44 research outputs found

    Qualidade pós-colheita de banana 'Maçã' tratada com ácido giberélico avaliada por redes neurais artificiais

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of gibberellic acid doses on the extent of banana 'Maçã' postharvest life and the applicability of the use of artificial neural networks. A completely randomized design was carried out in a split-plot arrangement, with five doses of GA3 in the plots and evaluation times in the subplots, with four replicates, with a three‑fruit bunch by sample unit. Fruit were harvested with totally green peel and were immersed for 10 min, at room temperature, in the following treatments: 0 (control), 25, 50, 75, and 100 mg L‑1 GA3. The bunches were stored in a cold chamber (20±1°C, with 91% air relative humidity). Artificial neural networks are effective, providing estimates of the coefficient of determination higher than those obtained by multiple linear regression models. After 19 days of storage, the dose of 100 mg L‑1 GA3 is more favorable to banana 'Maçã' postharvest conservation, in all the evaluated traits during storage.Resumo - O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de doses de ácido giberélico (GA3) sobre a extensão da vida pós‑colheita em banana 'Maçã' e a aplicabilidade de uso de redes neurais artificiais. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo de parcelas subdivididas, com cinco doses de GA3, nas parcelas, e tempos de avaliação, nas subparcelas, e quatro repetições, com um buquê de três frutos por unidade amostral. Os frutos, colhidos com a casca totalmente verde, foram imersos por 10 min, à temperatura ambiente, nos seguintes tratamentos: 0 (controle), 25, 50, 75 e 100 mg L‑1 de GA3. Os buquês foram armazenados em câmara de refrigeração (20±1ºC, com 91% de umidade relativa do ar). As redes neurais artificiais são eficientes, proporcionando estimativas do coeficiente de determinação maiores às obtidas por modelos de regressão linear múltipla. Após 19 dias de armazenamento, a dose de 100 mg L‑1 de GA3 é mais favorável à conservação pós‑colheita de banana 'Maçã', em todas as características avaliadas ao longo do armazenamento.

    Longitudinal data assessment of global stability index in kale leaves

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    Kale plants are usually sold “in natura” in street markets and malls. Kale leaves can have their appearance compromised by dehydration and discoloration due to increased post-harvest time exposure. We aimed to analyze the Global Stability Index (GSI) in kale accessions by means of repeated measurement analysis and curve grouping as a complementary form of superior sample identification with regard to post-harvest preservation. Thirty kale accessions were evaluated using a randomized block design with four blocks and five plants per plot. Two commercial leaves per plant were collected, and kept on workbenches in the shade at a temperature of 18 ± 1 °C. Subsequently, the degrees of discoloration and dehydration, total chlorophyll content, and accumulated fresh mass loss were evaluated over a 15-day period. From these data, the GSI was calculated for each day of evaluation. In addition, using mixed models, thirteen co-variance structures were tested. For graphical analysis, thirteen linear and non-linear models were assessed followed by curve grouping using multivariate analysis. The GSI was efficient for differentiating accessions, which became an important tool in post-harvest studies. GSI values were not equally correlated, therefore the use of mixed models became an important approach. The unstructured matrix was the best fit to model the dependence of error. The Melow I model was the best fit for studying the GSI. The accessions UFVJM-10, UFLA-1, COM-1, UFVJM-32, COM-3, UFVJM-8, UFVJM-36 and UFVJM-24, belonging to 3 and 5 clusters, are recommended for crop cultivation and as parental material in breeding programs

    Coeficiente de repetibilidade para a determinação do número ótimo de colheitas para seleção de abobrinha-italiana

