124 research outputs found

    Expert opinion on pituitary complications in immunotherapy

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    Hypophysitis is a frequent toxic endocrine side-effect of immunotherapy. Prevalence is higher with anti-CTLA-4 antibodies (4-20%) or in association with PD-1 inhibitors (8%). Diagnosis is presumptive, based on poorly specific clinical symptoms (usually, headache and asthenia) and/or hyponatremia and/or at least one pituitary deficit and/or abnormal imaging. Visual disorder or polyuropolydipsic syndrome are exceptional. In decreasing order of frequency, deficits are thyrotropic (86-100%), gonadotropic (85-100%) or corticotropic (50-73%); somatotropin deficit or abnormal prolactin level are rarer. Pituitary MRI in acute phase shows variable moderate increase in pituitary volume, ruling out differential diagnoses, especially pituitary metastasis. Treatment of corticotropin deficiency requires systematic emergency replacement therapy, with the usual modalities, while treatment of other deficits depends on clinical status and progression. Thyrotropin and gonadotropin deficits usually recover, but corticotropin deficiency persists over the long term, requiring education and specialized endocrinologic follow-up. Onset of hypophysitis does not contraindicate continuation of immunotherapy and does not usually require high dose synthetic glucocorticoids

    R31C GNRH1 mutation and congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

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    Normosmic congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (nCHH) is a rare reproductive disease leading to lack of puberty and infertility. Loss-of-function mutations of GNRH1 gene are a very rare cause of autosomal recessive nCHH. R31C GNRH1 is the only missense mutation that affects the conserved GnRH decapeptide sequence. This mutation was identified in a CpG islet in nine nCHH subjects from four unrelated families, giving evidence for a putative “hot spot”. Interestingly, all the nCHH patients carry this mutation in heterozygosis that strikingly contrasts with the recessive inheritance associated with frame shift and non-sense mutations. Therefore, after exclusion of a second genetic event, a comprehensive functional characterization of the mutant R31C GnRH was undertaken. Using different cellular models, we clearly demonstrate a dramatic reduction of the mutant decapeptide capacity to bind GnRH-receptor, to activate MAPK pathway and to trigger inositol phosphate accumulation and intracellular calcium mobilization. In addition it is less able than wild type to induce lh-beta transcription and LH secretion in gonadotrope cells. Finally, the absence of a negative dominance in vitro offers a unique opportunity to discuss the complex in vivo patho-physiology of this form of nCHH

    French Endocrine Society Guidance on endocrine side-effects of immunotherapy

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    The management of cancer patients has changed due to the considerably more frequent use of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICPI). However, the use of ICPI has a risk of side-effects, particularly endocrine toxicity. Since the indications for ICPI are constantly expanding due to their efficacy, it is important that endocrinologists and oncologists know how to look for this type of toxicity and how to treat it when it arises. In view of this, the French Endocrine Society initiated the formulation of a consensus document on ICPI-related endocrine toxicity. In this paper, we will introduce data on the general pathophysiology of endocrine toxicity, we will then outline expert opinion focusing primarily on methods for screening, management and monitoring for endocrine side-effects in patients treated by ICPI. We will then look in turn at endocrinopathies that are induced by ICPI including dysthyroidism, hypophysitis, primary adrenal insufficiency and fulminant diabetes. In each chapter, expert opinion will be given on the diagnosis, management and monitoring for each complication. These expert opinions will also discuss the methodology for categorizing these side-effects in oncology using \u27Common terminology criteria for adverse events\u27 (CTCAE) and the difficulties in applying this to endocrine side-effects in the case of these anti-cancer therapies. This is shown in particular by certain recommendations that are used for other side-effects (high-dose corticosteroids, contra-indicated in ICPI for example), and that cannot be considered as appropriate in the management of endocrine toxicity, as it usually does not require ICPI withdrawal or high dose glucocorticoid intake

