4,789 research outputs found

    Robust magnetotelluric inversion

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2014. This article is posted here by permission of The Royal Astronomical Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Journal International 196 (2014): 1365-1374, doi:10.1093/gji/ggt484.A robust magnetotelluric (MT) inversion algorithm has been developed on the basis of quantile-quantile (q-q) plotting with confidence band and statistical modelling of inversion residuals for the MT response function (apparent resistivity and phase). Once outliers in the inversion residuals are detected in the q-q plot with the confidence band and the statistical modelling with the Akaike information criterion, they are excluded from the inversion data set and a subsequent inversion is implemented with the culled data set. The exclusion of outliers and the subsequent inversion is repeated until the q-q plot is substantially linear within the confidence band, outliers predicted by the statistical modelling are unchanged from the prior inversion, and the misfit statistic is unchanged at a target level. The robust inversion algorithm was applied to synthetic data generated from a simple 2-D model and observational data from a 2-D transect in southern Africa. Outliers in the synthetic data, which come from extreme values added to the synthetic responses, produced spurious features in inversion models, but were detected by the robust algorithm and excluded to retrieve the true model. An application of the robust inversion algorithm to the field data demonstrates that the method is useful for data clean-up of outliers, which could include model as well as data inconsistency (for example, inability to fit a 2-D model to a 3-D data set), during inversion and for objectively obtaining a robust and optimal model. The present statistical method is available irrespective of the dimensionality of target structures (hence 2-D and 3-D structures) and of isotropy or anisotropy, and can operate as an external process to any inversion algorithm without modifications to the inversion program.TM was supported by the scientific program of TAIGA (trans-crustal advection and in-situ reaction of global sub-seafloor aquifer) sponsored by the MEXT of Japan, and is supported by the NIPR project KP-7. ADC is supported by US National Science Foundation (NSF) grant EAR1015185

    Probing the Southern African Lithosphere With Magnetotellurics-Part I: Model Construction

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    The Southern African Magnetotelluric Experiment (SAMTEX) involved the collection of data at over 700 sites in Archean to Proterozoic southern Africa, spanning features including the Kalahari Craton, Bushveld Complex, and voluminous kimberlites. Here, we present the first 3D inversions of the full SAMTEX data set. In this paper, we focus on assessing the robustness of the 3D models by comparing two different inversion codes, jif3D and ModEM, and two different subsets of the data, one containing all acceptable data and the other containing a smaller selection of undistorted, high-quality data. Results show that the main conductive and resistive features are imaged by all inversions, including deep resistive features in the central Kaapvaal Craton and southern Congo Craton and a lithospheric-scale conductor beneath the Bushveld Complex. Despite this, differences exist between the jif3D and ModEM inverse models that derive mainly from the differences in regularization between the models, with jif3D producing models that are very smooth laterally and with depth, while ModEM produces models with more discrete conductive and resistive features. Analysis of the differences between these two inversions can provide a good indication of the model resolution. More minor differences are apparent between models run with different subsets of data, with the models containing all acceptable data featuring higher wavelength conductivity variations than those run with fewer stations but also demonstrating poorer data fit

    Completing the FACE of elevated CO₂ research

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    We appraise the present geographical extent and inherent knowledge limits, following two decades of research on elevated CO2 responses in plant communities, and ask whether such research has answered the key question in quantifying the limits of compensatory CO2 uptake in the major biomes. Our synthesis of all ecosystem-scale (between 10 m2 and 3000 m2 total experimental plot area) elevated CO2 (eCO2) experiments in natural ecosystems conducted worldwide since 1987 (n = 151) demonstrates that the locations of these eCO2 experiments have been spatially biased, targeting primarily the temperate ecosystems of northern America and Europe. We consider the consequences, suggesting fundamentally that this limits the capacity of the research to understand how the world's major plant communities will respond to eCO2. Most notably, our synthesis shows that this research lacks understanding of impacts on tropical forests and boreal regions, which are potentially the most significant biomes for C sink and storage activity, respectively. Using a meta-analysis of the available data across all biomes, we show equivocal increases in net primary productivity (NPP) from eCO2 studies, suggesting that global validation is needed, especially in the most important biomes for C processing. Further, our meta-analysis identifies that few research programs have addressed eCO2 effects on below-ground C storage, such that at the global scale, no overall responses are discernable. Given the disparity highlighted in the distribution of eCO2 experiments globally, we suggest opportunities for newly-industrialized or developing nations to become involved in further research, particularly as these countries host some of the most important regions for tropical or sub-tropical forest systems. Modeling approaches that thus far have attempted to understand the biological response to eCO2 are constrained with respect to collective predictions, suggesting that further work is needed, which will link models to in situ eCO2 experiments, in order to understand how the world's most important regions for terrestrial C uptake and storage will respond to a future eCO2 atmosphere

