5,111 research outputs found

    Correction:Carbonyl trapping and antiglycative activities of olive oil mill wastewater

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    Correction for ‘Carbonyl trapping and antiglycative activities of olive oil mill wastewater’ by Marta Navarro et al., Food Funct., 2015, 6, 574–583

    Comercialización y contrabando de tabaco en el País Vasco durante el antiguo régimen

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    Este trabajo pretende efectuar una reflexión sobre la influencia y relevancia de una actividad ilegal como es el contrabando en la vida económica y política de las Provincias Vascas desde el siglo XVII hasta el XIX. Se trata de una perspectiva de larga duración donde se entretejen los hilos más relevantes de una situación histórica que condicionó en gran medida las vidas de los habitantes de Euskal Herria.XVII. mendetik XIX.era jarduera ilegal batek, kontrabandoak, Euskal Probintzietako bizitza ekonomikoan eta politikoan izan zituen eraginaz eta garrantziaz gogoetatzea da lan honen asmoa. Iraupen luzeko ikuspegia darabilgu, eta bertan gurutzatzen dira Euskal Herriko biztanleen bizitzak hein handi batean baldintzatu zituen egoera historikoaren hariak.Ce travail réalise une étude sur l'influence et l'importance d'une activité illégale telle que la contrebande dans la vie économique et politique des Provinces Basques depuis le XVIIe siècle jusqu'au XIXe siècle. Il s'agit d'une perspective de longue durée où s'entrelacent les fils les plus importants d'une situation historique qui conditionna grandement les vies des habitants d'Euskal Herria.The purpose of this work is to reflect on the influence and relevancy of an illegal activity like smuggling in the economic and political life of the Basque Provinces from the 17th century until the 19th century. The author intends to project a perspective over time where he intertwines the most relevant threads of a historical situation that to a large extent conditioned the lives of the inhabitants of the Basque Country

    Recent insights into xerogel and aerogel mineral composites for CO 2 mineral sequestration

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    Supercritically dried composites have already been analysed and proposed as carbon dioxide sequesters. However, the economical and energetic costs of the supercritical drying process had to be re-evaluated, and were eventually found not to enhance the feasibility of the proposed route for CO2 mineral sequestration. Different composites series were synthesised with the only difference being the drying method. The structures of the porous matrix were characterised as well as their ability to capture CO2. The first results showed that the xerogel matrix is as good a host as the aerogel one, and also avoids expensive procedures such as supercritical drying for sample preparation without losing CO2 capture capacity and enhancing the efficiency of the whole carbon sequestration process. In this case, the sample preparation was simplified as much as possible, with the aim of reducing energetic and economic costs. Although good carbonation efficiencies were obtained with these cheap samples, the first results showed that previous high carbonation efficiencies could not be repeated.Junta de Andalucía TEP115Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PIA42008-3

    Circular Economy and Public Procurement:Dialogues, Paradoxes and Innovation

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