    Compromis Temps-MĂ©moire Cryptanalytique

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    This PhD thesis delves into improvements for Time-Memory Trade-Off (TMTO) methods, focusing mainly on Rainbow Tables. The work revisits the largely disregarded precomputation phase of the Rainbow Tables algorithm, proposing novel advancements. A principal contribution is the filtration method, which significantly cuts down the precomputation time for « perfect » or « clean » Rainbow Tables. The thesis also examines the distributed filtration process and offers a comparison of TMTO precomputation time across different environments. Additionally, the work presents two new variants of Rainbow Tables, namely the Descending and Ascending Stepped Rainbow Tables variants, opening up new trade-off possibilities between precomputation and attack. Moreover, the Ascending and Descending Stepped Rainbow Tables outperform vanilla Rainbow Tables in all cases.Cette thÚse de doctorat explore les améliorations pour les techniques de compromis Temps-Mémoire (TMTO), avec un accent particulier sur les tables arc-en-ciel. Le travail revisite la phase de précalcul des tables arc-en-ciel, souvent négligée, proposant de nouvelles avancées. Une contribution principale est la méthode de filtration, qui réduit significativement le temps de précalcul pour des tables arc-en-ciel dites « parfaites » ou « propres ». La thÚse examine également la distribution de la phase de précalcul en utilisant la méthode de filtration et offre une comparaison du temps de précalcul TMTO à travers différents environnements. De plus, le travail présente deux nouvelles variantes des tables arc-en-ciel : Les tables arc-en-ciel à marches descendantes et ascendantes, ouvrant de nouvelles possibilités de compromis entre le précalcul et l'attaque et meilleures sur tous les points que les tables arc-en-ciel classiques

    Compromis Temps-MĂ©moire Cryptanalytique

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    This manuscript analyzes enhancements to Time-Memory Trade-Off (TMTO) techniques, focusing on the Rainbow Tables (RTs) variant. It revisits the oftenoverlooked precomputation phase of RTs, proposing significant advances. A key contribution is the filtration method, which reduces precomputation time for RTs, particularly for so-called ’perfect’ or ’clean’ RTs, allowing this time to be reduced by a factor of 6 for quasimaximal tables. The thesis also investigates the distribution of the precomputation phase using the filtration method, providing a comparison of TMTO precomputation time across different environments. This research reveals that the current bottleneck for TMTOs lies within the precomputation phase, not the attack time or memory for TMTO storage. Moreover, it introduces two new variants of RTs: Descending and Ascending Stepped Rainbow Tables. These variants, with fixed coverage and memory, outperform vanilla RTs in precomputation and attack. Notably, the first allows to significantly reduce the precomputation time compared to RTs with filtration, while the Ascending variant offers significant gains for quasi-maximal tables. The thesis concludes that TMTOs should be viewed as a trade-off among four factors: precomputation time, attack time, memory, and coverage, paving the way for future TMTO optimization.Cette thĂšse analyse les amĂ©liorations des Compromis Temps-MĂ©moire Cryptanalytiques (TMTO), avec un accent sur les tables arc-en-ciel (RT). Elle revisite la phase de prĂ©calcul des RT, une Ă©tape souvent dĂ©laissĂ©e, en proposant des avancĂ©es notables. Une contribution majeure est la mĂ©thode de filtration, qui rĂ©duit le temps de prĂ©calcul des RT, en particulier celles dites parfaites ou propres, permettant de diminuer ce temps par un facteur de 6 pour des tables quasimaximales. La thĂšse explore Ă©galement la distribution de la phase de prĂ©calcul utilisant la mĂ©thode de filtration et fournit une comparaison du temps de prĂ©calcul des TMTO sur divers environnements. Ce travail rĂ©vĂšle que le goulet d’étranglement actuel des TMTO sont les prĂ©calculs, et non le temps d’attaque ou la mĂ©moire. Par ailleurs, elle prĂ©sente deux nouvelles variantes des RT : les tables escaliers descendantes et ascendantes. Ces deux variantes, Ă  couverture et mĂ©moire fixes, surpassent les RT en prĂ©calcul et en attaque. Notamment, la premiĂšre permet de rĂ©duire significativement le temps de prĂ©calcul par rapport aux RT avec filtration, tandis que la seconde permet un gain significatifs pour les tables quasi-maximales. La thĂšse conclut que les TMTO doivent ĂȘtre envisagĂ©s comme un compromis entre quatre facteurs : temps de prĂ©calcul, temps d’attaque, mĂ©moire et couverture, ouvrant la voie Ă  une optimisation future des TMTO

    Comment choisir un bon mot de passe ?

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    https://theconversation.com/comment-choisir-un-bon-mot-de-passe-196852Alors que les cyberattaques se multiplient, chacun d'entre nous peut potentiellement y ĂȘtre confrontĂ©. Certes, nous avons tous nos astuces pour les mots de passe que nous utilisons dans nos ordinateurs et nos portables : cachĂ©s sous un clavier, Ă©crits sur un bout de papier ou issus de la date d'anniversaire du petit dernier. Mais comment faire pour s'assurer que son mot de passe est vĂ©ritablement in-cra-qua-ble ? De nombreuses Ă©tudes constatent qu'une part importante des mots de passe ne protĂšgent pas suffisamment les utilisateurs : les mots de passe sont trop faibles et trop souvent rĂ©utilisĂ©s. Par exemple, 51 % des Français utiliseraient le mĂȘme mot de passe pour des usages professionnels et personnels-une statistique que l'on retrouve aux États-Unis. Mots de passe compliquĂ©s, gestionnaires de mots de passe, ça vaut le coup? Jason Dent, Unsplash, CC BY Comment choisir un bon mot de passe

