57 research outputs found
Transition to A True Currency: Impact of COVID-19 on The World Currency System
The purpose of this paper is to manifest the unrefined design of the transition of the currency system from centralized fiat money based on the US Dollar to the real currency system that relies on the precious metals-based currency after reviewing the rapid changes from the COVID-19 phenomenon to various sectors of life, including the currency system. This paper used qualitative research with a historical analysis approach or historiography that deals with precious metals-based currency in the pastime, and it is used to produce relevant analyses for the future. First, states that prefer to transition to a precious metals-based currency ought to combine them in a single political institution that can provide a strong bargaining position in politics. Second, they have to withdraw gold reserves from the major central banks by making a trade balance surplus paid only in precious metals. Third, at this transitional stage, the use of oil reserves as a political economy of energy to withdraw gold reserves at the major central banks and the issuance of money is temporary until the state is fully stable and a new wave of gold reserves begin to enter. The underlying study will provide a comprehensive analysis of the currency system scheme in this modern era. Previous works have only focused on the superior aspects of the precious metals-based system and criticisms of the fiat money system, without detailing the steps to supersede the fiat money-based system. This paper used qualitative research with a historical analysis approach or historiography. It attempted to fill this glaring gap and expected to produce a study for implementation within the state scope
Penerapan pembelajaran "two stay-two stray" dengan pendekatan kontekstual terhadap pemahaman matematika siswa kelas XII
This study employs a quasi-experimental approach, utilizing a posttest-only control group design, to investigate the applicability of implementing "two stay-two stray" learning with a contextual approach to enhance the mathematical understanding of class XII students at SMK Negeri 1 Cimahi. The participants in this research consist of class XII students, totaling 34 students each, distributed into control and experimental groups, each subjected to different teaching methods. The research utilized a mathematical understanding ability test as the instrument, with subsequent data analysis carried out using the SPSS Statistics software. The data analysis reveals significant differences in mathematical understanding abilities between students who underwent "two stay-two stray" learning and those who were taught using conventional methods. The t-test yielded an average score of 81.02 with a significance level > 0.05, indicating normal data distribution
This research was about increasing students’ vocabulary mastery by using guessing game at the third grade of Madrasah Al-Munawwarah Tambun. The design of this research was pre experimental research. The sample of this research were the third grade that consists of 16 students. The data obtained from pre test and post test. In the pre test it was found that mean score of the student were 65,37 and in the post test were 79,87. Computation of the data tcount results was5,069while ttablewas 2,131. The result indicates that there is an increasement in students’ vocabulary mastery by using guessing game. It can be concluded that increasing vocabulary mastery by using guessing game is effective to increase students’ vocabulary mastery.Keywords: : Increasing, vocabulary mastery, Guessing gam
Strategic Industry in Islamic Political Economy Perspective
The development of strategic industries in Muslim countries in general, and specifically Indonesia, has found stagnant conditions, not developed and not even made a top priority in the concept of state development they are designing. This is in contrast to capitalist countries which are competing to become a new face as a country with the forefront strategic industry. The purpose of this article is to provide a conceptual description of thinking of Muslim countries in viewing sovereignty. Sovereignty in these days means independence from various dependencies, especially political-economic dependence. This study used a qualitative library research method. the results of the study found gaps in the concept of development in Muslim countries in the concept of development towards sovereignty through strategic industries. The novelty of this concept is to see the potential of ASEAN countries, especially Indonesia, to be able to take a big role in an important strategic industrial position for Muslim countries
Penyebaran virus covid-19 diketahui menyebar lewat udara dan kontak erat dengan seseorang yang telah terpapar oleh virus covid-19. Adaptasi kebiasaan baru bagi masyarakat di masa pandemi covid-19 adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting, perilaku mencuci tangan yang baik merupakan langkah untuk menghindari masyarakat dari paparan kuman dan virus covid-19. Kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai teknik mencuci tangan yang baik dan benar sesuai standar kesehatan merupakan sebagian faktor penyebab dari pemaparan virus covid-19. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengetahuan antara masyarakat pedesaan dengan perkotaan tentang mencuci tangan di masa pandemi covid-19. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode komparatif kuantitatif. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat pedesaan dengan 63 sampel dan masyarakat perkotaan 120 sampel, disesuaikan dengan keriteria inklusi. Riset ini menunjukan H1 diterima, artinya terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan dalam mencuci tangan antara masyarakat pedesaan dengan perkotaan dengan hasil uji hipotesis mannwhitney dengan hasil Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) 0,00 < 0,05 dapat dinyatakan H1 diterima. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengetahuan mencuci tangan antara masyarakat perkotaan dengan perdesaan di masa pandemi covid-19 terdapat berbedaan yang disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor salah satunya informasi secara langsung yang tidak merata, mengakibatkan kesenjangan pemahaman pencegahan virus covid-19 khususnya dalam mencuci tangan yang sesuai standar kesehatan.
