173 research outputs found

    Schulkinder besuchen die Hebammen : ein Präventionsprojekt im BSc Hebamme

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    Schulkinder besuchen die Hebammen - ein Präventionsprojekt

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    Wenn Schulkinder die Hebammen besuchen

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    Following the excited state relaxation dynamics of indole and 5-hydroxyindole using time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy

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    Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy was used to obtain new information about the dynamics of electronic relaxation in gas-phase indole and 5-hydroxyindole following UV excitation with femtosecond laser pulses centred at 249 nm and 273 nm. Our analysis of the data was supported by ab initio calculations at the coupled cluster and complete-active-space self-consistent-field levels. The optically bright 1La and 1Lb electronic states of 1\u3c0\u3c0* character and spectroscopically dark and dissociative 1\u3c0\u3c3* states were all found to play a role in the overall relaxation process. In both molecules we conclude that the initially excited 1La state decays non-adiabatically on a sub 100 fs timescale via two competing pathways, populating either the subsequently long-lived 1Lb state or the 1\u3c0\u3c3* state localised along the N-H coordinate, which exhibits a lifetime on the order of 1 ps. In the case of 5-hydroxyindole, we conclude that the 1\u3c0\u3c3* state localised along the O-H coordinate plays little or no role in the relaxation dynamics at the two excitation wavelengths studied.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    Oral helse og sosial bakgrunn: En tverrsnittsstudie basert på den sjuende Tromsøundersøkelsen

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    Hensikten med denne masteroppgaven var å undersøke hvorvidt det er sammenheng mellom sosioøkonomisk status og tannhelse hos den voksne befolkningen i Tromsø. Materiale og metode. Datamateriale innhentet fra Tromsøundersøkelsen, Tromsø 7. Deltakerne besto av individer over 40 år som var bosatt i Tromsø kommune. Totalt var det 32 591 inviterte til å delta, hvorav 21 083 deltok i helseundersøkelsen. Videre var det 3858 deltakere som fikk en klinisk tannhelseundersøkelse, disse har vi inkludert i masteroppgaven. Dataanalysen ble utført med IBM SPSS statistics versjon 23.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, New York, USA) og utført i to steg. Univariate analyser; Kji-kvadrattest, t-test og enveis ANOVA, samt multinominal logistisk regresjon og lineær regresjonsmodell ble gjennomført. Resultater. 59% av kvinnene vurderte sin egen tannhelse som god, samme tall for menn var 49,9%. En større andel av de som bor med partner/samboer vurderte sin tannhelse som god (55,3%), sammenliknet med de som ikke bor med partner/samboer (51,5%). Gjennomsnittlig DMFT hos de med fullført primær utdanning var 21,0, dette er høyere enn gjennomsnittlig DMFT blant deltakere med høyskole eller universitet mer enn fire år (15,0). DMFT indeksen hos deltakere med grunnskolen som høyeste fullførte utdanning var 2.47 (95% KI: 1.97-2.98) ganger høyere enn de deltakerne med høyskole/universitet (4 år eller mer) som høyeste fullførte utdanning. 22,6% av deltakere som tjente mindre enn 250 000 kr i året vurderte sin tannhelse som dårlig, derimot var det kun 4,7% av de som tjente mer enn én million i året. Deltakere med vanskelig familieøkonomi under barndommen hadde en høyere DMFT (19,0). Oddsen for å rapportere dårlig tannhelse hos deltakere som hadde en husholdningsinntekt på 351-450 tusen kroner var 3,14 (95% KI: 1,96-5,03) ganger høyere enn den som ble funnet hos de som hadde husholdningsinntekt på mer enn én million kroner. Konklusjon. Det var en positiv sammenheng mellom egenvurdert tannhelse og sosioøkonomisk status. Det ses i tillegg en sammenheng mellom tannstatus i dag og sosioøkonomisk bakgrunn

    Space Flight Resource Management for ISS Operations

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    This slide presentation reviews the International Space Station (ISS) Operations space flight resource management, which was adapted to the ISS from the shuttle processes. It covers crew training and behavior elements

