3,049 research outputs found

    The Relevant Operators for the Hubbard Hamiltonian with a magnetic field term

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    The Hubbard Hamiltonian and its variants/generalizations continue to dominate the theoretical modelling of important problems such as high temperature superconductivity. In this note we identify the set of relevant operators for the Hubbard Hamiltonian with a magnetic field term.Comment: 19 pages, RevTe

    Pengaruh Motivasi dan Pengembangan Karier Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Tulang Bawang

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    Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Tulang Bawang merupakan lembaga yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan ditingkat kabupaten untuk mencapai tujuan melalui kerjasama. Kerjasama dapat berjalan dengan baik jika semua unsur dalam organisasi terutama sumber daya manusia dapat terlibat secara aktif dan memiliki dorongan untuk bersama-sama dalam mencapai tujuan. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan oleh peneliti ketika praktik Internship Manajemen Pendidikan (IMP) terdapat beberapa hambatan mengenai motivasi kerja pegawai yang diamati melalui perilaku kerja, diantaranya : Menurunnya motivasi pegawai dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, terlihat dari masih kurangnya rasa tanggung jawab akan pekerjaan yang diberikan, beberapa pegawai yang tidak disiplin dengan ketentuan jam kerja hal ini mencerminkan bahwa semangat kerja para pegawai masih kurang. Menurunnya motivasi kerja para pegawai di Bidang Pendidikan Menengah dan Tinggi Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Tulang Bawang mengakibatkan terganggunya jalan untuk menuju tujuan dan sasaran dari lembaga tersebut dengan baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Motivasi dan Pengembangan Karir secara bersama-sama Terhadap Kinerja pegawai Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Tulang Bawang.Tipe penelitian adalah tipe penelitian deskriptif korelasional, Populasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh pegawai Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Tulang Bawang yang berjumlah 61 orang. pengambilan sampel sebanyak 50% dari 61 responden, sehingga jumlah sampel sebanyak 31 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Secara dominan responden menilai bahwa motivasi kerja pegawai pada Dinas pendidikan Kabupaten Tulang Bawang adalah cukup baik. Motivasi berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Dinas pendidikan Kabupaten Tulang Bawang. Secara dominan responden menilai bahwa pengembangan karir yang pada Dinas pendidikan Kabupaten Tulang Bawang cukup baik. Pengembangan karir berpengaruh secara positif terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Dinas pendidikan Kabupaten Tulang Bawang. Motivasi dan Pengembangan karir berpengaruh secara positif terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Dinas pendidikan Kabupaten Tulang Bawan


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    Gilgit-Baltistan has tremendous amount of gemstone wealth and thousands of miners are busy to explore this wealth, but due to unscientific and crude mining methods this mineral wealth goes into waste in many ways, like fractures, damages and total destructions of gemstone due to ill blasting methods and lack of proper training. Gemstone mining is done in all districts of Gilgit-Baltistan. According to a careful survey in July 2007, 32 types of Gemstones (Precious and Semiprecious) are found in GB, out of total production of gemstones produced in Pakistan 95% come from GB. According to this survey there are more than 2000 mines which produce different variety of gemstones and numbers of miners involved in this mining industry directly or indirectly are more than 25000.  Due to these crude and unscientific mining methods, improper camps without hygienic facilities, lack of proper mining equipment, lack of basic health facilities and safety tools and lack of mining equipment repairing facilities at mining sites, number of problems are arising. These problems include damage to the fauna and flora in mining areas, damage to the eco system due to blasting and flow of people; mountains are becoming vulnerable due to improper mines development, glaciers melting due to use of thermal generators, spreading of human filth and waste like plastic and at last polluting of the water. This research is based on the mitigation of all these problems to some extent. The damage to the fauna and flora may be reduced by controlling spreading of human filth and waste, controlled blasting may be done by using modern blasting techniques, proper mines of international standard may be developed by enforcing the mining rules, use of thermal generators may be prohibited by developing small hydro projects at sites and at last pollution of water may be controlled by training people to adopt the cleanliness drives time to time and equipment repairing facilities at sites as well.  &nbsp

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada PT Home Credit Indonesia Cabang Lampung

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    Efektivitas kerja yang baik sangat diperlukan untuk keberhasilan suatu pekerjaan.  Kompetensi karyawan merupakan suatu keadaan yang menunjukkan bahwa karyawan memiliki kapasitas dan kemampuan yang baik dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan sesuai dengan bidang kerjanya masing-masing. Selain kompetensi terdapat faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi efektivitas kerja yaitu motivasi karyawan. Demi tercapainya tujuan organisasi, karyawan memerlukan motivasi untuk bekerja lebih rajin. Melihat pentingnya karyawan dalam organisasi, maka karyawan diperlukan perhatian lebih serius terhadap tugas yang dikerjakan sehingga tujuan organisasi tercapaiTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompetensi dan motivasi kerja secara bersama-sama terhadap  efektivitas kerja karyawan pada PT Home Credit Indonesia Cabang lampung. Tipe penelitian adalah tipe penelitian deskriptif, Populasi dalam penelitian adalah Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh PT Home Credit Indonesia Cabang Lampung  yang berjumlah  110 orang karyawan. Dalam penelitian ini sampel sebanyak 55 respondenHasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa:Ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara Kompetensi terhadap  efektivitas kerja di karyawan pada PT Home Credit Indonesia Cabang Lampung. Ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara motivasi kerja terhadap  efektivitas kerja di karyawan pada PT Home Credit Indonesia Cabang Lampung. Ada pengaruh  positif dan signifikan antara Kompetensi dan motivasi kerja terhadap  efektivitas kerja di karyawan pada PT Home Credit Indonesia Cabang Lampung

