46 research outputs found

    Traducción inversa español-japonés : análisis, proceso y dificultades de la traducción al japonés del cuento popular «La Lechera»

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    L'objectiu d'aquest treball és analitzar el procés, dificultats i la traducció del conte infantil «La lletera» al japonès. Al llarg de tot el treball es veurà el procés previ a la traducció, és a dir, l'anàlisi del text original y del lector meta, recerca de textos paral·lels, així com l'explicació raonada a la solució donada a tots els problemes de traducció trobats al text. Tanmateix, es farà una reflexió sobre el procés de traducció inversa castellà-japonès.El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el proceso, las dificultades y la traducción del cuento infantil de «La Lechera» al japonés. A lo largo del trabajo se verá tanto el proceso previo a la traducción, es decir análisis del texto original y del lector meta, búsqueda de textos paralelos como la explicación razonada a la solución de todos los problemas de traducción encontrados en el texto. Así como una reflexión sobre el proceso de traducción inversa castellano-japonés.The purpose of this final degree project is to translate the traditional children tale «The milkmaid and the pail» into Japanese and to analyze the process and the difficulties. Throughout the project, things as the previous process to translation which includes the analysis of the original text and the intended reader either the search of parallel texts will be explained. Furthermore, how translation problems were solved and thoughts about inverse translation are illustrated

    Update on Genes Associated with Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy

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    Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy is a rare genetic entity characterized by progressive fibro-fatty replacement of myocardium leading to malignant arrhythmias, syncope, and sudden cardiac death. Mostly it affects the right ventricle, but cases have also been described with biventricular and even isolated left ventricular involvement. The disease affects mainly young males and arrhythmias are usually induced by exercise. Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy has a genetic origin and is basically caused by deleterious alterations in genes encoding desmosomal proteins, especially plakophilin-2. To date, more than 400 rare genetic alterations have been identified in 18 genes, mainly with autosomal dominant inheritance, but some recessive forms have also been reported (Naxos disease and Carvajal syndrome). A comprehensive genetic analysis identifies a rare variant as potential cause of the disease in around 60% of patients, suggesting the existence of unknown genes as well as other genome alterations not yet discovered. Genetic interpretation classifies some of these rare variants as ambiguous, playing an uncertain role in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy. This makes a proper translation of genetic data into clinical practice difficult. Moreover, incomplete penetrance and variable phenotypic expression makes it difficult to arrive at the correct diagnosis. In the present chapter, we focus on recent advances in the knowledge regarding the genetic basis of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy

    Integrated miRNA–mRNA Analysis Reveals Critical miRNAs and Targets in Diet-Induced Obesity-Related Glomerulopathy

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    This study aimed to investigate obesity-related glomerulopathy (ORG) at cellular, structural, and transcriptomic levels. Thirty Wistar rats were randomized into two groups: 15 rats were fed with a standard diet (SD-rats), and 15 rats were fed with a high-fat diet (HFD-rats). After 10 weeks, the weight, kidney function, histological features, and transcriptomic changes were assessed. HFD-rats gained significantly more weight (55.8% vs. 29.2%; p < 0.001) and albuminuria (10,384.04 ng/mL vs. 5845.45 ng/mL; p < 0.001) compared to SD-rats. HFD-rats exhibited early stages of ORG, with predominant mesangial matrix increase and podocyte hypertrophy (PH). These lesions correlated with differentially expressed (DE) genes and miRNAs. Functional analysis showed that miR-205, which was DE in both the kidneys and urine of HFD-rats, negatively regulated the PTEN gene, promoting lipid endocytosis in podocytes. The downregulation of PTEN was proved through a higher PTEN/nephrin ratio in the SD-rats and the presence of lipid vacuoles in HFD-podocytes. This study has found a specific targetome of miRNAs and gene expression in early stages of ORG. Also, it emphasizes the potential value of miR-205 as a urinary biomarker for detecting podocyte injury in ORG, offering a tool for early diagnosis, and opening new avenues for future therapeutic research of obesity-related glomerulopathy

    Supramolecular Hydrogels Consisting of Nanofibers Increase the Bioavailability of Curcuminoids in Inflammatory Skin Diseases

