1,545 research outputs found

    Nota sobre equidae de Galicia

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    [Resumen] Se recogen en esta nota los primeros datos numéricos sobre f6siles cuaternarios de Galicia. Si bien estos hallazgos habían sido mencionados repetidamente en la literatura existente sobre el cuaternario de Galicia, no existían, hasta el momento, más que referencias indirectas a los mismos.La rareza en el descubrimiento de restos fósiles en el registro cuaternario gallego, justifica con creces la escasez de referencias sobre la 10calizaci6n estratigráfica de estos fósiles.[Abstract] This note deals with the first numerical data about quaternary fossils in Galicia. The finds refered here was repeatedly mentioned in the literature concerning the Galicia's quaternary, but don't had, to the moment, others than indirect references to them.The scarcity in quaternary fossil data from Galicia, balance the inexistence of references concerning the stratigraphic situation of that fossil

    Jet precession in the active nucleus of M81. Ongoing VLBI monitoring

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    In a recent publication, we reported results of a multi-frequency VLBI campaign of observations of the Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) in galaxy M\,81, phase-referenced to the supernova SN\,1993J. We were able to extract precise information on the relative astrometry of the AGN radio emission at different epochs and frequencies. We found strong evidence of precession in the AGN jet (i.e., a systematic evolution in the jet inclination at each frequency) coupled to changes in the overall flux density at the different frequencies. In these proceedings, we summarise the main contents of our previous publication and we report on (preliminary) new results from our follow-up VLBI observations, now phase-referenced to the young supernova SN2008iz. We also briefly discuss how these results match the picture of our previously-reported precession model.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of EVN meeting 201

    La evaluación por competencias de los casos prácticos sobre Derechos Fundamentales

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    En este trabajo, exponemos una experiencia docente de evaluación de los casos prácticos sobre derechos fundamentales a través de diversas herramientas que permiten objetivar esta tarea mediante la parcelación de la actividad en pequeñas unidades de observación y con referencia a cada una de las competencias trabajadas como son las rúbricas, escalas de valoración, listas de control, etc. A través de ello, se consigue no sólo dar publicidad a los criterios de evaluación y asegurar la transparencia del proceso, sino además proporcionar al alumnado una guía útil que le permite conocer cuál es su progreso y mejorar en su avance, convirtiéndose así en un elemento esencial del proceso formativo del estudiante.In this piece of work, we present a teaching experience in relation to the assessment of case studies on fundamental rights through several tools which allow us to establish some objective criteria to asses this task by means of the division of that task into parcels which involve small observation units and in relation to each competence in work such as rubrics, assessment scales, control lists, etc. When doing this, we achieve not only the publishing of the assessment criteria and the openness of the process but also we provide the students with an useful guide which allows them to know their progress and to improve that progress so it becomes and essential element in the students' formative process

    El equus stenonis cocchi como indicador biostatigráfico del plio-pleistoceno en Italia y España

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    [Resumen] Se esquematiza la cronoestratigrafía de los principales yacimientos de Vertebrados italianos del Plio-pleistoceno, de el Villafranquiense medio al Galerino. Se estudia, desde un punto de vista evolutivo, la presencia de las distintas formas de Equus stenonis Cocchi hasta la llegada de Equus caballus Linn. La comparación de los distintos estadios evolutivos de E. stenonis y su fauna acompañante permiten la elaboración de un Cuadro sinóptico en el cual los yacimientos españoles con Equus se correlacionan con sus sincrónicos italianos sobre una base estratigráfica comparada (BONADONNA, 1982; ARIAS et all., 1982) con los principales eventos geológicos en Europa[Abstract] The chronostratigraphy of the Plio-pleistocene marnmals italian deposits from middle Villafranchian to Galerian is surnmarized. The presence of different forms of Equus stenonis Cocchi until the appearance of the first kinds of Equus caballus Linn. is studied by an evolutive point of view. The comparison among the different evolutive levels of Equus stenonis and the associated fauna allow us to build a synoptic Table in which the spanish deposits with Equus are correlate to analogous italian ones ln a stratigraphic scale yet compared (BONADONNA, 1982; ARIAS et all., 1982) to the most important geological event ln Europ

    Radio continuum and X-ray emission from the most extreme FIR-excess galaxy NGC 1377: An extremely obscured AGN revealed

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    Galaxies which strongly deviate from the radio-far IR correlation are of great importance for studies of galaxy evolution as they may be tracing early, short-lived stages of starbursts and active galactic nuclei (AGNs). The most extreme FIR-excess galaxy NGC1377 has long been interpreted as a young dusty starburst, but millimeter observations of CO lines revealed a powerful collimated molecular outflow which cannot be explained by star formation alone. We present new radio observations at 1.5 and 10 GHz obtained with the Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) and Chandra X-ray observations towards NGC1377. The observations are compared to synthetic starburst models to constrain the properties of the central energy source. We obtained the first detection of the cm radio continuum and X-ray emission in NGC1377. We find that the radio emission is distributed in two components, one on the nucleus and another offset by 4"".5 to the South-West. We confirm the extreme FIR-excess of the galaxy, with a qFIRq_\mathrm{FIR}\simeq4.2, which deviates by more than 7-σ\sigma from the radio-FIR correlation. Soft X-ray emission is detected on the off-nucleus component. From the radio emission we estimate for a young (<10<10 Myr) starburst a star formation rate SFR<<0.1 M_\odot yr1^{-1}. Such a SFR is not sufficient to power the observed IR luminosity and to drive the CO outflow. We find that a young starburst cannot reproduce all the observed properties of the nucleus of NGC1377. We suggest that the galaxy may be harboring a radio-quiet, obscured AGN of 106^6M_\odot, accreting at near-Eddington rates. We speculate that the off-nucleus component may be tracing an hot-spot in the AGN jet.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysics on 08/07/201