119 research outputs found

    Removing Toxic Dyes from Aqueous Medium by Trichoderma-Graphain Oxide Aerogel

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    عادة ما يتم تصريف الأصباغ السامة الى مياه الصرف الصحي اذ تستخدم الأصباغ على نطاق واسع في صناعة النسيج ، لذلك من الضروري إيجاد طريقة فعالة وصديقة للبيئة لمعالجة مياه الصرف الناتجة عن النفايات الصناعية السائلة.. لتحقيق هذا الهدف انجزت هذه الدراسة وذلك بتوظيف الفطر ترايكودرما بطريقتين الأولى عبارة عن كريات فطرية نامية  في الوسط المغذي  (Czapek – Dox ) الصلب وامتزاز الصبغيتن الكريستال البنفسجي ، أحمر الكونغو ، باستخدام التركيز  0.06،0.05،0.04،0.03،0.02،0.01  لكليهما و الرقم الهيدروجيني = 2 ، درجة حرارة الغرفة ، مع الهزاز للفترات( 2 ساعة و 4 ساعات و 24 ساعة ) من الزمن . تم قياس تركيز الصبغة بواسطة طيف الأشعة فوق البنفسجية المرئي. حيث كانت كفاءة الإزالة  بواسطة فطر ال Trichoderma sp. في التركيز  0,05 لصبغة الكريستال البنفسجي هو 96% ،ولكن لا يوجد إزالة لصبغة  احمر الكونغو. اما الخط الثاني كانت بدمج خيوط الفطريات إلى جل نقي وحر من أوكسيد الجرافين لزيادة كفاءة الامتزاز. إزالة اللون من محلول الأصباغ السامة بواسطة الكشف عن الامتزاز بواسطه طيف الأشعة فوق البنفسجية المرئية وتحليل فحص المجهري الإلكتروني للكشف عن امتزاز الصبغة على سطح الخيوط الفطرية. وبعد معاملة  (صبغة الكريستال البنفسجي ) بـ 20 ملغم من جل الفطريات -لاوكسيد الجرافين  في ظروف pH = 2 ، بدرجة حرارة الغرفة  مع الهزاز للفترات ( 2 ساعة و 4 ساعات و 24 ساعة )  من الزمن ، زادت نسبة كفاءة الإزالة للكريستال البنفسجي مع زيادة تراكيز الصبغة حتى الوصول إلى الحد الأقصى لنسبة الإزالة 97٪ في الساعة 4 في تركيز 0.05 ملغم / لتر ، وزادت الكفاءة  في التراكيز الأخرى.. على النقيض من احمر الكونغو  اذ لم تتم إزالة اللون في أي تركيز خلال وقت المعالجة لأن سطح احمر الكونغو تحمل شحنات سالبة وإيجابية ويحدث جذبًا إلكتروستاتيكيًا ، وبالتالي قل  الامتزاز ولم تحدث في تراكيز منها. يمكن استخدام الفطر ترايكودرما في الإزالة الانتقائية للأصباغ الأساسية ويمكن استخدامها لإزالة الأصباغ من النفايات السائله الصناعية.Toxic dyes are commonly discharged into waste waters and dyes are extensively used in the textile industry so it is necessary to find out efficient and eco-friendly method for treating waste waters resulting from industrial effluences. To achieve this aim the fungus Trichoderma sp. is employed into two lines: first line was self – immobilized fungal pellets in (Czapek – Dox medium) to adsorbs two dyes crystal violet, congo red by concentrations 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06 mg/L to both dyes, PH 2, room temperature with shaker in ( hrs.2,hrs.4,hrs.24) , by Uv- Visible spectrum . the removal efficiency of 0.05 mg/L crystal violet by Trichoderma sp was 96%. but there was no removal by congo red. The second line was immobilizing fungal mycelium to Graphain oxide free – standing aerogel to increase efficiency of adsorption. The decolorization of toxic dyes solution was detected by the change in the adsorption Uv- Visible spectrum and scanning microscopy analysis which revealed that there was dye adsorption on fungal mycelium surface. After treatment of crystal violet with 20 mg Graphain oxide -fungi aerogel in the condition PH 2, room temperature with shaker in time (hrs.2 ,hrs.4 , hrs.24 ) removal percentage to crystal violet was increasing with to raise concentrations the dye crystal violet until reaching the maximum removal percentage 97% in hrs.4 in 0.05mg/L concentrate , and it increased the efficiency of other concentrations . In contrast, according to congo red there was no color removal in any concentration within treatment time since congo red surface carries both negative and positive charges and causes electrostatic attraction, therefor, the adsorption reduced or does not occur.Trichoderma sp. is considered a selective  removal to basic dyes and could be employed to remove dyes from industrial effluents.  