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    The objective of this work was to estimate the optimal number of harvests for the reliable selection of zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) hybrids through the repeatability coefficient. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks with 33 treatments (31 experimental hybrids and 2 commercial ones) and four replicates, with six plants per plot. Fifteen harvests were carried out. Seven morphoagronomic fruit characteristics were evaluated, and repeatability coefficients were estimated using four statistical methods. The repeatability coefficients ranged from low to moderate, regardless of the studied characteristic. For a high-precision selection (R2≥90%), a high number of evaluated harvests was required, especially for traits related to fruit yield, as follows: 30 to 54 harvests for selection based on total yield; and 43 to 83 harvests for commercial yield, which varied according to the statistical estimation method. The principal component analysis based on the covariance matrix required the least number of harvests for a satisfactory selection precision. Fifteen harvests are sufficient for a satisfactory selection of all evaluated characteristics, with a precision above 70%.O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar o número ótimo de colheitas para a seleção confiável de híbridos de abobrinha-italiana (Cucurbita pepo) por meio do coeficiente de repetibilidade. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com 33 tratamentos (31 híbridos experimentais e 2 comerciais) e quatro repetições, com seis plantas por parcela. Realizaram-se 15 colheitas. Sete características morfoagronômicas dos frutos foram avaliadas, e os coeficientes de repetibilidade foram estimados por meio de quatro métodos estatísticos. Os coeficientes de repetibilidade variaram de baixos a moderados, independentemente da característica estudada. Para uma seleção de alta precisão (R2≥90%), um elevado número de colheitas avaliadas foi necessário, especialmente para as características relacionadas à produtividade de frutos, conforme a seguir: 30 a 54 colheitas para a seleção baseada na produtividade total; e 43 a 83 colheitas para a produtividade comercial, que variou conforme o método estatístico de estimação. A análise de componentes principais baseada na matriz de covariância demandou a menor quantidade de colheitas para uma precisão satisfatória da seleção. São suficientes 15 colheitas para a seleção satisfatória de todas as características avaliadas, com precisão superior a 70%

    Mapas auto-organizáveis de Kohonen no estudo da dissimilaridade genética entre cultivares e genótipos de soja

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic dissimilarity between soybean cultivars and genotypes for the selection of parents, as well as to propose a new method for using Kohonen’s self-organizing maps (SOMs) and to test its efficiency through Anderson’s discriminant analysis. The morphoagronomic descriptors of soybean cultivars and genotypes were evaluated. For data analysis, SOM-type artificial neural networks were used. The proposed method allowed the determination of the best network architecture in a nonsubjective way. Furthermore, at the beginning of training, it was possible to mitigate the randomness effect of the synaptic weights on the formed clusters. Six dissimilar clusters were formed; therefore, there is genetic dissimilarity between soybean cultivars and genotypes. Cultivars C25, C8, and C13 can be combined with C36, C31, C32, and C33 because they show good yield-related attributes and high dissimilarity. The proposed methodology is advantageous in comparison with the use of traditional SOMs, besides being efficient due to clustering consistency according to Anderson’s discriminant analysis.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a dissimilaridade genética entre cultivares e genótipos de soja para a seleção de genitores, bem como propor um novo método para a utilização de mapas auto-organizáveis de Kohonen (SOMs) e testar sua eficiência por meio da análise discriminante de Anderson. Foram avaliados os descritores morfoagronômicos de cultivares e genótipos de soja. Para análise dos dados, utilizaram-se redes neurais artificiais do tipo SOM. O método proposto permitiu a determinação da melhor arquitetura de rede de forma não subjetiva. Além disso, no início do treinamento, foi possível mitigar o efeito da aleatoriedade dos pesos sinápticos sobre os grupos formados. Foram formados seis grupos dissimilares; portanto, há dissimilaridade genética entre cultivares e genótipos de soja. As cultivares C25, C8 e C13 podem ser combinadas com as C36, C31, C32 e C33, por apresentarem bons atributos de produtividade e alta dissimilaridade. A metodologia proposta é vantajosa em comparação ao uso de SOMs tradicionais e se mostrou eficiente devido à consistência dos agrupamentos de acordo com a análise discriminante de Anderson


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    Não há na literatura trabalhos que avaliem descritores importantes em batata-doce individualmente em ramas, raízes e em toda a planta (raízes + ramas). Esta informação detalhada é importante, pois permite a seleção dos melhores genótipos considerando a planta (raízes + ramas), tendo em vista as diferentes formas de utilização: consumo humano, animal, indústria e produção de etanol. Portanto, objetivou-se avaliar o potencial produtivo de matéria fresca, matéria seca, amido e proteína bruta em raízes, ramas e planta (ramas + raízes) de batata-doce, a fim de se identificar os genótipos superiores.  Para isso, foram avaliados 40 acessos de batata-doce do banco de germoplasma da UFVJM. A produção total da batata-doce (raízes + ramas) foi alta, o que aliado a sua rusticidade e múltiplos fins realça seu grande potencial e importância. Houve grande variabilidade genética entre os acessos. Os acessos Tomba Carro 1, UFVJM (01, 28 e 40) são os mais recomendados devido as maiores produtividades de  raízes, ramas e proteína bruta, sendo adequados à alimentação humana e animal. Os acessos Palmas e UFVJM (01, 04, 05, 07 e 53) podem ter maior potencial para a produção de etanol devido à maior produtividade de amido

