152 research outputs found

    Pollution physico-chimique et bactériologique d’un écosystème aquatique et ses risques écotoxicologiques: Cas du lac Nokoue au Sud Benin

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    La protection des écosystèmes aquatiques est indispensable à l’équilibre écologique des espèces halieutiques et à une saine alimentation des populations locales. Le lac Nokoué situé au Sud du Bénin est sous l’influence de plusieurs formes de pollution qui résultent pour la plupart des activités anthropiques. Ce travail se propose de faire une évaluation des diverses formes de pollution que subi aujourd’hui ce lac, afin d’alerter sur les risques écotoxicologiques. Pour atteindre cet objectif, des visites du terrain d’étude, des analyses physico-chimiques et bactériologiques ont été effectuées, des entretiens avec des personnes ressources ont été organisés et des enquêtes de terrain ont été menées auprès des populations locales. Les résultats issus des analyses physico-chimiques et bactériologiques de l’eau du lac Nokoué ont permis d’identifier les sources des divers types de polluants du lac Nokoué. La teneur en oxygène dissous varie de 3,62 mg /L à 2,76 mg/L ; la DBO5 de 29 mg/L à 10 mg/L ; la DCO est de 253 mg/L ; la teneur en ammonium est supérieure à 8 mg/L ; la teneur en nitrite avoisine 0,7 mg /L par endroit ; la teneur en coliformes totaux fluctue de 4000 /100 mL à 6000/100 mL ; la teneur en streptocoques fécaux varie de 500/100mL à 4000/100 mL. Ces résultats montrent que le lac Nokoué est pollué. Des stratégies pour limiter la pollution du lac doivent être mises en place par les décideurs à tous les niveaux afin d’éviter des problèmes d’écosanté aux populations du lac Nokoué, ce qui pourrait constituer aussi un frein pour le développement du pays.Keywords: Pollution, écosystème, lac Nokoué, risques écotoxicologique

    Etude dynamique des apports en éléments majeurs et nutritifs des eaux de la lagune de Porto-Novo (Sud Bénin)

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    Afin dfevaluer le niveau trophique de la lagune qui expliquerait la proliferation des algues sur la lagune, les nutriments (NTK et phosphore total) et la Demande Chimique en Oxygene (DCO) des eaux de la lagunePorto-Novo ont ete determines suivant les quatre saisons de lfannee. Lfetude a egalement permis dfanalyser par chromatographie les elements mineraux, anions et cations, dans les eaux de la lagune. Les resultats ont montre que les concentrations en chlore (variant entre 0,84 et 1180 mg/L) et en sodium (variant entre 35,52 et 7305 mg/L) sont plus elevees au cours de la periode de basses eaux ; les eaux marines arrivent dans la lagune par lfintermediaire du lac Nokoue. Les concentrations obtenues au cours de la periode des basses eaux pour les NTK montrent que le Canal de Totche et la savonnerie de lfIndustrie Beninoise des Corps Gras (IBCG) sont tres riches en NTK. De meme, les concentrations elevees pour le phosphore total et les phosphates sont obtenues au debut de la saison des pluies, la concentration la plus elevee est obtenue a lfIBCG. Les valeurs moyennes annuelles de phosphore total dans les eaux varient de 0,31 mg/L a 6,05 mg/L, elles depassent donc 100 ƒÊgP/L : la lagune est donc hypereutrophe selon lfOrganisation de Cooperation et Developpement Economique (OCDE, 1982). Quant aux valeurs moyennes de la DCO, elles varient de 101 mgO2/L a 142 mgO2/L. Les mesures effectuees au cours des differentes periodes de lfannee montrent que les eaux de ruissellement contribuent beaucoup a lfeutrophisation de la lagune. Ceci montre aussi lfurgence de la mise en place dfun systeme de gestion et de controle des eaux usees avant leur deversement dans la lagune

    Survey and cartography of the spatial variation of the pollution of the waters from well of some districts of the township of Abomey-Calavi, Benin

