40 research outputs found

    Antecedents and consequences of virtual customer co-creation behaviours

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to compare the antecedents and consequences of two distinct types of virtual co-creation behaviours that require different degree of effort from the customer, i.e. customer participation (CPB), and customer citizenship (CCB) behaviour, in a cross-cultural study. Design/methodology/approach - A survey was conducted among members of online panels in the UK and Spain, reaching a sample of 800 online individuals who participate in online co-creation processes with fashion retailers. This design allows us to test the cross-cultural effects. Multi-group structural equations modelling was used to analyse the data. Findings - Virtual co-creation behaviours are driven by perceived ease-of-use of the co-creation platform, electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) quality and fashion involvement; however, the effects are different on CPB, affected by perceived ease-of-use more strongly, and on CCB, driven by e-WOM quality and fashion involvement more strongly. Higher level of co-creation increases satisfaction with co-creation, which mediates the effect on engagement and intention of future co-creation. The cross-cultural design reveals that most relationships hold in both countries, with the exception of the influence of fashion involvement on CPB, while some differences in the size of the effects appear between countries. Originality/value - This study contributes to increasing our knowledge on online co-creation in several ways. First, the authors investigate, in the online environment, two co-creation behaviours, CPB and CCB, and compare their antecedents. This paper provides a cross-cultural validation of the relationships between CPB and CCB's antecedents and consequences, identifying the different effects due to culture

    Students’ perception of competences development in an undergraduate university environment

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    [EN] The pressure for universities to generateemployable graduates requires the implementation of different ways of managing the learning process. Course programmes have thus been adapted to the new framework where skills and competences development are to be the resulting outcomes of students’ stay at university. On-going evaluation systems, in combination with the selection of specific activities, help professors plan for the achievement of this objective. The study carried out in a group of 3rd year Marketing students of Business and Management shows that students identify different activities as both adequate for and effective in competences development. The authors conclude that embedding competences development in course programming is a useful and helpful tool for course management that is well accepted and valued by students.Gallo-Martinez, R.; Alarcón-Del-Amo, M. (2015). Students’ perception of competences development in an undergraduate university environment. En 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION ADVANCES (HEAD' 15). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 34-41. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd15.2015.371344

    IMC customer-based perception: strategic antecedents and consequences on post-purchase customer behaviour

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    Last decades Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) have been mainly analysed from a managerial perspective, overlooking the customer opinion. Thus, this research studies IMC customer-based perception, its strategic antecedents and consequences on post-purchase customer behaviour (satisfaction, word-of-mouth recommendations, and repurchase intention), from a multi-country perspective. The structural equation modelling and multi-group analysis are based on the customers´ survey data in Belarus and Spain. The results suggest that technology orientation positively affects IMC, and, customer orientation does not. IMC positively affects customer satisfaction, which in turn positively impacts on WOM and repurchase intention. WOM does not influence on repurchase intention. IMC directly affects WOM and repurchase intention in Spain and does not in Belarus, which is the significant country difference

    Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO), Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), and Performance in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) : Gender Gap and Inter-Country Context

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    Expanding and maintaining the number of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) is directly related to sustainable economic, social, and individual development. However, SMEs are vulnerable to competition. Thus, this study focusses on the analysis of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) as an antecedent of integrated marketing communications' (IMC) successful implementation directed at improving SMEs' performance, with additional focus on the institutional inter-country context. Considering the role of owner-managers in SMEs, analysis of the gender gap is also applied. The data from 315 managers' surveys (in Spain and Belarus) is analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The results show a positive relationship between EO, IMC, and performance among SMEs in both markets. However, these connections are significantly stronger in the case of male, rather than female managers in a developed market (Spain). There is no gender gap in an emerging market (Belarus). Moreover, and conversely, in a developing market, the EO-IMC-performance relations are more intensive when the manager is female. Further implementations are provided for practitioners and government organizations with a focus on the gender gap and inter-country differences