    Combining deep learning and X-ray imaging technology to assess tomato seed quality

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    ABSTRACT Traditional germination tests which assess seed quality are costly and time-consuming, mainly when performed on a large scale. In this study, we assessed the efficiency of X-ray imaging analyses in predicting the physiological quality of tomato seeds. A convolutional neural network (CNN) called mask region convolutional neural network (MaskRCNN) was also tested for its precision in adequately classifying tomato seeds into four seed quality categories. For this purpose, X-ray images were taken of seeds of 49 tomato genotypes (46 Solanum pennellii introgression lines) from two different growing seasons. Four replicates of 25 seeds for each genotype were analyzed. These seeds were further assessed for germination and seedling vigor-related traits in two independent trials. Correlation analysis revealed significant linear association between germination and image-based variables. Most genotypes differed in terms of germination and seed development performance considering the two independent trials, except LA 4046, LA 4043, and LA4047, which showed similar behavior. Our findings point out that seeds with low opacity and percentage of damaged seed tissue and high values for living tissue opacity have greater physiological quality. In short, our work confirms the reliability of X-ray imaging and deep learning methodologies in predicting the physiological quality of tomato seeds

    Lógica difusa aplicada a diferentes métodos de adaptabilidade e estabilidade no feijoeiro-comum

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of the methods of Eberhart & Russell and Lin & Binns, modified for the automation of decision-making by fuzzy logic, in assessing the adaptability and stability of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivars. Eighteen cultivars of the “carioca” commercial group were evaluated in 11 environments, in Brazil. All results were obtained by programming in the R software. The developed controllers were based on the fuzzy inference system developed by Mamdani. This system was modeled to enable interpretations of the method of Eberhart & Russell alone or together with the modified method of Lin & Binns. The controller based on Eberhart & Russell and the one based on Eberhart & Russell and Lin & Binns identified the same cultivars as having general adaptability, but differed as to the classification of cultivars adapted to unfavorable environments. The BRSMG Pioneiro, BRS Pontal, IAC-Carioca Tybatã, and IPR Juriti cultivars presented general adaptability, whereas Campeão, Pérola, and BRS Estilo showed specific adaptability to favorable environments. The fuzzy logic methods used are efficient and allow the classification of all evaluated cultivars.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência dos métodos de Eberhart & Russell e Lin & Binns, modificados para automação da tomada de decisão pela lógica difusa, na avaliação da adaptabilidade e da estabilidade de cultivares de feijoeiro-comum (Phaseolus vulgaris). Foram avaliadas 18 cultivares do grupo comercial carioca em 11 ambientes, no Brasil. Todos os resultados foram obtidos por programação no programa R. Os controladores desenvolvidos foram fundamentados no sistema de inferência difusa desenvolvido por Mamdani. Este sistema foi modelado para possibilitar interpretações do método de Eberhart & Russell isoladamente ou em conjunto com o método de Lin & Binns modificado. O controlador baseado em Eberhart & Russell e o baseado em Eberhart & Russell e Lin & Binns identificaram as mesmas cultivares como tendo adaptabilidade geral, mas diferiram quanto à classificação das cultivares adaptadas a ambientes desfavoráveis. As cultivares BRSMG Pioneiro, BRS Pontal, IAC-Carioca Tybatã e IPR Juriti apresentaram adaptabilidade geral, enquanto Campeão, Pérola e BRS Estilo mostraram adaptabilidade específica a ambientes favoráveis. Os métodos de lógica difusa utilizados mostram eficiência e possibilitam a classificação de todas as cultivares avaliadas

    Technologies for reducing water consumption by pineapples in the semi-arid region

