33 research outputs found

    The Promotion of Sustainable Diets in the Healthcare System and Implications for Health Professionals: A Scoping Review

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    The impacts of the current global food system are already visible in the environment and in the health of the population. The promotion of sustainable diets is key to counter the negative consequences. The healthcare system could be a powerful tool to educate patients by guiding their diets towards sustainability. This study aimed to assess the size and scope of the available literature regarding the promotion of sustainable diets in the healthcare system and to obtain a reliable approximation of the processes and roles related to sustainable diet promotion within healthcare systems. A scoping review where online databases were used to identify English written scientific and grey literature published between 2000–2019 was carried out. The analytical–synthetic approach was used for data charting. Twelve studies were included that were published between 2007–2020. The data highlight education, community and clinical health services, community engagement and policy advocacy, and governance as main action areas along with two transversal aspects, social support, and gender. A systemic approach to the food system is emphasized. Evidence suggests that health professionals have the potential to drive a paradigm shift in food–health environments. Currently, however, their role and potential impact is underestimated within healthcare systems. This review has identified a framework with key areas where processes need to be developed to guarantee sustainable diet promotion in healthcare services.This research was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant number 836353

    Identifying a Sustainable Food Procurement Strategy in Healthcare Systems: A Scoping Review

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    The healthcare system’s climate footprint is equivalent to 4.4% of global net emission. The food service offered, with subsequent food waste production and energy consumption, falls within the spectrum of environmentally harmful activities. The development of a Sustainable Food Procurement Strategy is an opportunity to counteract these negative effects. This article aims to identify the nature and extent of the evidence found in the literature on the processes related to food procurement within healthcare systems and analyse them from the perspective of sustainability dimensions. A scoping review is carried out using online databases to identify scientific and grey literature published in English during the period 2000–2019. An analytical-synthetic approach is used for charting the data. Twenty-six studies are included; 65% of them published in the last five years. These include research articles (n 11), an opinion article (n 1), policy handbooks and guides (n 2), project reports (n 4) and technical reports (n 3), policy forums (n 1), factsheet documents (n 3), and legislative directives (n 1). The outcomes framework highlights multilevel governance, a sustainable food supply system, and healthy and sustainable food services as the main action areas for a sustainable food procurement strategy, along with six transversal features: long-term commitment, investment, evaluation, communication, gender, and a holistic approach.This research was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie, grant number 836353

    Euskadin 2030ean elikadura sistema iraunkorra izateko ikerketa eta berrikuntza estrategia: Euskadiko Fit4Food2030 politiken laborategiko emaitzak

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    61 p.Horizonte Europa markoak identifikatutako erronken artean, lurzoruen osasuna eta elikagaiak dira misioaren arloetako bi, eta horiekin batera, ingurumenari, baliabideei eta elikadurari loturiko nekazaritza. Abiapuntu gisa ezartzen den iraunkortasun ikuspegia garatzeko zutarriak dira guztiak. Horregatik, koordinazio lan taldeak Fit4Food2030 proiektuan parte hartzea aukera on bezala hartu izan du, Europaren baitan euskal elikadura sistema iraunkorrerako ikerketa eta berrikuntza estrategiak zehaztu ahal izateko.Finantziazioa: Europar Batasuna. Proiektu honek Europar Batasuneko Horizon 2020 ikerketa eta berrikuntza programaren dirulaguntza jaso du 774088 zk.ko beka hitzarmenaren arabera

    Estrategia de investigación e innovación para un sistema alimentario sostenible en Euskadi 2030: resultados del laboratorio de políticas Fit4Food2030 de Euskadi

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    61 p.Entre los desafíos identificados por el marco de Horizonte Europa, la salud del suelo y los alimentos es uno de los ámbitos de misión junto con la agricultura vinculada al medio ambiente, los recursos y la alimentación, que son parte del pilar para el desarrollo de la visión sostenible planteada como punto de partida. Por ello, la participación en el proyecto Fit-4Food2030 se ha considerado por parte del equipo coordinador desde su inicio una gran oportunidad para definir estrategias de investigación e innovación para un sistema alimentario vasco sostenible dentro de Europa.Financia: Union Europea. Programa de investigación e innovación Horizonte 2020 de la Unión Europea en virtud del acuerdo de subvención No 77408

    ¿Cuál es el rol del Dietista-Nutricionista en el sistema alimentario de 2030?

