1,796 research outputs found

    Analysing discussions in social networks using group decision making methods and sentiment analysis

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    Social networks are one of the most preferred environments for people to carry out debates. Due to the fact that a high amount of people can participate in the process, there is a need of tools that can analyse these discussions and extract useful information from them. In this paper, a novel way of determining how the debate is going on, if there is consensus among the participants and which alternatives are preferred is presented. Sentiment analysis is used in order to measure the level of preference that social media users have about a certain set of alternatives. In order to test the presented scheme, a real application example that makes use of Twitter information is presentedThis paper has been developed with the financing of FEDER funds in the project TIN2016-75850-

    Crocin improves the quality of cryopreserved goat semen in different breeds

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    The effect of crocin in the semen extender before cryopreservation was evaluated on sperm parameters of 20 bucks of five different breeds: Garganica (GA), Jonica (JO), Maltese (MA), Mediterranean Red (MR) and Saanen (SA). Semen samples were centrifuged, to remove seminal plasma, divided in two aliquots and diluted with Tris-egg-yolk-based extender, containing 0 (control group) and 1 mM crocin. Crocin concentration was established after a preliminary dose trial. On fresh and frozen-thawed sperm, motility, viability, morphology, membrane integrity, DNA fragmentation and ROS levels were evaluated. The freezing process led to a decrease (p < 0.05) in all the sperm parameters recorded, confirming the deleterious effect of cryopreservation on goat semen. The most interesting result regarding the inclusion of crocin in the extender before cryopreservation was as follows: Crocin significantly improved (p < 0.05) sperm motility in all breeds, except for Mediterranean Red, compared to the control group. Furthermore, 1 mM crocin reduced percentage of spermatozoa with DNA fragmentation with a marked decrement (p < 0.05) in Garganica and Saanen, as compared to the control group. Finally, intracellular ROS decreased (p < 0.01) in the crocin-treated sperm of all breeds, as compared to the control. In conclusion, supplementation of 1 mM crocin in the extender decreased oxidative stress, improving sperm motility and the DNA integrity of frozen-thawed sperm in different breeds

    Combination of exosomes and near-infrared responsive gold nanoparticles: new selective and specific therapeutic vehicle

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    P602 Exosomes are extracellular vesicles (50 -150 nm of diameter) considered key elements for the intercellular communication. Although they are proposed to be ideal vehicles for the targeting of novel therapies, very little is known about the selectiveness and specificity of the transference processes involving exosomes released from different cells. PEGylated Hollow gold nanoparticles (PEG-HGNs) are near-infrared (NIR) responsive nanoparticles (NPs) which are able to generate localized heat by the use of NIR light leading to cell death when applying optical hyperthermia. In this study, we demonstrate the selectivity of in vitro exosomal transfer between certain cell types and how this phenomenon can be exploited to develop new specific vectors for advanced therapies. Firstly, PEG-HGNs were successfully incorporated in the exosome biogenesis pathway of placental stem cells (MSCs) and they were released as PEG-HGNs-loaded exosomes (PEGHGNs_ MSCs_EXOs). Exosomes were characterized by confocal microscopy, western blot, nanosight, zeta potential and electronic microscopy. Afterwards, time lapse microscopy and atomic emission spectroscopy demonstrated the selective transfer of the ..

    Isolation of exosomes from whole blood by a new microfluidic device: proof of concept application in the diagnosis and monitoring of pancreatic cancer

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    Background: Exosomes are endocytic-extracellular vesicles with a diameter around 100 nm that play an essential role on the communication between cells. In fact, they have been proposed as candidates for the diagnosis and the monitoring of different pathologies (such as Parkinson, Alzheimer, diabetes, cardiac damage, infection diseases or cancer). Results: In this study, magnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O4NPs) were successfully functionalized with an exosome-binding antibody (anti-CD9) to mediate the magnetic capture in a microdevice. This was carried out under flow in a 1.6 mm (outer diameter) microchannel whose wall was in contact with a set of NdFeB permanent magnets, giving a high magnetic field across the channel diameter that allowed exosome separation with a high yield. To show the usefulness of the method, the direct capture of exosomes from whole blood of patients with pancreatic cancer (PC) was performed, as a proof of concept. The captured exosomes were then subjected to analysis of CA19-9, a protein often used to monitor PC patients. Conclusions: Here, we describe a new microfluidic device and the procedure for the isolation of exosomes from whole blood, without any need of previous isolation steps, thereby facilitating translation to the clinic. The results show that, for the cases analyzed, the evaluation of CA19-9 in exosomes was highly sensitive, compared to serum samples