    Compromis Temps-MĂ©moire Cryptanalytique

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    This PhD thesis delves into improvements for Time-Memory Trade-Off (TMTO) methods, focusing mainly on Rainbow Tables. The work revisits the largely disregarded precomputation phase of the Rainbow Tables algorithm, proposing novel advancements. A principal contribution is the filtration method, which significantly cuts down the precomputation time for « perfect » or « clean » Rainbow Tables. The thesis also examines the distributed filtration process and offers a comparison of TMTO precomputation time across different environments. Additionally, the work presents two new variants of Rainbow Tables, namely the Descending and Ascending Stepped Rainbow Tables variants, opening up new trade-off possibilities between precomputation and attack. Moreover, the Ascending and Descending Stepped Rainbow Tables outperform vanilla Rainbow Tables in all cases.Cette thÚse de doctorat explore les améliorations pour les techniques de compromis Temps-Mémoire (TMTO), avec un accent particulier sur les tables arc-en-ciel. Le travail revisite la phase de précalcul des tables arc-en-ciel, souvent négligée, proposant de nouvelles avancées. Une contribution principale est la méthode de filtration, qui réduit significativement le temps de précalcul pour des tables arc-en-ciel dites « parfaites » ou « propres ». La thÚse examine également la distribution de la phase de précalcul en utilisant la méthode de filtration et offre une comparaison du temps de précalcul TMTO à travers différents environnements. De plus, le travail présente deux nouvelles variantes des tables arc-en-ciel : Les tables arc-en-ciel à marches descendantes et ascendantes, ouvrant de nouvelles possibilités de compromis entre le précalcul et l'attaque et meilleures sur tous les points que les tables arc-en-ciel classiques

    Compromis Temps-MĂ©moire Cryptanalytique

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    This manuscript analyzes enhancements to Time-Memory Trade-Off (TMTO) techniques, focusing on the Rainbow Tables (RTs) variant. It revisits the oftenoverlooked precomputation phase of RTs, proposing significant advances. A key contribution is the filtration method, which reduces precomputation time for RTs, particularly for so-called ’perfect’ or ’clean’ RTs, allowing this time to be reduced by a factor of 6 for quasimaximal tables. The thesis also investigates the distribution of the precomputation phase using the filtration method, providing a comparison of TMTO precomputation time across different environments. This research reveals that the current bottleneck for TMTOs lies within the precomputation phase, not the attack time or memory for TMTO storage. Moreover, it introduces two new variants of RTs: Descending and Ascending Stepped Rainbow Tables. These variants, with fixed coverage and memory, outperform vanilla RTs in precomputation and attack. Notably, the first allows to significantly reduce the precomputation time compared to RTs with filtration, while the Ascending variant offers significant gains for quasi-maximal tables. The thesis concludes that TMTOs should be viewed as a trade-off among four factors: precomputation time, attack time, memory, and coverage, paving the way for future TMTO optimization.Cette thĂšse analyse les amĂ©liorations des Compromis Temps-MĂ©moire Cryptanalytiques (TMTO), avec un accent sur les tables arc-en-ciel (RT). Elle revisite la phase de prĂ©calcul des RT, une Ă©tape souvent dĂ©laissĂ©e, en proposant des avancĂ©es notables. Une contribution majeure est la mĂ©thode de filtration, qui rĂ©duit le temps de prĂ©calcul des RT, en particulier celles dites parfaites ou propres, permettant de diminuer ce temps par un facteur de 6 pour des tables quasimaximales. La thĂšse explore Ă©galement la distribution de la phase de prĂ©calcul utilisant la mĂ©thode de filtration et fournit une comparaison du temps de prĂ©calcul des TMTO sur divers environnements. Ce travail rĂ©vĂšle que le goulet d’étranglement actuel des TMTO sont les prĂ©calculs, et non le temps d’attaque ou la mĂ©moire. Par ailleurs, elle prĂ©sente deux nouvelles variantes des RT : les tables escaliers descendantes et ascendantes. Ces deux variantes, Ă  couverture et mĂ©moire fixes, surpassent les RT en prĂ©calcul et en attaque. Notamment, la premiĂšre permet de rĂ©duire significativement le temps de prĂ©calcul par rapport aux RT avec filtration, tandis que la seconde permet un gain significatifs pour les tables quasi-maximales. La thĂšse conclut que les TMTO doivent ĂȘtre envisagĂ©s comme un compromis entre quatre facteurs : temps de prĂ©calcul, temps d’attaque, mĂ©moire et couverture, ouvrant la voie Ă  une optimisation future des TMTO
