878 research outputs found

    Reflexiones sobre el Framework de desarrollo del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

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    El Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) ha definido un marco común para realizar sus desarrollos. Dicho marco representa una ventaja estratégica gracias a su enorme flexibilidad. Tal maleabilidad permite la integración constante de nuevas tecnologías o la incorporación de nuevas tendencias en el cambiante mundo del desarrollo de aplicaciones. La presente comunicación propone una discusión sobre los problemas y las soluciones ofertadas en la evolución de los sistemas de información en plataforma Web del CSIC hacia modelos más participativos, propios de la investigación científica, que confluyen con los postulados de la Web 2.0.Peer reviewe

    Empirical study of the business growth strategy related to the added value by intellectual capital

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    [EN] Four consecutive years of more than a thousand Spanish companies from different economic sectors are analyzed to determine the influence of intellectual capital on the business growth strategy. One of the purposes of this work is to establish a classification criterion of the strategic behaviour of a company linked to the growth of three factors: the demand of the sector, the sales of the company and the financial sustainability of the company. Another purpose is to develop and validate an appropriate classification of where the value added by human intellectual capital is structurally concentrated and used according to the strategic behaviour, growth and sector of the company. Interesting conclusions are drawn about the strategic behaviour of the company and its intangible capital, as well as a different method for classifying companies according to their growth, which helps predict business profitability.The authors would like to acknowledge the grants T-CUE Doctoral prize for research on topics directly related to business needs, the grants of the PhD extraordinary award and the support of the University of Burgos to facilitate access to data gathering in relation to the work presented in the paper.Alcalde-Delgado, R.; Sáiz-Bárcena, L.; Olmo, R.; Pérez, C. (2020). Empirical study of the business growth strategy related to the added value by intellectual capital. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 8(1):1-12. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2020.10817OJS11281Alcalde, R, Manzanedo M A, Sáiz-Bárcena L (2016). Empirical evidence for a classification of firm performance according to a sustainable growth rate model. Book of Proceedings International Joint Conference - CIO-ICIEOM-IIE-AIM (IJC 2016).Álvarez, H.F. (2008). La estructura de financiamiento y el crecimiento de las pequeñas y medianas empresas. doi: 10.13140/2.1.2627.8084Amouzesh, N., Moeinfar, Z. and Mousavi, Z. (2011). Sustainable Growth Rate and Firm Performance: Evidence From Iran Stock Exchange. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2 (23), 249-255.Ashford, N. (2016). De-[Constructing] Growth. Sustainability, 8(11), 1140. https://doi.org/10.3390/su8111140Chen, M.-C., Cheng, S.-J., Hwang, Y. (2005). An empirical investigation of the relationship between intellectual capital and firms' market value and financial performance. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 6 (2),159-176. https://doi.org/10.1108/14691930510592771Davidsson, P., Achtenhagen, L. and Naldi, L. (2010). Small firm growth. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneur-ship, 6 (2), 69-166. https://doi.org/10.1561/0300000029Demir, R., Wennberg, K., & McKelvie, A. (2017). The strategic management of high-growth firms: A review and theoretical conceptualization. Long Range Planning, 50(4), 431-456. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lrp.2016.09.004Firer, S.; Mitchell Williams, S. (2003). Intellectual capital and traditional measures of corporate performance. Journal of intellectual capital, 4 (3), 348-360. https://doi.org/10.1108/14691930310487806Gan, K. and Saleh, Z. (2008). Intellectual capital and corporate performance of technology-intensive companies: Malaysia evidence. Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, 1 (1), 113-130.García Muñiz, L.H. (2011). Evidencia empírica de la evaluación del modelo de crecimiento sostenible de Higgins en empresas mexicanas durante el periodo 1998-2008. (Doctoral thesis). Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México D.F.Ghanei, H. Ramezani Kheibari, A. (2015) A Survey of the relationship between intellectual capital and firm performance criteria. Journal of Scientific Research and Development, 2 (7), 280-284.Godet, M. (1994). From Anticipation to Action: a handbook of strategic prospective. Paris, Francia: Unesco.Greco, G., Ferramosca, S., Allegrini, M. (2014). Exploring intellectual capital in family firms. An empirical investi-gation. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 11 (2), pp. 91-106. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJLIC.2014.060802Guerras, L.M. and Navas, E. (2015). La Dirección estratégica de la empresa. Teoría y Aplicaciones. Navarra, España: Aranzadi.Gupta, M. (2015). Intellectual Capital & Firm Profitability: An Empirical Study on the IT Sector listed in NSE. Global Journal of Multidisciplinary studies, 4 (4), pp. 105-108.Hajeb, H.R., Moghaddam, A.G. and Alipour, S. (2015). An investigation of intellectual capital impact on companies' market value and financial performace. Academic Journal of Accounting and Economic Researches, 4 (3), 131-139.Haris, M., Yao, H., Tariq, G., Malik, A., & Javaid, H. M. (2019). Intellectual Capital Performance and Profitability of Banks: Evidence from Pakistan. