44 research outputs found

    El an谩lisis de orina como herramienta diagn贸stica en casos de malaria grave

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    Malaria accounts for a significant morbidity and mortality rate around the world, especially in communities with limited access to healthcare. Some clinical signs in urine, like haematuria, coluria and proteinuria, help for the early diagnosis of severe malaria cases.A narrative review was conducted by analyzing 91 publications on studies about severe malaria cases and the use of urinalysis.A urinalysis can detect metabolic disturbances and organ injury. Its diagnostic utility for frequent complications caused by malaria, such as hepatic injury, kidney dysfunction and hemolysis, has been confirmed by recent Colombian studies.This test is an easy-to-use tool in outpatient clinics and with hospitalized patients to promptly recognize complicated cases, allowing the timely identification of different lesions in patients with malaria, thus contributing to the reduction of severe morbidity and mortality.La malaria produce complicaciones y muerte especialmente en poblaciones con acceso limitado a la atenci贸n en salud. La malaria grave puede reconocerse tempranamente mediante la detecci贸n en la orina de hallazgos como la hematuria, la coluria y la proteinuria.Se hizo una revisi贸n narrativa basada en estudios sobre malaria grave y el empleo del an谩lisis de orina mediante la consulta de 91 publicaciones.Mediante el an谩lisis de la orina, se pueden detectar alteraciones metab贸licas y lesiones en distintos 贸rganos. En estudios recientes en Colombia se ha confirmado su utilidad como apoyo en el diagn贸stico de la disfunci贸n renal, la disfunci贸n hep谩tica y la anemia asociada con hem贸lisis, las cuales son complicaciones frecuentes en la malaria.El examen constituye una herramienta de f谩cil aplicaci贸n en la consulta ambulatoria y en pacientes hospitalizados para reconocer tempranamente casos complicados, y permite la detecci贸n oportuna de diferentes lesiones en el paciente con malaria, contribuyendo as铆 a la reducci贸n de la morbilidad grave y la mortalidad

    Malaria grave en mujeres gestantes hospitalizadas entre el 2010 y el 2014 en el departamento de Antioquia, Colombia

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    Introduction: Malaria during pregnancy has a negative impact on maternal-neonatal health, with a high risk of clinic complications and mortality. High endemic areas are specially characterized by maternal anaemia and low birth weight. The clinical spectrum is little known in low endemic areas.Objective: To clinically and epidemiologically characterize malaria episodes in hospitalized pregnant women in the Department of Antioquia (Colombia) in the period 2010-2014.Materials and methods: Retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive study with medical records of pregnant women with P. falciparum and P. vivax malaria. The WHO severe malaria diagnostic criteria and the Colombian Gu铆a para la atenci贸n cl铆nica integral del paciente con malaria (guidelines for comprehensive malaria treatment) were used.Results: We analyzed 111 cases, out of which 13.5% were classified as severe malaria according to the WHO criteria. Following the Colombian Guidelines, the proportion increased to 23.4%. Identified complications included hepatic dysfunction, anaemia, acidosis, and severe thrombocytopenia. No difference in the frequency of complications by Plasmodium species was observed; 39.4% of the cases presented general danger signs, pallor and jaundice being the most frequent; 40.5% showed danger signs for pregnancy, such as persistent headache, abdominal pain, and vaginal bleeding.Conclusions: Severe malaria is a highly frequent event in pregnant women, without differences by Plasmodium species. It shows early recognizable dangers signs. Hospital under-reporting was identified in 88% of severe cases as well as a lack of laboratory tests for a more comprehensive diagnosis. A protocol for the clinical diagnosis of pregnant women with malaria is required.Introducci贸n. La malaria (o paludismo) durante la gestaci贸n impacta negativamente la salud de la madre y del neonato, con alto riesgo de complicaciones cl铆nicas y mortalidad. En las regiones de alta endemia se han caracterizado, especialmente, la anemia materna y el bajo peso al nacer, pero es poco conocido el espectro cl铆nico en las zonas de baja endemia.Objetivo. Caracterizar cl铆nica y epidemiol贸gicamente los episodios de malaria en mujeres gestantes hospitalizadas en el departamento de Antioquia entre el 2010 y el 2014.Materiales y m茅todos. Se hizo un estudio descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo, con historias cl铆nicas de mujeres gestantes con malaria por Plasmodium falciparum y P. vivax. Se utilizaron los criterios diagn贸sticos de malaria complicada de la Organizaci贸n Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y de la Gu铆a para la atenci贸n cl铆nica integral del paciente con malaria vigente en Colombia.Resultados. Se analizaron 111 casos; el 13,5 % se clasific贸 como complicaci贸n grave seg煤n los criterios de la OMS, porcentaje que ascendi贸 a 23,4 % seg煤n los criterios de la gu铆a colombiana. Las complicaciones detectadas fueron disfunci贸n hep谩tica, anemia, acidosis y trombocitopenia grave. No se observ贸 diferencia en la frecuencia de las complicaciones seg煤n la especie de plasmodio. El 39,4 % de los casos present贸 signos generales de peligro; la palidez y la ictericia fueron los m谩s frecuentes. El 40,5 % present贸 signos de peligro para la gestaci贸n como la cefalea persistente, el dolor abdominal y el sangrado vaginal.Conclusiones. La malaria grave se presenta con gran frecuencia en las mujeres gestantes, sin diferencia seg煤n la especie de plasmodio, y se manifiesta con signos de peligro precozmente reconocibles. Se encontr贸 un subregistro hospitalario del 88 % de los casos graves y falta de ex谩menes de laboratorio para un diagn贸stico m谩s completo. Se requiere un protocolo para el diagn贸stico cl铆nico de las mujeres gestantes con malaria

