1,326 research outputs found

    Assessing music ontologies for the development of a complex database

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    UID/EAT/00472/2019The increasing volume and diversity of musical information has been creating a challenge for the uniform creation, reuse and sharing of this kind of information. As part of addressing this challenge there has been a growing interest in musical ontologies, as a technique to support the sharing of heterogeneous musical information, both for commercial and cultural dissemination purposes. Motivated by a specific objective, in the context of the development of an information system on musicians and respective artistic production and professional career, existing ontologies for the music domain, in general, were surveyed. The purpose of this study is to support the hypothesis that this approach can not only support the specific requirement of that objective, but also facilitate the interoperability with other existing systems, with databases and catalogs built with multiple technical solutions. So far, three ontologies that were found closer to the study object of the project were analyzed, reflecting three different models: (1) The Musical Ontology framework, developed by the Center for Digital Music of Queen Mary University, London, under the direction of Prof Mark Sandler, within the scope of the projects OMRAS - Online music recognition and searching (NSF / JISC Digital Libraries Initiative, 1999-2002) and OMRAS2 - A Distributed Research Environment for Music Informatics and Computational Musicology (EPSRC grant EP / E017614 / 1, 2007-2010), and that uses the FRBR model as a reference; (2) the DOREMUS ontology, which resulted from the DOREMUS project, funded in 2014 by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France and that brought together three major cultural institutions: the National Library of France, the Philharmonie de Paris and Radio France, and that is based on the FRBRoo model; and (3) the Performed Music Ontology, an extension of the BIBFRAME ontology, first released in April 2017, as a result of a project funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for Linked Data for Production (LD4P), led by the Stanford University Libraries, in collaboration with five other libraries: Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Princeton and the Library of Congress. This paper presents the purpose of the motivating project for the research, aggregation and consolidation of information on musicians and respective artistic production and professional career, and the assessment of these three significant music ontologies as relevant sources of inspiration for the design of the knowledge base for that project.publishersversionpublishe

    Supporting underrepresented forests in Mesoamerica

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    AbstractThe third largest Biodiversity Hotspot of the world, Mesoamerican forests are declining due to human pressures. Based on species distribution models calibrated for 1224 native tree species in Mesoamerica, we identified high-value forest conservation areas at the resolution of a 10km×10km cells using the Zonation Reserve Selection software, and investigated whether these high-value forest conservation areas are well represented by the World Database on Protected Areas network. We had three key findings. First, dry forest is the least protected biome in Mesoamerica (4.5% protected), indicating that further action to safeguard this biome is warranted. Secondly, the poor overlap between protected areas and high-value forest conservation areas found herein may provide evidence that the establishment of protected areas may not be fully accounting for tree priority rank map. Third, high percentages of forest cover and high-value forest conservation areas still need to be represented by the protected areas network. Because deforestation rates are still increasing in this region, Mesoamerica needs funding and coordinated action by policy makers, national and local governmental and non-governmental organizations, conservationists and other stakeholders

    Experiência Profissionalizante na Vertente de Farmácia Comunitária, Hospitalar e Investigação

