89 research outputs found

    Do all sedentary behaviors affect life satisfaction equally in students aged 12-16 years?

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    Previous studies have proven the importance of life satisfaction for teenage development and its relationship with unhealthy behaviors. However, those that examined the association between sedentary behavior and life satisfaction were limited only to screen time. The aim of the study was examine the association of different sedentary behaviors with life satisfaction in 1897 Spanish students aged 12-16 years. Watching TV, using PC, and homework time, as well as life satisfaction were self-reported using validated questionnaires for these ages. We completed linear and logistic binary regression analyses adjusted by age and gender. The results showed that the time of TV watching and PC use were negatively associated to life satisfaction (ß = -.059 and ß = -.087, respectively) while the number of weekly hours devoted to homework was positively associated to life satisfaction (ß = .052). Moreover, the students who devoted greater time to sedentary behaviors in front of a TV or PC had significantly greater risk of low life satisfaction (OR = 1.276 and OR = 1.317, respectively). On the contrary, the teenagers who devoted more time to homework showed significantly lower risk of low life satisfaction (OR = .809). These results on Spanish students help to confirm the negative relationship of TV and PC abuse with life satisfaction in teenagers. Our findings also suggest that positive emotional responses during homework completion increase life satisfaction, while negative emotions during this behavior do not significantly damage it. In conclusion, life satisfaction could be improved with less screen time but not all sedentary behaviors affect it equally

    Povezanost slike o vlastitu tijelu s tjelesnom aktivnošću, zadovoljstvom životom i mediteranskom prehranom španjolskih adolescenata

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    The aim of this study was to examine the association between physical self-concept and physical activity, the intention to be physically active, life satisfaction, and adherence to the Mediterranean diet in adolescents. A total of 1,808 Spanish adolescents (12-16 years of age) participated in this cross-sectional study. Physical Self Questionnaire, Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity Screening Measure, Intention to be Physically Active Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, and Mediterranean Diet Quality Index were administered. The boys with a lower physical self-concept showed higher odd ratios of being inactive, having low intentions of being physically active, poor life satisfaction and low adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Similarly, most of the associations were also statistically significant in girls as well. In conclusion, the study reveals that having a low level of physical self-concept increases the risk of being inactive and of having a low level of intention to be physically active, life satisfaction and adherence to the Mediterranean diet in adolescents.Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi povezanost između samopoimanja tijela i tjelesne aktivnosti, namjere da se bude tjelesno aktivan, zadovoljstva životom i pridržavanja mediteranske prehrane kod adolescenata. U ovo transverzalno istraživanje bilo je uključeno ukupno 1.808 španjolskih adolescenata (u dobi od 12 do 16 godina). U istraživanju su korišteni sljedeći mjerni instrumenti: Physical Self Questionnaire, Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity Screening Measure, Intention to be Physically Active Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, i Mediterranean Diet Quality Index. Dječaci s nižom razinom zadovoljstva vlastitim tijelom, u bilo kojoj njegovoj dimenziji, pokazali su veću sklonost tjelesnoj neaktivnosti, nižu odlučnost da budu tjelesno aktivni, manifestirali su nisku razinu zadovoljstva životom i slabo pridržavanje načela mediteranske prehrane. Slično kao i kod dječaka, većina relacija bila je statistički značajna i kod djevojčica. Zaključno, istraživanje je ukazalo na činjenicu da niska razina samopoimanja povećava rizik za neaktivnost i za nisku razinu namjere za kasniju tjelesnu aktivnost te da je povezano sa slabijim zadovoljstvom životom i slabijim pridržavanjem načela mediteranske prehrane kod adolescenata

    Effectiveness of a school-based doping prevention programme in Spanish adolescents

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness of a school-based programme to improve knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about doping. 540 adolescents (aged 12-13 years old, 50% boys) took part, from eight Spanish schools. Three hundred and thirteen of these were in the experimental group and the rest formed a control group. Six sessions were held, based on international recommendations, during the Physical Education classes, and were assessed with the Questionnaire on the Anti-doping Intervention programme. The principal results showed that the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about doping improved in the experimental group compared to the control group, for the whole of the questionnaire (p<.001, Eta2=.03) and specifically for the factors Concept (p<.001, Eta2=.004), Utility (p<.01, Eta2=.02) and Sport and doping (p<.01, Eta2=.01). But there were no benefits observed in the factors Methods and Origin of the behaviour. In conclusion, school-based programmes may be useful for improving knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about doping among adolescents

    Levels of Physical Activity during School Hours in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review