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 12(2), 56. https://doi.org/10.3390/jrfm12020056Higgins, R.C. (1977). How much growth can a firm afford?. Financial Management, 6 (3), 7-16. https://doi.org/10.2307/3665251Higgins, R.C. (2007). Analysis of Financial Management. New York: McGraw-Hill.Joshi, M., Cahill, D., Sidhu, J., Kansal, M. (2013) Intellectual capital and financial perfor-mance: an evaluation of the Australian financial sector. Journal of intellectual capital, 14 (2), 264-285. https://doi.org/10.1108/14691931311323887Kabue, L. W., & Kilika, J. M. (2016). Firm resources, core competencies and sustainable competitive advantage: An integrative theoretical framework. Journal of management and strategy, 7(1), 98-108. https://doi.org/10.5430/jms.v7n1p98Kai Wah Chu, S., Hang Chan, K., Wu, W.W. (2011). Charting intellectual capital performance of the gateway to China. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 12 (2), 249-276. https://doi.org/10.1108/14691931111123412Kaplan, R.S. and Norton, D.P. (2004). Strategy maps: Converting intangible assets into tangible outcomes. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.Lambert, S. (2015). The importance of classification to business model research. Journal of Business Models, 3(1),49-61.Maditinos, D., Chatzoudes, D., Tsairidis, C.; Theriou, G. (2011). The impact of intellectual capital on firms' market value and financial performance. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 12 (1), 132-151. https://doi.org/10.1108/14691931111097944Magreta, J. (2001). La Administración en la Nueva Economía. Nuevas Perspectivas. Mexico: Oxford University Press.Mahdjour, S. (2015). Set up for growth? - an exploratory analysis of the relationship of growth intention and business models. Manchester: The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM). https://doi.org/10.1142/S1363919615400095Mukherjee, T., & Sen, S. S. (2019). Intellectual Capital and Corporate Sustainable Growth: The Indian Evidence. The East Asian Journal of Business Management (EAJBM), 9(2), 5-15. https://doi.org/10.13106/jbees.2019.vol9.no2.5Najafizadeh, S.A., Fordoei, E.J. (2014). Investigation the Effect of Intellectual Capital on Market Value and Financial Performance of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange. Global Journal of Management Studies and Re-searches, 1 (3), 143-150.Peñate Santana, Y. (2013). Factores determinantes del crecimiento de las pymes: el papel de las capacidades diná-micas y la orientación emprendedora. (Doctoral thesis). University of Oviedo, Spain.Pew Tan, H., Plowman, D. and Hancock, P. (2007). Intellectual capital and financial returns of companies. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 8 (1), 76-95. https://doi.org/10.1108/14691930710715079Pulic, A. (1998). Measuring the performance of intellectual potential in knowledge economy. Paper presented at the 2nd McMaster Word Congress on Measuring and Managing Intellectual Capital, McMaster University, Hamilton.Pulic, A. (2000). VAIC™-an accounting tool for IC management. International journal of technology management, 20 (5-8), 702-714.https://doi.org/10.1504/IJTM.2000.002891Pulic, A. (2004). Intellectual capital-does it create or destroy value?. Measuring business excellence, 8 (1), 62-68. https://doi.org/10.1108/13683040410524757Pulic, A. (2008). The principles of intellectual capital efficiency-A brief description. Inspired by Knowledge in Or-ganisations, 182 (1), 67-93.Salazar, B. C., Villegas, E. (2019). Intellectual capital of industrial sector Mexican companies measured through the VAIC™ model. Journal of Administrative Science, 1(1), 1-9.Sallenave, J.-P. (1991). Gerencia y planeación estratégica. Bogotá, Colombia: Norma.Sallenave, J.P. (2002). Gerencia integral. Bogotá, Colombia: Norma.Sardo, F., & Serrasqueiro, Z. (2018). Intellectual capital, growth opportunities, and financial performance in European firms: Dynamic panel data analysis. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 19(4), 747-767. https://doi.org/10.1108/JIC-07-2017-0099Schwab, L., Gold, S., & Reiner, G. (2019). Exploring financial sustainability of SMEs during periods of production growth: A simulation study. International Journal of Production Economics, 212, 8-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.12.023Shiu, H. (2006), The application of the value added intellectual coefficient to measure corporate performance: evidence from technological firms, International Journal of Management, 23(2), 356-365.Socolich Mansilla, M.I. (2007). Desempeño financiero y creación de valor en empresas chilenas fusionadas. (Doctoral thesis). Universidad de Chile, Chile.Smriti, N., & Das, N. (2018). The impact of intellectual capital on firm performance: a study of Indian firms listed in COSPI. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 19(5), 935-964. https://doi.org/10.1108/JIC-11-2017-0156Svanadze, S., Kowalewska, M. (2015). The measurement of intellectual capital by VAIC method example of WIG20. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 3 (2), 36-44.Ulum, I., Ghozali, I. and Purwanto, A. (2014). Intellectual Capital Performance of Indonesian Banking Sector: A Modi-fied VAIC (M-VAIC) Perspective. Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting, 6 (2), 103-123. https://doi.org/10.5296/ajfa.v6i2.5246Xu, J., & Wang, B. (2018). Intellectual capital, financial performance and companies' sustainable growth: Evidence from the Korean manufacturing industry. Sustainability, 10(12), 4651. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10124651Zia, M., Muhammad, H., Arbab, S., Shahzad, A., Bilal, S. (2014). VAIC and Firm Performance: Banking Sector Of Pakistan. Information and Knowledge Management, 4 (2), 100-107