    Improvement in Production, Fruit Quality and Water Use Efficiency of Three Tomato Cultivars by Foliar Application of Tecamin Flower® Under Water Deficit Conditions

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    During drought, chemical elements in a fertilizer go into solution in the soil with difficulty and nutrients are less available to plants. Foliar fertilization with water soluble Tecamin flower®, a product containing chemicals needed by plants, compensates for nutrient deficiency by roots due to water deficit. The study was undertaken to evaluate impacts of foliar application of Tecamin flower® at 0 or 2.5 ml/l and deficit irrigation (50 or 100% of field capacity) in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cvs. Bobcat, Finenss and Hadeer. The results showed that ‘Bobcat’ cultivar produced the highest vitamin C content, fruit firmness and total yield. ‘Finenss’ had the highest total soluble solids and water use efficiency (WUE). ‘Hadeer’ had the highest titratable acidity and the lowest pH. Plants irrigated at a 50% rate produced the highest vitamin C content, total soluble solids, fruit firmness and the lowest pH. 100% irrigation resulted with the highest yield and WUE. The plant treated with 2.5 ml/l Tecamin flower® produced the highest vitamin C content, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, fruit firmness, total yield, WUE and the lowest pH. Foliar application of Tecamin flower®, regardless of cultivar, improved production, fruit quality and WUE of tomato under normal and water deficit conditions and played a role in alleviating the negative impact of water deficit

    The efficiency of biosynthesized Zinc oxide nanoparticles by Fusarium sp. against Saprolegnia parasitica isolated from common carp eggs in fish hatchery

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    Saprolegnia spp. infect common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) eggs in hatcheries. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the antifungal effect of biosynthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnNPs) against Saprolegnia spp. as an eco-friendly treatment. Biosynthesized ZnNPs were characterized using atomic force microscope (AFM), size distributor and Ultra Violate-Visible spectrometer (Uv-Vis), and Scanning   Electron Microscope (SEM). Biosynthesized (ZnNPs) had a spherical shape with diameters ranging 10-70 nm. Antifungal activity was tested by fungal radial growth inhibition on corn meal agar. The highest concentration of 100 ppm of ZnNPs showed a remarkable inhibition rate of 79% against Saprolegnia spp., demonstrating similar efficiency as the positive control i.e. malachite green in the inhibition percentage rate of fungal growth. This study showed that biosynthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles had a significant antifungal effect (P<0.05) and can be used as an alternative option to control Saprolegnia spp. in fish hatcheries

    Synthesis and Study of the Structural and Electrical Conductivity for Nanocrystalline PbS Thin Films

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    Structural and electrical properties of prepared nanocrystalline lead sulfide thin films were studied which deposited on glass substrates by chemical bath deposition (CBD) techniques. The films were obtained in a reaction bath at times of (15, 30, 45,60and90) min. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements confirmed that the thin films grown by this technique had good crystalline cubic structures and homogeneous surfaces. The dc electrical conductivity found in the range of 10-6 -10-5 (Ω.cm)-1

    Bone Marrow Fibrosis in Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and other Myeloproliferative Disorders Evaluated by Using Special Histochemical Stains for Collagen.

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    Background: It is still difficult to give a final diagnosis in chronic myeloproliferative disorders (CMPDs) because of the overlap of the common pathological and clinical features of these disorders like bone marrow fibrosis which is considered important because it affects the normal function of the bone marrow. The collagen fibers are of different types, but in the bone marrow, the two main types are: collagen I, which is the most abundant type and collagen III (reticular) which is often associated with type I. Objectives:To study bone marrow fibrosis (BMF) in samples of bone marrow biopsies (BMB) of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and other chronic myeloproliferative disorders using histochemical stains to establish the grade of fibrosis and enabling a correct differentiation between chronic myeloid leukemia, essential thrombocythemia (ET), polycythemia rubra vera (PRV), and idiopathic marrow fibrosis (IMF) as subtypes of myeloproliferative disorders. Patients and methods: This retrospective study included collection of previously preserved formalin fixed- paraffin embedded bone marrow trephine biopsies of patients with chronic myeloproliferative disorders from January 2003 through December 2008 .The relevant clinical data of patients were retrieved from the stored case sheets. Applied histochemical stains (Reticulin stain, Van Gieson stain, and trichrome stain) with Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stain on sections from these specimens. These stains were used to detect the presence and the degree of pathological marrow fibrosis by the most recent grading system, the European Consensus 2005(EC2005) originally described by Thiele at 2003. Using Trichrome stain for collagen type I and reticulin stain for reticulin fibers (collagen type III) and by using a special marrow fibrosis grading system as a routine work with H&E is valuable in determining the degree of marrow fibrosis on bone marrow biopsy examination and simplifies the diagnosis. Results: Sixty eight percent of chronic myeloproliferative disorders patients had no marrow fibrosis when diagnosed by H&E, while only 30% of chronic myeloproliferative disorders patients had no marrow fibrosis when the diagnosis was made by special stains and marrow fibrosis grading system. There is rare marrow fibrosis in essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia rubra vera, but present in chronic myeloid leukemia and almost always in marrow fibrosis. Some patients really have myelofibrosis of different grades and the histological findings by using histochemical stains are crucial to distinguish between myeloproliferative diseases Conclusion: Patients with chronic myeloid leukemia and other chronic myeloproliferative disorders had marrow fibrosis of different grades, which is confirmed by using histochemical stains for different collagen fibers and special grading system for marrow fibrosis (EC2005) that has to be applied. It can be used routinely to avoid misdiagnosis of the primary disease or its conversion and transition to another chronic myeloproliferative disorders type, in which the clinical and laboratory features overlap, but the prognosis and therapeutic implications are significantly different