    Leukogram Profile and Clinical Status in vivax and falciparum Malaria Patients from Colombia

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    ABSTARCT: Hematological alterations are frequent in malaria patients; the relationship between alterations in white blood cell counts and clinical status in malaria is not well understood. In Colombia, with low endemicity and unstable transmission for malaria, with malaria vivax predominance, the hematologic profile in malaria patients is not well characterized. The aim of this study was to characterize the leukogram in malaria patients and to analyze its alterations in relation to the clinical status. METHODS: 888 leukogram profiles of malaria patients from different Colombian regions were studied: 556 with P. falciparum infection (62.6%), 313 with P. vivax infection (35.2%), and 19 with mixed infection by these species (2.1%). RESULTS: Leukocyte counts at diagnosis were within normal range in 79% of patients and 18% had leucopenia; the most frequent alteration was lymphopenia (54%) followed by monocytosis (11%); the differential granulocyte count in 298 patients revealed eosinophilia (15%) and high basophil counts (8%). Leukocytosis, eosinopenia, and neutrophilia were associated with clinical complications. The utility of changes in leukocyte counts as markers of severity should be explored in depth. A better understanding of these hematological parameters will allow their use in prompt diagnosis of malaria complications and monitoring treatment response

    Barriers to the care of febrile patients in a malaria endemic area : El Bagre (Antioquia, Colombia) 2016.

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    Objetivo: Identificar limitaciones de los pacientes con s铆ndrome febril agudo para acceder a los servicios de atenci贸n institucional, con 茅nfasis en la identificaci贸n de barreras de comunicaci贸n.M茅todo: Estudio descriptivo que involucra t茅cnicas de investigaci贸n cualitativa con pacientes de los servicios de atenci贸n de la malaria y con personal asistencial y administrativo del municipio de El Bagre Antioquia, Colombia en el 2016. Se aplicaron encuestas semiestructuradas individuales, entrevistas y grupos focales. Los usuarios se帽alaron dificultades con el transporte, insuficiente n煤mero de citas y falta de personal para acceder a la atenci贸n. Resultados: Las dificultades de comunicaci贸n se relacionaron con la informaci贸n suministrada sobre tr谩mites y documentaci贸n para asistir a los puestos de salud, poca informaci贸n sobre el diagn贸stico, control y adherencia al tratamiento antimal谩rico y el no uso de algunos pacientes del espa帽ol para comunicarse en forma verbal o escrita. Conclusiones: Esto exige crear modelos de salud basados en transformaciones estructurales que abarquen las necesidades de los actores del sistema de salud y las comunidades, permitiendo establecer las bases para un proyecto multicultural de sociedad.Objective: identify constraints of patients with acute febrile syndrome to institutional care services access, emphasizing the identification of communication barriers. Method: this is a descriptive study that involves qualitative research techniques including malaria care service patients as well as assistance and administrative personnel of El Bagre town in Antioquia, Colombia in 2016. Semi-structured individual surveys, interviews and focus groups were used. Results: users listed difficulties including transportation, insufficient number of appointments and absence of personnel to access healthcare. Communication difficulties were related to the information provided in the paperwork and documents filled out to attend healthcare facilities, scarce information about diagnostic, control, and adherence to antimalarial treatment; additionally some patients did not use Spanish to communicate in oral or write form. Conclusion: the creation of health models based on structural transformations that encompass the needs of Healthcare System actors and communities is a must, which allows the establishment of foundations for a multicultural society Project