    Scotland Registry for Ankylosing Spondylitis (SIRAS) – Protocol

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    Funding SIRAS was funded by unrestricted grants from Pfizer and AbbVie. The project was reviewed by both companies, during the award process, for Scientific merit, to ensure that the design did not compromise patient safety, and to assess the global regulatory implications and any impact on regulatory strategy.Publisher PD

    Geomagnetically Induced Currents in the Irish Power Network during Geomagnetic Storms

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    Geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) are a well-known terrestrial space weather hazard. They occur in power transmission networks and are known to have adverse effects in both high and mid-latitude countries. Here, we study GICs in the Irish power transmission network (geomagnetic latitude 54.7--58.5^{\circ} N) during five geomagnetic storms (06-07 March 2016, 20-21 December 2015, 17-18 March 2015, 29-31 October 2003 and 13-14 March 1989). We simulate electric fields using a plane wave method together with two ground resistivity models, one of which is derived from magnetotelluric measurements (MT model). We then calculate GICs in the 220, 275 and 400~kV transmission network. During the largest of the storm periods studied, the peak electric field was calculated to be as large as 3.8~V~km\textsuperscript{-1}, with associated GICs of up to 23~A using our MT model. Using our homogenous resistivity model, those peak values were 1.46~V~km\textsuperscript{-1} and 25.8~A. We find that three 400 and 275~kV substations are the most likely locations for the Irish transformers to experience large GICs.Comment: 14 pages, 11 Figures, 4 Table

    High eccentricity planets from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search

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    We report Doppler measurements of the stars HD187085 and HD20782 which indicate two high eccentricity low-mass companions to the stars. We find HD187085 has a Jupiter-mass companion with a ~1000d orbit. Our formal `best fit' solution suggests an eccentricity of 0.47, however, it does not sample the periastron passage of the companion and we find that orbital solutions with eccentricities between 0.1 and 0.8 give only slightly poorer fits (based on RMS and chi^2) and are thus plausible. Observations made during periastron passage in 2007 June should allow for the reliable determination of the orbital eccentricity for the companion to HD187085. Our dataset for HD20782 does sample periastron and so the orbit for its companion can be more reliably determined. We find the companion to HD20782 has M sin i=1.77+/-0.22M_JUP, an orbital period of 595.86+/-0.03d and an orbit with an eccentricity of 0.92+/-0.03. The detection of such high-eccentricity (and relatively low velocity amplitude) exoplanets appears to be facilitated by the long-term precision of the Anglo-Australian Planet Search. Looking at exoplanet detections as a whole, we find that those with higher eccentricity seem to have relatively higher velocity amplitudes indicating higher mass planets and/or an observational bias against the detection of high eccentricity systems.Comment: to appear in MNRA

    Knowledge and attitudes of men to prostate cancer

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    Objective: To ascertain the current level of understanding about prostate cancer (PCa), including treatment options and potential side effects of treatment, among older men. Design and Setting: Questionnaires administered by general practitioners (GPs) in 5 general practices in the Perth metropolitan and regional areas of Western Australia. Participants: Convenience sample of men aged 40-80 years (n=503) with or without prostate cancer presenting for routine consultations. Main outcome measures: Knowledge and attitudes of men to prostate cancer Results: Eighty percent of men did not know the function of the prostate and 48% failed to identify PCa as the most common internal cancer in men. Thirty-five percent had no knowledge of the treatments for PCa and 53% had no knowledge of the side effects of treatments. Asked how they would arrive at a decision about treatment, 70% stated they would ask the GP/specialist for all their options and then decide themselves. Conclusion: This study confirms a deficit in knowledge of the disease among men in the at risk age group. Lack of knowledge encompassed areas which could delay diagnosis and hence treatment. Overall the population preferred some GP/specialist involvement in treatment decision making

    Velocity-conductivity relations for cratonic lithosphere and their application : example of Southern Africa

