2,289 research outputs found

    Development and Evaluation of the Nebraska Assessment of Computing Knowledge

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    One way to increase the quality of computing education research is to increase the quality of the measurement tools that are available to researchers, especially measures of students’ knowledge and skills. This paper represents a step toward increasing the number of available thoroughly-evaluated tests that can be used in computing education research by evaluating the psychometric properties of a multiple-choice test designed to differentiate undergraduate students in terms of their mastery of foundational computing concepts. Classical test theory and item response theory analyses are reported and indicate that the test is a reliable, psychometrically-sound instrument suitable for research with undergraduate students. Limitations and the importance of using standardized measures of learning in education research are discussed

    Analytic Hypoellipticity in the Presence of Lower Order Terms

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    We consider a second order operator with analytic coefficients whose principal symbol vanishes exactly to order two on a symplectic real analytic manifold. We assume that the first (non degenerate) eigenvalue vanishes on a symplectic submanifold of the characteristic manifold. In the CC^\infty framework this situation would mean a loss of 3/2 derivatives. We prove that this operator is analytic hypoelliptic. The main tool is the FBI transform. A case in which CC^\infty hypoellipticity fails is also discussed.Comment: 40 page

    Perinatal and newborn care in a two years retrospective study in a first level peripheral hospital in Sicily (Italy)

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    BACKGROUND: Two hundred seventy-five thousand maternal deaths, 2.7 million neonatal deaths, and 2.6 million stillbirths have been estimated in 2015 worldwide, almost all in low-income countries (LICs). Moreover, more than 20 million severe disabilities result from the complications of pregnancy, childbirth or its management each year. A significant decrease of mortality/morbidity rates could be achieved by providing effective perinatal and newborn care also in high-income countries (HICs), especially in peripheral hospitals and/or rural areas, where the number of childbirths per year is often under the minimal threshold recognized by the reference legislation. We report on a 2 years retrospective cohort study, conducted in a first level peripheral hospital in Cefalù, a small city in Sicily (Italy), to evaluate care provided and mortality/morbidity rates. The proposed goal is to improve the quality of care, and the services that peripheral centers can offer. METHODS: We collected data from maternity and neonatal records, over a 2-year period from January 2017 to December 2018. The informations analyzed were related to demographic features (age, ethnicity/origin area, residence, educational level, marital status), diagnosis at admission (attendance of birth training courses, parity, type of pregnancy, gestational age, fetal presentation), mode of delivery, obstetric complications, the weight of the newborns, their feeding and eventual transfer to II level hospitals, also through the Neonatal Emergency Transport Service, if the established criteria were present. RESULTS: Eight hundred sixteen women were included (age 18-48 years). 179 (22%) attended birth training courses. 763 (93%) were Italian, 53 foreign (7%). 175 (21%) came from outside the province of Palermo. Eight hundred ten were single pregnancies, 6 bigeminal; 783 were at term (96%), 33 preterm (4%, GA 30-41 WG); 434 vaginal deliveries (53%), 382 caesarean sections (47%). One maternal death and 28 (3%) obstetric complications occurred during the study period. The total number of children born to these women was 822, 3 of which stillbirths (3.6‰). 787 (96%) were born at term (>37WG), 35 preterm (4%), 31 of which late preterm. Twenty-one newborns (2.5%) were transferred to II level hospitals. Among them, 3 for moderate/severe prematurity, 18 for mild prematurity/other pathology. The outcome was favorable for all women (except 1 hysterectomy) and the newborns transferred, and no neonatal deaths occurred in the biennium under investigation. Of the remaining 798 newborns, 440 were breastfed at discharge (55%), 337 had a mixed feeding (breastfed/formula fed, 42%) and 21 were formula fed (3%). CONCLUSIONS: Although the minimal standard of adequate perinatal care in Italy is >500 childbirths/year, the aims of the Italian legislation concern the rationalization of birth centers as well as the structural, technological and organizational improvement of health facilities. Therefore, specific contexts and critical areas need to be identified and managed. Adequate resources and intervention strategies should be addressed not only to perinatal emergencies, but also to the management of mild prematurity/pathology, especially in vulnerable populations for social or orographic reasons. The increasing availability and spread of health care offers, even in HICs, cannot be separated from the goal of quality of care, which is an ethic and public health imperative

