25 research outputs found

    Kuşadası-Söke-Davutlar (Batı Anadolu) Bölgesi Neojen ve Kuvaterner Yaşlı Birimlerin Ostrakod Biyostratigrafisi, Kronostratigrafisi ve Eski Ortam Analizi

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    The study area is located within the Western Anatolia between Kuşadası, Söke and Davutlar districts in Aydın city. Within the scope of the study the ostracod faunal assemblages of Neogene and Quaternary Söke, Kuşadası and Fevzipaşa Formations outcropping in the study area are examined. 15 genera and 31 taxa of ostracods belonging to 6 families are determined by the detailed examination of 151 samples gathered from 10 measured stratigraphic sections. 22 of the determined taxa were previously described, 9 of the ostracoda taxa belong to open nomenclature.The chronostratigraphic ranges of the ostracod faunal assemblages are supported with the age findings related to the other faunal and floral assemblages determined in previous studies as well as in this study. As a result it is determined that the Söke Formation was deposited during late Early-Middle Miocene, the Kuşadası Formation during Late Miocene and the middle parts of the Fevzipaşa Formation during Early Pleistocene.Çalışma alanı, Batı Anadolu da, Aydın iline bağlı Kuşadası, Söke ve Davutlar yerleşimleri arasında kalmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında bölgede yüzeylenen Neojen ve Kuvaterner yaşlı Söke, Kuşadası ve Fevzipaşa Formasyonları nın ostrakod fauna toplulukları incelenmiştir. 10 adet ölçülü stratigrafi kesitinden toplam 151 adet örneğin detaylı olarak incelenmesi ile 6 ostrakod familyasına ait 15 cins ve 31 takson elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen taksonların 22 si bilinen türler iken, 9 adet ostrakod taksonu açık isimlendirmeye tabi olarak bırakılmıştır.Ostrakod fauna topluluklarının kronostratigrafik yayılımları bu ve önceki çalışmalardaki diğer fauna ve flora topluluklarına bağlı yaş bulguları ile desteklenmiştir. Sonuç olarak Söke Formasyonu nun geç Erken-Orta Miyosen, Kuşadası Formasyonu nun Geç Miyosen, Fevzipaşa Formasyonu nun orta kesiminin ise Erken Pleyistosen döneminde çökeldiği ortaya koyulmuştur. Çalışmada saptanan ostrakod cins ve türlerine göre eski ortam analizleri yapılmıştır

    Ostracoda Taxonomy and Bıostratıgraphy in The Yalvaç and Ilgın Contınental Neogene Basıns (Southwest Anatolıa): Ostracoda-Based Paleoenvıronmental and Paleoclımatıc Approaches

