150 research outputs found

    The evolution of accounting in Saudi Arabia: a study of its relevance to the social and economic environment

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    The need to study the evolution of accounting in its environmental setting in developing countries is increasingly recognised in the literature. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the evolution and status of accounting systems in developing countries, with particular reference to the Saudi Arabian environment. It attempts to highlight the main shortcomings in each component of the accounting system (education, profession, enterprise, government and national accounting) and to put forward suggestions and recommendations for improvement which reflect the socioeconomic development needs. The study has shown that Saudi Arabia is a developing country which has adopted a comprehensive development planning approach as its vehicle towards growth and socio-economic development, and its accounting system  should serve this objective. In effect, however, the prevailing accounting system and practice in Saudi Arabia,  including the recent developments, are based on the Anglo-Saxon accounting system, which is described as being complex to operate, particularly in a country with a relatively less sophisticated accountants' audience; its  emphasis upon the external reporting and external auditing; and its virtual exclusion of government or public sector needs.In contrast, the study suggests that most accounting shortcomings in Saudi Arabia would be alleviated by the adoption of a uniform accounting system, as such a system would facilitate the collection, storage and  communication of accounting data, and facilitate the training process and transfer of "know-how" and skills. It was  also found that the prevailing conditions and circumstances of the accounting environment in Saudi Arabia indicate that a national uniform accounting system would be both desirable and feasible. These conditions and  circumstances include, among other things, centralised development plans, the need for economic development,  the small size of the private sector, the relatively low accounting education level, the weakness of the accounting  profession, and the low level of management training.However, because such a system is likely to take a long time to establish, a plan for improving the current  accounting system is proposed. The plan is based upon the socio-economic development needs of Saudi Arabia,  which urgently require simultaneous improvements of all components of the accounting system noted above, by integrating them into a single framework of action. The plan assumes the willingness of accounting academicians, public accountants, and government officials, particularly those involved in planning, implementation, and control  of the economic and financial activities of the country, to participate in the accounting improvement process.  Moreover, the proposed plan should be viewed as a part of the overall five-year economic development plan which already exists

    Use of geographic information systems to choose the safest burial sites of hazardous waste in Medinah

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    This Study aims at utilizing GIS as a technique to assess the location of the burial-General، to choose the new sites and to determine the viability of the territory of the Medina to establish a landfill of hazardous wastes and to produce a digital map of the best and safe burial sites relying on a set of standards developed based on the principles of the Basel Convention's global select design and operation of landfills hazardous wastes، in the severe drought areas. By using the available data of the study area and the technology tools of GIS and remote sensing، the required standards were set out. They were converted them into maps representing the most important criteria of geological and geomorphology, social, economic and environmental considerations and standards of public acceptance that have been processed using the tools of spatial analysis and statistical base. A digital database has hence become available allowing a cartography suitability model to be introduced، optimal locations for the safe landfill of hazardous wastes to be identified. The study concluded that only 2% of the Medinah lands is optimal for future landfills of hazardous wastes according to standards of Basel World. By using Cartographic model، the study concluded that there are three sites suitable for safe landfill of hazardous waste, enabling responsible bodies to formulate engineering guidelines that would allow the burial processes to take place without inflicting damages to environmental، natural or human resources in the area

    Studies on wound healing activity of some Euphorbia species on experimental rats

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    Background: Plants of Euphorbiaceae are used in folkloric medicines in variety of ailments and well known for chemical diversity of their isoprenoid constituents. This study was carried out to explore the preliminary wound healing potential of four Euphorbia species (E. consorbina 1, E. consorbina 2, E. inarticulata, E. balsamifera and E. schimperi).Materials and Methods: Excision wound surface of the animals were topically treated with ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of plants at a dose of 400 mg/kg body weight for twenty days. Povidone-iodine ointment was used as a reference drug. Wound contraction measurement and period of epithelialization were used to assess the effect of plants extracts on wound repairing.Results: The groups treated with methanol extracts of E. balsamifera and E. schimperi showed profound effects, high rate of wound contraction (100%) and decrease in epithelization period 19.00±0.40 and 18.50±0.64 respectively, followed by methanol extracts of E. consorbina 2, ethyl acetate extract of E. inarticulata and ethyl acetate extracts of E. consorbina 2 which showed significant (P <0.001) wound contraction and decrease in epithelization period. Conversely ethyl acetate extract of E. consorbina 1, E. balsamifera and E. schimperi and methanol extract of E. Consorbina 1 and E. Inarticulata treated groups was not showing significant wound healing. Methanol extracts of E. balsamifera and E. schimperi were also tested for their safety margin and found safe up to dose of 2000mg/kg body weight.Conclusion: Topical application of methanol extracts of E. balsamifera and E. schimperi have potential wound healing activity which is identical with standard drug Povidone-iodine.Keywords: Wound healing, excision wounds, Euphorbia, extract

