica, favorece la pérdida interna de nitrógeno por desnitrificación y consecuentemente, conlleva a que el nitrógeno sea el elemento que más frecuentemente límite el crecimiento fitoplanctónico

    Development of a comprehensive protein microarray for immunoglobulin E profiling in horses with severe asthma

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    Background: Severe asthma in horses, known as severe equine asthma (SEA), is a prevalent, performance-limiting disease associated with increased allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) against a range of environmental aeroallergens. Objective: To develop a protein microarray platform to profile IgE against a range of proven and novel environmental proteins in SEA-affected horses. Animals: Six SEA-affected and 6 clinically healthy Warmblood performance horses. Methods: Developed a protein microarray (n = 384) using protein extracts and purified proteins from a large number of families including pollen, bacteria, fungi, and arthropods associated with the horses, environment. Conditions were optimized and assessed for printing, incubation, immunolabeling, biological fluid source, concentration techniques, reproducibility, and specificity. Results: This method identified a number of novel allergens, while also identifying an association between SEA and pollen sensitization. Immunolabeling methods confirmed the accuracy of a commercially available mouse anti-horse IgE 3H10 source (R2 = 0.91). Biological fluid source evaluation indicated that sera and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) yielded the same specific IgE profile (average R2 = 0.75). Amicon centrifugal filters were found to be the most efficient technique for concentrating BALF for IgE analysis at 40-fold. Overnight incubation maintained the same sensitization profile while increasing sensitivity. Reproducibility was demonstrated (R2 = 0.97), as was specificity using protein inhibition assays. Arthropods, fungi, and pollens showed the greatest discrimination for SEA. Conclusions and clinical importance: We have established that protein microarrays can be used for large-scale IgE mapping of allergens associated with the environment of horses. This technology provides a sound platform for specific diagnosis, management, and treatment of SEA

    Reduced VIP Expression Affects Circadian Clock Function in VIP-IRES-CRE Mice (JAX 010908)

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    Circadian rhythms are programmed by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which relies on neuropeptide signaling to maintain daily timekeeping. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) is critical for SCN function, but the precise role of VIP neurons in SCN circuits is not fully established. To interrogate their contribution to SCN circuits, VIP neurons can be manipulated specifically using the DNA-editing enzyme Cre recombinase. Although the Cre transgene is assumed to be inert by itself, we find that VIP expression is reduced in both heterozygous and homozygous adult VIP-IRES-Cre mice (JAX 010908). Compared with wild-type mice, homozygous VIP-Cre mice display faster reentrainment and shorter free-running period but do not become arrhythmic in constant darkness. Consistent with this phenotype, homozygous VIP-Cre mice display intact SCN PER2::LUC rhythms, albeit with altered period and network organization. We present evidence that the ability to sustain molecular rhythms in the VIP-Cre SCN is not due to residual VIP signaling; rather, arginine vasopressin signaling helps to sustain SCN function at both intracellular and intercellular levels in this model. This work establishes that the VIP-IRES-Cre transgene interferes with VIP expression but that loss of VIP can be mitigated by other neuropeptide signals to help sustain SCN function. Our findings have implications for studies employing this transgenic model and provide novel insight into neuropeptide signals that sustain daily timekeeping in the master clock