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    The low bioavailability of curcuminoids (CCMoids) limits their use in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases. Our work shows that this constraint can be overcome upon their incorporation into supramolecular hydrogels assembled from a gemini-imidazolium amphiphilic gelator. Three structural CCMoid analogues were used to prepare supramolecular hydrogels, and it was observed that the concentration of both the gelator and CCMoid and the proportion of solvents influence the self-assembly process. Moreover, the mechanical properties of the nanostructured gels were studied to find the optimum gels, which were then further characterized microscopically, and their ability to release the CCMoid was evaluated. The physicochemical properties of the CCMoids play a fundamental role in the interaction with the gelator, influencing not only the gelation but also the morphology at the microscopic level, the mechanical properties, and the biopharmaceutical behavior such as the amount of CCMoid released from the gels. The nanostructured supramolecular hydrogels, which contain the CCMoids at much lower concentrations (μg/mL) in comparison to other products, promote the penetration of the CCMoids within the skin, but not their transdermal permeation, thus preventing any possible systemic effects and representing a safer option for topical administration. As a result, the CCMoid-containing hydrogels can effectively reduce skin inflammation in vivo, proving that these supramolecular systems are excellent alternatives in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases

    Rare Variants Associated with Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy: Reclassification Five Years Later.

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    Genetic interpretation of rare variants associated with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM) is essential due to their diagnostic implications. New data may relabel previous variant classifications, but how often reanalysis is necessary remains undefined. Five years ago, 39 rare ACM-related variants were identified in patients with features of cardiomyopathy. These variants were classified following the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics' guidelines. In the present study, we reevaluated these rare variants including novel available data. All cases carried one rare variant classified as being of ambiguous significance (82.05%) or likely pathogenic (17.95%) in 2016. In our comprehensive reanalysis, the classification of 30.77% of these variants changed, mainly due to updated global frequencies. As in 2016, nowadays most variants were classified as having an uncertain role (64.1%), but the proportion of variants with an uncertain role was significantly decreased (17.95%). The percentage of rare variants classified as potentially deleterious increased from 17.95% to 23.07%. Moreover, 83.33% of reclassified variants gained certainty. We propose that periodic genetic reanalysis of all rare variants associated with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy should be undertaken at least once every five years. Defining the roles of rare variants may help clinicians obtain a definite diagnosis

    Discerning the Ambiguous Role of Missense TTN Variants in Inherited Arrhythmogenic Syndromes

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    The titin gene (TTN) is associated with several diseases, including inherited arrhythmias. Most of these diagnoses are attributed to rare TTN variants encoding truncated forms, but missense variants represent a diagnostic challenge for clinical genetics. The proper interpretation of genetic data is critical for translation into the clinical setting. Notably, many TTN variants were classified before 2015, when the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) published recommendations to accurately classify genetic variants. Our aim was to perform an exhaustive reanalysis of rare missense TTN variants that were classified before 2015, and that have ambiguous roles in inherited arrhythmogenic syndromes. Rare missense TTN variants classified before 2015 were updated following the ACMG recommendations and according to all the currently available data. Our cohort included 193 individuals definitively diagnosed with an inherited arrhythmogenic syndrome before 2015. Our analysis resulted in the reclassification of 36.8% of the missense variants from unknown to benign/likely benign. Of all the remaining variants, currently classified as of unknown significance, 38.3% showed a potential, but not confirmed, deleterious role. Most of these rare missense TTN variants with a suspected deleterious role were identified in patients diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. More than 35% of the rare missense TTN variants previously classified as ambiguous were reclassified as not deleterious, mainly because of improved population frequencies. Despite being inconclusive, almost 40% of the variants showed a potentially deleterious role in inherited arrhythmogenic syndromes. Our results highlight the importance of the periodical reclassification of rare missense TTN variants to improve genetic diagnoses and help increase the accuracy of personalized medicine

    Discerning the Ambiguous Role of Missense TTN Variants in Inherited Arrhythmogenic Syndromes