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    Regional tectonism during the late Cenozoic triggered the development of many sedimentary basins in northern Taurids. These basins include the continental Yalvaç and Ilgın basins, which contain economical coal seams within the Neogene basin infillings. Within the scope of the study, it is aimed to determine ostracod fauna assemblages along the lacustrine successions of Yalvaç and Ilgın basins, and to perform detailed paleoenvironmental/paleoclimatic and biochronological evaluations on the deposition environments and ages of the units by using of ostracods and other faunal/floral findings. In this context, 14 measured stratigraphic sections and 2 borehole cores gathered from the deposits of Yalvaç (Yarıkkaya and Göksöğüt formations) and Ilgın (Kumdöken, Aşağıçiğil, Belekler and Dursunlu formations) basins are evaluated. Within the systematic paleontology studies, 40 genera and 90 taxa of ostracods belonging to 7 ostracod families are identified. 38 known species and 1 known subspecies are identified within the taxa. Moreover, 7 new species (Cyprinotus turcica n. sp., Heterocypris granuloreticulata n. sp., Heterocypris yalvacensis n. sp., Herpetocyprella posterotruncata n. sp., Herpetocyprella posterocornuta n. sp., Psychrodromus seni n. sp. ve Metacypris gokcenae n. sp.) are diagnosed and proposed. In addition, 44 of the 90 taxa are left open to nomenclature. Paleoenvironmental/paleoclimatic evaluations and age interpretations are carried out by using ostracods and other faunal/floral findings along the Neogene and Quaternary sequences of the Yalvaç and Ilgın basins. It is determined that the lower-middle parts of the Yarıkkaya Formation (Yalvaç Basin) was deposited in stagnant and permanent sublittoral?-profundal lacustrine conditions. It is revealed that the upper parts of the formation was deposited under the subtropical climatic conditions in a freshwater-oligohaline littoral lacustrine environment which also contains paleomires. Additionally, the age of the Yarıkkaya Formation is suggested as late early (middle Orleanian)–early middle (late Orleanian) Miocene according to micro mammals, ostracods and palinoflora. It is revealed that carbonate-dominated parts of the Göksöğüt Formation (Yalvaç Basin) were deposited in stagnant/slow-flowing, freshwater-oligohaline and permanent littoral lacustrine conditions. It is revealed that the coal-bearing middle and upper parts of Göksöğüt Formation were deposited under the cool climatic conditions in vegetation-rich, stagnant/slow flowing, neutral-slightly alkaline, oligo-mesotrophic and littoral lacustrine environment containing paleomires. It is also determined that freshwater-oligohaline aquatic conditions fed by flows were common during the deposition and water level decrease and relative salinity increase were prevailed during some periods. Additionally, the age of the Göksöğüt Formation is suggested as late Miocene-Pliocene according to ostracod and palinoflora assemblages. It is determined that the sequence overlying the lower coal levels of the Kumdöken Formation (Ilgın Basin) were deposited in a stagnant and temporary pond (freshwater?) with paleomires. Sequoioxylon sp. suggests that the paleomire that forms the upper coal levels was accumulated in an eutrophic wet forest mire under humid and rainy climatic conditions. It is found that the sequence overlying the upper coal levels was deposited in vegetation-rich, stagnant/slow flowing, mesotrophic-eutrophic and very shallow freshwater aquatic conditions (pond/lake). Additionally, the age of the lower and upper coal-bearing levels of the formation is proposed as early Miocene according to obtained ostracod taxa. It is determined that the middle-upper parts of the Aşağıçiğil Formation (Ilgın Basin) was deposited in spring-fed, vegetation-rich, stagnant/slow flowing, freshwater-oligohaline and permanent littoral lacustrine conditions during the late middle?–early late Miocene. It is revealed that the fine clastics-dominant part of the Belekler Formation (Ilgın Basin) was deposited in a freshwater-oligohaline temporary and/or permanent lake (pond?) environment during the late Miocene?