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    III Congreso de Alimentación, Nutrición y Dietética. Combinar la nutrición comunitaria y personalizada: nuevos retos

    12. GIHa aletzen: ekoizpen eta kontsumo jasangarriaren mugarriak

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    Sei urte bete dira Nazio Batuen Erakundeak 2030 Agendako Garapen Iraunkorrerako Helburuak onartu zituenetik. Artikulu honetan, 12. GIHaren analisia egingo dugu, eko-feminismoak bere egin duen iraunkortasunaren kontzeptualizaziotik abiatuta. Gure analisian, lehenik, 12. GIHaren irakurketa orokorra egingo dugu, eta, ondoren, hamaika erronka zehatzez osaturiko helburu horren xehetasunak eta kontraesanak aletuko ditugu. Analisiaren ondorio gisa, azpimarratuko dugu gure ekoizteko eta kontsumitzeko erak, naturak birsortzeko dituen gaitasun-mugak aspaldi gainditu zituen arren, hazkunde mugagabean eta kontsumo masiboan oinarritutako logika ekonomikoan oinarritzen jarraitzen duela. GIHetan topatzen diren inkoherentzien aurrean, aztertutako erronketan jaso ditugun hausnarketekin, trantsizio ekosozialaren bidetik bizitza iraunkor bat lortzea aldarrikatzen dugu. ABSTRACT: Six years have passed since the UN approval of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. In this article, we approach the analysis of SDG 12, based on the conceptualization of sustainability from the Ecofeminism perspective. The analysis commences with a general reading of this SDG, followed by the unravelling of the details and contradictions of this objective, which is made up of eleven specific challenges. The analysis shows that although our way of producing and consuming has long exceeded the limits of nature's regenerative capacity, it is emphasized that it continues to be based on an economic logic based on unlimited growth and mass consumption. Bearing in mind the inconsistencies found in the SDGs, with the reflections collected in the challenges analyzed, the achievement of a sustainable life is limited to doing so through the eco-social transition.; Six years have passed since the UN approval of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. In this article, we approach the analysis of SDG 12, based on the conceptualization of sustainability from the Ecofeminism perspective. The analysis com-mences with a general reading of this SDG, followed by the unravelling of the details and contra-dictions of this objective, which is made up of eleven specific challenges. The analysis shows that although our way of producing and consuming has long exceeded the limits of nature’s regenera-tive capacity, it is emphasized that it continues to be based on an economic logic based on unlim-ited growth and mass consumption. Bearing in mind the inconsistencies found in the SDGs, with the reflections collected in the challenges analyzed, the achievement of a sustainable life is lim-ited to doing so through the eco-social transition

    A seed towards a sustainable food system in healthcare institutions: the case of the Basque Country

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    Public procurement of food is seen as a critical tool for a paradigm shift and for facilitating the development of specific policy objectives to build sustainable food environments. Furthermore, the harnessing of the purchasing power of hospitals, prioritizing local and sustainable food, offers the potential to transform food production systems into more resilient production models and bring them in line with current European sustainability strategies. This paper analyses the current situation of sustainable food procurement strategies in Osakidetza, the Basque Health System, and identifies the challenges and action plans needed to develop a sustainable food strategy. Sustainable food procurement is still incipient in Osakidetza. This roadmap proposal is a basic but necessary contribution as a starting point. Likewise, we find contributions from agroecology that are interesting for the construction of sustainable food environments in health systems

    Changes in white adipose tissue metabolism induced by resveratrol in rats.

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    BACKGROUND: A remarkable range of biological functions have been ascribed to resveratrol. Recently, this polyphenol has been shown to have body fat lowering effects. The aim of the present study was to assess some of the potential underlying mechanisms of action which take place in adipose tissue. METHODS: Sixteen male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into two groups: control and treated with 30 mg resveratrol/kg body weight/d. All rats were fed an obesogenic diet and after six weeks of treatment white adipose tissues were dissected. Lipoprotein lipase activity was assessed by fluorimetry, acetyl-CoA carboxylase by radiometry, and malic enzyme, glucose-6P-dehydrogenase and fatty acid synthase by spectrophotometry. Gene expression levels of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, fatty acid synthase, lipoprotein lipase, hormone-sensitive lipase, adipose triglyceride lipase, PPAR-gamma, SREBP-1c and perilipin were assessed by Real time RT-PCR. The amount of resveratrol metabolites in adipose tissue was measured by chromatography. RESULTS: There was no difference in the final body weight of the rats; however, adipose tissues were significantly decreased in the resveratrol-treated group. Resveratrol reduced the activity of lipogenic enzymes, as well as that of heparin-releasable lipoprotein lipase. Moreover, a significant reduction was induced by this polyphenol in hormone-sensitive lipase mRNA levels. No significant changes were observed in other genes. Total amount of resveratrol metabolites in adipose tissue was 2.66 ± 0.55 nmol/g tissue. CONCLUSIONS: It can be proposed that the body fat-lowering effect of resveratrol is mediated, at least in part, by a reduction in fatty acid uptake from circulating triacylglycerols and also in de novo lipogenesis