    Evaluation of acute toxicity and anti-inflammatory effects of Baccharoides schimperi (DC.) in experimental animals

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    Background: Steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most commonly used to treat inflammation, and shown to have severe side effects. In this study, we aimed at evaluating the anti-inflammatory and acute toxicity effects of Baccharoides schimperi (DC.) in order to get new anti-inflammatory agents of natural origin.Materials and methods: The aerial part of the plant was dried under shade, ground and extracted with 96% alcohol (BSE). It was further fractionated in sequence to n-hexane (BSH), chloroform (BSC) and methanol (BSM) soluble fractions. Acute toxicity was evaluated by oral administration of plant and hind paw induced-edema method in rats was used for the anti-inflammatory evaluation.Results: The BSE was found safe up to the dose level of 3 g/kg b.w. and showed LD50 value 7.250 g/kg body weight (b.w.) in mice. BSE showed significant anti-inflammatory effect (62.91%) at 500 mg/kg b.w. Further the n-hexane, chloroform and methanol fractions of BSE were tested for antiinflammatory activity. The n-hexane fraction (BSH) exhibits significant activity (64.87%) at 400 mg/kg b.w. The methanol fraction (BSM) showed dose dependent activity, highest activity (60.42%) was observed at higher  dose 400 of mg/kg b.w. In chloroform fraction (BSC) no significant activitywas observed.Conclusion: The results of the study revealed that the plant is safe to the experimental model and recommended as a potential source of antiinflammatory agent.Key words: Acute toxicity, anti-inflammatory activity, Baccharoide schimperi (DC.


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    Background: Steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most commonly used to treat inflammation, and shown to have severe side effects. In this study, we aimed at evaluating the anti-inflammatory and acute toxicity effects of Baccharoides schimperi (DC.) in order to get new anti-inflammatory agents of natural origin. Materials and methods: The aerial part of the plant was dried under shade, ground and extracted with 96% alcohol (BSE). It was further fractionated in sequence to n-hexane (BSH), chloroform (BSC) and methanol (BSM) soluble fractions. Acute toxicity was evaluated by oral administration of plant and hind paw induced-edema method in rats was used for the anti-inflammatory evaluation. Results: The BSE was found safe up to the dose level of 3 g/kg b.w. and showed LD50 value 7.250 g/kg body weight (b.w.) in mice. BSE showed significant anti-inflammatory effect (62.91%) at 500 mg/kg b.w. Further the n-hexane, chloroform and methanol fractions of BSE were tested for anti-inflammatory activity. The n-hexane fraction (BSH) exhibits significant activity (64.87%) at 400 mg/kg b.w. The methanol fraction (BSM) showed dose dependent activity, highest activity (60.42%) was observed at higher dose 400 of mg/kg b.w. In chloroform fraction (BSC) no significant activity was observed. Conclusion: The results of the study revealed that the plant is safe to the experimental model and recommended as a potential source of anti-inflammatory agent


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    Background: Plants of Euphorbiaceae are used in folkloric medicines in variety of ailments and well known for chemical diversity of their isoprenoid constituents. This study was carried out to explore the preliminary wound healing potential of four Euphorbia species (E. consorbina 1, E. consorbina 2, E. inarticulata, E. balsamifera and E. schimperi). Materials and Methods: Excision wound surface of the animals were topically treated with ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of plants at a dose of 400 mg/kg body weight for twenty days. Povidone-iodine ointment was used as a reference drug. Wound contraction measurement and period of epithelialization were used to assess the effect of plants extracts on wound repairing. Results: The groups treated with methanol extracts of E. balsamifera and E. schimperi showed profound effects, high rate of wound contraction (100%) and decrease in epithelization period 19.00±0.40 and 18.50±0.64 respectively, followed by methanol extracts of E. consorbina 2, ethyl acetate extract of E. inarticulata and ethyl acetate extracts of E. consorbina 2 which showed significant (