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    Background: This systematic reviewdetermines the levels of physical activity (PA) during school hours in children and adolescents.Methods: Studies carried out fromJanuary 1987 toDecember 2019were retrieved from four databases (Web of Science, Pubmed, Scopus and SportDiscus). Results: Twenty-nine studies were included in this systematic review. Most of them used accelerometers and showed that male and female children accumulated a mean of between 14 and 68 min of moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) during school hours (3–22% of this daily segment), andmale and female adolescents accumulated amean of between 13 and 28min ofMVPA during this daily segment (3–8% of the school hours). Less than a quarter of children and adolescents reached the recommended 30 min of MVPA during school hours, with notable differences between sexes. Conclusions: These results suggest that the levels of PA during school hours are not enough, and consequently, schools should develop strategies for helping children and adolescents reach the school PA recommendation

    Association of physical self-concept with physical activity, life satisfaction and Mediterranean diet in adolescents

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    The aim of this study was to examine the association between physical self-concept and physical activity, the intention to be physically active, life satisfaction, and adherence to the Mediterranean diet in adolescents. A total of 1,808 Spanish adolescents (12-16 years of age) participated in this cross-sectional study. Physical Self Questionnaire, Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity Screening Measure, Intention to be Physically Active Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, and Mediterranean Diet Quality Index were administered. The boys with a lower physical self-concept showed higher odd ratios of being inactive, having low intentions of being physically active, poor life satisfaction and low adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Similarly, most of the associations were also statistically significant in girls as well. In conclusion, the study reveals that having a low level of physical self-concept increases the risk of being inactive and of having a low level of intention to be physically active, life satisfaction and adherence to the Mediterranean diet in adolescents.The study received a grant from the University Teaching Staff programme, implemented by the Spanish Government, Ministry of Education (AP-2009-3829)

    Intention to be Physically Active is Influenced by Physical Activity and Fitness, Sedentary Behaviours, and Life Satisfaction in Adolescents

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    The aim of this study was to determine the association of levels of physical activity (PA), physical fitness (PF), sedentary lifestyle and life satisfaction with the intention to be physically active after secondary school graduation, in teenagers of both genders. A total of 1986 Spanish adolescents (12-16 years) participated in this cross-sectional study. PA, sedentary lifestyle, life satisfaction and intention to be physically active were assessed through validated questionnaires, and PF was evaluated objectively with the ALPHA battery tests. In both genders, adolescents who had significantly higher odds ratios (OR) of showing low intention to be physically active had low level of PA, cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular fitness in the lower body, and they were more sedentary in front of the computer. The girls that spent a lot of time watching TV and the boys with low life satisfaction also showed higher OR of having low intention to be physically active.This study received support from the »University Teaching Staff programme«, implemented by the Spanish Government, the Ministry of Education (AP–2009–3829)

    Effects on empathy and emotional intelligence of a Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility programme in physical education (Efectos de un programa de Responsabilidad Personal y Social sobre la empatía y la inteligencia emocional en educación física)

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    In recent years, research has pointed to the value of positive youth development programmes through physical education. The influence of this type of programme, specifically the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility programme, on the empathy and emotional intelligence of students is a field to be explored. The study’s aims were: (1) to investigate the effects of a Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility-based programme on empathy and perceived emotional intelligence in physical education; and (2) to compare the scores between lower-middle and upper-middle socioeconomic context schools. Participants were 210 students (ages 10-12). A quasi-experimental design with two analyses of covariance were completed. The programme improved the students’ feelings of sadness (p &lt; .05). More pronounced improvements were found on the feelings of sadness (p = .016) in the lower-middle socioeconomic context group. The intervention was more effective on understanding feelings (p &lt; .001) in the upper-middle context group. Improvements were found in emotional intelligence (p = .017), attention (p &lt; .05) and repair (p &lt; .026) factors in the lower-middle context group compared to the upper-middle context group. We found that the programme has been especially useful for improving emotional intelligence in depressed socioeconomic contexts. &#x0D; Resumen. En los últimos años, la investigación ha señalado el valor de los programas de desarrollo positivo adolescente a través de la educación física. La influencia de este tipo de programas, en concreto del programa de Enseñanza de la Responsabilidad Personal y Social, sobre la empatía y la inteligencia emocional de los alumnos es un campo por explorar. Los objetivos del estudio fueron: (1) investigar los efectos de un programa basado en el modelo de Enseñanza de Responsabilidad Personal y Social sobre la empatía y la inteligencia emocional percibida en educación física; y (2) comparar los resultados entre los colegios de contexto socioeconómico medio-bajo y medio-alto. Los participantes fueron 210 alumnos (de 10 a 12 años). Se realizó un diseño cuasi-experimental con dos análisis de covarianza. El programa mejoró los sentimientos de tristeza de los estudiantes (p &lt;.05). Se encontraron mejoras más pronunciadas en los sentimientos de tristeza (p = .016) en el grupo de contexto socioeconómico medio-bajo. La intervención fue más efectiva en la comprensión de sentimientos (p &lt;.001) en el grupo de contexto medio-alto. Se encontraron mejoras en los factores de inteligencia emocional (p = .017), atención (p &lt;.05) y reparación (p &lt;.026) en el grupo de contexto medio-bajo en comparación con el grupo de contexto medio-alto. Encontramos que el programa ha sido especialmente útil para mejorar la inteligencia emocional en contextos socioeconómicos vulnerables