    Elikagaien Erosketa Jasangarrirako Estrategia Osakidetzako Ospitaleetan: Euskal Osasun Sisteman elikadura sistema jasangarria sustatzeko hazi bat

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    UPV/EHU buru duen RENASCENCE proiektuak euskal osasun-sisteman elikadura-sistema iraunkorrak garatzeko beharrezkoak diren erronkei buruzko gogoeta egiten du. Elikagaien erosketa publikoa funtsezko tresnatzat jotzen da egungo elikadura sistemako paradigma aldatzeko eta helburu politiko iraunkor eta espezifikoak garatzen laguntzeko. Are gehiago, ospitaleen erosteko ahalmena aprobetxatzeak, tokiko elikagai jasangarriak lehenetsiz, elikagaiak ekoizteko egungo ereduak erresilienteagoa eta iraunkorragoak bihurtzeko gaitasuna eskaintzen du. Europatik datozen estrategiak betetzeko ahalbidetzen delarik (Itun Berdearen baitan dagoen Baserritik Mahaira estrategia adibide). RENASCENCE proiektuko ikertzaileek lan-dokumentu bat argitaratu berri dute, Osakidetzako eta Euskal Elikadura Sistemako hainbat eragilerekin elkarlanean egindako bi lan-saiotatik eratorria. Bertan, Deustu Fundazioko Orkestra institutoko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan aritu ziren ikerketa honetarako. Lan-saio horietan, Osakidetzan elikagaien erosketa jasangarriaren egungo egoera aztertu zen, eta elikadura-estrategia iraunkorra garatzeko beharrezkoak diren erronkak eta ekintza-planak identifikatu ziren. Osakidetzan elikagaien hornidura iraunkorra hasi berria da. Lan-dokumentu honek ibilbide-orri bat eskaintzen du. Proposamen hau oinarrizkoa izanik ere, beharrezkoa eta erabilgarria izango da, Osakidetzan elikadura-sistema iraunkorretara igarotzeko abiapuntu gisa. Zehazki, “Elikagaien Erosketa Jasangarrirako Estrategia Osakidetzako Ospitaleetan, Euskal Osasun sisteman elikadura sistema jasangarria sustatzeko hazi bat” tituludun txosten honek, orotara 13 erronka eta 30 ekintza plan aurreikusten ditu.Europar Batasuneko Horizonte 2020 ikerketa eta berrikuntza programaren bitartez finantziatua, Marie Sklodowska-Curie 836353 dirulaguntzarako akordioaren baitan

    Changes in white adipose tissue metabolism induced by resveratrol in rats

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    Background: A remarkable range of biological functions have been ascribed to resveratrol. Recently, this polyphenol has been shown to have body fat lowering effects. The aim of the present study was to assess some of the potential underlying mechanisms of action which take place in adipose tissue. Methods: Sixteen male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into two groups: control and treated with 30 mg resveratrol/kg body weight/d. All rats were fed an obesogenic diet and after six weeks of treatment white adipose tissues were dissected. Lipoprotein lipase activity was assessed by fluorimetry, acetyl-CoA carboxylase by radiometry, and malic enzyme, glucose-6P-dehydrogenase and fatty acid synthase by spectrophotometry. Gene expression levels of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, fatty acid synthase, lipoprotein lipase, hormone-sensitive lipase, adipose triglyceride lipase, PPAR-gamma, SREBP-1c and perilipin were assessed by Real time RT-PCR. The amount of resveratrol metabolites in adipose tissue was measured by chromatography. Results: There was no difference in the final body weight of the rats; however, adipose tissues were significantly decreased in the resveratrol-treated group. Resveratrol reduced the activity of lipogenic enzymes, as well as that of heparin-releasable lipoprotein lipase. Moreover, a significant reduction was induced by this polyphenol in hormone-sensitive lipase mRNA levels. No significant changes were observed in other genes. Total amount of resveratrol metabolites in adipose tissue was 2.66 +/- 0.55 nmol/g tissue. Conclusions: It can be proposed that the body fat-lowering effect of resveratrol is mediated, at least in part, by a reduction in fatty acid uptake from circulating triacylglycerols and also in de novo lipogenesis.This study was supported by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (AGL2008-1005-ALI and partially by the AGL2006-14228-C03-02), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (RETIC PREDIMED) and the Government of Pais Vasco (IT-386-10; CTP09/R5). G. Alberdi is a recipient of a doctoral fellowship from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion. Resveratrol was a generous gift from Monteloeder (Elche, Alicante, Spain)