    Utilidad de los signos cl铆nicos y parasitol贸gicos en el pron贸stico de la malaria grave en Colombia

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    Introduction. Early recognition of danger signs in patients with malaria can reduce complications and deaths, but little is known about their prognostic value for severe malaria, especially in areas of low transmission and unstable malaria.Objective. To assess the prognostic value for severity of different clinical and parasitological signs in patients with malaria.Materials and methods. A prospective cohort of patients from five municipalities in Colombia with diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum or P. vivax malaria in whom the association between clinical and parasitological signs with complicated malaria was studied.Results. A predictive model with 47.4% sensitivity, 92.8% specificity, 63.2% positive predictive value and 87.1% negative predictive value was obtained which includes jaundice, dark urine, hyperpyrexia and signs of dehydration.Conclusions. To impact the morbidity of complicated proposed a strategy is proposed for the early recognition of danger signs by non-medical personnel, which could be complemented by other elements of health care, such as providing adequate and appropriate antimalarial treatment. Diagnostic criteria for moderate complication are also proposed.Introducci贸n. El pronto reconocimiento de los signos de peligro en los pacientes con malaria puede reducir las complicaciones y muertes. Sin embargo, se conoce poco sobre su valor pron贸stico para la malaria complicada, especialmente en las zonas de transmisi贸n baja e inestable de la enfermedad.Objetivo. Estimar el valor pron贸stico de gravedad que tienen diversos signos cl铆nicos y parasitol贸gicos en los pacientes con malaria.Materiales y m茅todos. Se hizo un estudio en una cohorte prospectiva con pacientes de cinco municipios de Colombia, con diagn贸stico de malaria por Plasmodium falciparum y P. vivax, en quienes se estudi贸 la asociaci贸n de los signos cl铆nicos y los parasitol贸gicos con la malaria complicada.Resultados. Se obtuvo un modelo de predicci贸n con una sensibilidad de 47,4 % y especificidad de 92,8 %, valor pron贸stico positivo de 63,2 % y valor pron贸stico negativo de 87,1 %, el cual incluye ictericia, orina oscura, hiperpirexia y signos de deshidrataci贸n.Conclusiones. Con el fin de causar un impacto en la morbilidad complicada de la malaria, se propone una estrategia de reconocimiento de los signos de peligro por el personal no m茅dico, que se acompa帽ede otros elementos de la atenci贸n, como el suministro de un tratamiento antipal煤dico adecuado y oportuno. Se proponen los criterios del diagn贸stico de complicaci贸n moderada

    Urinalysis and Clinical Correlations in Patients with P. vivax

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    Background. Urinalysis is a poorly reviewed diagnostic tool in malaria patients; its application can show the presence of severe malaria. Methods. Urinalysis was performed in a total of 620 patients diagnosed with malaria by thick blood smear; complications were classified according to WHO major criteria for severity and minor criteria according to the Colombian malaria guideline. Results. Severe or moderate clinical complications were diagnosed in 31.1% of patients, hepatic dysfunctions were diagnosed in 25.8%, anemia was diagnosed in 9.8%, thrombocytopenia was diagnosed in 7.7%, renal dysfunction was diagnosed in 4.8%, neurological and pulmonary complications were diagnosed in 2.1% and 2.4%, hypoglycemia was diagnosed in 1.1% of patients with blood glucose analysis, and acidosis was diagnosed in 10 of 25. Bilirubinuria was found in 24.3%, associated with urobilinuria, proteinuria, and increased specific gravity; urobilinuria was found in 30.6% associated with elevated serum bilirubin and alanine aminotransferase; 39.2% had proteinuria, associated with higher blood urea nitrogen, serum bilirubin, aspartate, alanine-transaminase, hematuria, and increased specific gravity. Severe or moderate liver and renal complications were associated with proteinuria and bilirubinuria. Urobilinuria was associated with thrombocytopenia and neurological and hepatic dysfunction. Ketonuria was associated with neurological dysfunctions. Conclusions. The most frequent alterations in the urinalysis were bilirubinuria, proteinuria, urobilinuria, and increased specific gravity, related to thrombocytopenia and liver, kidney, and neurological alterations

    Clinical presentation of severe malaria due Plasmodiun falciparum. Case - control study in Tumaco and Turbo (Colombia)

