153 research outputs found

    Mental fatigue impairs physical activity, technical and decision-making performance during small-sided games

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of mental fatigue on physical activity, technical and decision-making performance during small-sided games. Nine sub-elite soccer players were enrolled in the study. The players performed two small-sided games on two occasions within a crossover experimental design. Before each game, they underwent a mental fatiguing task (Stroop task) and a control task (documentary watching) in a randomized, counterbalanced order. Players' physical activity, technical, and decision-making performance were obtained during small-sided games by GPS and video scouting. Results showed that distance in acceleration covered per min, negative passes, passing accuracy, and shot accuracy were likely impaired than control task after a mental fatiguing protocol. Decision-making performance of negative passes, passes accuracy, and dribbling accuracy resulted also likely decreased compared with control task. These findings demonstrated that mental fatigue impacted on technical, GPS-derived, and soccer-specific decision-making performance during SSG. In conclusion, avoiding cognitively demanding tasks before playing soccer-specific activities may be advisable to preserve players' physical activity, technical, and decision-making skills

    The Competing Influences of Initial Depressive Symptomatology and Early Alliance on Early Outcome: A Preliminary Study

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    We examined 40 psychotherapies, some delivered in combination with pharma-cotherapy, which were all conducted by cognitive behavioral or psychodynamically oriented therapists in a general hospital center for the treatment of light to moder-ate depressive disorders. Our goal was to examine the relationship between early outcome (defined as change in Beck Depression Inventory scores between sessions 2 and 15) and early therapy alliance (as measured at sessions 1 to 5 by the Working Alliance Inventory). We also wanted to concurrently examine the effect of initial depressive symptomatology (BDI at session 2) on early outcome. For the entire sample, both early alliance and initial depressive symptomatology were found to significantly correlate with outcome, the latter more strongly so. However, after di-viding the patient sample into subgroups based on different initial levels of depres-sion, early outcome for patients with depression of intermediate severity was found to be better predicted by early alliance than by initial depression. These results sug-gest that there may be a patient subgroup for whom a good early alliance optimally mitigates the self-perpetuating action of initial depression

    Elemental composition of soils and sediments by using portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) spectroscopy: a preliminary study

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    Portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (pXRF) provides rapid and low-cost analysis in laboratory and field conditions for a wide range of environmental applications. Its successful application in soils requires a good instrument calibration and the possibility to implement custom calibrations and methods using known samples as well as reference materials. In the present study two set of samples, one from pedogenized sediments of a basin in Marradi (Italy; n=13) and the other from agricultural land in Meuse valley (Belgium; n=10), were analyzed by using a portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF TRACER 5i made by Bruker) to detect and quantify the element species (Al, Si, Ca, Fe, Mg, K, Mn, P, S, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Pb, Sb, Sn, Sr and Zn). Element concentrations results were compared with analytical results from aqua regia extractions (AQ) followed by ICP-OES analysis. The aim of this work was to verify and find the best instrument setup for the specific matrix, elements and their concentration range with the purpose of using the pXRF technique directly insitu for the screening of sites potentially polluted. A standard factory calibration for soil applications was used for samples from Meuse valley, while a custom calibration for P, S, Ca and Fe quantification with the coefficient correction method was developed and used for pedogenized sediments from Marradi, as well as for Cu and Cr quantification in both sites. Comparing portable XRF and AQ results, elements could be grouped in three classes: 1) elements where the content determined by both methods is not correlated (p>0.05; Al, Si, and K); 2) elements strongly correlated (0.840.60), carbonates (Ca, r2>0.55) and oxy(hydr)oxides (Fe and Mn) have instead comparable concentrations between pXRF and AQ. Preliminary results showed that portable XRF can quickly provide data for some elucidations of important pedogenic processes involving many elements (class 2) in the studied soils. Alternative methods offer results after expensive and time-consuming analytical procedures. Moreover for environmental and human health purposes, the pXRF should be a valid tool for a rapid screening of heavy metals, such as Cu, Cr, Zn and Pb. A larger set of soil samples and further custom calibration will be tested

    Global SOLPS-ITER and ERO2.0 coupling in a linear device for the study of plasma-wall interaction in helium plasma