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    Objective: The objective of this work was conducted to study and map the spatial variation of the physical, chemical and microbiological  contamination of well water in some areas of the town of Abomey-Calavi inBenin.Methods and Results: The methods used to measure physical and  chemical parameters are those spectrophotometric, colorimetric, conductivity and some other methods recommended by the French Association for Standardization (AFNOR). Microbiological parameters were measured according to the method by incorporating agar described in the book Rodier and maps were produced by Arc View 3.2 software. On the physical and chemical level, 50% of the analyzed well water have a normal pH and are all located at the lake. All analyzed well water has a redox potential higher than normal with the highest values for wells along the lake. Lead and zinc concentrations in these waters comply with WHO standards. Bacteriological analyzes showed that all well water pollution reveal bacteria such as thermotolerant coliforms, intestinal enterococci, total coliforms with the highest concentrations in the wells located on LakeNokoué. This indicates that the water may be responsible for the spread of waterborne diseases. The ratio thermotolerant coliforms and intestinal enterococci show that the origin of faecal contamination of human type in 50% of the wells. Faecal contamination of human kind concerns all the lake nearby well and the animal type concerns distant wells that lake.Conclusion and Application: These cards will attract the attention of people in the town of Abomey-Calavi and policy makers on areas where well water are the most polluted.Key words: physical chemical and microbiological quality, well water, pollution, mapping

    Caractérisation physico-chimique et évaluation du risque d’eutrophisation du lac Nokoué (Bénin)

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    L’ étude, menée sur deux (2) ans (2006 et 2007) , a permis de faire le bilan hydrologique du lac Nokoué et de connaitre la qualité physico-chimique des eaux du lac en vue d’offrir les éléments de base pour une modélisation écologique future du système. Les données historiques observées au niveau des stations de Bonou et de Sô – Ava, de même que des mesures ponctuelles des débits à l’ADCP des tributaires à leurs entrées dans le lac, ont été exploitées pour réaliser ce bilan hydrologique. Les saisons (saison sèche et période de hautes eaux) ont été prises en compte dans cette évaluation. Les résultats du bilan hydrologique montrent que le débit moyen d’eau douce reçu par le lac en période de hautes eaux (Août à Octobre) est de 216 m3/s essentiellement apporté par le fleuve Ouémé, le plus long fleuve du Bénin qui traverse le pays du nord au sud. Cette valeur tombe à 49m3/s en saison sèche avec 86% du débit apporté par la Sô. En saison sèche, la Sô à Ganvié a le taux le plus important de charge organique (53% de DBO). Pour le phosphore en saison sèche le plus fort taux est obtenu au niveau du fleuve Ouémé à Totchè (42%). En période de hautes eaux (Août à Octobre) il est observé un effet de dilution des apports. En terme de charges nutritives apportées par les systèmes d’assainissement, les résultats obtenus sont pour Cotonou et Calavi 360 kg/j –P et 840 kg/j – N et pour Ganvié 150 kg/j - P et 700 kg/j –N; les apports des « Acadjas » donnent 2,3 – 2,9 kg/j P et 29 – 36 kg/j N. Les principaux résultats obtenus pour la caractérisation physico – chimique se présentent comme suit :- une intrusion saline est très remarquable en saison sèche, ainsi à Ganvié on passe de 0 g/L en période de hautes eaux à 2,5 g/L en saison sèche ; le pH moyen varie ente 6,6 et 7,5 pour les eaux du fond du lac et entre 6,9 et 7,8 pour les eaux de surface du lac. Le pH varie très peu entre le fond du lac et la surface du lac ; l’évaluation du risque d’eutrophisation à partir de l’outil de diagnostic d’Ifremer, classe la quasi-totalité des eaux dans la zone rouge (i.e mauvaise). Les valeurs des nutriments azotés et phosphorés sont largement supérieures aux valeurs limites indiquées par le système de classification de l’Organisation de Coopération et Développement Economique (OCDE). Les eaux du lac sont eutrophes. Cette eutrophisation se manifeste par la prolifération des jacinthes d’eau. On note une évolution saisonnière du système. Du point de vue des facteurs de contrôle des jacinthes d’eau, il ressort que les nutriments contrôlent le développement des jacinthes lorsque la salinité n’inhibe plus la croissance des jacinthes, c’est-à-dire de juillet à janvier.Mots clés: Bilan hydrologique, lac Nokoué, charges polluantes, eutrophisation, jacinthe d’eau, intrusion salin