    Efficiency of Antimicrobial Electrospun Thymol-Loaded Polycaprolactone Mats in Vivo

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    Due to the prevalence of antimicrobial resistant pathogens, natural products with long-term antimicrobial activities are considered as potential alternatives. In this work, polycaprolactone (PCL) electrospun fibers with mean diameters around 299 nm and loaded with 14.92 ± 1.31% w/w thymol (THY) were synthesized. The mats had appropriate elongation at break (74.4 ± 9.5%) and tensile strength (3.0 ± 0.5 MPa) to be potentially used as wound dressing materials. In vivo studies were performed using eight to ten week-old male SKH1 hairless mice. The infection progression was evaluated through a semiquantitative method and quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The analyses of post-mortem samples indicated that THY-loaded PCL fibers acted as inhibitors of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 strain growth being as efficient as chlorhexidine (CLXD). Histopathological and immunohistochemical studies showed that the PCL-THY-treated wounds were almost free of an inflammatory reaction. Therefore, wound dressings containing natural compounds can prevent infection and promote wound healing and prompt regeneration. Copyrigh

    Drug-eluting wound dressings having sustained release of antimicrobial compounds

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    Wound healing is a complex and costly public health problem that should be timely addressed to achieve a rapid and adequate tissue repair avoiding or even eliminating potential pathogenic infection. Chronic infected non-healing wounds represent a serious concern for health care systems. Efficient wound dressings with tailored therapy having the best response and highest safety margin for the management of chronic non-healing wounds are still needed. The use of novel wound dressing materials has emerged as a promising tool to fulfil these requirements. In this work, asymmetric electrospun polycaprolactone (PCL)-based nanofibers (NFs) were decorated with electrosprayed poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) microparticles (PLGA MPs) containing the natural antibacterial compound thymol (THY) in order to obtain drug eluting antimicrobial dressings having sustained release. The synthesized dressings successfully inhibited the in vitro growth of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, showing also at the same doses cytocompatibility on human dermal fibroblasts and keratinocyte cultures after treatment for 24 h, which was not observed when using free thymol. An in vivo murine excisional wound splinting model, followed by the experimental infection of the wounds with S. aureus and their treatment with the synthesized dressings, pointed to the reduction of the bacterial load in wounds after 7 days, though the total elimination of the infection was not reached. The findings indicated the relevance of the direct contact between the dressings and the bacteria, highlighting the need to tune their design considering the wound surface and the nature of the antimicrobial cargo contained

    Nitrogen-doped carbon nanodots deposited on titania nanoparticles: unconventional near-infrared active photocatalysts for cancer therapy

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    Cancer represents a major public health issue and a primary cause of death for the mankind and the search for alternative cancer treatments that assist or alleviate the drawbacks of current cancer therapies remains imperative. Nanocatalytic medicine represents a new discipline that aims at exploiting the unique response of heterogeneous catalysts exposed to unconventional conditions such as those encountered in the tumor microenvironment (TME). Photo-triggered cancer therapies using light-activable catalytic materiales can stimulate and activate multiple biological processes and represent a very promising field of study. Herein, we evaluate the use of carbon nanodots with different composition (CNDs) retrieved by laser pyrolysis as potential near-infrared (NIR) photosensitizers able to activate P25 semiconductor nanostructured photocatalysts. We describe the enhanced photocatalytic response towards glucose conversion and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation upon irradiation with NIR-LEDs when CNDs doped with heteroatoms were tested. The most active photocatalysts were evaluated in the presence of cancer cells and revealed a promising photodynamic effect under NIR irradiation. This work represents one of the scarce examples of a conventional inorganic photocatalyst containing TiO2 that is translated into a biomedical application with a successful outcome

    Estudio de la reacción entre el Hg(l) y el ácido etilenglicol bis (&beta;-amino etil éter) tetraacético. Determinación espectrofotométrica de Hg22+

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    The reaction between Hg(I) and ethyleneglycol bis (&beta;-aminoethylether)- N, N, N3, N3 tetraacetate (EGTA) in a weakly acidic m&eacute;dium (pH &asymp; 5) is studied by U. V. spectrophotometric techniques. The maxiraum of absorption which appears at 247 nm is supposed due to the formation of a Hg(I) - EGTA complex. This compotmd is unstable and it decomposes slowly with formation of Hg(II) chelate and metallic mercury. When the absorbance is measured at fixed time (5 minutes), it is fovmd that Beer's law is obeyed from 1 up to 30 p p m of Hg(I) at 247 nm