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    Plasma–wall interaction (PWI) is a great challenge in the development of a nuclear fusion power plant. To investigate phenomena like erosion of plasma-facing components, impurity transport and redeposition, one needs reliable numerical tools for the description of both the plasma and the material evolution. The development of such tools is essential to guide the design and interpretation of experiments in present and future fusion devices. This contribution presents the first global simulation of PWI processes in a linear plasma device mimicking the boundary plasma conditions in toroidal ones, including both the description of plasma and impurity transport and of plasma-facing material evolution. This integrated description is obtained by coupling two of the state-of-the-art numerical codes employed to model the plasma boundary and the PWI, namely SOLPS-ITER and ERO2.0. Investigation of helium plasma is also of primary importance due to the role helium will have during ITER pre-fusion power operation, when it is planned to be used as one of the main plasma species, as well as fusion ash in full power operation. The plasma background is simulated by SOLPS-ITER and the set of atomic reactions for helium plasmas is updated, including charge-exchange and radiative heat losses. ERO2.0 is used to assess the surface erosion in the GyM vessel, using different wall materials (e.g. carbon, iron or tungsten) and applying different biasing voltage. Eroded particles are followed within the plasma to assess their redeposition location. The ionization probability of the different materials in the GyM plasma is inferred through the energy distribution of impacting particles and its effects on migration are investigated

    Bioimpedance Vector References Need to Be Period‐ Specific for Assessing Body Composition and Cellular Health in Elite Soccer Players: A Brief Report

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    none9noPurpose: Bioimpedance data through bioimpedance vector analysis (BIVA) is used to evaluate cellular function and body fluid content. This study aimed to (i) identify whether BIVA patters differ according to the competitive period and (ii) provide specific references for assessing bioelectric properties at the start of the season in male elite soccer players. Methods: The study included 131 male soccer players (age: 25.1 ± 4.7 yr, height: 183.4 ± 6.1 cm, weight: 79.3 ± 6.6) registered in the first Italian soccer division (Serie A). Bioimpedance analysis was performed just before the start of the competitive season and BIVA was applied. In order to verify the need for period-specific references, bioelectrical values measured at the start of the season were compared to the reference values for the male elite soccer player population. Results: The results of the two-sample Hotelling T2tests showed that in the bivariate interpretation of the raw bioimpedance parameters (resistance (R) and reactance (Xc)) the bioelectric properties significantly (T2= 15.3, F = 7.6, p ≤ 0.001, Mahalanobis D = 0.45) differ between the two phases of the competition analyzed. In particular, the mean impedance vector is more displaced to the left into the R-Xc graph at the beginning of the season than in the first half of the championship. Conclusions: For an accurate evaluation of body composition and cellular health, the tolerance ellipses displayed by BIVA approach into the R-Xc graph must be period-specific. This study provides new specific tolerance ellipses (R/H: 246 ± 32.1, Xc/H: 34.3 ± 5.1, r: 0.7) for performing BIVA at the beginning of the competitive season in male elite soccer players.openBongiovanni T.; Mascherini G.; Genovesi F.; Pasta G.; Iaia F.M.; Trecroci A.; Ventimiglia M.; Alberti G.; Campa F.Bongiovanni T.; Mascherini G.; Genovesi F.; Pasta G.; Iaia F.M.; Trecroci A.; Ventimiglia M.; Alberti G.; Campa F

    Evaluation of an interprofessional education intervention in partnership with patient educators

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    Background and aim of the work: Patient involvement in interprofessional education is a novel approach to building collaborative and empathic skills in students. However, this area of teaching is lacking in rigorous studies. The project aimed to evaluate whether an interprofessional education intervention in partnership with patient educators (IPE-PE) would increase readiness for interprofessional learning and empathy in health sciences students. Methods: This is the report of a didactic innovation project. Participants included 310 undergraduate health sciences students who took part in an IPE-PE intervention. Data were collected before and after the training, using the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) and the Jefferson Scale of Empathy-Health Professions Student version ( JSE-HPS). Only at the end of the intervention, a data collection form was administered to explore the value of the patient educator in the training and to investigate the socio-demographic variables. Results: The mean age of participants was 21±3.2 SD years and 76% were female. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed significant changes from before to after the IPE-PE in the RIPLS total score (m=42.7±5.8 SD vs 44.62±5.9 SD, z=-4.168, P<0.001) and in the JSE-HPS total score (m=112.7±12.5 SD vs 116.03±12.8 SD, z=-4.052, P<0.001). Conclusions: Our students reported that IPE-PE had helped them to become more effective healthcare team members, to think positively about other professionals, and to gain an empathic understanding of the perspective of the person being cared for. The results of the project confirm that the intervention promoted the development of empathy, fostering a better understanding of the patient-centred perspective