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    A presente dissertação, elaborada no âmbito da unidade curricular Estágio e incluída no plano de estudos do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, encontra-se dividido em 3 capítulos: o capítulo I refere-se ao projeto de investigação desenvolvido; o capítulo II aborda a experiência profissionalizante em Farmácia Hospitalar; e o capítulo III diz respeito à experiência profissionalizante em Farmácia Comunitária. O primeiro capítulo, direcionado à componente de investigação, aborda o uso e aconselhamento de psicofármacos em animais de companhia. Estes são tratados como membros da família com iguais cuidados médicos. Entre a medicação usada estão os psicofármacos direcionados ao auxílio da resolução de problemas comportamentais. Em Portugal, parecem existir alguns problemas de informação, relativamente ao tema, tanto por parte dos médicos veterinários como dos farmacêuticos comunitários no que concerne ao efeito desta medicação nos animais de companhia. Neste sentido e com o intuito de perceber melhor o conhecimento que ambas as profissões têm sobre esta área, foi desenvolvido um estudo observacional transversal. Foi realizado um inquérito de forma a avaliar a perspetiva dos tutores, e o conhecimento dos veterinários e farmacêuticos relativamente aos psicofármacos. A amostra foi constituída por 309 inquiridos, dos quais a grande maioria pertencia ao sexo feminino (87,70%), possuía no mínimo o ensino secundário (98,38%), sendo que 24,60% eram Farmacêuticos Comunitários e 16,50% Médicos Veterinários. O distrito com maior representatividade foi Lisboa (21,7%). Relativamente aos animais de companhia, a faixa etária mais representativa foi a dos 3 aos 6 anos (22,3% para os cães e 24,40% para os gatos), e observou-se que apresentavam menos problemas quando viviam com um maior número de pessoas na mesma casa. Entre os 34 animais aos quais já foi prescrita medicação para auxílio da resolução dos problemas comportamentais, na maioria (76,47%) usaram-se psicofármacos, principalmente a clomipramina (23,08%). Sobre este uso, a maioria da amostra (79,29%) considera-o importante, tal como nos humanos. Entre as principais escolhas dos Médicos Veterinários para reduzir o medo e a ansiedade em situações agudas destacam-se o gel transmucosal de dexmedetomidina (15,7%) para os cães e a gabapentina (47,1%) para os gatos. Já para reduzir os comportamentos agressivos, destaca-se os protocolos anestésicos injetáveis (39,2%) em cães, e a gabapentina em combinação com esses protocolos (43,14%) em gatos. De uma forma geral, os resultados indicam que os Farmacêuticos dispensam com pouca frequência psicofármacos destinados a animais e que durante esse ato, uma parte considerável (39,47%) apresenta e transmite um conhecimento intermédio sobre os mesmos. Não obstante, os mais dispensados são as benzodiazepinas e a gabapentina. O capítulo II, referente ao Estágio em Farmácia Hospitalar, realizado nos Serviços Farmacêuticos Hospitalares do Hospital Sousa Martins na Guarda, entre os dias 1 de março e 16 de abril de 2021, aborda a experiência adquirida nas distintas funções associadas à prática do dia-a-dia do farmacêutico em contexto hospitalar. Por último, o capítulo III descreve a experiência pessoal e profissional, bem como os conhecimentos adquiridos durante o Estágio em Farmácia Comunitária, que decorreu entre os dias 21 de abril e 9 de julho de 2021, na Farmácia Andrade localizada no concelho de Sátão.This dissertation, elaborated for the curricular unit Estágio, that belong in the curricular plan of Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, is divided into 3 chapters: the chapter I refers to the research project developed; chapter II features the professional experience in Hospital Pharmacy; chapter III concerns about the professional experience in Community Pharmacy. The first chapter dedicated to the research component, analyses the use and counselling of psychotropic drugs in pet animals. These animals are treated as family members with equal medical care. Among the used medication are psychotropic drugs with the aim to solve behavioural problems. In Portugal, it seems to exist some lack of information, either by veterinaries or pharmacists, concerning this medication effects on the animals. To better understand the knowledge that both professions have on this area, a survey was carried out in order to assess the tutor’s perspective and the knowledge of veterinarians and pharmacists about psychotropic drugs. The sample consisted of 309 respondents, of which the vast majority were female (87.70%), had at least secondary education (98.38%), with 24.60% being Community Pharmacists and 16.50 % Veterinaries. The most representative district was Lisbon (21.7%). Regarding companion animals, the most representative age group was between 3 and 6 years old (22.3% for dogs and 24.40% for cats), and it was observed that they had fewer problems when they lived with a greater number of people in the same house. Among the 34 animals that had already been prescribed medication to help solve behavioural problems, the majority (76.47%) used psychotropic drugs, mainly clomipramine (23.08%). Regarding this use, most of the sample (79.29%) considers it important, as in humans. To reduce fear and anxiety in acute situations, Veterinarians mainly choose the transmucosal dexmedetomidine gel (15.7%) for dogs and gabapentin (47.1%) for cats. To reduce aggressive behaviours, injectable anaesthetic protocols (39.2%) in dogs and gabapentin in combination with these protocols (43.14%) in cats stand out. In general, the results indicate that Pharmacists infrequently dispense psychotropic drugs intended for animals and that during this act, a substantial part (39.47%) have and transmit intermediate knowledge about them. However, the most dispensed are benzodiazepines and gabapentin. Chapter II, referring to the internship in Hospital Pharmacy at the Hospital Pharmaceutical Services of Hospital Sousa Martins in Guarda, from March 1 to April 16 of 2021, addresses the experience acquired in the different functions associated with the daily practice of the pharmacist in a hospital context. Finally, chapter III describes the personal and professional experience, as well as the knowledge acquired during the internship in Community Pharmacy, which took place at Farmácia Andrade located in the municipality of Sátão, between April 21 and July 9, 2021

    The geography of high-value biodiversity areas for terrestrial vertebrates in Western Europe and their coverage by protected area networks

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    We identified high-value biodiversity areas (HVBAs) of terrestrial vertebrates according to a combined index of biodiversity (CBI) for each major taxon and a standardized biodiversity index (SBI) for all taxa in 2195 cells of 50 × 50 km in Western Europe to evaluate whether these areas are included in the current protected area networks. The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) and NATURA 2000 protected area network were used to assess the protected area cover in HVBAs. WDPA and NATURA 2000 were geographically quite complementary as WDPA is more densely represented in Central and Northern Europe and NATURA 2000 in the Mediterranean basin. A total of 729 cells were identified as HVBAs. From the total of these HVBA areas, NATURA 2000 network was present in more cells (660) than the WDPA network (584 cells). The sum of protected land percentages across all the HVBA cells was 28.8%. The identified HVBA cells according to the SBI included 603 or 78.2% of all vertebrate species in the study region, whereas the identified HVBA cells according to the SBI for individual taxa included 47 (90.4%) species of amphibians, 79 (74.5%) of reptiles, 417 (88.5%) of birds, and 130 (91.5%) of mammals. However, neither network was present in 7 or 3% of the identified HVBA cells. Thus, we recommend expanding protected areas in Europe to fill this gap and improve coverage of vertebrate species to strengthen biodiversity conservation.This research was supported by the\ud Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grants CGL2010-\ud 18312 to JMRB, and CGL2010-22119 to MAR), and the\ud Madrid Government REMEDINAL project (S2009AMB-1783).\ud M. J. T. Assunc¸ao-Albuquerque was supported by the Brazil- ˜\ud ian Ministry of Education, through CAPES (Coordenac¸ao de ˜\ud Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N´ıvel Superior) Doctorate\ud scholarship and FSA was supported by BIOTREE-net-project\ud funded by BBVA Foundation. We are indebted to two anonymous\ud reviewers that greatly improved a former version of this manuscrip

    Projeto de execução do Viaduto do Vale

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    Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia CivilO presente trabalho constitui um desenvolvimento a nível de projeto de execução do estudo prévio realizado na uc pontes e viadutos. Foram efetuados cálculos de maior rigor com auxílio de uma modelação estrutural, num software de cálculo automático SAP2000, bem como, uma maior pormenorização das peças desenhadas. A construção do tabuleiro será feita tramo a tramo com viga de lançamento inferior. Todos os elementos são de betão armado, sendo que o tabuleiro é de betão pré-esforçado (pós-tensão). Serão expostos os princípios, métodos, condicionantes e critérios, adotados no Projeto de Execução. Posteriormente, efetuaram-se os cálculos necessários de verificação de segurança da estrutura. Finalmente, foi feita uma breve comparação entre os resultados obtidos no Estudo Prévio, com os do Projeto de Execução.Having developed a Previous Study, it was intended to develop the respective Execution Project. More rigorous calculations were carried out with the aid of structural modeling, using SAP2000 automatic calculation software, as well as a greater detail of the designed parts. The construction will be done span to span with a lower launch beam. All elements are reinforced concrete, and the deck is made of pre-stressed concrete (post-tension). The principles, methods, conditions and criteria adopted will be exposed. Subsequently, the necessary calculations for checking the safety of the structure were carried out. Finally, a brief comparison was made between the results obtained in the Previous Study, with those from the Execution Project.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    History, Science and Nature: boundless frontiers...

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    The interface between History, Science and Nature is dynamic and vital for deepening knowledge about the uses of the planet and nature (Earth / Oceans / Seas), understanding it as an agent of modernization of economic, social, scientific and cultural of states and nations (Horden et al. 2006; Rozwadowski 2014; García 2014). Nature can also be seen as an agent of new scientific and cultural practices of sociabilities, representative of new political, philosophical and social ideals, in which the production, circulation and appropriation of knowledge and its techniques is a reality (Wigen 2006; Brito 2010; Salgueiro et al. 2014). There is a brave new world waiting for new relations that unite different spatialities and mentalities, enhancing intercultural encounters, manifested in official reports, explorers' reports, and the constitution of libraries, museums, collections and scientific objects (Lopes 2009; Felismino 2014; Granato & Lourenço 2014; Albuquerque 2015; Nunes 2016; Pereira 2017)

    Scientific update on the iodine content of Portuguese foods

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    WHO Collaborating Centre for Nutrition and Childhood Obesity.Iodine is an essential trace element in human and animal diets. However, mild to moderate iodine deficiency has been reported in several countries. Food is the natural source of iodine. Detectable analytical values, expressed in SI units (µg/kg), are required to guarantee reliable measurement results used to estimate iodine intake over time at national and international level. The aim of this work, conducted as an activity of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Nutrition and Childhood Obesity, was to develop a database of the iodine content of foods in order to predict nutritional adequacy of dietary intake. This database may be used as a tool to promote iodine intake through consumption of foods rich in iodine. The specific objective of this report is to provide updated data on the iodine content of Portuguese foods as consumed within, and as representative of, the Portuguese diet. The methodology selected for quantification of this nutrient was inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) assisted by microwave after alkaline digestion.Eight groups of food were analysed: (1) meat; (2) fish and seafood; (3) milk and milk products, eggs; (4) fruit; (5) vegetables and pulses; (6) sweets and beverages; (7) cereals and tubers; and (8) meals. These foods were collected on the basis of consumption patterns drawn from national food consumption surveys (Fabrice Elegbede et al., 2017). The proportion of samples beyond the limit of detection (LoD) ranged between 0% in fish, seafood and dairy products to 81.3% in fruit. The food samples with detectable iodine content showed a wide variation: 2.4–7.8 µ g/100 g for meat; 2.8–289.3 µ g/100 g for fish and seafood; 15.8–39.4 µ g/100 g for milk, milk products and eggs; 3.3–26.6 µ g/100 g for fruit; 0.3–6.5 µ g/100 g for vegetables and pulses; 0.3–22.7 µ g/100 g for sweets and beverages; 0.9–4.7 µ g/100 g for cereals and tubers; and 0.7–56.8 µ g/100 g for meals. The results showed that in Portugal a diet rich in fish, seafood and dairy products supplies the recommended daily intake of iodine for a healthy adult.Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o apoio da FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dietary intake and food habits of pre-scholars in three capitals of Brazilian Western Amazônia: a special approach on vitamin A consumption