    Tecamin flower® foliar application to alleviate water deficit effects on growth, yield and water use efficiency of tomato

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    During drought chemical elements in a dry fertilizer go into solution in the soil with difficulty and the nutrients are less available to the plant. Foliar fertilization with Tecamin flower®, could compensate for nutrient deficiency due to water deficit. This study was designed to observe the effects of different application rates of foliar application of Tecamin flower® on growth, yield and field water use efficiency (CWUE) of tomato under water deficit. The field experiment was conducted from March till July 2016 at the teaching and research farm of Diyala University, Iraq. Performance of tomato genotype 'Bobcat', 'Finenss' and 'Hadeer' was assessed by foliar application of Tecamin flower® at (0 and 2.5 mL L-1) and two irrigation levels (50 and 100% based on field capacity). The results showed that chlorophyll content, fruit weight, yield per plant, total yield and CWUE were significantly affected by genotype and irrigations levels and application of Tecamin flower®. 'Bobcat' genotype has the highest value of plant yield (3.39 kg) and total yield (90.19 t ha-1). 'Finenss' has the highest values for number fruit per plant (40.75), CWUE (75.37 kg m-3) and the minimum leaf proline content (2.584 mg g-1). Plant irrigated at 100% had the highest value of number fruit (35.27 fruit), most yield per plant (3.53 kg), total yield (94.02 t ha-1) and minimum leaf proline content (2.557 mg g-1). The highest CWUE (84.50 kg m-3) were at 50% level. Plant treated at 2.5 mL L-1 Tecamin flower® had most fruit/plant (37.61) yield per plant (3.73 kg), total yield (99.16 t ha-1), CWUE (85.22 kg m-3) and minimum leaf proline content (2.437 mg g-1)

    Analysis of some variable kinematical to triple jump world champions for the world championships in 2013

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    To achieve the completion of any athlete requires knowledge and mechanical factors impacts on it and the lack of achievement is due to the neglect of some important parameters in athletic training specialist. This achievement is the process of the most adverse factors related the sports training. Motor analysis is utilized to evaluate the performance actions level and mathematical skills while players exactly, and in which you can find the mount of variables kinematical and evaluated via parameters kinematical model to sense the strengths and weaknesses in the player’s performance in comparison to players, which assist in improving this performance. The contest triple jump competitions force fast they require a great deal of power mixed with speed also requires the control of an integrated performance requirements of physical and skill and also requires a high speed when you approach with a balance of high and balanced force for the feet together and are similar to the effectiveness of the long jump


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    Background & Objectives The state of Qatar has witnessed significant lifestyle changes due to rapid urbanization, the introduction of labour-saving devices and the availability of high-caloric density food. This has impacted on the daily lifestyle and health habits of young adults leading to significant increases in non-communicable diseases (WHO, 2014). This study explored the risk factors associated with such diseases amongst young adults in Qatar. Methods A representative sample of 732 males and females (aged 18-25 years) from Qatar University took part in this cross-sectional, mixed-method design study. Physical Activity (PA) and dietary habits were assessed using a validated questionnaire. Total energy expenditure per week was calculated based on the metabolic equivalent values of each activity reported by the participant (Al-Nakeeb et al., 2012). Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated according to the International Obesity Task Force criteria and using the age and gender-specific BMI classification established by Cole et al. (2000). Results The percentage of overweight/obesity in males and females was 39.5% and 38.5% respectively. It was evident that there was a significant increase in the percentage of students classified as overweight/obese from year 1 to year 4. Meanwhile, there was a decline in the level of PA and an increase in sedentary time during that period. Whilst health was reported to be the main reason for participation in PA/sport, lack of available time was singled out as the main barrier to engagement in an active lifestyle. Ironically, students reported more than 4 hours of TV/DVD viewing and internet use per day. Conclusions The adoption of healthier lifestyles amongst the Qatari population, including an increase in PA and a reduction in overweight/obesity are major objectives cited in Qatar Vision (2030). This study has revealed a high prevalence of overweight/obesity amongst male and female university students with regressive trends in their lifestyle and health habits. The findings reveal a worrying picture of young people's lifestyle that ought to be a cause for concern for policy makers and health professionals. Undoubtedly, there is an urgent need to seriously consider putting in place intervention strategies concerning behaviour modification and the built environment in order to reverse these trends. Such strategies could have major implications on the health and well-being of young people at this critical age developmentally and on the future welfare of the wider community in the long run.qscienc