    Scaling behavior of jamming fluctuations upon random sequential adsorption

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    It is shown that the fluctuations of the jamming coverage upon Random Sequential Adsorption (σθJ\sigma_{\theta_J}), decay with the lattice size according to the power-law σθJL1/νJ\sigma_{\theta_J} \propto L^{-1 / \nu_J}, with νJ=2/(2Ddf)\nu_{J} = 2 / (2D - d_f), where DD is the dimension of the substrate and dfd_{\rm f} is the fractal dimension of the set of sites belonging to the substrate where the RSA process actually takes place. This result is in excellent agreement with the figure recently reported by Vandewalle {\it et al} ({\it Eur. Phys. J.} B. {\bf 14}, 407 (2000)), namely νJ=1.0(1)\nu_J = 1.0 (1) for the RSA of needles with D=2D = 2 and df=2d_f = 2, that gives νJ=1\nu_J = 1. Furthermore, our prediction is in excellent agreement with different previous numerical results. The derived relationships are also confirmed by means of extensive numerical simulations applied to the RSA of dimers on both stochastic and deterministic fractal substrates.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Eur. Phys. J. B (Rapid note) (2003

    Continuous variable quantum teleportation with sculptured and noisy non-Gaussian resources

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    We investigate continuous variable (CV) quantum teleportation using relevant classes of non-Gaussian states of the radiation field as entangled resources. First, we introduce the class two-mode squeezed symmetric superposition of Fock states, including finite truncations of twin-beam Gaussian states as special realizations. These states depend on a set of free independent parameters that can be adjusted for the optimization of teleportation protocols, with an enhancement of the success probability of teleportation both for coherent and Fock input states. We show that the optimization procedure reduces the entangled resources to truncated twin beam states, which thus represents an optimal class of non-Gaussian resources for quantum teleportation. We then introduce a further class of two-mode non-Gaussian entangled resources, in the form of squeezed cat-like states. We analyze the performance and the properties of such states when optimized for (CV) teleportation, and compare them to the optimized squeezed Bell-like states introduced in a previous work \cite{CVTelepNoi}. We discuss how optimal resources for teleportation are characterized by a suitable balance of entanglement content and squeezed vacuum affinity. We finally investigate the effects of thermal noise on the efficiency of quantum teleportation. To this aim, a convenient framework is to describe noisy entangled resources as linear superpositions of non-Gaussian state and thermal states. Although the presence of the thermal component strongly reduces the teleportation fidelity, noisy non-Gaussian states remain preferred resources when compared to noisy twin-beam Gaussian states.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Largely revised and expanded version. New material and sections added. To appear in EPJ-ST (Proceedings of the Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics 2007. 14th Edition, 1-5 June 2007, Palermo, Italy

    Continuous variable quantum teleportation with non-Gaussian resources

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    We investigate continuous variable quantum teleportation using non-Gaussian states of the radiation field as entangled resources. We compare the performance of different classes of degaussified resources, including two-mode photon-added and two-mode photon-subtracted squeezed states. We then introduce a class of two-mode squeezed Bell-like states with one-parameter dependence for optimization. These states interpolate between and include as subcases different classes of degaussified resources. We show that optimized squeezed Bell-like resources yield a remarkable improvement in the fidelity of teleportation both for coherent and nonclassical input states. The investigation reveals that the optimal non-Gaussian resources for continuous variable teleportation are those that most closely realize the simultaneous maximization of the content of entanglement, the degree of affinity with the two-mode squeezed vacuum and the, suitably measured, amount of non-Gaussianity.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Short time relaxation of a driven elastic string in a random medium

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    We study numerically the relaxation of a driven elastic string in a two dimensional pinning landscape. The relaxation of the string, initially flat, is governed by a growing length L(t)L(t) separating the short steady-state equilibrated lengthscales, from the large lengthscales that keep memory of the initial condition. We find a macroscopic short time regime where relaxation is universal, both above and below the depinning threshold, different from the one expected for standard critical phenomena. Below the threshold, the zero temperature relaxation towards the first pinned configuration provides a novel, experimentally convenient way to access all the critical exponents of the depinning transition independently.Comment: 4.2 pages, 3 figure

    Caracterização da propagação de vibração através de estruturas de edifícios de betão armado

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    Este artigo descreve os parâmetros que controlam a propagação da vibração através de estruturas de edifícios de betão armado para frequências abaixo de 200 Hz. A influência das propriedades dos materiais e das dimensões dos elementos estruturais foi avaliada com modelos de elementos finitos validados experimentalmente, considerando cinco tipos de funções de transferência de aceleração: i) da fundação para o primeiro piso; ii) entre pisos intermédios; iii) do último piso para a cobertura; iv) entre troços do mesmo piso intermédio; e v) entre troços da cobertura. Os resultados mostram que a transmissão de vibração depende não tanto do número de pisos mas mais de parâmetros como a espessura da laje, no caso da transmissão da vibração num pavimento, ou a esbelteza dos pilares, no caso da propagação de vibração das fundações para o primeiro piso. Observa-se que, apesar da amplitude de vibração ser maior para elementos estruturais mais flexíveis, os elementos mais rígidos transmitem efectivamente mais energia devido a um menor efeito dissipativo. Os resultados também mostram que a atenuação piso-a-piso é aproximadamente constante para todos os pisos excepto a cobertura, onde a atenuação diminui por via da redução do número de caminhos de dissipação de energia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio