77 research outputs found

    The digital revolution : how technology changed the workflow of composers for media = La révolution numérique : comment les technologies ont changé les méthodologies de travail pour les compositeurs à l'image

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    Les technologies ont façonné et façonnent les méthodes de travail des compositeurs de musique à l’image : en termes de communications, de méthodologie et au niveau des compétences requises. De La Planète Interdite au Covid-19, nous examinerons comment les méthodologies de travail des compositeurs de musique à l’image ont changé au fil des ans.Technologies have shaped, and still do so, the way music composers for screen work: communication-wise, in their creative workflow and in their skill sets. From Forbidden Planet to Covid-19, we will examine how and in what way the workflows of music composers have changed throughout the years

    The October 1998 Crisis: The Change of Heart of Turkish Foreign Policy towards Syria?

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    The objective of the study is to analyse the troublesome relationship with Syria from Ankara's perspective. There have been mainly two controversies between the two countries: the water issue and the PKK terrorism. The article deals with the PKK terrorism and Ankara's changing priorities regarding Syria. The main argument is that since the mid-nineties, Turkey has seemed to pursue its Middle-Eastern policies in a new fashion through which it somehow abruptly changed its course vis-a-vis Syria. In this context, the study attempts to shed light on the reasons of the changing attitude of the policy makers in Ankara and its reflection to the recent developments between the two countries

    The October 1998 Crisis: The Change of Heart of Turkish Foreign Policy towards Syria?

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    The objective of the study is to analyse the troublesome relationship with Syria from Ankara's perspective. There have been mainly two controversies between the two countries: the water issue and the PKK terrorism. The article deals with the PKK terrorism and Ankara's changing priorities regarding Syria. The main argument is that since the mid-nineties, Turkey has seemed to pursue its Middle-Eastern policies in a new fashion through which it somehow abruptly changed its course vis-a-vis Syria. In this context, the study attempts to shed light on the reasons of the changing attitude of the policy makers in Ankara and its reflection to the recent developments between the two countries

    Hydraulic Mission at Home, Hydraulic Mission abroad? Examining Turkey’s Regional ‘Pax-Aquarum’ and Its Limits

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    Water resource development has always been considered as a strategic tool by the Turkish ruling elites to reach food and energy security, as well as to enhance domestic peace and stability since the foundation of the Republic of Turkey. Therefore, the concept of “hydraulic mission” fits this strategic understanding, and it has become a prevailing paradigm in Turkey’s water resource development. Many academic works have already been conducted to understand how Turkey has waged an ambitious hydraulic mission by securitizing its water resource development primarily on economic and political bases. However, fewer studies have shown how the Turkish ruling elites have also considered Turkey’s extensive hydraulic development, sanctioned by the hydraulic mission, as a foreign policy tool to enhance its influence at the international level. Drawing primarily upon the concept of opportunitisation and the body of literature that looks at, albeit indirectly, the international aspect of the hydraulic mission, this study fills this gap in the literature by looking at three case studies: The Southeastern Anatolian Project (GAP), the Water Export Initiatives to the Middle East, and the Water Transfer Project to Cyprus, namely the Peace Water Project. Being informed by an in-depth investigation of those three case studies, this study argues that ambitious hydraulic development projects conducted by the Turkish government do not only serve to keep peace and stability at the domestic level, but they are also strategic tools to enhance Turkey’s influence abroad. However, this study also shows the limits of Turkey’s hydraulic mission abroad. While Turkey promotes those water initiatives as tools for improving regional peace and stability, they are challenged by the recipient countries on social, economic, and political base

    [Erdal Alantar'a ait görsel çalışmalar]

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