    Diseño y validación de una escala para medir en profesores de Educación Física el uso responsable de las pruebas de condición física (FITPET)

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to design and validate a scale that would allow the evaluation in Physical Education teachers the responsible use of physical fitness tests related to health. Method: The sample was composed of 374 secondary school teachers (266 men and 108 women), from educational centers belonging to the eight Andalusian provinces, aged between 24 and 67 years (41.92 ± 9.24). Results: Firstly, a 26-item instrument was designed, which obtained item-total correlation values of ≥ .35, except for 5 items. Then, the internal structure of the scale was evaluated and proved to be relevant. The statistical analysis of the items and the subsequent exploratory factor analysis resulted in five factors (orientation of the result, use of participatory styles, the educational approach, methodological rigor, and positive reinforcement), with positive and significant correlations, confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis, factor invariance tests, as well as reliability and convergent and discriminant validity and reliability. The results of the analysis of psychometric properties of the scale were moderate and allowed us to offer a valid and reliable 15-item an ad hoc instrument, with adequate values of validity and reliability, proving its usefulness the evaluation in Physical Education teachers the responsible use of physical fitness tests in their classesObjetivo: el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo di-señar y validar una escala para evaluar en profesores de Educación Física el uso responsable de las pruebas de condición física relacionadas con la salud. Método: participaron un total de 374 docentes de secundaria (266 hombres y 108 mujeres) de centros educativos per-tenecientes a las ocho provincias andaluzas, con edades comprendidas entre 24 y 67 años (41.92 ± 9.24 años). Resultados: en primer lugar, se diseñó un instrumento de 26 ítems, que obtuvo valores de correlación ítem-total ≥ .35, exceptuando 5 ítems. Posteriormente, se evaluó la estructura interna de la escala, resultando esta pertinente. El análisis estadístico de los ítems y el pos-terior análisis factorial exploratorio dio como resultado cinco factores (orientación del resultado, uso de estilos participativos, el enfoque educativo, rigor metodoló-gico y refuerzo positivo), con correlaciones positivas y significativas, constatadas mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio, pruebas de invarianza factorial, así como de fiabilidad y validez convergente y discriminante. Los resultados del análisis de propiedades psicométricas de la escala fueron adecuados y permitieron ofrecer un ins-trumento ad hoc de 15 ítems, con moderados valores de validez y fiabilidad, acreditando su utilidad para valorar en profesores de Educación Física el uso responsable de las pruebas de condición física en sus clases.Actividad Física y Deport

    Procijenjena kvaliteta, zadovoljstvo i procijenjena vrijednost u skupinama korisnika sportskih organizacija u Španjolskoj