    Utjecaj sadržaja koji stvaraju korisnici na odabire turista

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    Most research on user-generated content (UGC) has focused on readers of comments and reviews. However, very little research is aimed at profiling travelers based on the extent to which their decisions regarding the choice of hotels are influenced by UGC. This research was therefore carried out to profile tourists based on the extent to which their choices of hotels are influenced by different types of peer-to-peer applications, while also considering their socio-demographic characteristics, frequency of travel, and motivations for using the Internet and UGC when making their travel choices. For this purpose, latent class segmentation was applied on a sample of 607 Italian tourists, and three clusters were identified: “digitally passive tourists”, “focused tourists”, and “social tourists”. Wald and Chi-square tests revealed significant differences among the three clusters based on all the variables considered in the study. Its findings suggest that hospitality marketers should run their social media strategy by focusing their attention on Travel 2.0 applications according to the socio-demographic and behavioral characteristics of their target market. Contributions to the body of knowledge and suggestions for further research are given.Većina istraživanja o sadržaju koji stvaraju korisnici (user-generated content, UGC) usredotočena je na čitatelje komentara i recenzija. Unatoč tome, postoji malo istraživanja kojima je cilj profiliranje putnika prema mjeri u kojoj UGC utječe na njihovu odluku o odabiru hotela. Zbog toga je ovo istraživanje provedeno kako bi se profilirali turisti prema mjeri u kojoj je njihov odabir hotela pod utjecajem različitih vrsta peer-to-peer aplikacija. Pritom su se isto tako uzele u obzir njihove sociodemografske karakteristike, učestalost putovanja i motivacija za korištenje interneta te sadržaja koji stvaraju korisnici pri odabiru putovanja. U tu svrhu primijenjena je vrsta klasterske analize pod nazivom latent class segmenation anayisis na uzorku 607 talijanskih turista, pri čemu su identificirana tri klastera, a to su: „digitalno pasivni turisti“, „fokusirani turisti“ i „društveni turisti“. Na osnovi svih varijabli razmatranih u istraživanju Waldov i hi-kvadrat test pokazali su postojanje značajnih razlika između triju klastera. Nalazi istraživanja upućuju na to kako bi marketinški stručnjaci u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu trebali provoditi strategiju društvenih medija fokusirajući svoju pažnju na putničke 2.0 aplikacije, uzimajući u obzir socio-demografske i bihevioralne karakteristike njihovog ciljnog tržišta. Prikazan je doprinos postojećim spoznajama te su navedene preporuke za daljnja istraživanja

    Open collaboration strategy of international retailers: an analysis of co-creator

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    Nowadays, online channels provide better distribution and communication strategies between companies and consumers. The importance of establishing online tools based on innovations and customer participation, is equally applicable to the international retail sector. Retail companies are able to reach consumers through their online channels, providing better ways to stand out from competitors. The options of joint open collaboration between international retails brands and its consumers implicate a transformation about the traditional communication between customers and companies. The objective of the present work is to analyze how the consumer experience is perceived after its participation in online co-creation actions, proposed by retail brands in the United Kingdom and Spain. The main purpose of this research is to consider how online co-creation initiatives, in the fashion industry sector, have a significant influence on co-creation experience, as well as, on relevant aspects, such as engagement or customer satisfaction.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. ECO 2014-55881-

    Redes sociales virtuales, ¿de qué depende su uso en españa?

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    La reciente aparición de las redes sociales virtuales, tales como Facebook, Tuenti, etc.,ha revolucionado la comunicación e integración tanto para los individuos como para las empresas,permitiendo mantener contactos ya existentes o formar nuevas conexiones. El objetivo principal delpresente trabajo consiste en desarrollar un modelo de relaciones causales que explique las variablesque influyen o predicen el uso de las redes sociales virtuales a través de la contrastación de unmodelo de aceptación de la tecnología (TAM). Para ello se realizó una encuesta online a un panelde usuarios de redes sociales virtuales, a nivel nacional. Esta investigación permitió profundizar en elconocimiento de los beneficios y utilidades que, sobre el tejido empresarial, aporta el uso de este tipode herramientas sociales por parte del usuario

    Learning styles and web technology use in Business and Economics university students

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    New technologies in general and Web 2.0 in particular, have an important and growing presence in society, both in educational settings and in personal relationships. The main objective of this research is to analyse how 2.0 tools contribute in business strategy offered by the University for the teaching-learning Process, from learning styles of students in order to analyse the profiles obtained and thereby implement appropriate learning techniques to each profile. It has carried out an online survey of students in Degree in Business Administration from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). The results show three different profiles depending on the learning styles of each of the members surveyed and the use of Web 2.0 tools in their teaching-learning process. Each profile will achieve differentiated teaching strategies, seeking aimed at improving the teaching and learning of teachers and students

    Do we know the visitors of Castilla-La Mancha? A comparative analysis of tourists versus day-trippers

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    Uno de los sectores menos perjudicados por la crisis económica ha sido el sector turístico. La calidad de este sector mejora cada año, lo cual está repercutiendo de manera positiva sobre aspectos tales como: experiencia turística, hábitos viajeros y demanda de servicios turísticos por parte de turistas y excursionistas. En este trabajo, a partir del análisis del perfi l sociodemográfi co, la experiencia viajera, los hábitos y el gasto, tratamos de profundizar en el conocimiento de las diferencias y similitudes que surgen entre turistas y excursionistas durante el viaje turístico realizado a Castilla-La Mancha durante 2009. Dicha información permite conocer mejor la demanda turística y adaptar la oferta turística a las necesidades tanto de excursionistas como turistas.The tourist sector is the least affected by the economic crisis. The quality of this sector is improving every year, which is impacting positively on aspects such as: tourism experience, travel habits and demand of tourist services by tourists and same-day visitors. In this work, based on the analysis of socio-demographic profi le, the travelling experience, the habits and the expenditure, we try to study in depth the knowledge of the differences and similarities that arise between tourists and same-day visitors during the tourist trip to Castilla-La Mancha in 2009. This knowledge permits a better understanding of tourist demand and to adapt the tourist supply to the needs of same-day visitors and tourists