150 research outputs found

    Sustainable practices in urban freight distribution in Bilbao

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    Purpose: The objective of the present study is to select some feasible and sustainable logistic practices in order to improve the urban freight distribution in Bilbao city. Design/methodology/approach: After a thorough literature review and a benchmarking, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) techniques were used in order to support the decision making processes in order to select the most interesting practices. The criteria used for this selection were based on four factors: (1) improvement of the city freight distribution, (2) implementation possibility, (3) short and medium term applicability and (4) impact on the citizens of Bilbao. Findings: The paper identifies some specific problems that must be faced during the last stage of the logistics chain, where products are usually delivered to final customers in the urban environment. Research limitations/implications: Not all good urban freight distribution practices can be applied universally to all types of towns. Therefore, it is necessary to design some practices specifically to each particular city according to the physical characteristics of the city, the companies’ motivation and the citizens’ habits. Practical implications: All the agents involved in the city freight distribution should be aware of the benefits and problems that their actions cause. Originality/value: This study was carried out from a wide perspective that included researchers, logistics operators and local authorities.Peer Reviewe

    Propuesta de modelo para la innovación colaborativa de la Pyme con su cadena de suministro

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    [ESP] La globalización de los mercados, la velocidad con la que se producen avances en el área tecnológica, la intensidad de la competencia a nivel mundial generan un nuevo escenario en el ámbito industrial. Las empresas en general y las pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) en particular, sufren este entorno incierto, que hace tambalear la rentabilidad de sus negocios. La habilidad para afrontar los cambios depende no sólo de la flexibilidad de la propia empresa sino de la adaptabilidad de sus proveedores a las nuevas circunstancias. Es por ello que toma relevancia la red de personas, empresas, tecnologías y conocimientos cuya función es la obtención de materias primas, su transformación en productos semi-elaborados y/o terminados y su distribución a clientes, lo que se recoge en el concepto de cadena de suministro

    Predictive Control Applied to a Solar Desalination Plant Connected to a Greenhouse with Daily Variation of Irrigation Water Demand

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    The water deficit in the Mediterranean area is a known matter severely affecting agriculture. One way to avoid the aquifers’ exploitation is to supply water to crops by using thermal desalination processes. Moreover, in order to guarantee long-term sustainability, the required thermal energy for the desalination process can be provided by solar energy. This paper shows simulations for a case study in which a solar multi-effect distillation plant produces water for irrigation purposes. Detailed models of the involved systems are the base of a predictive controller to operate the desalination plant and fulfil the water demanded by the crops

    Validation of Real Case Solving (RCS) Methodology as an Efficient Engineering Learning Tool

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    In recent times, new learning methodologies known as student-based methodologies have been introduced to simplify the learning process for the students and facilitate the acquisition of skills for them. Among them, problem based learning (PBL) and project-based learning (PjBL) are widely used methods in the world of education. Real case solving (RCS) is a variant of the PBL where students solve real cases through the application of the PBL methodology. RCS seems to be a relevant approach for educators, but it has an apparently limited implementation degree at the academic level. This article presents the successful implementation of four different RCS approaches in the lecturing process in five different classes in the engineering degree of University of Deusto. The initiative has been analyzed both quantitative and qualitatively; the overall performance and success rate of the students were compared with the ones acquired from conventional teaching methods. The results were found to be promising, demonstrating a significantly better performance than the traditional teaching methodologies. The successful results encouraged the university to continue working further in this direction.This research was funded by the X. INNOVATION IN TEACHING CALL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEUSTO, project “Application and potential validation of the Real Case Solving methodology as method for relevant learning at the Faculty of Engineering”, and by the BBK Foundation

    Choline kinase inhibitors EB-3D and EB-3P interferes with lipid homeostasis in HepG2 cells

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    A full understanding of the molecular mechanism of action of choline kinase α (ChoKα) inhibitors at the cell level is essential for developing therapeutic and preventive approaches for cancer. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of the ChoKα inhibitors EB-3D and EB-3P on lipid metabolism in HepG2 cells. We used [methyl-14C]choline, [1,2-14C]acetic acid and [2-3H]glycerol as exogenous precursors of the corresponding phospholipids and neutral lipids. [Methyl-14C]choline was also used to determine choline uptake. Protein levels were determined by Western blot. Ultrastructural alterations were investigated by transmission electron microscopy. In this work, we demonstrate that EB-3D and EB-3P interfere with phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis via both CDP-choline pathway and choline uptake by the cell. Moreover, the synthesis of both diacylglycerols and triacylglycerols was affected by cell exposure to both inhibitors. These effects were accompanied by a substantial decrease in cholesterol biosynthesis, as well as alterations in the expression of proteins related to cholesterol homeostasis. We also found that EB-3D and EB-3P lowered ChoKα protein levels. All these effects could be explained by the modulation of the AMP-activated protein kinase signalling pathway. We show that both inhibitors cause mitochondrial alteration and an endoplasmic reticulum stress response. EB-3D and EB-3P exert effects on ChoKα expression, AMPK activation, apoptosis, endoplasmic reticulum stress and lipid metabolism. Taken together, results show that EB-3D and EB-3P have potential anticancer activity through the deregulation of lipid metabolism.This work was aided by the Andalusian Regional Government (P11-CVI-7859). The inhibitors were developed under the Cei-Biotic Project CEI2013-MP-1 (University of Granada)