-Pliocene. It is found that the paleomire of the coals in the lower parts of Dursunlu Formation (Ilgın Basin) was accumulated in flow-fed, eutrophic and slightly salty lacustrine (pond?) conditions. It is also determined that the overlying levels of the formation were deposited in vegetation-rich, stagnant/slow flowing, freshwater-oligohaline and permanent littoral lacustrine (pond?) conditions. It is revealed that the basin was fed with flows and relatively cold aquatic conditions were prevailed. Additionally, ostracod assemblage indicates that coal-bearing level of the Dursunlu Formation was deposited during the early Pleistocene.Geç Senozoyik dönemde gelişen bölgesel tektonizma, Torosların kuzeyinde birçok sedimanter havzanın gelişmesine neden olmuştur. Bu havzalar arasında, Neojen yaşlı havza dolguları dahilinde ekonomik kömür damarları içeren karasal Yalvaç ve Ilgın havzaları da yer almaktadır. Tez çalışması kapsamında Yalvaç ve Ilgın havzalarının gölsel istifleri boyunca ostrakod fauna topluluklarının belirlenmesi, ostrakodlar ve diğer faunal/floral bulgulardan yararlanılarak birimlerin çökelme ortamları ve yaşları üzerine detaylı eskiortamsal/eskiiklimsel ve biyokronolojik değerlendirmeler gerçekleştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda Yalvaç (Yarıkkaya ve Göksöğüt formasyonları) ve Ilgın (Kumdöken, Aşağıçiğil, Belekler ve Dursunlu formasyonları) havzalarındaki istiflerden alınan 14 ölçülü stratigrafi kesiti ve 2 sondaj istifi değerlendirilmiştir. Sistematik paleontoloji çalışmaları ile 7 ostrakod familyasına ait 40 cins ve 90 takson tanımlanmıştır. Taksonlar dahilinde 38 bilinen tür ve 1 bilinen alt tür tanımlanmıştır. Ayrıca 7 yeni tür (Cyprinotus turcica n. sp., Heterocypris granuloreticulata n. sp., Heterocypris yalvacensis n. sp., Herpetocyprella posterotruncata n. sp., Herpetocyprella posterocornuta n. sp., Psychrodromus seni n. sp. ve Metacypris gokcenae n. sp.) teşhis edilmiş ve önerilmiştir. 44 ostrakod taksonu ise adlandırmaya açık bırakılmıştır. Yalvaç ve Ilgın havzalarının Neojen ve Kuvaterner yaşlı istifleri boyunca ostrakodlar ve diğer faunal/floral bulgulara dayalı olarak, eskiortamsal/eskiiklimsel değerlendirmeler ve yaş yorumlamaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yarıkkaya Formasyonu (Yalvaç Havzası)’nun alt-orta kesimlerinin durgun ve daimi yarı litoral?-derin gölsel koşullarda çökeldiği belirlenmiştir. Üst seviyelerinin ise, subtropikal iklim koşulları altında yer yer turba bataklıkları içeren tatlı su-oligohalin tuzluluğa sahip litoral gölsel bir ortamda çökeldiği ortaya koyulmuştur. Yarıkkaya Formasyonu’nun yaşı mikro memeliler, ostrakodlar ve palinofloraya göre geç erken (orta Orleaniyen)–erken orta Miyosen (geç Orleaniyen) olarak önerilmiştir. Göksöğüt Formasyonu (Yalvaç Havzası)’nun karbonatların baskın olduğu seviyelerinin durgun/yavaş akan, tatlı su-oligohalin tuzluluğa sahip, daimi litoral gölsel koşullarda çökeldiği saptanmıştır. Göksöğüt Formasyonu’nun kömür içeren orta-üst kesimlerinin ise serin iklim koşulları altında turba bataklıkları içeren, bitki örtüsü bakımından zengin, durgun/yavaş akan, nötr-hafif alkalin, oligo-mezotrofik ve litoral gölsel ortamda çökeldiği ortaya koyulmuştur. Çökelim süresince akışlarla beslenen tatlı su-oligohalin tuzluluğa sahip sucul koşulların yaygın olduğu ve ara dönemlerde su seviyesi düşüşü ve nispi tuzluluk artışının gerçekleştiği belirlenmiştir. Göksöğüt Formasyonu’nun yaşı ostrakod ve palinoflora topluluğuna göre geç Miyosen-Pliyosen olarak önerilmiştir. Kumdöken Formasyonu (Ilgın Havzası)’nun alt kömür seviyelerini üzerleyen istifinin yer yer bataklıklar içeren durgun ve geçici bir gölcük (tatlı su?) dahilinde çökeldiği belirlenmiştir. Üst kömür seviyelerini oluşturan ilksel turbalığın ise Sequoioxylon sp. taksonuna bağlı olarak nemli ve yağışlı iklim koşulları altında, ötrofik bir ıslak orman turba bataklığında yerleştiği değerlendirilmiştir. Kömürü üzerleyen seviyelerin ise bitki örtüsü bakımından zengin, durgun/yavaş akan, mezotrofik-ötrofik ve çok sığ tatlı sucul koşullarda (gölcük/göl) çökeldiği saptanmıştır. Elde edilen ostrakod taksonlarına göre, formasyonun alt ve üst kömürlü seviyeleri için erken Miyosen yaşı önerilmiştir. Aşağıçiğil Formasyonu (Ilgın Havzası)’nun orta-üst kesimlerinin kaynaklar ile beslenen, bitki örtüsü bakımından zengin, durgun/yavaş akan, tatlı su-oligohalin tuzluluğa sahip, daimi litoral gölsel ortam koşulları altında, geç orta?–erken geç Miyosen döneminde çökeldiği belirlenmiştir. Belekler Formasyonu (Ilgın Havzası)’nun ince kırıntılıların baskın olduğu kesiminin tatlı su-oligohalin tuzluluğa sahip geçici ve/veya daimi litoral göl (gölcük?) ortamında, geç Miyosen?-Pliyosen döneminde çökeldiği saptanmıştır. Dursunlu Formasyonu (Ilgın Havzası)’nun alt kesimlerinde yer alan kömürlerin ilksel turbalığının akışlarla beslenen, ötrofik ve hafif tuzlu litoral gölsel (gölcük?) koşullarda yerleştiği saptanmıştır. Üzerleyen seviyelerin ise bitki örtüsü bakımından zengin, durgun/yavaş akan, tatlı su-oligohalin tuzluluğa sahip, daimi litoral gölsel (gölcük?) koşullarda çökeldiği belirlenmiştir. Çökelim süresince havzanın akışlarla beslendiği ve nispeten soğuk sucul koşulların geliştiği ortaya koyulmuştur. Ostrakod topluluğuna bu seviyelerin erken Pleyistosen’de çökeldiği belirlenmiştir

