975 research outputs found

    State, Society and Violations of Human Rights in Egypt

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    First presented at the 1994 Cairo Papers Annual Symposiumhttps://fount.aucegypt.edu/faculty_book_chapters/1933/thumbnail.jp

    Identity and Security in Arab Countries

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    This article takes a critical stand towards primordialist interpretations of identity conflicts in the Arab world. It argues that identity?framed conflicts have usually coincided with differential access to wealth, power or status of the groups in conflict. This has been the case in the bloodiest inter?group conflicts in Arab countries, namely those in Sudan, Iraq and Lebanon. It also argues that political divisions based on ideology or religion have often been more important than ethnic or racial differences ? as in the Algerian civil war, the recent confrontation between government and opposition supporters and conflict between FATAH and HAMAS in Palestine. These conflicts had important implications for human, as well as national, regional and international security

    Transparency in Public Procurement Rules and Processes in the State of Qatar (A Comparative Study with the UNCITRAL Procurement Model Law)

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    Procurement Model Law, which was adopted by the United Nations Committee on InternationalTrade Law (UNCITRAL). The study aims to draw a comparison between the UNCITRAL Procurement Model Law and the Qatari Public Procurement Law (Tenders Law). The study raises a number of pertinent questions and issues such as the question of whether the Qatarilawgives sufficient consideration to the transparency principles in procurement processes or not. Does the Qatarilawmeet the standards of transparency adopted by the UNCITRAL Model Law? Finally, does the Qatari Law include well-built provisions that prevent corruption, protect public assets and promote confidence in procurement processes? To answer all of abovementioned questions, the study is divided into two main sections: the first deals with the definition and significance of transparency in public procurements in general while the second section examines the applications of the transparency principles in procurement methods and processes under both the Qatari and the UCITRAL Model Law. The author concluded that Qatari law is still far from adhering and applying all transparency principles; it lacks precision and attention to details. The study finally suggests the amendment of the current Qatari Public Procurement Law (Tenders Law) to be in line with international standards as reflected by the UNCITRAL Model La

    Rainfall-Runoff Modelling in Arid Areas

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    Arid areas have distinctive hydrological features substantially different from those of humid areas. The high temporal and spatial distribution of the ra;infall, flash floods, absence of base flow, sparsity of plant cover, high transmission losses, high amounts of evaporation and evapotranspiration and the general climatologies are examples of such differences. The aim of this Ph.D. research is to use advanced tools of model analysis to test some of the current models that consider arid area hydrological characteristics. As most models were mainly developed for other regions, an attempt is made to study their limitations using Omani hydrological data, providing some guidelines for improved rainfall-runoff modelling in arid areas in general and Oman in particular. Two different types of models were selected for this research; KINEROS, which is an event based, semi-distributed, physically-based model that is considered suitable to be used for arid area conditions, and, which is continuous, lumped, conceptual model. Two Omani catchments were selected to test the performance of the selected models and to identify the main uncertainties arising, to provide some recommendations regarding the suitability of these models or model types and how they might be improved, to highlight any further data that is required, and how uncertainties should be handled in model applications.Imperial Users onl


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    SMPI Nurul Fikri Peduli belum pernah dilakukan penelitian tentang motivasi mengikuti pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani dan tingkat kesegaran jasmani siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan, diantaranya adalah untuk mengetahui motivasi mengikuti pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani dan tingkat kesegaran jasmani siswa kelas VIII SMPI Nurul Fikri Peduli. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitan deskriptif menggunakan metode survey. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMPI Nurul Fikri Peduli berjumlah 66 siswa. Menentukan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 28 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan angket untuk variabel motivasi.Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji reabilitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi mengikuti pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani siswa kelas VIII SMPI Nurul Fikri Peduli dalam kategori tinggi, dengan frekuensi 5 siswa (8%), diikuti motivasi berkategori sedang, dengan frekuensi 23 siswa (35%), diikuti motivasi berkategori rendah, dengan frekuensi 23 siswa (35%), dan diikuti motivasi sangat rendah sebanyak 0 siswa (0%). Kata kunci : motivasi, pendidikan jasman

    Analyse culturelle de la crise du Golfe

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    L'analyse culturelle, mode d'approche longtemps ignoré dans l'étude de la société arabe, constitue à notre avis le point de départ méthodologique d'une étude des conduites politiques, sociales et économiques adoptées pendant la crise du Golfe et des séquelles de la guerre, tant au niveau des autorités que des intellectuels et des masses. Cette approche repose sur l'étude des perceptions en vigueur dans une société définie, sur l'analyse des conceptions, représentations et images-types de soi ..