    Responding to the changing WASH needs in Mali

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    The political unrest that started in Mali on the 21st of March 2012 has had a significant impact on access to safe water and sanitation for an estimated 1.9 million people. Like most development or non-humanitarian organisations, WaterAid Mali was forced to stop their water and sanitation interventions in northern target communities due to insecurity. In the south, water, sanitation and hygiene needs changed quickly, as a result of the large number of people migrating from the north. WaterAid Mali has adapted to these changes through reallocating resources, implementing new activities and internal capacity building. This paper will discuss the experiences of WaterAid Mali as well as the lessons learnt

    Antiretroviral-induced adverse drug reactions in HIV-infected patients in Mali: a resource-limited setting experience

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    Background: There are few reports in the literature from sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) regarding antiretroviral-induced adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is now widely available in SSA, and ADRs during HIV infection are also frequent. In this study, we reported the frequency and risk factors of ART-induced ADRs in a Malian population.Methods: This prospective cohort study was performed in the HIV Care and Counseling Centre (CESAC) of Mali from 2011 to 2012. Adult patients infected with HIV and who had recently started ART were included and followed-up clinically Were included in this study, adult patients living with HIV and had recently started ART who were followed up for at least 6 months to determine the incidence of ADRs using Naranjo’s classification scale.Results: During this study, 357 (42.3%) patients presented ADRs (40.1% of our patients (n=338) experienced at least one ADR, and 2.2% (n=19) experienced at least two ADRs). The prevalence of ADRs by organ system was: 45.9% neurological (n=164); 29.4% metabolic (blood chemistry) (n=105); 15.4% hematological (n=55). High probable rate of ADR was observed as indicated by the Naranjo score in 83.7% of the cases. Zidovudine (AZT) and stavudine (d4T) use was identified as a risk factor for either anaemia or peripheral neuropathy whereas nevirapine (NVP) and female gender were risk factors for skin reactions. Patients with advance disease had the highest rate of ADRs compared to the others.Conclusions: Based on the Naranjo probability scale, our data show that ADRs such as peripheral neuropathy and anemia are very frequent. These ADR was linked to AZT and D4T. Our findings highlight the need for active monitoring, continuous pharmacovigilance of ART and change of some ART drug in this population

    Primaquine to reduce transmission of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Mali : a single-blind, dose-ranging, adaptive randomised phase 2 trial

