2,445 research outputs found

    Statin effect on thrombin inhibitor effectiveness during percutaneous coronary intervention: a post-hoc analysis from the ISAR-REACT 3 trial

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    Objective: To determine whether statin therapy influences the efficacy of thrombin inhibitor bivalirudin or unfractionated heparin (UFH) during PCI. Setting and patients: The post-hoc analysis of the ISAR-REACT 3 Trial included 4,570 patients: 3,106 patients were on statin therapy and 1,464 patients were not on statin therapy at the time of PCI procedure. Main outcome measures: The primary outcome of this analysis was the 30-day composite of death, myocardial infarction, target vessel revascularization (TVR) or major bleeding. Results: The primary outcome occurred in 7.9% patients (n=246) in the statin group versus 9.8% (n=143) in the non-statin group (P=0.036). There was an interaction in univariate (P=0.028) and multivariable (P=0.026) analysis between pre-PCI statin therapy and the type of antithrombotic therapy regarding myocardial infarction. In the statin group, bivalirudin significantly reduced the incidence of major bleeding (2.6 vs. 4.3%, P=0.013) with no significant difference in the incidence of myocardial infarction (4.9 vs. 5.2%; P=0.73) compared with UFH. In the non-statin group, bivalirudin was inferior to UFH regarding the incidence of myocardial infarction (7.1 vs. 4.1%, P=0.013), yet major bleeding remained lower among bivalirudin-treated patients (4.0 vs. 5.2%, P=0.25). Conclusion: This post-hoc analysis suggests the existence of an interaction between statin therapy before PCI and antithrombotic therapy during PCI. Patients receiving bivalirudin therapy at the time of PCI showed less periprocedural myocardial infarction when on pre-PCI statin therapy which has to be investigated in further studie

    PSMA Expression in Glioblastoma as a Basis for Theranostic Approaches: A Retrospective, Correlational Panel Study Including Immunohistochemistry, Clinical Parameters and PET Imaging

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    Aim: The aim of the current study was to enlighten the evolution of prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) expression in glioblastoma between initial diagnosis and recurrence in order to provide preliminary insight for further clinical investigations into innovative PSMA-directed treatment concepts in neuro-oncology. Methods: Patients who underwent resection for de-novo glioblastoma (GBM) and had a re-resection in case of a recurrent tumor following radiochemotherapy and subsequent chemotherapy were included (n = 16). Histological and immunohistochemical stainings were performed at initial diagnosis and at recurrence (n = 96 tissue specimens). Levels of PSMA expression both in endothelial and non-endothelial cells as well as vascular density (CD34) were quantified via immunohistochemistry and changes between initial diagnosis and recurrence were determined. Immunohistochemical findings were correlated with survival and established clinical parameters. Results: PSMA expression was found to be present in all GBM tissue samples at initial diagnosis as well as in all but one case of recurrent tumor samples. The level of PSMA expression in glioblastoma varied inter-individually both in endothelial and non-endothelial cells. Likewise, the temporal evolution of PSMA expression highly varied in between patients. The level of vascular PSMA expression at recurrence and its change between initial diagnosis and recurrence was associated with post recurrence survival time: Patients with high vascular PSMA expression at recurrence as well as patients with increasing PSMA expression throughout the disease course survived shorter than patients with low vascular PSMA expression or decreasing vascular PSMA expression. There was no significant correlation of PSMA expression with MGMT promoter methylation status or Ki-67 labelling index. Conclusion: PSMA is expressed in glioblastoma both at initial diagnosis and at recurrence. High vascular PSMA expression at recurrence seems to be a negative prognostic marker. Thus, PSMA expression in GBM might present a promising target for theranostic approaches in recurrent glioblastoma. Especially PSMA PET imaging and PSMA-directed radioligand therapy warrant further studies in brain tumor patients

    Göttliche, menschliche und teuflische Komödien - Europäische Welttheater-Entwürfe im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert

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    Theater kann nicht nur Welt abbilden, sondern auch die Welt selbst als ein Theater darstellen, in dem Gott (oder das Schicksal) die Rollen verteilt und Regie führt. So wurde 'Welttheater' im europäischen Barock aufgefasst. Seit der Aufklärung schwindet der Glaube an den göttlichen Regisseur, die Denkfigur 'Welttheater' behält aber auch im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert ihre Attraktivität. Im Rahmen einer Ringvorlesung an der Fakultät Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg im Wintersemester 2009/2010 wurden dreizehn Beispiele modernen Welttheaters aus Sprech- und Musiktheater Frankreichs, Italiens, Ungarns, Rußlands und Deutschlands vorgestellt (mit Ausblicken zu Film und Fernsehen), von Goethes Faust über Wagners Ring des Nibelungen, Imre Madàchs Tragödie des Menschen, Hofmannsthals Großes Salzburger Welttheater oder Paul Claudels Seidenen Schuh bis hin zu Tankred Dorsts Merlin und Karlheinz Stockausens LICHT-Zyklus. Den Abschluss bildet ein Werkstattgespräch mit dem Komponisten Peter Eötvös und seinem Librettisten Albert Ostermaier, deren Oper Die Tragödie des Teufels im Februar 2010 in München uraufgeführt wurde