    Neurotrophic-mimetic strategy to rescue synaptic plasticity and cognitive functions in a mouse model of Down syndrome

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    Down syndrome (DS) or trisomy 21 is the most frequent genetic cause of intellectual disability in children and adults. Although numerous studies have shown that cognitive impairment possibly arises from dysfunction of the hippocampal circuit, there has been little progress in defining effective treatments. Previous studies have shown that impaired synaptic plasticity of mature hippocampal neurons and decreased hippocampal adult neurogenesis are main determinants in reducing cognitive functions in DS animal models. Currently, most preclinical therapeutic approaches in DS mice have focused on rescuing either one or the other of these impairments. Here, we have found that the expression of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is decreased in the brains of individuals with DS. Interestingly, a large body of literature indicates that BDNF signaling modulates both synaptic plasticity, and adult neurogenesis. Therefore, we propose here to promote BDNF/TrkB signaling using a BDNF-mimetic drug with the twofold aim of rescuing synaptic plasticity and increase adult neurogenesis toward the rescue of cognitive functions in the Ts65Dn mouse model of DS. Our results indicate that indeed promoting BDNF/TrkB signaling rescued hippocampal synaptic plasticity, increased hippocampal adult neurogenesis and restored cognitive performances in different behavioral tasks in Ts65Dn mice. The molecular mechanisms of impaired BDNF/TrkB signaling in trisomic mice are currently under investigation. Overall, our experiments show in a reliable animal model of DS the efficacy of a novel and multifaceted therapeutic approach with good potential to be translated into clinical practice

    Rise of pediatric robotic surgery in Italy: a multicenter observational retrospective study

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    open15noAbstract Background: The minimally invasive surgery (MIS) in term of robot-assisted surgery changed in a dramatic way the surgical approach either in adults or children. For many specialties (urology, gynecology, general surgery) robotic surgery rapidly became the gold standard for some procedures, while the experience in pediatric population is not wide for some reasons. The aim of this study is to retrospective analyze trends of application of robotic surgery in pediatric patients across the country, focusing on indications, limitations, development, and training acquired by national experience and in comparison to the literature. Methods: We made a retrospective multicenter study on behalf of Italian Society of Pediatric Surgery. We performed a census among all pediatric surgery units in the country to enroll those performing robotic surgery on children between 2013 and 2019. Results: We enrolled 7 pediatric surgery referral Centers (Ancona, Bologna, Brescia, Genova, Pavia, Pescara, Siena). A total of 303 patients were included in the study, 164 males (54%) and 139 females (46%). The most commonly performed interventions for each anatomic area were respectively atypical pulmonary resection (38%), pyeloplasty (49%), and fundoplication (30%). Conclusions: Since its first application in Italy, about 10 years ago, several considerations were made about application and feasibility of robotics in children.openAngotti, Rossella; Raffaele, Alessandro; Molinaro, Francesco; Riccipetitoni, Giovanna; Chiesa, Pierluigi Lelli; Lisi, Gabriele; Mattioli, Girolamo; Alberti, Daniele; Boroni, Giovanni; Mariscoli, Francesca; Martino, Ascanio; Pelizzo, Gloria; Maffi, Michela; Messina, Mario; Lima, MarioAngotti, Rossella; Raffaele, Alessandro; Molinaro, Francesco; Riccipetitoni, Giovanna; Chiesa, Pierluigi Lelli; Lisi, Gabriele; Mattioli, Girolamo; Alberti, Daniele; Boroni, Giovanni; Mariscoli, Francesca; Martino, Ascanio; Pelizzo, Gloria; Maffi, Michela; Messina, Mario; Lima, Mari
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