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    RESUMEN: Antecedentes y problema: son muy pocos los estudios latinoamericanos sobre malaria por Plasmodium falciparum (P falciparum) complicada y se requiere estudiarla para identificar un patr贸n propio. Objetivos. Identificar las complicaciones presentes en pacientes de Tumaco (Nari帽o) y Turbo (Antioquia) en Colombia, con malaria por P falciparum. M茅todos. Dise帽o de casos y controles. Se aplicaron los criterios diagn贸sticos de complicaci贸n OMS-2000 (Organizaci贸n Mundial de la Salud). Resultados. Se captaron 64 casos (con malaria por P. falciparum complicada) y 135 controles (con malaria por P. falciparum no complicada). El tiempo de evoluci贸n de la enfermedad (promedio 5,6 d铆as en los casos y 5,9 en los controles) y la frecuencia de s铆ntomas fueron similares en ambos grupos (p>0,05), pero la dificultad respiratoria y la ictericia fueron m谩s frecuentes en los casos que en los controles (p0.05). However, respiratory distress and jaundice was more frequent in the cases (p<0.05). The mean glycemia and creatinina values were similar in both groups; hemoglobin and platelet count were lower in the cases (p<0.05) when compared to controls. On the other hand, blood ureic nitrogen, aspartatoaminotransferase, and total and direct bilirrubin were lower in controls (p<0.05). The frequency of complications in the cases was as follows: hyperparasitaemia 48%, liver dysfunction 44%, acute respiratory distress syndrome 9%, kidney failure 6%, severe thrombocytopenia 5%, severe anemia 3%, cerebral malaria 3% and severe hipoglycemia 2%. The WHO criteria for severe malaria were compared with others and the implications are discussed

    Allelic frequencies for SNP variants in the gene Nramp1 in bovine infected with Brucella abortus or classified by resistance to the pathogen

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    La resistencia natural a la brucelosis en bovinos ha sido asociada a factores gen茅ticos, principalmente a algunos polimorfismos de nucle贸tido simple ubicados dentro del gen Nramp1. La presente investigaci贸n eval煤a el efecto de variantes tipo polimorfismos de nucle贸tido simple presentes en regiones codificantes y en la regi贸n 3 UTR del gen Nramp1, en la clasificaci贸n de los animales como resistentes o susceptibles, adem谩s se determinan los genotipos predominantes en animales naturalmente infectados y comprobados como positivos por la presencia de anticuerpos anti Brucella abortus. Se establecieron las frecuencias genot铆picas y al茅licas para cinco polimorfismos de nucle贸tido simple identificados dentro del gen Nramp1 en animales de las razas blanco orejinegro (Bos taurus taurus) y ceb煤 (Bos taurus indicus) y en muestras serol贸gicamente positivas provenientes de animales cruzados (Bos taurus x Bos indicus). La determinaci贸n de genotipos se realiz贸 mediante la metodolog铆a polimorfismo conformacional de cadena sencilla. Se realiz贸 un ensayo de desaf铆o infeccioso in vitro, para estimar la capacidad de los macr贸fagos bovinos para controlar la sobrevivencia bacterial, lo que permiti贸 definir los individuos como resistentes o susceptibles. Los resultados sugieren una asociaci贸n significativa del SNP4 (p = 0,0506) con la variaci贸n para el fenotipo de susceptibilidad, pues se encontr贸 el genotipo homocigoto (BB) en alta frecuencia en animales catalogados como resistentes y el genotipo heterocigoto (AB) en alta frecuencia en animales catalogados como susceptibles y en animales con t铆tulos de anticuerpos anti Brucella abortus.;The natural resistance to brucellosis in cattle has been associated to genetic factors mainly to some single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), located within Nramp1 gen. The current research has studied the effect of nucleotide variants to be found in coding regions and other one located in 3 non translated region of Nramp1 gene, on the animal classification as resistant or susceptible, moreover was identified the main genotypes to be found on the infected animals, confirmed as positives by antibody antibrucella titles. Was established the genotypic and allelic frequencies for five single nucleotide polymorphism in animals from blanco orejinegro (Bos taurus taurus) and zebu breeds (Bos taurus indicus) and serum samples belonging to positive crossbred animals (Bos taurus x Bos indicus). The genotype was defined by the methodology known as single strand conformational polymorphism . To estimate the macrophage capacity to control the bacterial survival, an in vitro assay was performed, which allowed define the phenotype as resistant or susceptible. The results suggest a significant association for SNP4 (p = 0.0506) with the phenotypic variation for resistant or susceptibility, because was found the genotype (BB) at higher frequency in susceptible animals and naturally infected animals, than those resistant animals.Ganado de leche-Ganader铆a lech

