54 research outputs found

    Kysy ja kuuntele – simulaatio Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun mielenterveyshoitotyön opetuksessa

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    Artikkelissa kuvaan hoitoalan opiskelijoiden mielenterveyshoitotyön simulaatio-opetuksen perusteita, käytäntöä ja kokemuksia Oulun ammattikorkeakoulussa

    Genetic aspects of outcome in kidney transplantation : cytokine and thrombosis associated candidate genes and gene expression biomarkers

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    Kidney transplantation (Tx) is the treatment of choice for end stage renal disease. Immunosuppressive medications are given to prevent an immunological rejection of the transplant. However, immunosuppressive drugs increase e.g. the risk of infection, cancer or nephrotoxicity. A major genetic contributors to immunological acceptance of the graft are human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes. Also other non-HLA gene polymorphisms may predict the future risk of complications before Tx, possibly enabling individualised immunotherapy. Graft function after Tx is monitored using non-specific clinical symptoms and laboratory markers. The definitive diagnosis of graft rejection however relies on a biopsy of the graft. In the acute rejection (AR) diagnostics there is a need for an alternative to biopsy that would be an easily repeatable and simple method for regular use. Frequent surveillance of acute or subclinical rejection (SCR) may improve long-term function. In this thesis, associations between cytokine and thrombosis associated candidate genes and the outcome of kidney Tx were studied. Cytotoxic and co-stimulatory T lymphocyte molecule gene expression biomarkers for the diagnosis of the AR and the SCR were also investigated. We found that polymorphisms in the cytokine genes tumor necrosis factor and interleukin 10 (IL10) of the recipients were associated with AR. In addition, certain IL10 gene polymorphisms of the donors were associated with the incidence of cytomegalovirus infection and occurrence of later infection in a subpopulation of recipients. Further, polymorphisms in genes related to the risk of thrombosis and those of certain cytokines were not associated with the occurrence of thrombosis, infarction, AR or graft survival. In the study of biomarkers for AR, whole blood samples were prospectively collected from adult kidney Tx patients. With real-time quantitative PCR (RT-QPCR) gene expression quantities of CD154 and ICOS differentiated the patients with AR from those without, but not from the patients with other causes of graft dysfunction. Biomarkers for SCR were studied in paediatric kidney Tx patients. We used RT-QPCR to quantify the gene expression of immunological candidate genes in a low-density array format. In addition, we used RT-QPCR to validate the results of the microarray analysis. No gene marker differentiated patients with SCR from those without SCR. This research demonstrates the lack of robust markers among polymorphisms or biomarkers in investigated genes that could be included in routine analysis in a clinical laboratory. In genetic studies, kidney Tx can be regarded as a complex trait, i.e. several environmental and genetic factors may determine its outcome. A number of currently unknown genetic factors probably influence the results of Tx.Terminaalisen munuaissairauden paras hoitomuoto on munuaissiirto. Immuunivastetta heikentävää lääkitystä (immunosuppressiivit) annetaan estämään siirteen immunologinen hyljintä. Toisaalta immunosuppressiivit ovat haitallisia munuaisille ja lisäävät infektioiden ja syövän vaaraa. Tärkeimmät siirteen immunologiseen hyväksyntään vaikuttavat geenit ovat ihmisen valkosoluantigeeneja koodaavat geenit (HLA). Muut HLA:n ulkopuolisten geenien eri muodot voivat ennustaa ennen siirtoa hoidon sivuvaikutuksia ehkä mahdollistaen yksilöllisen immunosuppressiivisen lääkityksen. Siirron jälkeen siirteen toimintaa seurataan yleisluontoisten sairauden oireiden ja laboratoriokokeiden avulla. Siirteen hyljintä määritetään ottamalla neulakoepala siirteestä. Äkillisen hyljinnän määritykseen tarvitaan koepalan oton sijaan helposti toistettava ja yksinkertainen menetelmä säännölliseen seurantaan, mikä voi parantaa siirteen pitkäaikaistoimintaa. Väitöskirjassa tutkittiin sytokiinigeeneistä ja laskimotukokseen liittyvistä geeneistä eri geenimuotoja ja näiden vaikutusta munuaissiirteen ennusteeseen. Hyljinnän määrityksen avuksi tutkittiin myös soluille myrkyllisiä ja soluja ärsyttäviä T-imusolumolekyyligeenien ilmentymisbiomerkkejä. Sytokiinigeenien TNF ja IL10 tietyt muodot siirteen saajissa vaikuttivat hyljintäriskiin pienessä aineistossa. Lisäksi IL10 geenin tietyt muodot siirteen luovuttajissa vaikuttivat sytomegaloviruksen lisääntymiseen tietyissä siirteen saajissa. Toisaalta emme löytäneet laskimotukokselle, infarktille, hyljintään sairastuvuudelle tai siirteen elinikää lyhentäville altistavia sytokiini- tai tukosgeenimuotoja. Hyljinnän biomerkkejä tutkittaessa reaaliaikaisella kvantitatiivisella polymeraasiketjureaktiolla CD154- ja ICOS-geenien ilmentyminen oli erilaista hyljintäpotilaiden ja normaalien potilaiden välillä muttei muiden hyljinnänkaltaisia oireita ilmentäneiden potilaiden ja hyljintäpotilaiden välillä. Tutkittaessa kliinisesti oireettomien mutta koepalan perusteella hyljintätautimäärityksen saaneita lapsipotilaita hyljintäpotilaita ei pystytty erottamaan normaalipotilaista tutkimalla ehdokasgeenien ilmentymistä tai koko genomin ilmentymistä. Munuaissiirtoa voidaan pitää kompleksitautina, jossa useat ympäristö- ja geneettiset tekijät vaikuttavat siirron jälkeiseen aikaan. Suuri joukko tällä hetkellä tuntemattomia geneettisiä tekijöitä vaikuttavat mahdollisesti siirron onnistumiseen