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    ABSTRACT: In irrigated systems, the adoption of management methods like soil cover, polymers which absorb the water present in the soil and the utilization of shading screens can decrease the water consumption by the plants. This is achieved as these means protect the plant and soil against radiation and wavelengths of light undesirable for cultivation. However, for pineapple cultivation in the semi-arid climate regions, very little study has been done regarding these technologies. Hence, the present study conducted to assess the pineapple growth, production and quality when various kinds of soil cover, red shading screen and water absorption polymers are employed. To accomplish this, a field trial was performed utilizing four types of soil cover in the plots (plastic mulching; organic matter; organic matter + red shading screen 50%; plastic mulching + red shading screen 50% and the control (no cover).Two treatments were included in the subplots namely, either the absence or presence of a water-absorbing polymer in the planting hole (0.5 g per plant), arranged in subdivided plots. We adopted the Randomized Complete Block (RCB) , with three replications. The following aspects of the plants were studied: naturally flowering, stem diameter; leaf area index; D-leaf area and total leaf area; fruit weight with crown; fruit weight without crown; fruit length with crown; and fruit length without crown, as well as the traits of the post-harvest fruit, soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH and the soluble solids/titratable acidity ratio. Further, the productivity in t ha-1 and efficiency of water use (EUA) were ascertained. It was evident that the plastic mulching + 50% red shading screen favored the vegetative development and productivity of the ‘IAC Fantástico’ pineapple plants. The characteristics of the quality of the postharvest fruit were unaffected by the treatments. The shading screen reduced the percentages of natural flowering in the treatments which included organic matter + red shading screen 50% and plastic mulching + red shading screen 50%

    Genotypic correlation and path analysis of kale half‑sib progenies

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio de correlação genotípica e análise de trilha, as associações entre características em famílias de meios‑irmãos de couve e os possíveis efeitos da seleção truncada. Foram avaliadas 13 características em 24 famílias de meios‑irmãos de couve. Realizaram-se quatro análises de trilha, tendo-se considerado as seguintes variáveis básicas: altura de planta, número de brotações, número de folhas por planta e diâmetro do caule. Cada análise considerou 12 características como variáveis explicativas. Constataram-se as maiores estimativas de correlação entre as seguintes características: comprimento e largura do pecíolo; número de folhas; massa de matéria fresca de folhas; e comprimento e largura de folhas. A seleção quanto ao menor número de brotações ocasiona a redução do comprimento do pecíolo; quanto ao maior número de folhas, proporciona aumento da produção de massa de matéria fresca de folhas e redução da massa de matéria fresca por folha; e, quanto ao maior diâmetro do caule, ocasiona o aumento da produção de massa de folhas frescas. A seleção truncada quanto à altura de plantas não ocasiona alterações expressivas às demais características avaliadas.The objective of this work was to evaluate the associations between traits in half‑sib families of kale, through genotypic correlation and path analysis, and possible effects of truncated selection. Thirteen traits were evaluated in 24 half‑sib families of kale. Four path analysis were carried out, considering the following basic variables: plant height, number of shoots, number of leaves per plant, and stem diameter. Each analysis included 12 traits as explicative variables. The highest estimates of correlation were found between the following traits: length and width of petioles; number of leaves; leaf fresh weight; and length and width of the leaves. The selection for the smallest number of shoots leads to a reduction of petiole length; for the highest number of leaves, selection provides the increase of leaf fresh weight and the reduction of fresh weight per leaf; and, for the largest stem diameter, selection causes the production increase of fresh leaf weight. The truncated selection for plant height does not cause significant changes in the other evaluated traits

    Agronomic performance and genetic variability in kale genotypes

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho agronômico de acessos de couve e estimar os parâmetros genéticos e a correlação entre características de interesse para o melhoramento. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com 30 genótipos de couve, entre os quais, três cultivares comerciais, de diferentes empresas. Foram utilizadas quatro repetições, com cinco indivíduos por parcela. Verificou-se variabilidade genética entre os genótipos, com predominância dos efeitos genéticos sobre os ambientais, o que indica a possibilidade de se obterem ganhos genéticos representativos com o melhoramento. As características importantes para o melhoramento da espécie foram: comprimento e largura de folha, diâmetro de pecíolo, área foliar, altura de planta, número de brotações e massa de folhas secas. Os genótipos comerciais apresentaram menor área foliar, massa de matéria seca de folhas, altura de planta, comprimento e largura de folha, comprimento de pecíolo, e número de brotações e de folhas comerciais.The objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic performance of kale genotypes and to estimate the genetic parameters and the correlation between traits of interest for breeding. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design, with 30 kale genotypes, with three commercial cultivars, from three different companies. It was used four replicates, with five individuals per plot. Variability was significant among genotypes, with predominance of genetic effects over environmental ones, indicating the possibility of obtaining expressive genetic gains in breeding. The most important traits for breeding purposes were: leaf length and width, stem diameter, leaf area, plant height, number of shoots, and leaf dry weight. Commercial genotypes showed smaller leaf area, dry leaf mass, plant height, leaf length and width, petiole length, and number of sprouts and commercial leaves