8 research outputs found

    Journalistic texts on public health and health management in the newspaper El País, 2001-2016

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    Introducción: la prensa ha adquirido un papel relevante en la formación, conocimiento y expectativas de salud en la sociedad. Objetivo: analizar los temas relacionados con salud pública y gestión sanitaria publicados en el diario El País durante 2001-2016. Métodos: se realizó un estudio documental, con enfoque cuantitativo, seleccionando documentos de los años indicados relacionados con salud pública y gestión sanitaria, contenidos en el cuerpo de los textos periodísticos sobre Medicina y Salud de la colección CONPRE-Oviedo. Resultados: se identificaron 265 artículos sobre salud pública y 326 sobre gestión sanitaria. Los de salud pública se relacionaron con la prevención de la enfermedad y promoción de la salud (30,9%), epidemiología (25,3%), drogas ilegales, alcohol y tabaco (25,3%). En gestión sanitaria fueron macrogestión (61,3%), mesogestión (27,9%) y microgestión (10,7%). Los artículos fueron preferentemente informativos, de fuente institucional, e incluidos mayoritariamente en la sección de Sociedad. Los textos sobre prevención de la enfermedad y promoción de la salud se basaron en publicaciones científicas. Conclusión: el diario El País incluyó frecuentemente temas relacionados con salud pública y gestión sanitaria, por lo que los textos periodísticos podrían contribuir a la formación de la población y a generar una actitud crítica en salud.Introduction: the press has acquired a relevant role in health education, knowledge and expectations in society. Objective: to carry out a descriptive analysis of the issues related to public health and health management published in the newspaper El País during 2001-2016. Methods: A documentary study was carried out, with a quantitative approach, selecting documents related to public health and health management, contained in the body of journalistic texts on Medicine and Health of the CONPRE-Oviedo collection. Results: 265 journalistic texts on public health and 365 on health management were identified. Public health was linked to disease prevention and health promotion (30.9%), epidemiology (25.3%), illicit drugs, alcohol and tobacco (25.3%). The texts on health management focused on macro-management (61.3%), meso-management (27.9%) and micromanagement (10.7%). The articles were preferably informative, from an institutional source, and mostly included in the Society section. Texts on disease prevention and health promotion were based on scientific publications. Society is the section where they are most frequently published. Conclusion: the newspaper El País has frequently covered topics related to public health and health management, so journalistic texts could contribute to population education and to the generation of a critical attitude towards health

    Predictive Model of School Dropouts in Higher Education: An Approach From Data Mining Using the CRISP-DM Methodology

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    Este artículo presenta el desarrollo de un modelo para predecir, de manera temprana y oportuna, casos de estudiantes que muestren un potencial riesgo de deserción escolar, mediante el uso de técnicas de minería de datos. La deserción escolar a nivel superior es un problema multifactorial y complejo de analizar por la intervención de elementos de diversa índole, como factores familiares, académicos, educacionales, la situación económica familiar, las habilidades intelectuales de los estudiantes o la didáctica de los profesores. Este gran volumen de información a analizar no es fácilmente manejable con técnicas estadísticas tradicionales, sino que se precisa buscar estrategias que permitan operar con los bancos de datos de modo más eficiente y rápido. En el desarrollo de la propuesta se aplicó de una manera novedosa la minería de datos, para explorar los cambios en los comportamientos de los estudiantes, vinculados a diferentes causas de abandono escolar, utilizando la metodología CRISP-DM, con datos de 1,374 estudiantes de una institución de educación superior. Los resultados muestran las técnicas utilizadas para identificar y seleccionar factores asociados a la deserción estudiantil y los algoritmos para generar los modelos predictivos, de los cuáles pudo seleccionarse el más preciso, con mayor puntuación y facilidad de interpretación.This article presents the development of a model to predict, in an early and timely manner, cases of students who show a potential risk of dropping out of school, through the use of data mining techniques. High school dropout is a multifactorial and complex problem to analyze due to the intervention of diverse elements, such as family, academic, educational factors, the family economic situation, the intellectual abilities of the students or the didactics of the teachers. This large volume of information to be analyzed is not easily manageable with traditional statistical techniques, but it is necessary to find strategies that allow operating with data banks more efficiently and quickly. In the development of the proposal, data mining was applied in a novel way to explore changes in student behaviors, linked to different causes of school dropout, using the CRISP-DM methodology, with data from 1,374 students from an institution of higher education. The results show the techniques used to identify and select factors associated with student dropout, and the algorithms to generate predictive models, from which the most precise one could be selected, with the highest score and ease of interpretation

    Role of CXCL13 and CCL20 in the recruitment of B cells to inflammatory foci in chronic arthritis

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    Background: B cells exert their pathogenic action in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) locally in the synovium. This study was undertaken to elucidate the chemokines responsible for the recruitment of B cells in the inflamed synovium, taking into account that the rich chemokine milieu present in the synovial tissue can fine-tune modulate discrete chemokine receptors. Methods: Expression levels of chemokine receptors from the CC and CXC family, as well as CD27, were assessed by flow cytometry in CD20+ mononuclear cells isolated from the peripheral blood (PB) and synovial fluid (SF) of RA and psoriatic arthritis patients. Transwell experiments were used to study migration of B cells in response to a chemokine or in the presence of multiple chemokines. Results: B cells from the SF of arthritis patients showed a significant increase in the surface expression of CCR1, CCR2, CCR4, CCR5 and CXCR4 with respect to PB. Conversely, SF B cells expressed consistently lower amounts of CXCR5, CXCR7 and CCR6, independent of CD27 expression. Analysis of permeabilized B cells suggested internalization of CXCR5 and CCR6 in SF B cells. In Transwell experiments, CCL20 and CXCL13, ligands of CCR6 and CXCR5, respectively, caused a significantly higher migration of B cells from PB than of those from SF of RA patients. Together, these two chemokines synergistically increased B-cell migration from PB, but not from SF. Conclusions: These results suggest that CXCL13 and CCL20 might play major roles in RA pathogenesis by acting singly on their selective receptors and synergistically in the accumulation of B cells within the inflamed synovium

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    Role of CXCL13 and CCL20 in the recruitment of B cells to inflammatory foci in chronic arthritis

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    Abstract Background B cells exert their pathogenic action in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) locally in the synovium. This study was undertaken to elucidate the chemokines responsible for the recruitment of B cells in the inflamed synovium, taking into account that the rich chemokine milieu present in the synovial tissue can fine-tune modulate discrete chemokine receptors. Methods Expression levels of chemokine receptors from the CC and CXC family, as well as CD27, were assessed by flow cytometry in CD20+ mononuclear cells isolated from the peripheral blood (PB) and synovial fluid (SF) of RA and psoriatic arthritis patients. Transwell experiments were used to study migration of B cells in response to a chemokine or in the presence of multiple chemokines. Results B cells from the SF of arthritis patients showed a significant increase in the surface expression of CCR1, CCR2, CCR4, CCR5 and CXCR4 with respect to PB. Conversely, SF B cells expressed consistently lower amounts of CXCR5, CXCR7 and CCR6, independent of CD27 expression. Analysis of permeabilized B cells suggested internalization of CXCR5 and CCR6 in SF B cells. In Transwell experiments, CCL20 and CXCL13, ligands of CCR6 and CXCR5, respectively, caused a significantly higher migration of B cells from PB than of those from SF of RA patients. Together, these two chemokines synergistically increased B-cell migration from PB, but not from SF. Conclusions These results suggest that CXCL13 and CCL20 might play major roles in RA pathogenesis by acting singly on their selective receptors and synergistically in the accumulation of B cells within the inflamed synovium