    Exact traveling wave solutions to the Klein–Gordon equation using the novel (G′/G)-expansion method

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    AbstractThe novel (G′/G)-expansion method is one of the powerful methods that appeared in recent times for establishing exact traveling wave solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations. Exact traveling wave solutions in terms of hyperbolic, trigonometric and rational functions to the cubic nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation via this method are obtained in this article. The efficiency of this method for finding exact solutions and traveling wave solutions has been demonstrated. It is shown that the novel (G′/G)-expansion method is a simple and valuable mathematical tool for solving nonlinear evolution equations (NLEEs) in applied mathematics, mathematical physics and engineering


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    Pada Penelitian ini penulis menganalisis tentang loyalitas nasabah Bank Ekonomi Raharja Tbk Bandar lampung. Penelitian ini terfokus pada kualitas pelayanan serta Keunggulan produk Bank Ekonomi yang merupakan indikator dalam terbentuknya suatu loyalitas nasabah Bank Ekonomi Raharja Tbk Bandar Lampung. Pada Penelitian ini, Loyalitas nasabah Bank Ekonomi terbentuk oleh kualitas pelayanan dan keunggulan produk. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara yang dilakukan kepada nasabah Bank Ekonomi mengenai kualitas pelayanan dan keunggulan produk menghasilkan loyalitas yang terdapat beberapa tingkatan loyalitas pelanggan berturut-turut dimulai dari tingkatan yang paling rendah sampai paling tinggi. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas pelayanan, dan keunggulan produk terhadap loyalitas nasabah Bank Ekonomi Raharja Tbk Bandar Lampung. Untuk Mendukung Penelitian ini metode yang digunakan penulias adalah deskriptif kualitatif.Disimpulkan bahwa tingkatan loyalitas nasabah Bank Ekonomi dimulai dari paling rendah sampai yang paling tinggi. Nasabah Susanti Gunawan termasuk dalam tingkatan commited buyer yaitu yang setia dan mempunyai kebanggaan dalam menemukan dan menjadi pelanggan dari suatu merek. diimpilkasikan pada Bank Ekonomi lebih meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan serta lebih meningkatkan lagi keunggulan produk agar lebih dapat membangun loyalitas nasabah Bank Ekonomi Raharja Tbk Bandar Lampung

    Effect of high and low cost brood feeds on gonado-somatic index and fecundity of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rogenbergii de Man

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    Studies were conducted to observe the effects of different types of feeds on the gonado-somatic index (GSI) and fecundity of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rogenbergii. Three different treatments (T1 T2 and T3) were designed with three types of feed as follows: (i) Saudi-Bangla Prawn feed 100% - T1 (ii) SaudiBangla prawn feed 50%+ local feed 50%- T2 and (iii) local feed 100%- T3. The results showed that the average value of gonado-somatic index (GSI) was 14.39, 14.35 and 14.36 and the average fecundity of M. rogenbergiiwas 99,741, 98,125 and 97,911 in T1 T2 and T3 respectively. No significant difference (p>00.5) was between gonado-somatic indices (GSI) and fecundities of M. rogenbergii among different feeding trails. The price of Saudi-Bangla prawn feed was very high (Tk. 23/kg) than the local feed (Tk. 14/kg). So, use of local feed was recommended for M. rogenbergii brood rearing

    Energy and nutrients intakes of male and female university students

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    Male and female students residing in the on campus hostels were explained the aim and importance of this study. Among the students registered were 30 male and 30 female who volunteered to participate in this study. The age range of the registered students was 22 – 26 years. On the day of the registration the age, height and weight were recorded and at the same time, they were given food frequency questionnaires (FFQs). They were asked to record alternately for three days whatever they ate during the prescribed week. Out of sixty students 51 (22 male and 29 female) returned the FFQs and the rest were excluded from the study. From the anthropometry, the weight and height for the given ages were compared with the international standards. From the FFQs the energy and nutrients intake was calculated using the food composition table for all students and compared with the recommended nutrients intakes (RNIs) reported by the FAO/WHO for the same age, height and weight. The total energy consumption was more in the female students than in the male students. Eighty two percent of the male and 21% of the female students had lower energy intake than their RNIs for energy. Eighty two percent of the male students had lower relative energy from protein and 91% had lower energy from carbohydrate intake than their respective RNIs. Similarly, in 48% of the female students had lower relative energy from protein and 76% had lower energy from carbohydrate intake than their respective RNIs. The relative contribution of energy from fat was higher in 95 % of the male and 97 % of the female students than their RNIs. The mean mineral intake was lower both for male and female students with the exception that the intake of P was more than the RNIs by 18.4 and 11.5 % for the male and female students respectively. The mean Fe intake was more than the RNIs by 37.3% in male students. Similarly, the vitamins intake was lower as well, both in male and female students with exception that they were having higher intake for vitamin A and C. Apart from these nutrients, all the students surveyed had lower dietary intake of fibre and cholesterol. This study indicates that the students are at the risk of specific nutrient deficiencies and the energy requirement is mainly met through dietary fat intake instead of carbohydrate

    Aspirin Resistance

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    The development of adverse cardiovascular events despite aspirin use has established an interest in a possible resistance to the drug. Several definitions have been set and various laboratory testing modalities are available. This has led to a wide range of prevalence reports in different clinical entities. The etiologic mechanism has been related to clinical, genetic, and other miscellaneous factors. The clinical implications of this phenomenon are significant and warrant concern. Management strategies are currently limited to dosing alteration and introduction of other anitplatelet agents. However, these measures have not met the expected efficacy or safety