    Living Mercy: Reflecting on the Vocation and Values of Salve Regina University

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    With this collection of essays, we honor the vocation and spirit of mercy that has enlivened and guided Salve Regina University for the last 75 years. Inspired by the accomplishments of the past and looking forward to the call of the future, these essays provide a starting point for University-wide conversations to support Salve Regina in discerning how it will move into the increasingly complex challenges of the future. Salve\u27s tradition of mercy is rooted in the example of Catherine McAuley, who founded the Sisters of Mercy in 19th-century Dublin, Ireland. It is a model of faith expressed through action and maintains that each person is called to and capable of contributing to the common good by responding to the needs of the day, to respond to the suffering and injustice of each era.Attending to this spirit of mercy that continues to guide our University, this project considers how the six core values of Salve’s Strategic Compass – purpose-driven education, respect and dignity for all, mercy community, integrity, faith and spirituality, and compassionate service and solidarity – relate to our shared mercy, Catholic heritage, and the mercy vocational paradigm. Exploring how to re-root and re-frame these values, we approached the project as a vocationally oriented narrative. This type of narrative focuses on the call and vocation, as well as the patterns of meaning that shape the unique identity of an institution in its founding and how the institution has evolved and changed in response to the claims and context of social and historic dynamics. Thus, these six essays are harmonized by a three-fold critical-creative structure that attends to the dynamic experience of the call and spirit of mercy modeled in the founding of the University, how we presently live this call, and envision the challenges and possibilities that lie on the horizon. We employed the perspectives of Foundations, Living Presence, and Horizons to frame an analogical exploration of the unique character, actions and ideals that have inspired and sustained the vocation and mission of Salve Regina University, and may be creatively transferred to shaping the horizon for future generations of students.Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of Salve Regina University, we invite readers to reflect on this collection of essays and then to join the conversations that are to follow as we continue to discern the path forward as Salve takes its next steps into the future.https://digitalcommons.salve.edu/fac_staff_ebooks/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Risk assessment and antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare workers

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    Background: Preventing infection in healthcare workers (HCWs) is crucial for protecting healthcare systems during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here, we investigated the seroepidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in HCWs in Norway with low-transmission settings. Methods: From March 2020, we recruited HCWs at four medical centres. We determined infection by SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR and serological testing and evaluated the association between infection and exposure variables, comparing our findings with global data in a meta-analysis. Anti-spike IgG antibodies were measured after infection and/or vaccination in a longitudinal cohort until June 2021. Results: We identified a prevalence of 10.5% (95% confidence interval, CI: 8.8–12.3) in 2020 and an incidence rate of 15.0 cases per 100 person-years (95% CI: 12.5–17.8) among 1,214 HCWs with 848 person-years of follow-up time. Following infection, HCWs (n = 63) mounted durable anti-spike IgG antibodies with a half-life of 4.3 months since their seropositivity. HCWs infected with SARS-CoV-2 in 2020 (n = 46) had higher anti-spike IgG titres than naive HCWs (n = 186) throughout the 5 months after vaccination with BNT162b2 and/or ChAdOx1-S COVID-19 vaccines in 2021. In a meta-analysis including 20 studies, the odds ratio (OR) for SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity was significantly higher with household contact (OR 12.6; 95% CI: 4.5–35.1) and occupational exposure (OR 2.2; 95% CI: 1.4–3.2). Conclusion: We found high and modest risks of SARS-CoV-2 infection with household and occupational exposure, respectively, in HCWs, suggesting the need to strengthen infection prevention strategies within households and medical centres. Infection generated long-lasting antibodies in most HCWs; therefore, we support delaying COVID-19 vaccination in primed HCWs, prioritising the non-infected high-risk HCWs amid vaccine shortage.publishedVersio

    Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS) in Cameroon: A formative epidemiological and socioeconomic investigation in eleven rural fishing communities

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    Background Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS) is most often caused by presence of Schistosoma haematobium eggs lodged in the female reproductive tract which results in chronic fibrosis and scarring. In Cameroon, despite high community prevalences of urine-patent S. haematobium infections, FGS has yet to be studied in depth. To shed light on the clinical prevalence and socioeconomic effects of FGS, we undertook a formative community-based epidemiological and qualitative survey. Method A cross sectional multidisciplinary study of 304 girls and women from 11 remote rural fishing communities in Cameroon was undertaken using parasitological sampling, clinical colposcopy, and interviews. The lived experiences of those with FGS were documented using a process of ethnography with participant observation and in-depth interviews. Result Amongst 304 women and girls aged >5 years (Median age: 18; Interquartile range: 9.6–28), 198 females were eligible for FGS testing and 58 adult women were examined by clinical colposcopy. Of these, 34 were positive for FGS (proportion: 58.6%; 95% CI: 45.8–70.4), younger girls showing a higher FGS prevalence, and older women not shedding eggs showing a pattern for cervical lesions from earlier infection. In a subset of women with FGS selected purposively (12/58), in-depth interviews with participant observation revealed out-of-pocket expenditures of up to 500USD related health spending for repeated diagnosis and treatment of gynecological illnesses, and 9 hours daily lost reproductive labour. Psychosocial unrest, loss in social capital, and despair were linked with sub-fertility and persistent vaginal itch. Conclusion With our first formative evidence on prevalence, socioeconomic effects and experiences of FGS amongst women and girls in Cameroon, we have clarified to a new level of detail the deficit in provision of and access to peripheral health services in remote areas of Cameroon. Using this information, there is now strong evidence for national programs and services on women’s health and schistosomiasis to update and revise policies targeted on prevention and management of FGS. We therefore stress the need for regular provision of Praziquantel treatment to adolescent girls and women in S. haematobium endemic areas, alongside better access to tailored diagnostic services that can detect FGS and appropriately triage care at primary health level
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