    Donor haplotype B of NK KIR receptor reduces the relapse risk in HLA-icentical sibling hematopoetic stem cell transplantation of AML patients

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    Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)Successful allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) depends not only on good HLA match but also on T-cell mediated graft-versus-leukemia (GyL) effect. Natural killer (NK) cells are able to kill malignant cells by receiving activation signal from the killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) recognizing HLA molecules on a cancer cell. It has been recently reported that the risk of relapse in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is reduced in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients whose donors have several activating KIR genes or KIR B-motifs in unrelated donor setting, obviously due to enhanced GyL effect by NK cells. We studied the effect on relapse rate of donor KIR haplotypes in the HLA-identical adult sibling HSCT, done in a single center, in Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland. Altogether, 134 patients with 6 different diagnoses were identified. Their donors were KIR genotyped using the Luminex and the SSP techniques. The clinical endpoint, that is, occurrence of relapse, was compared with the presence or absence of single KIR genes. Also, time from transplantation to relapse was analyzed. The patients with AML whose donors have KIR2DL2 or KIR2DS2 had statistically significantly longer relapse-free survival (P = 0.015). Our data support previous reports that donors with KIR B-haplotype defining genes have a lower occurrence of relapse in HSCT of AML patients. Determination of donor KIR haplotypes could be a useful addition for a risk assessment of HSCT especially in AML patients.Peer reviewe

    Secretor Genotype (FUT2 gene) Is Strongly Associated with the Composition of Bifidobacteria in the Human Intestine

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    Intestinal microbiota plays an important role in human health, and its composition is determined by several factors, such as diet and host genotype. However, thus far it has remained unknown which host genes are determinants for the microbiota composition. We studied the diversity and abundance of dominant bacteria and bifidobacteria from the faecal samples of 71 healthy individuals. In this cohort, 14 were non-secretor individuals and the remainders were secretors. The secretor status is defined by the expression of the ABH and Lewis histo-blood group antigens in the intestinal mucus and other secretions. It is determined by fucosyltransferase 2 enzyme, encoded by the FUT2 gene. Non-functional enzyme resulting from a nonsense mutation in the FUT2 gene leads to the non-secretor phenotype. PCR-DGGE and qPCR methods were applied for the intestinal microbiota analysis. Principal component analysis of bifidobacterial DGGE profiles showed that the samples of non-secretor individuals formed a separate cluster within the secretor samples. Moreover, bifidobacterial diversity (p<0.0001), richness (p<0.0003), and abundance (p<0.05) were significantly reduced in the samples from the non-secretor individuals as compared with those from the secretor individuals. The non-secretor individuals lacked, or were rarely colonized by, several genotypes related to B. bifidum, B. adolescentis and B. catenulatum/pseudocatenulatum. In contrast to bifidobacteria, several bacterial genotypes were more common and the richness (p<0.04) of dominant bacteria as detected by PCR-DGGE was higher in the non-secretor individuals than in the secretor individuals. We showed that the diversity and composition of the human bifidobacterial population is strongly associated with the histo-blood group ABH secretor/non-secretor status, which consequently appears to be one of the host genetic determinants for the composition of the intestinal microbiota. This association can be explained by the difference between the secretor and non-secretor individuals in their expression of ABH and Lewis glycan epitopes in the mucosa