    Multidrug Efflux Pumps at the Crossroad between Antibiotic Resistance and Bacterial Virulence

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    Multidrug efflux pumps can be involved in bacterial resistance to antibiotics at different levels. Some efflux pumps are constitutively expressed at low levels and contribute to intrinsic resistance. In addition, their overexpression may allow higher levels of resistance. This overexpression can be transient, in the presence of an effector (phenotypic resistance), or constitutive when mutants in the regulatory elements of the expression of efflux pumps are selected (acquired resistance). Efflux pumps are present in all cells, from human to bacteria and are highly conserved, which indicates that they are ancient elements in the evolution of different organisms. Consequently, it has been suggested that, besides antibiotic resistance, bacterial multidrug efflux pumps would likely contribute to other relevant processes of the microbial physiology. In the current article, we discuss some specific examples of the role that efflux pumps may have in the bacterial virulence of animals’ and plants’ pathogens, including the processes of intercellular communication. Based in these evidences, we propose that efflux pumps are at the crossroad between resistance and virulence of bacterial pathogens. Consequently, the comprehensive study of multidrug efflux pumps requires addressing these functions, which are of relevance for the bacterial–host interactions during infection.Work in our laboratory is supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BIO2014-54507-R and JPI Water StARE JPIW2013-089-C02-01); from Madrid Autonomous Community [S2010/BMD2414 (PROMPT)]; and from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III [Spanish Network for Research on Infectious Diseases (REIPI RD12/0015)]. MA-R and PB are recipients of FPI fellowships from MINECO.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    Falsabilidad y revoluciones científicas. Karl Popper y Thomas Kuhn

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    Este ensayo sobre Karl Popper y Thomas S. Kuhn, presenta algunas consideraciones epistemológicas fundamentales de las tesis expuestas por ambos autores como filósofos de la ciencia. Para su desarrollo, además de las obras que se anotan en la bibliografía, han sido tomados como textos de consulta principales las obras de I. Lakatos y A. Musgrave, La Crítica y el Desarrollo del Conocimiento y de Harold I. Brown, La Nueva Filosofía de la Ciencia. El contenido de este ensayo filosófico consta de cuatro partes: la primera trata la historia, el significado y los representantes del Positivismo y del Empirismo lógicos. Luego, la segunda y tercera partes exponen las tesis o conceptualizaciones epistemológicas de Popper y Kuhn, vale decir falsabilidad y revoluciones científicas, respectivamente. En la conclusión, nuestras apreciaciones finales: Racionalidad y Controversia