2,916 research outputs found
Clinical effect of a herbal dentifrice on the control of plaque and gingivitis: a double-blind study
O objetivo deste ensaio clínico aleatório duplo-cego foi avaliar o efeito do dentifrício Paradontax na redução de placa e gengivite. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram aleatoriamente arrolados em grupo teste (n = 15, Paradontax) e grupo controle (n = 15, dentifrício convencional com flúor). A quantidade de placa foi aferida por meio do Índice de Placa de Quigley & Hein modificado por Turesky (IP), e o grau de gengivite, pelo Índice Gengival (IG). Os participantes foram orientados a escovar os dentes com o dentifrício três vezes ao dia, por 21 dias. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos com relação aos valores medianos de IP e IG no início do estudo e após 21 dias. Não houve redução significativa no IP dos grupos teste e controle. No entanto, houve uma redução significativa no IG no grupo teste. Os resultados levaram à conclusão de que não houve diferença entre os dois dentifrícios com relação à redução de placa e gengivite.The aim of this randomized, double-blind clinical trial was to evaluate the effect of the Paradontax dentifrice on the reduction of plaque and gingivitis. Subjects were randomly allocated into either the test group (n = 15, Paradontax) or the control group (n = 15, standard dentifrice with fluoride). Plaque levels were measured using the Turesky modification of the Quigley & Hein Plaque Index (PI), and gingivitis was evaluated with the Gingival Index (GI). Subjects were asked to brush their teeth with the allocated dentifrice, three times a day, for 21 days. There was no significant difference between groups in relation to the PI and GI medians, at baseline and at the end of the 21-day period. There was no significant reduction in PI in either the test or control groups. There was a significant decrease in GI in the test group. The authors concluded that there was no difference between the dentifrices in the reduction of plaque and gingivitis
Uso de novos derivados N-(((arilpiperidin-4-ilideno)hidrazinil)oxoalquil) arilsulfonamídicos como anti-inflamatório e anti-asmáticos, composições farmacêuticas contendo os mesmos e processos de preparação
DepositadaSão descritos novos derivados heterocíclicos, contendo a subunidade, apresentando a subunidade N-(((arilpiperidin-4-ilideno)hidrazinil)oxoalquil)arilsulfonamida, que apresentam perfis de atividade anti-inflamatório e antiasmático, in vitro e in vivo, sobre a inibição da migração de leucócitos envolvendo neutrófilos e eosinófilos, sendo portanto úteis no tratamento da resposta inflamatória envolvida na asma, doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica e rinite alérgica. Também são descritas composições farmacêuticas contendo os referidos compostos e processos para sua preparação
PCR identification of lactic acid bacteria populations in corn silage inoculated with lyophilised or activated Lactobacillus buchneri
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of inoculation with lyophilised and/or activated Lactobacillus buchneri on lactic acid bacteria populations in corn silage. Experimental treatments consisted of corn silage without additives or silage with the inoculants of L. buchneri (1 x 105 cfu/g) applied according to the manufacturer’s recommendations (1 g/tonne fodder) in the forms of the lyophilised inoculant and pre-activated inoculant. Purified isolates from corn silage with and without the inoculant were identified, and 93% of the isolates corresponded to the lactic acid bacteria of the species Lactobacillus plantarum. Among the isolates, no bacteria of the species L. buchneri were detected. The application of lyophilised or activated L. buchneri improved the microbiological profile and reduced ethanol production in corn silage, even without being identified among the isolates captured 70 days after ensilage.
Lactic acid bacteria showed greater development at 7 days of fermentation.
Lactobacillus plantarum predominated at 70 days, representing 93% of the total LAB population.
Lactobacillus buchneri improved its microbiological profile with decreased ethanol production.This study aimed to evaluate the effect of inoculation with lyophilised and/or activated Lactobacillus buchneri on lactic acid bacteria populations in corn silage. Experimental treatments consisted of corn silage without additives or silage with the inoculants of L. buchneri (1 x 105 cfu/g) applied according to the manufacturer’s recommendations (1 g/tonne fodder) in the forms of the lyophilised inoculant and pre-activated inoculant. Purified isolates from corn silage with and without the inoculant were identified, and 93% of the isolates corresponded to the lactic acid bacteria of the species Lactobacillus plantarum. Among the isolates, no bacteria of the species L. buchneri were detected. The application of lyophilised or activated L. buchneri improved the microbiological profile and reduced ethanol production in corn silage, even without being identified among the isolates captured 70 days after ensilage.
Lactic acid bacteria showed greater development at 7 days of fermentation.
Lactobacillus plantarum predominated at 70 days, representing 93% of the total LAB population.
Lactobacillus buchneri improved its microbiological profile with decreased ethanol production
Comparative analysis between radioactive seed localization and wire-guided for non-palpable breast cancer surgery
The conservative surgery for impalpable breast cancer requires an intraoperative localization method that guides the identification and correct excision of the lesion. The aim of this study is to comparatively analyze two intraoperative breast localization technologies, wire guided localization (WGL) and radioactive seed localization (RSL), regarding their surgical efficacy through the outcomes of surgical margins, intraoperative re-excision, reoperation and recurrence. To this end, a systematic search was realized in databases for clinical trials that match with the study eligibility criteria. The selected studies were evaluated for their methodological quality; the data were then collected and quantitatively synthesized. The results comprised thirty-eight studies that match the eligibility criteria. The main outcomes reported demonstrating that the RSL is at least equivalent to the WGL in efficiency rates. These results confirm the method applicability for impalpable breast lesions surgery in an effective way, in addition to presenting organizational optimization of radiology and surgery services by allowing the surgery to be performed up to two months after seed implantation
Uso de antagonistas α-adrenérgicos n-fenilpiperazínicos, composições farmacêuticas contendo os mesmos e processos para sua preparação
Em 9/11/2004: Publicação do Pedido Arquivado Definitivamente - Art. 216 § 2º e Art. 17 § 2º da LPI.