    Microscopic photography of plant cells and benefiting from it in creating contemporary painting works

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    The research deals with microscopic photography of plant cells and benefiting from it in producing contemporary painting works, as nature is the greatest inspiration for art and beauty at many aspects, Science tries to reveal the rules and beauty of nature through the microscope, as it plays a major role in revealing the beauty of nature as an approach in scientific research, It is a direction which has made some consider it a kind of art. Modern technology and many tools such as optical microscope are really an intermediary for the producing works of art; It is considered a fertile field that helps an artist to see the items and elements of nature and its components, which cannot be seen with the naked eye, Study its visual attributes, observe beyond nature and discover its laws and building systems. It is considered a fertile source of colors, laws, shapes and relations between elements and items in expressing and artistic to structures, this urges the artist to innovate and open new horizons for the innovative vision which has varieties lead to the richness of works of art.The question of the research lies in the following:The extent of benefiting from the technique microscopic photography of plant cells The research aims at contemplating in God's creative ability and diving into the depths of nature which has not been discovered yet, It also aims to benefit from the excretions of microscopic photography as a source of seeking inspiration which contributes in enriching visual vision, That helps in creating modern works of painting, and finding various experimental entrances for that. The importance of the research lies also at emphasizing the importance of the relationship between science and fine art and their interrelation, upgrading innovative practice in the field of painting and benefiting from microscopic photography technology in creating contemporary painting works. The research also concerns seeking inspiration from the outcome of microscopic photography of plant cells, and making self-applications based on seeking inspiration of painting works inspired from microscopic photography of plant cells, The research uses the descriptive, analytical and quasi-experimental methodology

    القصر في رواية حي بن يقظان لإبن طفيل (دراسة علم المعاني)

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    خلفية هذا البحث في رواية حي بن يقظان لإبن طفيل عن القصر بدراسة علم البلاغة. القصر في هذه الرواية فيه أنواع و أغراض مختلفة. للكشف عن المشكلة، النظرية المستخدمة في هذا البحث هو القصر في علم البلاغة. اعتمادا على خلفية البحث, فيركز هذا البحث على الأشياء التالية فهي ما أنواع القصر في رواية حي بن يقظانن لإبن طفيل و ما أغراض القصر في رواية حي بن يقظانن لإبن طفيل. وأما أغراض هذا البحث فهي لمعرفة أنواع القصر و أغراضه في في رواية حي بن يقظانن لإبن طفيل. حتى وجد معنى القصر في هذه الرواية. والمنهج المستخدم في هذا البحث هو المنهج الوصفي التحليلي. وهو يصف الواقع ثم يحلله، وهذا البحث هو البحث الكيفي باستخدام مدخل علم البلاغة عن القصر. ونتائج هذا البحث ان يجد الباحث إثنان و خمسون بيانة عن القصر، ويستمل القصر الحقيقي على أربعون بيانة، ويستمل القصر الإضافي على إثنى عشرة بيانة. ويجد الباحث أربعة و ثلاث بيانة تدل على تمكين الكلام وتقريره في الذهن، و اثنين بيانتين تدل على التهوين وإصغار الشأن، وستة عشر بيانة تدل على التّعريض

    La libéralisation du secteur agricole

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    L'agriculture, selon le dernier recensement de 1991/92, fournit 19,2% du PIB et emploie 4,5 millions de personnes, soit 32,7% de la population active de l'Égypte. Source principale de l'alimentation, elle assure 20,3% des recettes d'exportation et produit une part importante des intrants industriels. Conforme à la philosophie de la libéralisation en cours, la stratégie de développement de l'Égypte doit tenir compte des spécificités de son agriculture. Dans les années 60, la politique agricole..

    Betwixt and Between the Bactrian Camel and the Dromedary: The Semantic Evolution of the Lexeme udru during the 11th to 8th Centuries BCE

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    This paper strives to overturn the general consensus that has formed over the past three decades on the identification of the Akkadian lexeme udru as exclusively designating the Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus). This general opinion does not appreciate the semantic evolution of the lexeme udru during the Iron Age. By examining references to udru in Mesopotamian texts from a diachronic perspective, we can outline the semantic evolution of the lexeme. It will be demonstrated that the lexeme udru without any qualifications designated the camel in general and the dromedary in particular during the 11th to 9th centuries bce. Only after the Assyrians defeated the Arabians in the 8th century bce and became better acquainted with the dromedary (Camelus dromedarius), did the lexeme udru start to designate the Bactrian camel in particular.Wetensch. publicati