49 research outputs found

    Alternative discourses in Southeast Asia

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    This article brings into focus the question of alternative discourses in the social sciences. Alternative discourses are works that attempt to debunk ideas that have become entrenched in the social sciences, partly as a result of colonialism and the continuing Eurocentrism in the social sciences. In the context of Southeast Asia as well as much of the non-Western world, alternative discourses in the social sciences could also be referred to collectively as counter- Eurocentric social science. This paper discusses the emergence of alternative discourses in Southeast Asia, the defintion of alternative discourse, and the future of these discourses in our regio

    The Contemporary Significance of Ibn Khaldun for Decolonial Sociology: Methodological and Theoretical Dimensions

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    تناقش هذه الورقة أهمية ابن خلدون في العلوم الاجتماعية من خلال عددٍ من الأبعاد المنهجية والنظرية، وتدور مناقشتهاحول ما أعتبره مستويات البحث عن ابن خلدون. وتتراوح هذه الأخيرة من مستوى فوق نظري إلى مستوى إمبريقي وتطبيقي.أزعم أننا بحاجة إلى المزيد من الأبحاث الفوق نظرية والنظرية حول كتابات ابن خلدون إذا ما أردنا أن يُؤخَذ مُنجَزُه علىمحمل الجد في أهم تخصصات العلوم الاجتماعية، وأجادل بأن يؤخذ بالاعتبار كنموذج لعلم اجتماعي حديث مُتجذر فيالتقليد الإسلامي. تناقش هذه الورقة مستويات البحث عن ابن خلدون باعتباره إرثًا جرى إجهاضه في العلوم الاجتماعيةالحديثة، وذلك ابتداءً من المستويات الأكثر أهمية إلى أقلها أهمية. كما تثير الورقة عددًا من القضايا المنهجية والنظرية ذاتالعلاقة بالمُنجز العلمي لابن خلدون.This paper discusses the significance of Ibn Khaldun for the social sciences withreference to a number of methodological and theoretical dimensions. The discussionrevolves around what I refer to as the levels of scholarship on Ibn Khaldun, which rangefrom the meta-theoretical to the empirical and applied. It is claimed that in order for IbnKhaldun to be taken seriously by the major disciplines in the social sciences, more workof a meta-theoretical and theoretical nature on his writings needs to be done. It is furtherargued that when considered in terms of all the levels of scholarship, Ibn Khaldun’s workshould be viewed as an exemplar for a modern social science that is rooted in Islamictradition. The paper makes the case for Khaldunian sociology as an aborted tradition inthe modern social sciences, introduces the levels of scholarship, and discusses the levelsat which Khaldunian scholarship is more and less prominent. The paper also raises amethodological and theoretical issue in relation to Ibn Khaldun’s work

    The intellectual biography of Syed Farid Alatas: Hegemonic orientations, epistemic decolonisation and the School of Autonomous Knowledge

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    Syed Farid Alatas is a Malaysian sociologist who has been highly influential in discussions about decolonising knowledge. He has also continued the legacy of his esteemed father, Syed Hussein Alatas, by furthering ‘the School of Autonomous Knowledge’ in the Malay Archipelago and beyond. This article presents a wide-ranging, comprehensive and rich dialogue between Farid and Leon Moosavi. In this conversation, pertinent questions are asked: How does Farid’s approach to decolonising knowledge differ from other decolonial scholars? What exactly does Farid mean when he talks of ‘intellectual imperialism’, ‘alternative discourses’ and ‘academic dependency’? This dialogue also explores Farid’s extensive engagement with the Islamic/Muslim sphere, including topics such as: Ibn Khaldun, Muslim revivalism, Muslim sectarianism and the Islamisation of knowledge. The discussion also explores some potential critiques of Farid’s intellectual contributions with challenging questions: Can Farid’s theoretical ideals be applied in ‘the real world’ or are they confined to an audience of intellectual elites? Is Farid anti-Western? Or, actually, does his work inadvertently fall into the trap of Westerncentrism? This article offers a unique insight into the intellectual biography of one of the most notable social theorists of the current era. </jats:p

    A África, o Sul e as ciências sociais brasileiras : descolonização e abertura

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    O texto introduz questões recentes sobre a relação entre as ciências sociais na África e no Brasil, inserindo-as no debate sobre as sociologias do Sul e a geopolítica do conhecimento na produção de teoria social. A partir da noção de sociologia não exemplar são apresentados alguns dos possíveis caminhos teórico-metodológicos que possibilitariam um posicionamento mais simétrico para a produção de conhecimento localizada fora da Euro-América.The paper introduces the contemporary debates on the relation of social sciences in Africa and Brazil by framing them both under the current discussion about the "sociologies of the south" and the ones on "the geopolitics of knowledge". Deploying the notion of a "non-exemplary sociology", I seek to present some possible theoretical and methodological ways that would enable a more symmetric positioning of the knowledge produced outside the Euro-America

    Pengkajian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial: Menuju ke Pembentukan Konsep Tepat

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    While there has been awareness of the problems of the relevance of Western concepts, theories and assumptions in critical works on the state of the social sciences in the Third World, what is meant as a conceptual level by relevance and irrelevance has rarely been the subject of discussion. The conceptualization of relevance is important because it lies at the basis of efforts to make the social sciences more relevant to conditions in the Third World. Nevertheless, the calls for greater relevance have generally been made in vague terms owing to the less than systematic manner in which "irrelevance" was discussed. The result was that calls for more relevant social sciences were equally unclear. This paper aims to advance our understanding of the problem of relevance by way of providing a preliminary conceptualization of relevance

    Diskursus alternatif dalam Ilmu Sosial Asia : tanggapan terhadap eurosentrisme

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    xxiii, 271 p.; 30 cm

    Keynote Speech by Dr. Syed Farid Alatas on Contemporary Significance of Ibn Khaldon

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    The origin of the video is the keynote of Speaker Prof. Syed Farid Alatas at the International Symposium on Sociology and the Question of Indigenization held by the Ibn Khaldun Center on October 26, 2019 This video discusses the significance of Ibn Khaldun for the social sciences with reference to a number of methodological and theoretical dimensions. The discussion revolves around what I refer to as the levels of scholarship on Ibn Khaldun, which range from the meta-theoretical to the empirical and applied. It is claimed that in order for Ibn Khaldun to be taken seriously by the major disciplines in the social sciences, more work of a meta-theoretical and theoretical nature on his writings needs to be done. It is further argued that when considered in terms of all the levels of scholarship, Ibn Khaldun’s work should be viewed as an exemplar for a modern social science that is rooted in Islamic tradition. The paper makes the case for Khaldunian sociology as an aborted tradition in the modern social sciences, introduces the levels of scholarship, and discusses the levels at which Khaldunian scholarship is more and less prominent. The paper also raises a methodological and theoretical issue in relation to Ibn Khaldun’s work

    Hadhramaut and the Hadhrami Diaspora: Problems in Theoretical History

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    Ibn Khaldun: biografi intelektual dan pemikiran sang pelopor sosiologi

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    Buku yang berjudul Ibn Khaldun: biografi intelektual dan pemikiran sang pelopor sosiologi ini membahas tentang salah satu sosok atau tokoh fenomenal dalam agama Islam yaitu Ibnu Khaldun. Biografi di kupas secara jelas mulai dari autobiografi, riwayat pendidikan dan pengetahuan serta sumbangsih Ibnu Khaldun untuk Ilmu pengetahuan208 hlm.; 14,5 x 20,5 c