63 research outputs found

    Thermally driven hydrogen interaction with single-layer graphene on SiO2/Si substrates quantified by isotopic labeling

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    In the present work, we investigated the interaction of hydrogen with single-layer graphene. Fully hydrogenated monolayer graphene was predicted to be a semiconductor with a bandgap of 3.5 eV in contrast to the metallic behavior of its pristine counterpart. Integration of these materials is a promising approach to develop new electronic devices. Amidst numerous theoretical works evidencing the efficient formation of fully hydrogenated graphene, few experimental studies have tackled this issue. A possible explanation for that is the difficulty to directly quantify hydrogen by usual characterization techniques. Using an isotopically enriched gas in deuterium in conjunction with nuclear reaction analysis, we were able to quantify deuterium deliberately incorporated in graphene as a result of thermal annealing. The highest D areal density obtained following annealing at 800 °C was 3.5 × 1014 D/cm2. This amount corresponds to ∼10% of the carbon atoms in graphene. Spectroscopic results evidence that deuterium is predominantly incorporated in grain boundaries accompanied by rippling and etching of graphene, the latter effect being more pronounced at higher temperatures. Desorption experiments show that hydrogen (deuterium) incorporation is not completely reversible due to the damage induced in the graphene layer through the hydrogen adsorption/desorption cycle


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    In an accounting-financial perspective applied to business organizations, the Going-Concern Principle presupposes their sustainability towards perpetuity, influencing and guaranteeing investors’ returns. In Public Management, this is no different, underlining the existence of the Going-Concern Principle of the State. This describes the State as a political society that, like the company, should be perennial and sustainable, always aiming for the promotion of the common good and the development of its people. In line with the expected contribution, this paper is aimed at discussing the importance of Accounting Applied to the Public Sector as a useful tool for effective Public Governance and Governability, in accordance with a sustainability view that is applicable to the management of the State. What the method is concerned, regarding the ends, it was an exploratory and explanatory research and, regarding the means, bibliographic and documentary research and theoretical-empirical observation were used, focusing on compliance with Public Management disclosure (transparency) and accountability (social responsibility to render accounts to society). As a result, a strong interrelation between the terms was verified, as Accounting evidences governments’ results and actions based on governance (the means/the how) related to governability (political power and actions), and also that both are oriented towards the sustainability of the State. As regards the latter, it was also verified that it is more comprehensive than the term “sustainability” itself, which is often narrowed down to the eco-environmental view and ignores important financial (equilibrium) and economic-social variables inherent in the social function of the State Como.El Principio de la Continuidad en una visión contable-financiera aplicado a las organizaciones empresariales presupone su sostenibilidad en dirección a la perpetuidad, influenciando y asegurando a los inversores el retorno de sus inversiones. En la Administración Pública, no es diferente, destacándose la existencia del Principio de la Continuidad del Estado. Tal principio describe el Estado como sociedad política que, así como la empresa, debe ser perenne y sostenible visando siempre a la promoción del bien común y al desarrollo de su pueblo. Consonante a la contribución esperada, este trabajo tiene por objetivo discutir la importancia de la Contabilidad Aplicada al Sector Público como herramienta útil a la efectividad de la Gobernanza y de la Gobernabilidad Públicas adherentes a una visión de sostenibilidad aplicable a la gestión del Estado. La metodología adoptada, en relación a los fines, fue la pesquisa exploratoria y explicativa utilizando, en relación a los medios, de investigaciones bibliográficas y documental y de la observación teórico-empírica concernientes a la adherencia de la disclosure (transparencia) y de la accountability (responsabilidad social de prestar cuentas a la sociedad) a la Gestión Pública. Como resultados fue posible constatar una fuerte interrelación entre los términos, a la vista del hecho de que la Contabilidad evidencie los resultados y las acciones de los gobiernos a partir de la gobernanza (el medio/el cómo) relacionada con la gobernabilidad (poder y acciones políticas), y también que ambas son orientadas para la sostenibilidad del Estado. Sobre la sostenibilidad del Estado, fue constatado asimismo que esta es de más alcance que el propio término “sostenibilidad”, el cual, en muchas veces, es reducido a la visión eco-ambiental y no considera importantes variables de cuño financiero (equilibrio) y económico-social inherentes a la función social del Estado.O Princípio da Continuidade numa visão contábil-financeira aplicado às organizações empresariais pressupõe sua sustentabilidade em direção à perpetuidade, influenciando e assegurando aos investidores o retorno de seus investimentos. Na Administração Pública, não é diferente, destacando-se a existência do Princípio da Continuidade do Estado. Tal princípio descreve o Estado como sociedade política que, assim como a empresa, deve ser perene e sustentável visando sempre à promoção do bem comum e ao desenvolvimento de seu povo. Consoante à contribuição esperada, este trabalho tem por objetivo discutir a importância da Contabilidade Aplicada ao Setor Público como ferramenta útil à efetividade da Governança e da Governabilidade Públicas aderentes a uma visão de sustentabilidade aplicável à gestão do Estado. A metodologia adotada, quanto aos fins, foi a pesquisa exploratória e explicativa utilizando-se, quanto aos meios, de investigações bibliográficas e documental e da observação teórico-empírica concernentes à aderência da disclosure (transparência) e da accountability (responsabilidade social de prestar contas à sociedade) à Gestão Pública. Como resultados foi possível constatar uma forte inter-relação entre os termos, haja vista o fato de a Contabilidade evidenciar os resultados e as ações dos governos a partir da governança (o meio/o como) relacionada com a governabilidade (poder e ações políticas), e também que ambas são orientadas para a sustentabilidade do Estado. Sobre a sustentabilidade do Estado, constatou-se ainda que esta é mais abrangente que o próprio termo “sustentabilidade”, o qual, em muitas vezes, é reduzido à visão ecoambiental e não considera importantes variáveis de cunho financeiro (equilíbrio) e econômico-social inerentes à função social do Estado