Publicação de pedido definitivamente arquivado devido à não apresentação de procuração ou devido à apresentação de um pedido posterior Encerrada a instância administrativa. Pode ser adquirido no Banco de Patentes do Centro de Documentação e Informação Tecnológica do INPI - CEDIN - o folheto com o relatório descritivo, reivindicações, desenhos e resumo do pedido.DepositadaSão descritos antagonistas a-adrenérgicos fenilpiperazínicos. Utilidade para o tratamento de sintomas do trato urinário inferior, incluindo o tratamento de hiperplasia benigna da próstata em mamíferos, preferencialmente humanos; são também descritas composições farmacêuticas contendo os referidos compostos e processos para sua preparação
Effect of urea on gas and effluent losses, microbial populations, aerobic stability and chemical composition of corn (Zea mays L.) silage
We evaluated the effects of urea addition on gas and effluent losses, fermentation profile, microbial populations, aerobic stability and chemical composition of corn silages. A completely randomised design with five levels of urea (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0% based on dry matter) and five replicates was used. A decreasing linear effect of urea levels on effluent losses in corn silages was observed. In parallel, an increasing linear effect of urea levels on pH, increasing from 3.49 to 4.12 in silages without urea in relation to silages with the maximum urea level, was also observed. Urea addition improved the aerobic stability of the silages, with 62 h for the silages without urea and from 90 to >96 h for the silages with urea. Based on the results of the principal components, two groups (I and II) could be distinguished. The most discriminating variables in group I were dry matter (-0.9), pH (-1.2) and lactic acid bacteria (-0.9), while in group II, effluent losses (1.0), ethanol (1.0), acetic acid (0.8) and gas losses (0.8) were most important. The use of urea at inclusion levels of around 2% in corn silage reduced gas losses, improved the nutritive value and promote the aerobic stability of silages
Modelo de análise da produção científica em Programas de Pós-Graduação com base em redes de interação: estudo de caso nas Ciências Ambientais
A avaliação permanente dos Programas de Pós-Graduação (PPG) constitui importante instrumento para melhoria no cenário de conhecimento científico e no desenvolvimento tecnológico no Brasil. O objetivo do artigo foi desenvolver um modelo para análise da produção científica dos PPG, utilizando recursos de redes de interação, com recorte para as ciências ambientais, visando detectar padrões e conexões entre eles. O recorte da pesquisa abrangeu todos os 112 PPG e os cursos da Área de Ciências Ambientais da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoas de Nível Superior (CAPES), no período de 2013 a 2016. A metodologia foi dividida em quatro etapas: 1. coleta de dados e construção de um banco de dados (informações públicas obtidas em consulta à Plataforma Sucupira — CAPES); 5. mineração e processamento dos dados e a produção de uma rede geral para representar os termos e os temas de maior relevância comuns a todas as produções dos PPG (teses, dissertações, projetos de pesquisas, artigos, livros e capítulos de livros); 3. análise das redes semânticas; 4. geração de produtos. Os resultados da pesquisa retornaram como produtos mapas de proximidade geográfica e de agrupamentos, que permitiram analisar a produção dos PPG das Ciências Ambientais em relação aos seus temas centrais, de forma integrada. A metodologia empregada se mostrou bastante robusta e apropriada para contribuir na avaliação dos programas de pós-graduação brasileiros, bem como para identificar lacunas na pesquisa e áreas emergentes em escala nacional, culminando em uma proposta de modelo que, a partir das redes semânticas, analisem as produções científicas nas avaliações quadrienais
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Rarity of monodominance in hyperdiverse Amazonian forests.
Tropical forests are known for their high diversity. Yet, forest patches do occur in the tropics where a single tree species is dominant. Such "monodominant" forests are known from all of the main tropical regions. For Amazonia, we sampled the occurrence of monodominance in a massive, basin-wide database of forest-inventory plots from the Amazon Tree Diversity Network (ATDN). Utilizing a simple defining metric of at least half of the trees ≥ 10 cm diameter belonging to one species, we found only a few occurrences of monodominance in Amazonia, and the phenomenon was not significantly linked to previously hypothesized life history traits such wood density, seed mass, ectomycorrhizal associations, or Rhizobium nodulation. In our analysis, coppicing (the formation of sprouts at the base of the tree or on roots) was the only trait significantly linked to monodominance. While at specific locales coppicing or ectomycorrhizal associations may confer a considerable advantage to a tree species and lead to its monodominance, very few species have these traits. Mining of the ATDN dataset suggests that monodominance is quite rare in Amazonia, and may be linked primarily to edaphic factors
The inventory of geological heritage of the state of São Paulo, Brazil: Methodological basis, results and perspectives
An inventory of geological sites based on solid and clear criteria is a first step for any geoconservation strategy. This paper describes the method used in the geoheritage inventory of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and presents its main results. This inventory developed by the geoscientific community aimed to identify geosites with scientific value in the whole state, using a systematic approach. All 142 geosites representative of 11 geological frameworks were characterised and quantitatively evaluated according to their scientific value and risk of degradation, in order to establish priorities for their future management. An online database of the inventory is under construction, which will be available to be easily consulted and updated by the geoscientific community. All data were made available to the State Geological Institute as the backbone for the implementation of a future state geoconservation strategy.The authors acknowledge the Science Without Borders Programme, Process 075/2012, which supported this study and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Process 2011/17261-6. We also thanks C. Mazoca for his help with maps and figures.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
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