    Multicentre performance evaluation of the E170 Module for MODULAR ANALYTICS

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    The E170 module was evaluated at 13 sites in an international multicentre study. The objective of the study was to assess the analytical performance of 49 analytes, and to collect feedback on the system's reliability and practicability. The typical, within-run coefficients of variation (CVs) for most of the quantitative assays ranged between 1 and 2% while a range of 2-4% was achieved with the infectious disease methods. Total precision CVs were found to be within the manufacturer's expected performance ranges, demonstrating good concordance of the system's measuring channels and a high reproducibility during the 2-4-week trial period. The functional sensitivity of 11 selected assays met the clinical requirements (e.g., thyreotroponin (TSH) 0.008 mU/l, troponin T 0.02 µg/l, total prostate-specific antigen (PSA) 0.03 µg/l). The E170 showed no drift during an 8-hour period and no relevant reagent carryover. Accuracy was confirmed by ring trial experiments and method comparisons vs. Elecsys® 2010. The reliability and practicability of the system's hardware and software met with, or even exceeded, the evaluator's requirements. Workflow studies showed that E170 can cover the combined workload of various routine analysers in a variety of laboratory environment. Throughput and sample processing time requirements were achieved while personnel ‘hands-on-time' could be reduce

    Advances on MBE selective area growth of III-nitride nanostructures: from nanoLEDs to pseudo substrates

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    The aim of this work is to provide an overview on the recent advances in the selective area growth (SAG) of (In)GaN nanostructures by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy, focusing on their potential as building blocks for next generation LEDs. The first three sections deal with the basic growth mechanisms of GaN SAG and the emission control in the entire ultraviolet to infrared range, including approaches for white light emission, using InGaN disks and thick segments on axial nanocolumns. SAG of axial nanostructures is eveloped on both GaN/sapphire templates and GaN-buffered Si(111). As an alternative to axial nanocolumns, section 4 reports on the growth and characterization of InGaN/GaN core-shell structures on an ordered array of top-down patterned GaN microrods. Finally, section 5 reports on the SAG of GaN, with and without InGaN insertion, on semi-polar (11-22) and non-polar (11-20) templates. Upon SAG the high defect density present in the templates is strongly reduced as indicated by a dramatic improvement of the optical properties. In the case of SAG on nonpolar (11-22) templates, the formation of nanostructures with a low aspect ratio took place allowing for the fabrication of high-quality, non-polar GaN pseudo-templates by coalescence of these nanostructures

    New genetic loci implicated in fasting glucose homeostasis and their impact on type 2 diabetes risk.

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    Levels of circulating glucose are tightly regulated. To identify new loci influencing glycemic traits, we performed meta-analyses of 21 genome-wide association studies informative for fasting glucose, fasting insulin and indices of beta-cell function (HOMA-B) and insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) in up to 46,186 nondiabetic participants. Follow-up of 25 loci in up to 76,558 additional subjects identified 16 loci associated with fasting glucose and HOMA-B and two loci associated with fasting insulin and HOMA-IR. These include nine loci newly associated with fasting glucose (in or near ADCY5, MADD, ADRA2A, CRY2, FADS1, GLIS3, SLC2A2, PROX1 and C2CD4B) and one influencing fasting insulin and HOMA-IR (near IGF1). We also demonstrated association of ADCY5, PROX1, GCK, GCKR and DGKB-TMEM195 with type 2 diabetes. Within these loci, likely biological candidate genes influence signal transduction, cell proliferation, development, glucose-sensing and circadian regulation. Our results demonstrate that genetic studies of glycemic traits can identify type 2 diabetes risk loci, as well as loci containing gene variants that are associated with a modest elevation in glucose levels but are not associated with overt diabetes

    The Compton Spectrometer and Imager

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    The Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI) is a NASA Small Explorer (SMEX) satellite mission in development with a planned launch in 2027. COSI is a wide-field gamma-ray telescope designed to survey the entire sky at 0.2-5 MeV. It provides imaging, spectroscopy, and polarimetry of astrophysical sources, and its germanium detectors provide excellent energy resolution for emission line measurements. Science goals for COSI include studies of 0.511 MeV emission from antimatter annihilation in the Galaxy, mapping radioactive elements from nucleosynthesis, determining emission mechanisms and source geometries with polarization measurements, and detecting and localizing multimessenger sources. The instantaneous field of view for the germanium detectors is >25% of the sky, and they are surrounded on the sides and bottom by active shields, providing background rejection as well as allowing for detection of gamma-ray bursts and other gamma-ray flares over most of the sky. In the following, we provide an overview of the COSI mission, including the science, the technical design, and the project status.Comment: 8 page

    The cosipy library: COSI's high-level analysis software

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    The Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI) is a selected Small Explorer (SMEX) mission launching in 2027. It consists of a large field-of-view Compton telescope that will probe with increased sensitivity the under-explored MeV gamma-ray sky (0.2-5 MeV). We will present the current status of cosipy, a Python library that will perform spectral and polarization fits, image deconvolution, and all high-level analysis tasks required by COSI's broad science goals: uncovering the origin of the Galactic positrons, mapping the sites of Galactic nucleosynthesis, improving our models of the jet and emission mechanism of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and active galactic nuclei (AGNs), and detecting and localizing gravitational wave and neutrino sources. The cosipy library builds on the experience gained during the COSI balloon campaigns and will bring the analysis of data in the Compton regime to a modern open-source likelihood-based code, capable of performing coherent joint fits with other instruments using the Multi-Mission Maximum Likelihood framework (3ML). In this contribution, we will also discuss our plans to receive feedback from the community by having yearly software releases accompanied by publicly-available data challenges