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2013. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14 (2013): 806–827, doi:10.1002/ggge.20075.Seismic velocity is a function of bulk vibrational properties of the media, whereas electrical resistivity is most often a function of transport properties of an interconnected minor phase. In the absence of a minor conducting phase then the two should be inter-relatable primarily due to their sensitivity to temperature variation. We develop expressions between shear wave velocity and resistivity for varying temperature, composition, and water content based on knowledge from two kimberlite fields: Jagersfontein (Kaapvaal Craton) and Gibeon (Rehoboth Terrane). We test the expressions through comparison between a new high-resolution regional seismic model, derived from surface wave inversion of earthquake data from Africa and the surrounding regions, and a new electrical image from magnetotelluric (MT) data recorded in SAMTEX (Southern African Magnetotelluric Experiment). The data-defined robust linear regression between the two is found to be statistically identical to the laboratory-defined expression for 40 wt ppm water in olivine. Cluster analysis defines five clusters that are all geographically distinct and tectonically relate to (i) fast, cold, and variably wet Kaapvaal Craton, (ii) fast and wet central Botswana, (iii) slow, warm, and wet Rehoboth Terrane, (iv) moderately fast, cold, and very dry southernmost Angola Craton, and (v) slow, warm, and somewhat dry Damara Belt. From the linear regression expression and the MT image we obtain predicted seismic velocity at 100 km and compare it with that from seismic observations. The differences between the two demonstrate that the linear relationship between Vs and resistivity is appropriate for over 80% of Southern Africa. Finally, using the regressions for varying water content, we infer water content in olivine across Southern Africa.We wish to again acknowledge the three main funding agencies, the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Continental Dynamics Program (grant EAR0455242 to RLE), the South African Department of Science and Technology (grant to South African Council for Geoscience), and Science Foundation Ireland (grant 05/RGP/GEO001 to AGJ), for their support. Industry support for SAMTEX from De Beers Group Services, BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration resulted in a program far more extensive than originally conceived. S.F. has been supported by the NERC New Investigator grant NE/G000859/1. M.M. wishes to thank Science Foundation Ireland (grant 08/RFP/GEO1693 SAMTEX to AGJ) for support. J.F. wishes to thank Enterprise Ireland (grant Topo-Med to AGJ), Science Foundation Ireland (grant 10/IN.1/I3022 IRETHERMto AGJ), and the JAE-DOC Programme from Spanish CSIC, cofunded by FSE for support.2013-10-0

    Joint inversions of three types of electromagnetic data explicitly constrained by seismic observations: results from the central Okavango Delta, Botswana

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    The Okavango Delta of northern Botswana is one of the world's largest inland deltas or megafans. To obtain information on the character of sediments and basement depths, audiomagnetotelluric (AMT), controlled-source audiomagnetotelluric (CSAMT) and central-loop transient electromagnetic (TEM) data were collected on the largest island within the delta. The data were inverted individually and jointly for 1-D models of electric resistivity. Distortion effects in the AMT and CSAMT data were accounted for by including galvanic distortion tensors as free parameters in the inversions. By employing Marquardt-Levenberg inversion, we found that a 3-layer model comprising a resistive layer overlying sequentially a conductive layer and a deeper resistive layer was sufficient to explain all of the electromagnetic data. However, the top of the basal resistive layer from electromagnetic-only inversions was much shallower than the well-determined basement depth observed in high-quality seismic reflection images and seismic refraction velocity tomograms. To resolve this discrepancy, we jointly inverted the electromagnetic data for 4-layer models by including seismic depths to an interface between sedimentary units and to basement as explicit a priori constraints. We have also estimated the interconnected porosities, clay contents and pore-fluid resistivities of the sedimentary units from their electrical resistivities and seismic P-wave velocities using appropriate petrophysical models. In the interpretation of our preferred model, a shallow∼40 m thick freshwater sandy aquifer with 85-100 Ωm resistivity, 10-32 per cent interconnected porosity and <13 per cent clay content overlies a 105-115m thick conductive sequence of clay and intercalated salt-water-saturated sands with 15-20 Ωm total resistivity, 1−27 per cent interconnected porosity and 15-60 per cent clay content. A third∼60 m thick sandy layer with 40-50 Ωm resistivity, 10-33 per cent interconnected porosity and <15 per cent clay content is underlain by the basement with 3200-4000 Ωm total resistivity. According to an interpretation of helicopter TEM data that cover the entire Okavango Delta and borehole logs, the second and third layers may represent lacustrine sediments from Paleo Lake Makgadikgadi and a moderately resistive freshwater aquifer comprising sediments of the recently proposed Paleo Okavango Megafan, respectivel