    Assessing the human immune system through blood transcriptomics

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    Blood is the pipeline of the immune system. Assessing changes in transcript abundance in blood on a genome-wide scale affords a comprehensive view of the status of the immune system in health and disease. This review summarizes the work that has used this approach to identify therapeutic targets and biomarker signatures in the field of autoimmunity and infectious disease. Recent technological and methodological advances that will carry the blood transcriptome research field forward are also discussed

    Linux ja käytettävyys: Ubuntu-pohjaiset jakelupaketit

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    Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin Ubuntu-pohjaisten Linux-jakelupakettien soveltuvuutta käytettäväksi järjestelmävaatimukset hädin tuskin ylittävällä vanhalla tietokoneella. Tutkimus rajattiin kattamaan ainoastaan neljä suurinta Ubuntu-tuoteperheen käyttöjärjestelmää. Lisäksi verrattiin vaihtoehtoisten graafisten käyttöliittymien vastaavuutta käyttäjän tyypillisiin odotuksiin sekä yleisiin käytettävyysnormeihin. Tutkimuksessa testattiin eri Ubuntu-versioiden käynnistymisnopeutta. Jotta tuloksista voitiin saada luotettavaa dataa, jokaiselle versiolle suoritettiin sama käynnistymistesti kymmenen kertaa, joiden perusteella laskettiin keskiarvo sekä keskihajonta. Lisäksi mitattiin eri versioiden keskusmuistin kuormitusta. Työn tulokset kertoivat tuoteperheen eri vaihtoehtojen muistinkulutuksen eroavan toisistaan merkittävästi. Osalla versioista pelkän graafisen työpöytäympäristön ylläpitäminen ylitti jo järjestelmävaatimukset, mikä vaikutti käytettävyyteen. Käynnistymisnopeudessa oli myös suuria eroja. Tutkimus tarjosi suuntaa-antavaa pohjatietoa Ubuntu-pohjaisten jakelupakettien eroista, suorituskyvystä ja soveltuvuudesta vanhoille tietokoneille. Lisätutkimukselle on silti vielä paljon mahdollisuuksia syventyä tarkemmin käytettävyyden analysoimiseen Linuxin järjestelmäarkkitehtuurin ja sen pohjalle rakennettujen lukemattomien jakelupakettien viitekehyksessä.In this thesis, the usability of Ubuntu based Linux distributions was examined from the technical standpoint of using an old computer of barely passable resources in regards to the lowest system requirements of the Ubuntu product family. The limits of this inquiry were set to cover only the four largest operating systems under the Ubuntu product family. In addition to this, the thesis explored the alternative graphical user interfaces compared to the end user's typical expectations and general standards of usability. In the study, the startup speed of different Ubuntu versions was measured. In order to gain reliable data on this, the same test was performed ten times on each version, based on which, the average value and standard deviation were calculated. Additionally, an another test that measured the load on random access memory (RAM) was conducted. The results of the study revealed there to be major differences between each versions' strain on the machine's RAM. Some versions exceeded the minimum system requirements on merely upholding the graphical user interface, affecting the usability of the product. There were also great discrepancies between startup speed results. This study offered suggestive but basic information on the differences, performance and applicability of Ubuntu based distributions on old machines with limited resources. There is still a lot of possible ways to delve further into analyzing the usability of the Linux system architecture and the framework of the myriad of distributions based on it