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the perceived quality, satisfaction and the perceived value among customers of public and private professional sports services in Spain, and to establish prediction models for satisfaction and perceived value. The sample was comprised of 2,027 users of Spanish sports services, of whom 66.1% were men and 33.9% were women. All users completed a self-administered questionnaire. The psychometric properties of the questionnaire ensured a valid measurement of perceived quality, satisfaction and value. The results obtained revealed that the quality of the sports service received was good, and that the technical factors and service staff received the highest evaluations, however, information provided to users was the weakest point. Customer satisfaction and perceived value were also assessed positively. Significant differences were found in these three constructs depending on the activity group that the users were in. Combat activities scored highest for quality, and lowest for satisfaction, whereas customers of individual land-based sports were the most satisfied and perceived the most value, unlike racquet sports, which obtained the lowest scores in the three constructs. Both satisfaction with the service and the perceived value of the service depended chiefly on an intangible factor such as activities.Cilj je ovog istraživanja bilo vrednovanje procijenjene kvalitete, zadovoljstva i procijenjene vrijednosti među korisnicimaa javnih i privatnih profesionalnih sportskih ustanova u Španjolskoj te formiranje modela predviđanja zadovoljstva i procijenjene vrijednosti. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 2.027 korisnika španjolskih sportskih ustanova (66,1%muškaraca i 33,9% žena). Svi korisnici samostalno su ispunili upitnik. Psihometrijske karakteristike upitnika osigurale su valjanost mjerenja procijenjene kvalitete, zadovoljstva i procijenjene vrijednosti. Dobiveni rezultati otkrili su da je kvaliteta korištenih sportskih usluga procijenjena dobrom te da su tehnički faktori i osoblje bili najbolje ocijenjeni, ali i to da je kvaliteta informacija koje se nude korisnicima sportskih usluga njihova najslabija točka. Zadovoljstvo korisnika i procijenjena vrijednost usluge također su ocijenjene pozitivno. Statistički značajne razlike bile su zabilježene u tri dimenzije između grupa koje su prakticirale različite aktivnosti. Grupa korisnika borilačkih aktivnosti najbolje je ocijenila kvalitetu, a najlošije zadovoljstvo korisnika, dok su korisnici individualnih sportova popularnih u Španjolskoj bili najzadovoljniji i ti su korisnici dali najvišu ocjenu procijenjene vrijednosti, za razliku od sportova reketom, korisnici kojih su zabilježili najlošije rezultate u sve tri mjerene dimenzije. I zadovoljstvo uslugom i procijenjena vrijednost usluge znatno je ovisila o faktoru na koji nije moguće utjecati kao što je aktivnost

    Sports technicians’ organizational culture and its relationship with extracurricular sports activities users’ satisfaction and perceived value

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    El elevado abandono deportivo extraescolar preocupa a las organizaciones deportivas. La satisfacción y valor percibido de los usuarios de actividades deportivas extraescolares influye en la continuidad de práctica. Existen relaciones significativas entre las dimensiones de calidad del servicio y cultura organizativa de la organización con la satisfacción y valor percibido del usuario, siendo el factor humano la principal dimensión predictora de calidad percibida. Objetivos del estudio: i) conocer la cultura organizativa que manifiestan los Técnicos deportivos, ii) averiguar la satisfacción, el valor percibido del usuario/a y la cultura organizativa en las diferentes organizaciones y iii) relacionar satisfacción y valor percibido de los usuarios con la cultura organizativa de los Técnicos del deporte extraescolar. Métodos: La población de estudio estuvo formada por 1.080 alumnos/as y 95 Técnicos de actividades deportivas extraescolares de 22 centros de Secundaria. Resultados: La valoración de la satisfacción por los deportistas fue de 4.33±0.78 y del valor percibido fue de 3.72±1.06. La cultura organizativa mostró unos valores medios de 3.63±0.41, siendo la variable Implicación la mejor valorada. Al relacionar cultura organizativa con satisfacción y valor percibido, dio como resultado modelos de regresión lineal conformados por dos variables: Misión con un valor Beta de (coeficientes).173 y de .262 e Implicación con valor Beta (coeficientes).140 y de .198. Conclusión: Una buena cultura organizativa conlleva un aumento de la fidelización, lo que la convierte en un factor más a tener en cuenta en la reducción del abandono deportivo extraescolar y la mejora del beneficio empresarial.The high withdrawal rate in extracurricular sports represents a concern for sports organizations. Satisfaction and perceived value of users of extracurricular sports activities is a reason for continuity in them. There are significant relationships between the dimensions of service quality and organizational culture of the organization with satisfaction and perceived value of users, human factor being the main predictive dimension of perceived quality. Objectives of the study: i) to know the organizational culture expressed by sports technicians, ii) to find out satisfaction and perceived value of users, and the organizational culture in the different organizations and iii) to relate satisfaction and perceived value of users with organizational culture of extracurricular sports technicians. Methods: The study population was composed by 1,080 students and 95 extracurricular sports activities technicians from 22 secondary schools. Results: Satisfaction assessment for athletes was 4.33 ± 0.78 and perceived value was 3.72 ± 1.06. The organizational culture showed average values of 3.63 ± 0.41, the «Implication» variable being the best valued. By relating organizational culture with satisfaction and perceived value, it led to linear regression models consisting of two variables: Mission with a Beta coefficient values of .173 and .262, and Implication with Beta coefficient values of .140 and .198. Conclusion: A good organizational culture leads to increase in loyalty, which points this out as another factor to be taken into account for the reduction of extracurricular drop-out and the improvement of business profit