    Comparative profiling of biomarker psoralen in antioxidant active extracts of different species of genus Ficus by validated HPTLC method

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    Background: A simple but sensitive HPTLC method was developed for the comparative evaluation of psoralen in antioxidant active extracts of leaves of five different species of genus Ficus (Ficus carica, Ficus nitida, Ficus ingens, Ficus palmata and Ficus vasta).Materials and Methods: HPTLC studies were carried out using CAMAG HPTLC system on Glass-backed silica gel 60F254 HPTLC pre-coated plates using selected mobile phase toluene: methanol (9:1). The antioxidant activity was carried out, using DPPH free radical method.Results: Among all the five species of genus Ficus, F. palmata and F. carica exhibited comparatively good antioxidant activity in DPPH assay. The developed HPTLC method was found to give a compact spot for psoralen (Rf = 0.55±0.001) at 305 nm. The regression equation and r2 for psoralen was found to be Y= 4.516X+35.894 and 0.998. The quantification result revealed the presence of psoralen in only two species, F. carica (0.24%, w/w) and F. palmata (1.88%, w/w) which supported their supremacy for anti-oxidant potential over other species. The statistical analysis proved that the developed method was reproducible and selective.Conclusion: The developed method can be used as an important tool to assure the therapeutic dose of active ingredients in herbal formulations as well as for standardization and quality control of bulk drugs and in-process formulations. This method can also be employed for the further study of degradation kinetics and determination of psoralen in plasma and other biological fluids.Key words: Ficus species, psoralen, antioxidant, HPTLC, Validation

    Characterization of phenolic compounds in Helichrysum melaleucumby high-performance liquid chromatography with on-line ultraviolet and mass spectrometry detection

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    Helicrysum melaleucum is a medicinal plant traditionally used in the islands of the Macaronesia region for the treatment of respiratory diseases. In this work, the phenolic compounds of Helicrysum melaleucum plants collected in different geographical locations of Madeira Island and their morphological parts (total aerial parts, leaves, flowers and stems) were extracted and analyzed separately by high-performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD/ESI-MS(n)). A total of 68 compounds were characterized based mainly on their UV and mass spectra. These included derivatives of O-glycosylated flavonoids (flavonol and flavones type), quinic acid, caffeic acid, lignans and polyphenols. The flowers were found to be the morphological part with higher variety of phenolic compounds. The large differences in the phenolic composition of plants collected from different geographical locations allowed the identification of a few components, such as pinoresinol and methoxylated flavone derivatives, likely to be useful as geographical markers. Also, these results promote further comparison of the bioactivities of the different samples analyzed. This paper marks the first report on the chemical analysis of Helichrysum melaleucum species.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    New flavonoids from the Saudi Arabian plant:Retama raetam which stimulates secretion of insulin and inhibits α-glucosidase

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    Retama raetam is a bush which is a member of the family Fabaceae. It is used traditionally in North Africa and Saudi Arabia for the treatment of diabetes. Several flavonoids and alkaloids are already known from this plant. Chromatographic fractionation and purification led to the isolation of three new derivatives of prenylated flavones, retamasin C-E, and four new derivatives of prenylated isoflavones, retamasin F-I, in addition to two isoflavones which have not been previously reported in this plant. Particularly interesting structures included isoflavones containing 3,5-dihydro-2H-2,5-methanobenzo[e][1,4]dioxepine and 3a,8b-dihydro-7-hydroxyfuro[3,2-b]benzo[2,1-d]furan units, both of which are new amongst natural product flavonoids. Five new examples (two flavones and three isoflavones) strongly enhanced the glucose-triggered release of insulin by murine pancreatic islets and one isoflavone was a potent inhibitor of α-glucosidase. This study may rationalise the traditional medicinal use of R. raetam and provide new leads for drug design in the treatment of diabetes.</p