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the intake of energy, vitamin A, zinc and protein, as well as food habits of 54, 238 and 78 pre-school children of both sexes, 3 to 6 years old, (wide hange of subsample of inquiry including nutritional), in the capitals of Roraima (Boa Vista),Amazonas (Manaus) and Rondônia (Porto Velho), respectively. Dietary assessments were performed with the parents or someone responsible for the child, using the 24 hour recall and food frequency questionnaire methods. Our results showed that bread, crackers and cookies were the most consumed foods (98,3%), followed by sugar (95,1%), rice (92,4%), vegetable oil (86,0), manioc flour (77,4%), tomato (70,1%) and coffee (69,5%).The intake of animal products was responsible for almost 2/3 of the total intake of vitamin A. The pattern of vitamin A sources consumption among the three cities was similar. Protein was the only nutrient in which the intake exceeded the recommendation, whereas zinc and energy intake were inadequate. Additionally, the consumption of vitamin A was, respectively, 84,0%, 68,4% and 63,8% in Boa Vista, Manaus and Porto Velho, of the recommended values. A monotonous and limited dietary pattern was observed, with low consumption of preformed vitamin A, vegetables and typical regional Amazonian fruits that are sources of carotenoids with vitamin A activity, such as buriti, tucumã, pupunha and mango, all of them seasonal fruits, that were not available during the application of the questionnaire.Com objetivo de avaliar o consumo de energia, vitamina A, zinco e proteínas, bem como os hábitos alimentares de pré-escolares das capitais de Roraima (Boa Vista),Amazonas (Manaus) e Rondônia (Porto Velho) foi realizado um inquérito alimentar em 54, 238 e 78 crianças de ambos os sexos (sub-amostra de inquérito nutricional mais abrangente),respectivamente, em creches e pré-escolas, mediante os métodos recordatório de 24 horas e de frequência de consumo de alguns alimentos fontes de vitamina A, em entrevista com a mãe ou responsável pela criança. Os resultados mostram que os alimentos mais consumidos foram pão, bolacha e biscoito, com 98,3%, seguidos pelo açúcar (95,1%), arroz (92,4%), óleo vegetal (86,0), farinha de mandioca (77,4%), tomate (70,1%) e café (69,5%). O consumo de alimentos de origem animal foi responsável por quase dois terços do total ingerido de vitamina A. Quanto à distribuição dos alimentos fontes de vitamina A, observou-se semelhança do seu consumo nas três cidades estudadas. O percentual de adequação de consumo evidenciou que a proteína foi o único nutriente consumido em níveis superiores à recomendação da "National Research Council", enquanto o aporte dietético de vitamina A foi de 84,0%, 68,4% e 63,8%, em Boa Vista, Manaus e Porto Velho, respectivamente, com inadequação, inclusive, para energia e zinco. Observou-se um padrão alimentar monótono e limitado, com baixo consumo de fontes de vitamina A pré-formada, de hortaliças e de frutas fontes de carotenóides pró-vitamínicos A típicos da Região Amazônica, como buriti, tucumã, pupunha e manga, quase todas sazonais, que não estavam na sua época por ocasião do inquérito

    KRAS as a modulator of the inflammatory tumor microenvironment: therapeutic implications

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    KRAS mutations are one of the most frequent oncogenic mutations of all human cancers, being more prevalent in pancreatic, colorectal, and lung cancers. Intensive efforts have been encouraged in order to understand the effect of KRAS mutations, not only on tumor cells but also on the dynamic network composed by the tumor microenvironment (TME). The relevance of the TME in cancer biology has been increasing due to its impact on the modulation of cancer cell activities, which can dictate the success of tumor progression. Here, we aimed to clarify the pro- and anti-inflammatory role of KRAS mutations over the TME, detailing the context and the signaling pathways involved. In this review, we expect to open new avenues for investigating the potential of KRAS mutations on inflammatory TME modulation, opening a different vision of therapeutic combined approaches to overcome KRAS-associated therapy inefficacy and resistance in cancer.This work was financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, FCT) within the scope of two PhD grants, SFRH/BD/140137/2018 attributed to FP and SFRH/BD/142486/2018 attributed to AF. A.P. acknownledges FCT within the scope of the project PTDC/QUIQIN/28662/2017. A.P. and M.J.S. also acknowledge the support of the CBMA strategic programme "Contrato-Programa" UIDB/04050/2020 funded by national funds through the FCT I.P. C.A.R. acknowledges the project Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000051-"Cancer Research on Therapy Resistance: From Basic Mechanisms to Novel Targets", supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). M.J.O. acknowledges FEDER funds through COMPETE 2020-Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Portugal 2020, Portuguese funds through FCT/Ministerio da Ciencia, Tecnologia e do Ensino Superior in the framework of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-31859/2017

    Estágio supervisionado e extensão universitária em contexto hospitalar

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar a experiência desenvolvida pelo Projeto de Extensão Estudar, uma ação saudável: construindo uma pedagogia hospitalar e sua relação com a disciplina de Estágio Supervisionado no Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal do Maranhão. Discute-se o papel do Estágio Supervisionado na formação do professor sob o viés da Extensão Universitária. As atividades foram desenvolvidas pelos alunos estagiários no Hospital Universitário Presidente Dutra, Unidade Materno Infantil atendendo cerca de 50 crianças/adolescentes com idade entre 2 e 15 anos, através de metodologia lúdica recheadas de conteúdos escolares que favoreceu a integração da criança ao ambiente hospitalar sem se desvincular do processo educativo, ao mesmo tempo que valorizou espaços não formais para a atuação do pedagogo.</p