    Punt de deflexió de la freqüència cardíaca com a mètode alternatiu d’identificació del llindar anaeròbic en pacients amb diabetis tipus 2

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      Objectius: El propòsit d’aquest article fou avaluar la concordança entre freqüència cardíaca (FC) i velocitat en la cinta de córrer corresponent al llindar anaeròbic mesurada pel segon llindar ventilatori (LV2) i pel punt de deflexió de l’FC (PDFC) en pacients amb diabetis tipus 2.Mètodes: S’avaluaren 32 pacients sedentaris (56,1 ± 7,7 anys). Per determinar els valors dels llindars, els pacients realitzaren una prova d’esforç incremental a una velocitat inicial de 3 km h−1 durant 3 min, amb increments d’1 km h−1 cada 2 min. S’analitzà el grau de concordança entre LV2 i PDFC mitjançant el test de Bland-Altman.Resultats: Els pacients mostraren una FC de 133 ± 16 bpm en LV2 i 133 ± 18 bpm en PDFC. La velocitat mitjana corresponent a LV2 fou de 6,3 ± 0,7 km h−1 i la corresponent a PDFC fou de 6,4 ± 1,1 km h−1. No hi hagué diferències significatives entre els mètodes avaluats (FC: p = 0,78; velocitat mitjana: p = 0,57).Conclusió: Aquesta recerca conclou que hi ha correspondència entre els mètodes LV2 i PDFC en l’FC i la velocitat mitjana a la cinta de córrer, i, per tant, qualsevol dels 2 mètodes pot ser emprat en aquests pacients

    Punto de deflexión de la frecuencia cardíaca como método alternativo de identificación del umbral anaeróbico en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2

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      Objetivos: El propósito de este artículo fue evaluar la concordancia entre frecuencia cardíaca (FC) y velocidad en la cinta de correr correspondiente al umbral anaeróbico medido por el segundo umbral ventilatorio (UV2) y por el punto de deflexión de la FC (PDFC) en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2.Métodos: Se evaluaron 32 pacientes sedentarios (56,1 ± 7,7 años) para determinar los valores de los umbrales. Los pacientes realizaron una prueba de esfuerzo incremental a una velocidad inicial de 3 km h−1 durante 3 min, con incrementos de 1 km h−1 cada 2 min. Se analizó el grado de concordancia entre UV2 y PDFC mediante el test de Bland-Altman.Resultados: Los pacientes mostraron una FC de 133 ± 16 lpm en UV2 y 133 ± 18 lpm en PDFC. La velocidad media correspondiente a UV2 fue 6,3 ± 0,7 km h−1 y la correspondiente a PDFC fue 6,4 ± 1,1 km h−1. No hubo diferencias significativas entre los métodos evaluados (FC: p = 0,78; velocidad media: p = 0,57).Conclusión: Esta investigación concluye que existe correspondencia entre los métodos UV2 y PDFC en FC y la velocidad media en la cinta de correr; por lo tanto, cualquiera de estos 2 métodos puede ser usado en estos pacientes

    Heart rate deflection point as an alternative method to identify the anaerobic threshold in patients with type 2 diabetes

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    Aims The purpose of this study was to evaluate the agreement between heart rate (HR) and treadmill velocity corresponding to the anaerobic threshold measured by second ventilatory threshold (VT2) and the HR deflection point (HRDP) in patients with type 2 diabetes.Materials and methods Thirty-two sedentary patients (56.1 ± 7.7 years) were evaluated. To determine the threshold values, patients performed an incremental treadmill test, with an initial velocity of 3 km h−1 for 3 min, which was then increased by 1 km h−1 every 2 min. The degree of agreement between VT2 and HRDP was analyzed using the Bland---Altman test.Results Patients had a HR of 133 ± 16 bpm at VT2 and 133 ± 18 bpm at HRDP. Mean velocity corresponding to VT2 was 6.3 ± 0.7 km h−1, and that corresponding to HRDP was 6.4 ± 1.1 km h−1. There were no significant differences between the methods evaluated (HR: p = 0.78; mean velocity: p = 0.57).Conclusions The present investigation concludes that there is an agreement between VT2 and HRDP methods for HR and treadmill velocity, and thus, either method may be used for these patients