    Hydrogen from Sunlight and Water: A Side-by-Side Comparison between Photoelectrochemical and Solar Thermochemical Water-Splitting

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    Photoelectrochemical (PEC) and solar thermochemical (STCH) water-splitting represent two promising pathways for direct solar hydrogen generation. PEC water-splitting integrates multiple functional materials and utilizes energetic electrons and holes generated from sunlight to produce hydrogen and oxygen in two half-reactions, while STCH water-splitting couples a series of consecutive chemical reactions and uses absorbed heat from sunlight to generate hydrogen and oxygen in two full reactions. In this Focus Review, the basic operating principles, sunlight utilization, device architecture, reactor design, instantaneous and annually averaged solar-to-hydrogen (STH) conversion efficiency, and the operating conditions and constraints of both pathways are compared. A side-by-side comparison addresses some common sources of confusion and misinterpretation, especially in the evaluation of STH conversion efficiencies, and reveals distinct features and challenges in both PEC and STCH technologies. This Focus Review also addresses materials and device challenges in PEC and STCH for cost-competitive hydrogen generation

    Radón interior en puestos de trabajo en España. Un estudio piloto antes de la introducción de la Directiva Europea 2013/59/Euratom

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    Objective : To explore whether there is a possible problem regarding indoor radon concentration surpassing the new European Directive 2013/59/Euratom threshold in Spanish workplaces. We also aim to find out whether radon concentration might be associated with certain characteristics of workplaces. Method : We performed a cross-sectional study to measure indoor radon concentrations in Spanish workplaces including five different sectors (education, public administration, the health sector, the tourist sector and the private sector). To be measured, the workplace should be occupied permanently by at least one worker. Alpha-track type radon detectors were placed for at least three months and read at the Galician Radon Laboratory at the University of Santiago de Compostela. A descriptive analysis was performed on radon distribution by sector, building characteristics and number of workers affected. Results : We faced enormous difficulties in finding volunteers for this study. Galicia and Madrid had the highest number of measurements. Of a total of 248 measurements, 27% had concentrations above 300 Bq/m3. Median radon concentration was 251 Bq/m3 in Galicia, followed by Madrid, with 61.5 Bq/m3. Forty-six percent of the workplaces measured in Galicia had radon concentrations higher than 300 Bq/m3 followed by 10.6% in Madrid. Nineteen percent of all workers were exposed to more than 300 Bq/m3 and 6.3% were exposed to radon concentrations higher than 500 Bq/m3. Conclusion : Indoor radon exposure might be a relevant problem in Spanish workplaces and the number of affected workers could be high. The prevalence of workers exposed to high radon concentrations probably depends on the geographical area.Objetivo: Explorar si podría existir un problema en cuanto a la concentración de radón en los puestos de trabajo en España por superación del umbral propuesto por la nueva Directiva Europea 2013/59/Euratom. También se pretende conocer si la concentración de radón puede estar asociada a las características de los puestos de trabajo. Método: Estudio transversal en seis regiones y diferentes sectores (educación, administración pública, sanitario, turístico y privado). El puesto de trabajo medido debía ser ocupado de manera permanente por al menos un trabajador. Los detectores de radón de tipo alfa-track estuvieron colocados al menos 3 meses y fueron revelados en el Laboratorio de Radón de Galicia, de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de la concentración de radón por sector, por características de los edificios y por número de trabajadores afectados. Resultados: Hubo dificultades para encontrar voluntarios para este estudio. Galicia y Madrid tuvieron el mayor número de mediciones. Se midieron 248 lugares de trabajo, con el 27% por encima de los 300 Bq/m3. La concentración mediana fue de 251 Bq/m3 en Galicia, seguida de Madrid con 61,5 Bq/m3. El 46% de los puestos de trabajo en Galicia tenían concentraciones mayores de 300 Bq/m3, y el 10,6% en Madrid. El 19% de los trabajadores estuvieron expuestos a más de 300 Bq/m3 y el 6,3% a más de 500 Bq/m3. Conclusión: La exposición a radón podría ser un problema de salud relevante en los lugares de trabajo en España. El número de trabajadores expuestos parece elevado. La prevalencia de trabajadores afectados depende del área geográfica.This paper has been funded by a competitive research grant of the Fundación Prevent (2015) entitled Exposición laboral a radón interior en España – Estudio piloto. Instituto Sindical de Trabajo, Ambiente y Salud.S

    Gravitational Coleman-Weinberg mechanism

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    The Coleman-Weinberg mechanism provides a procedure by which a scalar field, which initially has no mass parameters, acquires a mass due to the anomalous nature of scale symmetry. Loop corrections trigger a spontaneous symmetry breaking and the appearance of a non-trivial vacuum. We first review the basic example of the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism, scalar Quantum Electrodynamics, in a perturbative regime where the scalar particle becomes massive through photon loops. We then present the main results of this article, what we name the gravitational Coleman-Weinberg mechanism: we analyse the same effect in a gravitational theory without explicit energy scales at tree-level. Finally, we also study the mechanism for two scalar fields in the mentioned gravitational theory. We will derive the gravitational Coleman-Weinberg potentials, analyse the parameter space where we have a symmetry breaking, and obtain the value of the corresponding scalar masses