147 research outputs found

    Rheological properties vs Local Dynamics in model disordered materials at Low Temperature

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    We study the rheological response at low temperature of a sheared model disordered material as a function of the bond rigidity. We find that the flow curves follow a Herschel-Bulkley law, whatever is the bond rigidity, with an exponent close to 0.5. Interestingly, the apparent viscosity can be related to a single relevant time scale trelt_{rel}, suggesting a strong connection between the local dynamics and the global mechanical behaviour. We propose a model based on the competition between the nucleation and the avalanche-like propagation of spatial strain heterogeneities. This model can explain the Herschel-Bulkley exponent on the basis of the size dependence of the heterogeneities on the shear rate.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Alteration of ribosome function upon 5-fluorouracil treatment favors cancer cell drug-tolerance.

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    Mechanisms of drug-tolerance remain poorly understood and have been linked to genomic but also to non-genomic processes. 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), the most widely used chemotherapy in oncology is associated with resistance. While prescribed as an inhibitor of DNA replication, 5-FU alters all RNA pathways. Here, we show that 5-FU treatment leads to the production of fluorinated ribosomes exhibiting altered translational activities. 5-FU is incorporated into ribosomal RNAs of mature ribosomes in cancer cell lines, colorectal xenografts, and human tumors. Fluorinated ribosomes appear to be functional, yet, they display a selective translational activity towards mRNAs depending on the nature of their 5'-untranslated region. As a result, we find that sustained translation of IGF-1R mRNA, which encodes one of the most potent cell survival effectors, promotes the survival of 5-FU-treated colorectal cancer cells. Altogether, our results demonstrate that "man-made" fluorinated ribosomes favor the drug-tolerant cellular phenotype by promoting translation of survival genes

    Temporary use of a coastal ecosystem by the fish, Pomadasys corvinaeformis (Perciformes: Haemulidae), at Guaratuba Bay, Brazil

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    Pomadasys corvinaeformis is Qne ofthe most abundant species found in Guaratuba Bay, an Atlantic coastal, estuarine ecosystem in Paraná, Brazil. We tested whether this species comprises a resident or migratorial population. Abundance, size distribution, and gonad development of individuaIs captured during the year show that pre-adults enter the system when salinities are greater (autumn and early winter). During this time, they are mostly associated with mangroves and adjacent areas. When salinities begin to fall (late spring and summer) these now maturing individuaIs return to the sea where they spawn. Thus, P. corvinaeformis is migratorial and estuarine-dependent and uses this area prior to sexual maturity. During the period in this bay, P. corvinaeformis presents a great plasticity of feeding habits, that include inainly Crustacea, MoIlusca and Thaliacea.Pomadasys corvinaeformis é uma das espécies de maior representatividade na ictiofauna da Baía de Guaratuba, litoral do Estado do Paraná. Este trabalho investigou se a espécie compõe ali uma população permanente, residente no sistema, ou se é migratória, fteqüentando-o apenas em épocas determinadas. Resultados de 12 meses sobre variações de abundância, distribuição de tamanho e aspectos reprodutivos indicam que indivíduos subadultos ingressam no sistema quando a salinidade é maior (outono, começo de inverno). Nesta época, os indivíduos utilizam a área de manguezal e suas adjacências. Quanto a salinidade começa a cair (final de primavera, verão), estes indivíduos agora em maturação gonadal retomam para o mar, onde desovam. P. corvinaeformis é, portanto, uma espécie migratória e estuarino-dependente que utiliza a Baía em período anterior ao de maturidade gonadal. Ali, apresenta uma dieta muito variada, constituída basicamente de Crustacea, MoIlusca e Thaliacea

    Predictors of Occurrence and Severity of First Time Low Back Pain Episodes: Findings from a Military Inception Cohort

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    Primary prevention studies suggest that additional research on identifying risk factors predictive of low back pain (LBP) is necessary before additional interventions can be developed. In the current study we assembled a large military cohort that was initially free of LBP and followed over 2 years. The purposes of this study were to identify baseline variables from demographic, socioeconomic, general health, and psychological domains that were predictive of a) occurrence; b) time; and c) severity for first episode of self-reported LBP. Baseline and outcome measures were collected via web-based surveillance system or phone to capture monthly information over 2 years. The assembled cohort consisted of 1230 Soldiers who provided self-report data with 518 (42.1%) reporting at least one episode of LBP over 2 years. Multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that gender, active duty status, mental and physical health scores were significant predictors of LBP. Cox regression revealed that the time to first episode of LBP was significantly shorter for Soldiers that were female, active duty, reported previous injury, and had increased BMI. Multivariate linear regression analysis investigated severity of the first episode by identifying baseline predictors of pain intensity, disability, and psychological distress. Education level and physical fitness were consistent predictors of pain intensity, while gender, smoking status, and previous injury status were predictors of disability. Gender, smoking status, physical health scores, and beliefs of back pain were consistent predictors of psychological distress. These results provide additional data to confirm the multi-factorial nature of LBP and suggest future preventative interventions focus on multi-modal approaches that target modifiable risk factors specific to the population of interest

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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