    Inovação e sustentabilidade

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    Em virtude da crise dos recursos naturais, mais do que nunca as empresas precisam repensar as estratégias relativas à sua cadeia de valor para enfrentar essa realidade. Desse contexto, surgem desafios e oportunidades que exigem das empresas a interface necessária entre tecnologia, inovação e design, sendo, ao mesmo tempo, sustentáveis. Inovação e Sustentabilidade trata desses assuntos fundamentais e convida as empresas que almejam inovar a refletir sobre responsabilidade social e educação ambiental

    Glycemic Threshold as an Alternative Method to Identify the Anaerobic Threshold in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

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    Purpose: To analyze the agreement between the velocity, heart rate, and oxygen uptake values corresponding to second ventilatory threshold and glycemic threshold in patients with type 2 diabetes.Methods: Twenty-four untrained patients (55.1 ± 8.9 years) were evaluated. Three different parameters of training intensity corresponding to anaerobic threshold, one mechanical (velocity) and two physiological (heart rate and oxygen uptake) parameters, were identified by a classical method (second ventilatory threshold) and by an alternative method (glycemic threshold). To determine the threshold values, patients performed an incremental treadmill test, with an initial velocity of 3 km.h-1 for 3 min, that was then increased by 1 km.h-1 every 2 min. Comparisons between mean values and the degree of agreement between second ventilatory threshold and glycemic threshold were analyzed using the paired t-test and Bland-Altman test, respectively.Results: All patients performed the tests appropriately, and no adverse effects were recorded. Patients demonstrated similar mean velocity (p = 0.25), heart rate (p = 0.97) and oxygen uptake (p = 0.71) between the ventilatory threshold (6.4 ± 0.6 km.h-1, 130.1 ± 18.7 bpm, 15.2 ± 3.5 ml.kg.min-1) and the glycemic threshold (6.2 ± 0.9 km.h-1, 130.2 ± 12.8 bpm, 15.0 ± 3.8 ml.kg.min-1).Conclusion: The present study indicates an agreement between the glycemic and second ventilatory methods in determination of the anaerobic threshold of patients with type 2 diabetes; and thus, either method may be used for these patients

    Use of Calender Extract Cream in Equine Lacerate Wound

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    Background: Wounds and lacerations are constant in the clinical routine of horses. The treatment of wounds by the second intention is the most common in the equine clinic; it consists in addition to surgical debridement, the use of allopathic or phytotherapeutic healing. In this context, several phytotherapics used in folk medicine have been used with promising results in the equine species, especially marigold (Calendula officinalis L.), recognized by the German scientific committee as antiseptic and healing. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the nonionic cream of Calendula officinalis at 2% in an extensive lacerating wound in an equine.Case: A 6-month-old female Quarter Horse, weighing 160 kg, a lacerating wound in the pectoral region of unknown traumatic origin, was treated in the large animal sector of the Veterinary Hospital of Universidade Paranaense (UNIPAR). Clinical examination revealed an exudative wound in the pectoral region, complicated by the presence of environmental organic matter and myiasis, involving transverse pectoral and descending pectoral muscles, with a large tissue separation and exposure of part of the first sternum. After an initial evaluation, a trichotomy was performed around the wound, removal of myiasis and sanitization of the wound with water and PVP-I, which was filled with sterile dressings and covered with a dressing using a tubular mesh. Antibiotic therapy was instituted, along with anti-inflammatory medication and antitetanic serum (5,000 IU). Due to the need for surgical debridement, after previous fasting and general anesthesia followed by site antisepsis, surgical debridement was performed, followed by reduction of dead space with application of standard "Wolf" sutures, for re-approximation of the wound edges was applied suture in Wolf pattern captonated with segments of equipment. In the post-surgical period, topical treatment with nitrofurazone ointment and crystal sugar was instituted. However, after five days of the surgical procedure, there was dehiscence of the wound, at which time another intervention was chosen. After sedation remaining in standard anatomical position, sutures of the same pattern and wire were applied, but captonated with polyester buds and wound dressing was instituted, followed by the application of nonionic cream of marigold (C. officinalis) extract, in the concentration of 2%, twice a day until complete healing of the wound.Discussion: The use of nonionic marigold cream (C. officinalis) 2% showed a significant efficacy, in the case reported, corroborating with literature data that marigold presented an advantage in the inflammatory phase of the healing process, when compared to the other two substances, favored epithelization and demonstrated bactericidal action. This activity is reported to the substances present in C. officinalis, especially the flavonoids, which are phenolic compounds derived from the secondary metabolism of plants. In addition to phenolic compounds such as triterpenes, faradiol esters and taraxasterol are considered responsible for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and angiogenic activities, actions that contribute directly or indirectly to the healing process. The present report contributes positively to the use of alternative treatments in wounds as the phytotherapeutic in question, since it proved feasible, besides avoiding the use of allopathic ones with higher associated costs and environmental impact in its production and use, as well as the emergence of bacterial resistance