333 research outputs found

    l'Evolució de la masia

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    La cal: una visión biocultural

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    El uso de la cal a través de las épocas y en distintas culturas.Peer Reviewe

    Multidimensional Poverty in Seychelles

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    The typically used multidimensional poverty indicators in the literature do not appear to be relevant for middle-income countries like Seychelles and can yield unrealistic estimates of poverty. In particular, the deprivations typically considered in such measures little occurs in middle-income economies. In this paper, we propose a new approach to measuring multidimensional poverty in Seychelles based on a mix of objective and subjective information about households living conditions, and on how these households view their spending priorities. The empirical results based on our new approach show that a small but non-negligible minority of Seychellois can be considered as multidimensionally poor, mostly as not being able to satisfy their shelter and food basic needs. Finally, the Seychelles social aid programs run by the Agency for Social Protection is poorly targeted whether evaluated in terms of multidimensional poverty or in terms of one-dimensional monetary poverty

    La problématique des lésions professionnelles chez les techniciens de laboratoire

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    Résumé: Le travail du technicien de laboratoire comporte des risques multiples pour la santé. La loi prévoit la formation de comités de santé et de sécurité dans les milieux de travail , mais ne l'oblige que dans certains secteurs de l'économie. Les méthodes de prévention sont donc déficientes. Malgré tout, les réclamations pour lésions professionnelles ne sont pas fréquentes. Les raisons de ce mutisme sont variées. Cela dit, de nombreux accidents et maladies professionnelles ne sont jamais signalés. Une application plus efficace de la Loi sur la prévention devrait sensibiliser les techniciens aux risques particuliers de leur milieu de travail. En cas de réclamation, il y a des embûches qui les attendent à toutes les étapes de la préparation du dossier. Il leur faut en être conscient quand l'indemnisation finalement dépend de la façon dont le dossier est préparé et présenté.||Abstract: The work of the Laboratory technician contains many health risks. The Law sets out for the facultative formation of health and safety committees at the workplace . There are several reasons for the oversight. Although claims for professional injuries do not occur frequently , preventive measures are laconic, to say the least. A more vigorous application of the Law on prevention should sensitive the technicians as the specific risks that they are being exposed to on the work sight. lnterestingly enough, numerous accidents and work-related illness are never reported . When there is a claim , many obstacles await them at every step of the file 's progression. The must be aware that successful indemnisation depends on the presentation of the file and the way it is handled from its outset

    Contribuições para Política Municipal de Atenção à Saúde da população adulta em situação de privação de liberdade do município de Belo Horizonte - MG

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    A atenção à saúde da população privada de liberdade é um desafio para o poder público. A partir de 2003, com a Portaria Interministerial 1777, que estabeleceu o Plano Nacional de Atenção à Saúde no Sistema Prisional, essa temática ganhou maior destaque nas ações e programações das políticas de saúde. Belo Horizonte iniciou em 2003 o acompanhamento da população nas unidades prisionais localizadas no município, constituindo uma equipe de saúde especial com formato de equipe de saúde da família. Assim, este estudo objetivou fazer uma revisão da legislação nacional acerca da atenção à saúde da população em situação de privação de liberdade, refletindo sobre a assistência oferecida na cidade de Belo Horizonte e os aspectos dificultadores dessa assistência, objetivando contribuir para a estruturação de uma política municipal abrangente, capaz de ofertar serviços existentes em toda a rede, de forma equitativa e com responsabilização do poder público. Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica acerca da legislação nacional aplicada à assistência a saúde da população prisional. Foram destacadas as principais linhas de ação do Plano Nacional de Atenção à Saúde no Sistema Prisional e levantadas dificuldades na organização da atenção à saúde e integração com a rede municipal de saúde de Belo Horizonte, muito em decorrência da não existência de uma política municipal que defina fluxos e responsabilidades para a rede de saúde da cidade. O processo de qualificação da atenção à saúde da população prisional de Belo Horizonte passa pela necessidade de ampliação do número de equipes de saúde, responsabilização das unidades de saúde que possuem centros prisionais em sua área de abrangência e aumento da descentralização das ações para o município

    Have No FEAR: Developing a Field Experience Assessment Rubric that Really Works!

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    This presentation summarized the efforts of teacher education faculty collaborating to create a unified field experience tool for candidates seeking initial teaching licensure. The tool was configured to accurately assess and track progress of teacher candidates in their various field placements throughout their program

    Normativa y arquitectura tradicional

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    Los conceptos de popular, tradicional, vernáculo aplicados a la arquitectura no conforman en realidad una categoría específica, sino que son imprecisas valoraciones que, a la hora de la verdad, son difíciles de formalizar en los planes de protección y actuación urbanística. Por otra parte, esta arquitectura está sometida en nuestros días a unas circunstancias que inciden gravemente sobre ella: una jerarquía de rangos como reconocimiento patrimonial respecto a la arquitectura monumentalista que condiciona en la práctica su preservación al papel que desempeña como contextualizadora de aquella; su condición de patrimonio en uso que supone un constante conflicto para su preservación con los intereses de sus moradores; o bien, en sentido contrario, la pérdida de funcionalidad (tecnoeconómica, pero también habitacional) de buena parte de esta arquitectura, que hace muy difícil su preservación

    Using International Videoconferencing to Extend the Global Reach of Community Health Nursing Education

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    Travel abroad provides college students with a unique learning experience. When plans to take undergraduate community health nursing students from the United States to Haiti were cancelled due to health and safety concerns, faculty piloted international videoconferencing with a nursing program in Haiti as an alternative. During this semester‐long course, students in both countries assessed a local community using the Community as Partner framework and compared findings during videoconferences with their international peers. Despite communication challenges such as language barriers and limited internet access in Haiti, evaluative data suggests that all students valued learning with their nursing student peers in another country. For future international videoconferencing endeavors, especially with under‐resourced communities, we provide recommendations in the following categories: 1) Building relationships with a partner school, 2) Technology, 3) Pedagogy, and 4) Facilitating interactions between students.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133614/1/phn12272_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133614/2/phn12272.pd

    Trump's Bait and Switch: Job Creation in the Midst of Welfare State Sabotage

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    President Trump's faux populism may deliver some immediate short-term benefits to the economy, masking the devastating long-term effects from his overall policy strategy. The latter can be termed "welfare state sabotage" and is a wholesale assault on essential public sector institutions and macroeconomic stabilization features that were built during the New Deal era and ushered in the "golden age" of the American economy. Starting in the late '70s, many of these institutions were significantly eroded by Republicans and Democrats alike, paving the way for the rise of Trump but paling in comparison with what is to come