The spread of the covid-19 virus is known through the air and close contact with someone who has been exposed to the covid-19 virus. Adapting to new habits for the community during the COVID-19 pandemic is very important, good hand washing behavior is a step to prevent people from being exposed to germs and the covid-19 virus. The lack of public knowledge about good and correct hand washing techniques according to health standards is part of the causes of exposure to the covid-19 virus. To find out the difference in knowledge between rural and urban communities about hand washing during the covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a quantitative comparative method. Participants in this study were rural communities with 63 samples and urban communities 120 samples, adjusted for inclusion criteria. This research shows that H1 is accepted, meaning that there is a difference in knowledge in hand washing between rural and urban communities with the results of the MannWhitney hypothesis test and the Asymp results. Sig. (2-tailed) 0.00 < 0.05 can be stated H1 is accepted. It can be concluded that the knowledge of hand washing between urban and rural communities during the covid-19 pandemic was different caused by several factors, one of which was uneven direct information, resulting in a gap in understanding the prevention of the covid-19 virus, especially in washing hands according to standards health
Ahmad Fajar Alamsyah
Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Strategi
Pemasaran Kopi Luwak Dalam Meningkatkan Penjualan Di Lampung
Barat yang merupakan strategi yang digunakan dalam memasarkan
produk kopi luwak. Sehingga strategi yang digunakan harus sesuai
dengan segmen pasar yang menjadi tujuan dari penjualan kopi luwak
ini, yakni dengan memperhatikan produk, harga, promosi, orang, bukti
fisik dan proses. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan oleh penulis ialah
jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan
data wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Data-data yang
diperoleh penulis merupakan hasil yang mengenai penjualan kopi
luwak yang di produksi oleh CV Raja Luwak Multiguna Lampung
Barat. Teori-teori berserta data penunjang lainnya penulis peroleh dari
kepustakaan dan dokumentasi di CV Raja Luwak Multiguna Lampung
Barat. Interview penulis lakukan dengan Bapak Gunawan, Bapak
Rofik dan Bapak Irwan di CV Raja Luwak Multiguna Lampung Barat.
Observasi penulis lakukan dengan mengamati secara langsung
bagaimana CV Raja Luwak Multiguna Lampung Barat menerapkan
strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan, serta mencatat data-data yang
diperoleh oleh penulis baik dari pihak CV Raja Luwak Multiguna
Lampung Barat maupun resseler dan juga konsumen kopi luwak.
Dokumentasi yang digunakan penulis dalam mencari data yaitu
berupa catatan, buku, dan juga daftar agenda yang berhubungan
dengan judul penulis.
Dari hasil penelitian penulis telah menunjukkan bahwa,
strategi pemasaran di CV Raja Luwak Multiguna Lampung Barat ini
sudah berjalan cukup baik, hanya saja masih banyak beberapa hal
yang masih perlu di benahi agar menjadi maksimal antara strategi dan
juga hasil yang akan di capai yaitu memperhatikan produk, harga,
promosi, orang, bukti fisik dan proses.
Kata Kunci : Strategi Pemasaran dan Penjuala
Perbandingan Hukum Islam dan Hukum Positif Terhadap Hak Kebebasan Beragama
This article explains about Religious Freedom in Article 28E of the 1945 Constitution by using the author's analysis using the glasses of Islamic Law and Positive Law. Human freedom in their social life aims to strengthen their social relations to obtain their necessities of life. However, there are often conflicts in fulfilling the interests of each individual, resulting in a loss of warmth among citizens. In Islam human freedom is one of the various noble values which is also the main goal of the maqasid syari'ah. Islam itself knows about Riddah law. In Islam Riddah is a conversion of religion from Islam to another religion and is a category of kufr which in classical jurisprudence is punishable by death. In Indonesian law itself as a respect and guarantee for the survival of every individual, the government then ratifies the universal declaration of human rights, civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights into the Indonesian legal system. In particular, the right to freedom of religion is regulated in the 1945 Constitution Article 28E, however threats still come and go to haunt Indonesian people who have exercised their freedom to choose and embrace their religion. So it is important to reconstruct how the guarantee of the right to freedom of religion in the Indonesian constitution and analyze it in the perspective of Islamic law and positive law.Keywords: Religious Freedom, Islamic Law, Positive La
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh fraud risk assesment dan independensi auditor terhadap kualitas audit Inspektorat Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu auditor Inspektorat Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara yang berjumlah 42 Orang. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda dengan bantuan aplikasi IBM Statistic SPSS 25.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Fraud risk assesment berpengaruh positif dan signifikan secara parsial terhadap kualitas audit Inspektorat Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. (2) Independensi auditor berpegaruh positif dan signifikan secara parsial terhadap kualitas audit Inspektorat Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. (3) Fraud risk assesment dan Independensi auditor berpengaruh positif dan signifikan secara simultan terhadap kiualitas audit Inspektorat Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara
Towards Conceptualising Islamic Community-Based Enterprise: Examination of Some Underlying Principles
This study attempts to conceptualize an Islamic community-based enterprise by touching on the fundamental aspects that separate the understanding of capitalism and Islam, thus giving birth to a holistic community-based enterprise concept that emanates from Islamic values. It is a conceptual paper in nature. In turn, this study is designed to utilize an exploratory approach. Literature related to this topic are used as the method to analyze the content found. Based on examining three fundamental concepts in CBE: social entrepreneurship (S.E.), social capital (S.C.), and development concept. We have argued that these three fundamental concepts deserve to be reviewed from an Islamic perspective. The three fundamental concepts in conventional community-based enterprise literature contain entrenched capitalism thinking. These thoughts have deficiencies that have not been resolved in conventional literature, thus we came out with an alternative way that offers a comprehensive Islamic perspective to thoughts about the concept of Islamic community-based enterprise that can answer the challenges of local development. Further studies are required to explore the concept through systematic investigations empirically. Additionally, measuring this concept by a designed means is appreciated. The concept provides the map and alternative tool of Islamic entrepreneurship to determine the process of development which can appropriate their local conditions. In addition, it also allows stakeholders and policymakers to consider local community economic development. This study initiates a foundational contribution for an early sequence of research
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