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    The titin gene (TTN) is associated with several diseases, including inherited arrhythmias. Most of these diagnoses are attributed to rare TTN variants encoding truncated forms, but missense variants represent a diagnostic challenge for clinical genetics. The proper interpretation of genetic data is critical for translation into the clinical setting. Notably, many TTN variants were classified before 2015, when the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) published recommendations to accurately classify genetic variants. Our aim was to perform an exhaustive reanalysis of rare missense TTN variants that were classified before 2015, and that have ambiguous roles in inherited arrhythmogenic syndromes. Rare missense TTN variants classified before 2015 were updated following the ACMG recommendations and according to all the currently available data. Our cohort included 193 individuals definitively diagnosed with an inherited arrhythmogenic syndrome before 2015. Our analysis resulted in the reclassification of 36.8% of the missense variants from unknown to benign/likely benign. Of all the remaining variants, currently classified as of unknown significance, 38.3% showed a potential, but not confirmed, deleterious role. Most of these rare missense TTN variants with a suspected deleterious role were identified in patients diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. More than 35% of the rare missense TTN variants previously classified as ambiguous were reclassified as not deleterious, mainly because of improved population frequencies. Despite being inconclusive, almost 40% of the variants showed a potentially deleterious role in inherited arrhythmogenic syndromes. Our results highlight the importance of the periodical reclassification of rare missense TTN variants to improve genetic diagnoses and help increase the accuracy of personalized medicine

    Supramolecular Hydrogels Consisting of Nanofibers Increase the Bioavailability of Curcuminoids in Inflammatory Skin Diseases

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    The low bioavailability of curcuminoids (CCMoids) limits their use in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases. Our work shows that this constraint can be overcome upon their incorporation into supramolecular hydrogels assembled from a gemini-imidazolium amphiphilic gelator. Three structural CCMoid analogues were used to prepare supramolecular hydrogels, and it was observed that the concentration of both the gelator and CCMoid and the proportion of solvents influence the self-assembly process. Moreover, the mechanical properties of the nanostructured gels were studied to find the optimum gels, which were then further characterized microscopically, and their ability to release the CCMoid was evaluated. The physicochemical properties of the CCMoids play a fundamental role in the interaction with the gelator, influencing not only the gelation but also the morphology at the microscopic level, the mechanical properties, and the biopharmaceutical behavior such as the amount of CCMoid released from the gels. The nanostructured supramolecular hydrogels, which contain the CCMoids at much lower concentrations (μg/mL) in comparison to other products, promote the penetration of the CCMoids within the skin, but not their transdermal permeation, thus preventing any possible systemic effects and representing a safer option for topical administration. As a result, the CCMoid-containing hydrogels can effectively reduce skin inflammation in vivo, proving that these supramolecular systems are excellent alternatives in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases.This work was supported by the projects PID2020-115663GB-C3-2, PID2019-108794GB-I00, and PID2020–115631GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. We thank AGAUR for a grant to consolidated research groups 2017SGR1277. A.G.-C. and N.A.-A. acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministry Science, through the “Severo Ochoa” Programme for Centres of Excellence (FUNFUTURE) (2020-2023). A.G.-C. also acknowledges a Ramon y Cajal Grant (RYC-2017-22910).With funding from the Spanish government through the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000917-S).Peer reviewe

    Personalized Interpretation and Clinical Translation of Genetic Variants Associated With Cardiomyopathies

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    Cardiomyopathies are a heterogeneous group of inherited cardiac diseases characterized by progressive myocardium abnormalities associated with mechanical and/or electrical dysfunction. Massive genetic sequencing technologies allow a comprehensive genetic analysis to unravel the cause of disease. However, most identified genetic variants remain of unknown clinical significance due to incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity. Therefore, genetic interpretation of variants and translation into clinical practice remain a current challenge. We performed retrospective comprehensive clinical assessment and genetic analysis in six families, four diagnosed with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, and two diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Genetic testing identified three rare variants (two non-sense and one small indel inducing a frameshift), each present in two families. Although each variant is currently classified as pathogenic and the cause of the diagnosed cardiomyopathy, the onset and/or clinical course differed in each patient. New genetic technology allows comprehensive yet cost-effective genetic analysis, although genetic interpretation, and clinical translation of identified variants should be carefully done in each family in a personalized manner