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    Background Single low doses of primaquine, when added to artemisinin-based combination therapy, might prevent transmission of Plasmodium falciparum malaria to mosquitoes. We aimed to establish the activity and safety of four low doses of primaquine combined with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine in male patients in Mali. Methods In this phase 2, single-blind, dose-ranging, adaptive randomised trial, we enrolled boys and men with uncomplicated P falciparum malaria at the Malaria Research and Training Centre (MRTC) field site in Ouelessebougou, Mali. All participants were confirmed positive carriers of gametocytes through microscopy and had normal function of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) on colorimetric quantification In the first phase, participants were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to one of three primaquine doses: 0 mg/kg (control), 0.125 mg/kg, and 0.5 mg/kg. Randomisation was done with a computer-generated randomisation list (in block sizes of six) and concealed with sealed, opaque envelopes. In the second phase, different participants were sequentially assigned (1:1) to 0.25 mg/kg primaquine or 0.0625 mg/kg primaquine. Primaquine tablets were dissolved into a solution and administered orally in a single dose. Participants were also given a 3 day course of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine, administered by weight (320 mg dihydroartemisinin and 40 mg piperaquine per tablet). Outcome assessors were masked to treatment allocation, but participants were permitted to find out group assignment. Infectivity was assessed through membrane feeding assays, which were optimised through the beginning part of phase one. The primary efficacy endpoint was the mean within-person percentage change in mosquito infectivity 2 days after primaquine treatment in participants who completed the study after optimisation of the infectivity assay, had both a pre-treatment infectivity measurement and at least one follow-up infectivity measurement, and who were given the correct primaquine dose. The safety endpoint was the mean within-person change in haemoglobin concentration during 28 days of study follow-up in participants with at least one follow-up visit. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01743820. Findings Between Jan 2,2013, and Nov 27,2014, we enrolled 81 participants. In the primary analysis sample (n=71), participants in the 0.25 mg/kg primaquine dose group (n=15) and 0.5 mg/kg primaquine dose group (n=14) had significantly lower mean within-person reductions in infectivity at day 2-92.6% (95% CI 78.3-100; p=0.0014) for the 0.25 mg/kg group; and 75.0% (45.7-100; p=0.014) for the 0.5 mg/kg primaquine group compared with those in the control group (n=14; 11.3% [-27.4 to 50.0]). Reductions were not significantly different from control for participants assigned to the 0.0625 mg/kg dose group (n=16; 41.9% [1.4-82.5]; p=0.16) and the 0.125 mg/kg dose group (n=12; 54.9% [13.4-96.3]; p=0.096). No clinically meaningful or statistically significant drops in haemoglobin were recorded in any individual in the haemoglobin analysis (n=70) during follow-up. No serious adverse events were reported and adverse events did not differ between treatment groups. Interpretation A single dose of 0.25 mg/kg primaquine, given alongside dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine, was safe and efficacious for the prevention of P falciparum malaria transmission in boys and men who are not deficient in G6PD. Future studies should assess the safety of single-dose primaquine in G6PD-deficient individuals to define the therapeutic range of primaquine to enable the safe roll-out of community interventions with primaquine.Peer reviewe

    Declines in Pediatric Bacterial Meningitis in the Republic of Benin Following Introduction of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine: Epidemiological and Etiological Findings, 2011-2016

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    Background: Pediatric bacterial meningitis (PBM) remains an important cause of disease in children in Africa. We describe findings from sentinel site bacterial meningitis surveillance in children <5 years of age in the Republic of Benin, 2011–2016. Methods: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was collected from children admitted to Parakou, Natitingou, and Tanguieta sentinel hospitals with suspected meningitis. Identification of Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus), Haemophilus influenzae, and Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus) was performed by rapid diagnostic tests, microbiological culture, and/or polymerase chain reaction; where possible, serotyping/grouping was performed. Results. A total of 10 919 suspected cases of meningitis were admitted to the sentinel hospitals. Most patients were 0–11 months old (4863 [44.5%]) and there were 542 (5.0%) in-hospital deaths. Overall, 4168 CSF samples were screened for pathogens and a total of 194 (4.7%) PBM cases were confirmed, predominantly caused by pneumococcus (98 [50.5%]). Following pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) introduction in 2011, annual suspected meningitis cases and deaths (case fatality rate) progressively declined from 2534 to 1359 and from 164 (6.5%) to 14 (1.0%) in 2012 and 2016, respectively (P < .001). Additionally, there was a gradual decline in the proportion of meningitis cases caused by pneumococcus, from 77.3% (17/22) in 2011 to 32.4% (11/34) in 2016 (odds ratio, 7.11 [95% confidence interval, 2.08–24.30]). Haemophilus influenzae meningitis fluctuated over the surveillance period and was the predominant pathogen (16/34 [47.1%]) by 2016. Conclusions: The observed decrease in pneumococcal meningitis after PCV introduction may be indicative of changing patterns of PBM etiology in Benin. Maintaining vigilant and effective surveillance is critical for understanding these changes and their wider public health implications
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