8 research outputs found

    Presidents Immunities Form international crimes under the International Criminal Code... Study Warrant for Sudan's President

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    This study is an attempt to highlight the responsibility a president for committing international crimes under the Criminal law, the legal status of the President of the International, and to what  extent the principles of international criminal law are opposed to the concept of national sovereignty of states, and define the concept of criminal responsibility of presents in the international criminal law, in addition, focusing  the issue of Sudan's president with the International Criminal Court . This study aims to illustrate the evolution of the principle of criminal responsibility of the president in international criminal law, from the formation of temporary military courts in Tokyo, Leipzig and Nuremberg, and later in Ronda and the former Yugoslavia and Sierra Leone and ending with the birth of the International Criminal Court. While devoting the principle of criminal responsibility of presidents for international crimes under international criminal law, other principles of customary international law started to be limited and fade, as the principle of national sovereignty of States and the immunities and privileges that presidents enjoy. According to this development it is no longer possible to plead the constitutional and international immunities for the exemption from prosecution and punishment, as the item 27 of Court criminal system confirmed of official capacity as a contraceptive trial and punishment, and thus treats the president treatment of any other person in front of the International Criminal Court in the event of proven involvement of committing international crimes. Hence this study aims to reveal the discrepancy between the legal status of the president in the international public and international criminal laws, and the extent of prejudice to the implementation of the principles of international criminal law to the sovereignty of States, as well as to clarify the privacy of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and superiority upon the national jurisdiction of States. The study comes with a dangerous precedent is the issuance of the arrest warrant against Sudanese President by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, it is the first event to the President who is still in power after the trial of former Yugoslav "Milosevic" at the Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia, as well as the president's trial Charles Taylor, and attempts to prosecute former Chilean President "Pinochet". In this context, this study shows the most important legal and political dimensions to accuse the Sudanese President, and determine the constitutional and international immunities at the Criminal Court and the legal basis for his criminal responsibility, in addition to the emphasis on the question of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court on the case of Sudan or not and the powers of the Security Council to end the crisis between Sudan and International Criminal Court. Key words: Criminal Court, international immunities, Criminal law, International crime, international law

    The International Efforts to Encounter the Phenomenon of International Terrorism

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    Arab collective security must therefore have its own assessments emanating from the regional reality on which Arab collective national security priorities are prioritized. The emergence of transnational terrorist groups poses a great threat to Arab security, and the emergence of a failed or soft state is a very dangerous phenomenon on the Arab national security, as well as illegal immigration due to the prevailing conditions in the Arab region and the neighboring countries of Africa, the illicit drug trafficking and the dangers of using social networks and their use as a means of influencing the Arab youth sector through influence or the birth of the formation of Arab identity comes as an emerging Arab heritage and culture and authentic Arab identity and affiliation account. The use of the term "security" refers back to the end of the Second World War. A stream of literature began to look at how to achieve security and avoid war. The result was the emergence of theories of deterrence and balance. Then the National Security Council was established. There have been several publications in this field, and concepts have been common in this context under the names of many of them - "American national security" and "European security" and "national security of the Soviet Union" before disintegration, China's security and national security, Indian national security and Arab national security. Every country or  nation is trying to formulate its concept and strategy of security according to what it considers its field  as vital security in the surrounding circle, which has the capacity to influence them, or can be a serious threat to their interests and sometimes to exist, and intersect or intertwine some countries and nations in their vital fields Security of its geographic contiguity or its ability to deploy the force crossing its borders economically, culturally or where the range of its missiles, aircraft or warships. Since the national security: is the state's ability to protect its territory, resources and interests from external military threats and internal threats. In the face of globalization, there have been shifts in the concept of security, most notably power, which is no longer linked to the military factor but rather to politics, technology, education, economic growth and the adoption of information. Key words: Arab National Security, international Terroris

    The Impact of Globalization on the Political Culture of the Arab Youths

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    Abstract: Globalization is economic in its origin Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia) 82 is misleading in terms of dealing with globalization

    The Trends of Employees of The Higher Council for Youth towards Globalization and Its Impacts on The Social, Economic and Political Life of Youth

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    This study aims at realizing the trends of employees of the higher Council for youth towards globalization and its impacts on the social, economic and political life of youth. It was applied on (1150) employees, "185" of whom were selected randomly to represent the study sample.The mechanism of such survey was prepared and submitted to a number of arbitrators specialized in this domain, and the its consistency calculated by the repetition method and reached 0.85.The Survey concluded that there is a clear impact of globalization on youth in Jordan, represented in the increase of individualism on the expense of pluralism and in the wide spread unemployment among youth. In addition, the impact of globalization was negative on the adherence of youth to social traditions and customs.The survey also showed that there are no differences in the trends of employees of the higher council for youth toward globalization, that its impacts are attributed to sex and accommodation and that there are no statistically significant differences of attributed to academic qualifications and work experiences.The survey recommended the necessity of finding means and ways to deal with youth in correspondence with the new reality and in a way maintaining social tradition and customs as well as the society and its entity, without affecting the economic, social and political freedom of the individual. Key Words: Globalization, economical, social, political, Council for youth

    The Impact of the Secular Traditions on the Development of the Turkish Political System

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    We have tried to led some light on the remarkable extension of the Ottoman model, secularism in Turkey which separates religion and the state, as well as the political party ( Republican regime) exercised firm control on the religious establishment and monopolizing Islamic activities and gathering its symbols within the institution of the bureaucratic state. Hence then we have discussed the Ottomans empire and how it had developed through their roots in Central Asia, the idea that the state will continue to maintain the so-called "Toro" or "Yasa", which is a set of laws placed directly by the Governor. The Sultans implementation of that principle required political power through the power of legislation. Mustafa Kamal, the founder of the independent turkey, was heavily influenced by the French Revolution and the French tradition of the religious institution (laisiti) is a specific type of active paid strongly secular state given the sweeping effect of the French Enlightenment philosophy and revolutionary ideals to the Kemalist "Turkey Fatta ", it is not surprising to note that one Turkish secularism have developed their own profiles are similar to the early stages of the French allisiti. We also gave some points of views towards the theoretical "strategic depth", which translated into a policy of zero problems, transferred from Turkey a country surrounded by enemies to the country surrounded by friends. The intermediary role highlighted the successes of Turkey. Turkey also known as soft power and its example simulations aim to resolve problems through dialogue, not force. Keywords: Ottoman Empire, secularism, political system, Sheikh al-Islam

    Impact of opioid-free analgesia on pain severity and patient satisfaction after discharge from surgery: multispecialty, prospective cohort study in 25 countries

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    Background: Balancing opioid stewardship and the need for adequate analgesia following discharge after surgery is challenging. This study aimed to compare the outcomes for patients discharged with opioid versus opioid-free analgesia after common surgical procedures.Methods: This international, multicentre, prospective cohort study collected data from patients undergoing common acute and elective general surgical, urological, gynaecological, and orthopaedic procedures. The primary outcomes were patient-reported time in severe pain measured on a numerical analogue scale from 0 to 100% and patient-reported satisfaction with pain relief during the first week following discharge. Data were collected by in-hospital chart review and patient telephone interview 1 week after discharge.Results: The study recruited 4273 patients from 144 centres in 25 countries; 1311 patients (30.7%) were prescribed opioid analgesia at discharge. Patients reported being in severe pain for 10 (i.q.r. 1-30)% of the first week after discharge and rated satisfaction with analgesia as 90 (i.q.r. 80-100) of 100. After adjustment for confounders, opioid analgesia on discharge was independently associated with increased pain severity (risk ratio 1.52, 95% c.i. 1.31 to 1.76; P < 0.001) and re-presentation to healthcare providers owing to side-effects of medication (OR 2.38, 95% c.i. 1.36 to 4.17; P = 0.004), but not with satisfaction with analgesia (beta coefficient 0.92, 95% c.i. -1.52 to 3.36; P = 0.468) compared with opioid-free analgesia. Although opioid prescribing varied greatly between high-income and low- and middle-income countries, patient-reported outcomes did not.Conclusion: Opioid analgesia prescription on surgical discharge is associated with a higher risk of re-presentation owing to side-effects of medication and increased patient-reported pain, but not with changes in patient-reported satisfaction. Opioid-free discharge analgesia should be adopted routinely

    International and Regional Political Competitions in Syria "Geo-political dimensions"

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    Since the outbreak of the Syrian crisis in 2011, where fighters from 70 countries meets on its territory, who turned it to international terrorism territory, which came on the infrastructure of the country, led to massive violations of human rights from all parties of the conflict, and changed the Syrian geopolitical, because of excessive interventions for regional players, wishing to transform the international balances in their favor, at the expense of the Syrian people. The Russian intervention in the Syrian crisis comes at an international level, as long as the Western pressure on the Syrian regime strengthens the countries of the Middle East hostile to it. This began with President Obama's speech that Assad should step down, which in turn led to the adherence of countries such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and others to an extremist rhetoric to resolve the conflict.Apart from the Russian goals that the writers and researchers disagreed on, there is no doubt that Russian entry of this magnitude will bring serious changes to the Syrian crisis From this perspective, the countries of the Middle East, including Iran, are following up and trying to understand the impact of the new reality on its policy towards Syria and its implications for it. As one of the stakeholders in the Syrian case, Russia's strategic raids did not worry. In this paper we will attempt to assess the impact of this development on Iran's Syrian policy and its consequences. Where, Iran considers Russia's military entry against the Dai'sh and other armed organizations likely to sway its Syrian ally in the military dimension. This complex map makes it very difficult for any American administration to build an effective policy in Syria. All those conflicting interests have to agree on what they want to achieve in Syria. At the same time, they must agree on their understanding of the different terms .When we say "cease-fire" or "truce" or "zones of escalation", otherwise these ideas or concepts will become "theoretical" terms, meaningless on the ground, and the various parties will continue to fight the ill intentions of the parties in their policies towards Syria

    Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the Jordanian eating and nutritional habits

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    Since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, variable measures have been implemented to control the invasion of SARS-CoV-19 worldwide. Some of these measures included lockdowns for several months in some countries. In Jordan, various protocols have been implemented to deal with the epidemic, such as border closures, closures and local protocols for open days until we reach the partial opening in mid-2021. These measures and protocols have affected all sectors in the country, including the education system and the economy. In addition, lifestyle is one of the measurement issues that have been affected by government regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, we aimed to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the eating and nutrition habits of the Jordanian population. An online sectional survey was built using Google Forms from Google. Responses were collected from November 12, 2020, through November 24, 2020. Researchers submitted a total of 2,511 responses. The results showed that there was a significant decrease in sugar intake (P = \u3c0.005) with no critical fat and oil intake (P = 0.12). There was a significant change in daily consumption of fruits, vegetables, garlic, onions, and ginger, and downloads of health-related applications and supplements (P \u3c 0.005). In addition, there was an increase in appetite, weight and number of daily meals. These changes are attributed to the extra free time due to lockdown and studying or working from home has significant impacts. However, 31.4% of respondents reported that the limited economic availability of food products and the closure of restaurants and cafes lead to a healthier lifestyle. Only 26.2% have been influenced by family members, friends, doctors, or social media to change their eating habits during the pandemic