    Evidence of clinical and radiographic changes in machined and modified surface osseointegrated implants. 3 to 12 months follow up

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    ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to undertake a clinical and radiographic evaluation between two different patient groups: machined versus modified surface, to find out if there is statistically significant difference that support the use of implants with different surface properties. Sixty screw, external hex connection implants were examined: one group with 30 machined surface implants (SuperCAT庐), and a second group with 30 implants with modified surface (RBM庐), for restoring a single tooth. The surgical procedure was performed according with the manufacturer鈥檚 protocol. After six months the second phase surgery was performed and the temporary restoration was placed. At this point, the first radiographic evaluation was made. The Roos et al (1997) parameters were followed for the clinical and radiographic evaluation. A 100% of osseointegration was accomplished in both groups. The average marginal bone loss was 0.78 mm, without significant differences between the groups. All implants were reported as success grade 1, with no complications. There are not significant differences between the two groups of machined and modified implant surfaces for single tooth restoration.RESUMEN: En este estudio se realiz贸 una evaluaci贸n cl铆nica y radiogr谩fica entre un grupo de pacientes con implantes de superficie maquinada y otro grupo con superficie modificada para determinar si existe alguna diferencia significativa que justifique la utilizaci贸n de una u otra superficie; para ello se trabaj贸 con dos tipos de implantes de la casa comercial Lifecore庐, un grupo con 30 implantes de superficie maquinada o lisa (SuperCAT庐) y 30 implantes de superficie modificada o rugosa (RBM庐), de conexi贸n externa, tipo tornillo, para la restauraci贸n de diente 煤nico. El procedimiento quir煤rgico se realiz贸 de acuerdo con las recomendaciones del fabricante y a los seis meses se realiz贸 la cirug铆a de destape y se coloc贸 una restauraci贸n temporal. Se siguieron los par谩metros de Roos y colaboradores (1997) para la evaluaci贸n cl铆nica y radiogr谩fica. Se obtuvo el 100% de oseointegraci贸n de los implantes para ambos grupos. La p茅rdida 贸sea promedio fue de 0,78 mm. No se encontraron diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas en la evaluaci贸n cl铆nica y radiogr谩fica entre los dos grupos de implantes de superficie maquinada o modificada para la restauraci贸n de diente 煤nico

    Diagnostic accuracy of loop-mediated isothermal amplifcation (LAMP) for screening malaria in peripheral and placental blood samples from pregnant women in Colombia

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    ABSTARCT: Pregnant women frequently show low-density Plasmodium infections that require more sensitive methods for accurate diagnosis and early treatment of malaria. This is particularly relevant in low-malaria transmission areas, where intermittent preventive treatment is not recommended. Molecular methods, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are highly sensitive, but require sophisticated equipment and advanced training. Instead, loop mediated isothermal amplifcation (LAMP) provides an opportunity for molecular detection of malaria infections in remote endemic areas, outside a reference laboratory. The aim of the study is to evaluate the performance of LAMP for the screening of malaria in pregnant women in Colombia. Methods: This is a nested prospective study that uses data and samples from a larger cross-sectional project conducted from May 2016 to January 2017 in three Colombian endemic areas (El Bagre, Quibd贸, and Tumaco). A total of 531 peripheral and placental samples from pregnant women self-presenting at local hospitals for antenatal care visits, at delivery or seeking medical care for suspected malaria were collected. Samples were analysed for Plasmodium parasites by light microscopy (LM), rapid diagnostic test (RDT) and LAMP. Diagnostic accuracy endpoints (sensitivity, specifcity, predictive values, and kappa scores) of LM, RDT and LAMP were compared with nested PCR (nPCR) as the reference standard. Results: In peripheral samples, LAMP showed an improved sensitivity (100.0%) when compared with LM 79.5% and RDT 76.9% (p<0.01), particularly in afebrile women, for which LAMP sensitivity was two-times higher than LM and RDT. Overall agreement among LAMP and nPCR was high (kappa value=1.0). Specifcity was similar in all tests (100%). In placental blood, LAMP evidenced a four-fold improvement in sensitivity (88.9%) when compared with LM and RDT (22.2%), being the only method, together with nPCR, able to detect placental infections in peripheral blood. Conclusions: LAMP is a simple, rapid and accurate molecular tool for detecting gestational and placental malaria, being able to overcome the limited sensitivity of LM and RDT. These fndings could guide maternal health programs in low-transmission settings to integrate LAMP in their surveillance systems for the active detection of low-density infections and asymptomatic malaria cases