    Zoogeographical and stratigraphical distribution of the genus Zonocypris: Supportive evidence for Anatolian Diagonal and description of a new species from Turkey

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    Since its first description from Madagaskar, there are about 16 living (Recent) species of the genus Zonocypris reported from Afrotropical, Neotropical and Palearctic regions. Similarly, there are about 16 fossil with two (sub)species of the genus known from the Early Cretaceous (e.g., India, France, Russia, China, Brazil) to Holocene (e.g., Albania). Among the species, the only species known with fossil and living species is Zonocypris costata. In Turkey, Zonocypris membranae with two subspecies (Z. m. membranae,Z. m. quadricella) is the only fossil species known while living individuals of Z. costata were encountered the southeast Anatolia. Additionally, Zonocypris mardinensis n. sp. is now proposed as a new species which shows clear differences in the soft body parts (e.g., aesthetasc ya in A1, knife-type G2 claw, shapes of clasping organs and hemipenis) and carapace structure (e.g., LV with extension, RV with posterior denticles). Overall, living species reported herein seem to inhabit comparatively warm (15-30 degrees C) within the ranges of slightly acidic to alkaline (pH 6.81-8.44) and low to well oxygenated waters (3.05-18.8 mg/l) where they can tolerate salinity (electrical conductivity 103-1910 mu S/cm) values within a limited elevational range (336-991 m). Our results suggest that geographic distribution of the living species of the genus is limited within southern parts of Turkey while fossil forms seem to exhibit much wider distribution in northern parts. Anatolian Diagonal as physical barrier may be considered to play a critical role on separating fossil (east-north regions) and extant (southeast region) species of the genus in Turkey. This is the first supportive evidence provided by the species of the genus Zonocypris that geographic barrier could have played the main role on its distribution

    Holocene paleoenvironmental evolution of the Acıgöl paleo maar lake (Nevşehir, Central Anatolia)

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    Acıgöl (Nevşehir, Central Anatolia) is a drained crater lake. Acıgöl maar was formed by the violent vapor explosions due to the interaction of hot rhyolitic magma with the (sub-)surface water during the latest Pleistocene. A 844 cm-deep borehole was drilled at the maar and 713 cm-thick Acıgöl Core Succession (ACS) was retrieved. The ACS is mainly composed of lower laminated and upper non-laminated mudstones (sandy, silty, and clayey) with rare organic and volcanic interlayers. Eleven ostracod taxa (Cypris pubera, Plesiocypridopsis newtoni, Heterocypris salina, Eucypris cf. heinrichi, Candona candida, Candona meerfeldiana, Pseudocandona marchica, Cyclocypris sp., Ilyocypris bradyi, Limnocythere inopinata, and Darwinula stevensoni) were determined in this study. Along with ostracods, gastropods (Gyraulus piscinarum and Stagnicola sp.), pelecypods (Pisidium personatum), charophytes, and fish remains were also observed, while diatoms are the most frequent and abundant assemblage of the ACS. The assemblage at the lower parts of ACS mainly indicates wetter, freshwater to oligohaline, and oligotrophic and relatively deep lacustrine conditions alternating with short lake shrinkage intervals. On the other hand, the fauna at the upper part of the ACS points out to saline, shallow, and warmer lacustrine conditions

    Vegetation record of the last three millennia in central Anatolia: Archaeological and palaeoclimatic insights from Mogan Lake (Ankara, Turkey)

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    In this study, the high-resolution palynological data derived from two cores taken from Mogan Lake in the Golbasi Basin of the Ankara region in central Anatolia (Turkey) are presented. The results provide the palaeobotanical, palaeoclimatological and palaeoenvironmental records of the last ca. 3100 years for the region which is characterised by rich natural resources and a long human occupation history. The major climatic events and the archaeological-historical periods, which are well established in previous works, along with textual sources, are related to vegetation history inferred from the palynological investigation in the study area. Five main vegetation phases are distinguished and interpreted. Our findings demonstrate that the phases of limited woody vegetation cover are chiefly coupled to several dry climate periods, with some exceptions. Steppe vegetation in an open landscape accompanied by more cultural indicators and lesser arboreal elements is inferred during the Near-East Aridification Phase at the LBA-Iron Age transition (c. 1200-850 BCE), Roman Warm Period before 700 CE, Medieval Warm Period at about 1020 CE, the 1500s and twentieth century. Only during the three dry episodes in the 1600s, 1800s and at the start of Modern Warming Period (in the twentieth century) partial arboreal recovery is deduced, and land-cover patterns are related to both natural and human-induced factors. The most extensive pine-dominated forest cover coincides mainly with the three wet climatic episodes, in Galatians times of the Hellenistic Period at c. 2080 BP, the 700s CE of the middle Byzantine era, the Seljuqs Dynasty and the earlier Ottoman Periods (c. 1165-1432/1435 CE). The former episode is represented by remarkable signs of human interference, while the others have marks of sporadically less cultivated landscape. It is concluded that a combination of various factors can be taken into account as the drivers of vegetation changes in the Ankara region, but climate appears to have been the primary agent in shaping the land-cover. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved